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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    what was recced to me:

    matter of honor
    cost of honor

    ^ by sally malcolm

    city of the gods
    hearts desire
    trial by fire
    sacrifice moon
    survival of the fittest

    also, the stargate atlantis legacy series is VERY shippy, in that it heavily hints that sam and jack are currently in a relationship!



      Shippy for S/J! Which helps a lot!
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        what was recced to me:

        matter of honor
        cost of honor

        ^ by sally malcolm

        city of the gods
        hearts desire
        trial by fire
        sacrifice moon
        survival of the fittest

        also, the stargate atlantis legacy series is VERY shippy, in that it heavily hints that sam and jack are currently in a relationship!
        Sally, you're still the best! Funny the four I have are on that list.


          Originally posted by fems View Post
          Drabble Prompt #1
          Have a Little Faith


          It had been five years since his first invitation and they were finally at his cabin.

          They both knew it was time to talk.

          The wooden deck creaked when Jack came to stand next to her.

          “Now what?” Sam asked.

          “We give it a go.”

          Sam's eyes widened when he put a small box on the balustrade. “Jack?”

          “Just want you to know it’s on the table.”

          “But we’ll be in different states and don’t even know if–”

          “I know.”


          His smile was warm and loving as he slipped his hand in hers. “Have a little faith, Carter.”

          Who's next?
          Virtual green
          Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
          If you want something in life, you have to work for it

          Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
            not even original coming for me


            In the past decade she had been repeatedly shot. She had died and brought back to life. An alien parasite had changed forever her body chemistry. An energy being had took control of her mind. She had been mind raped.

            Maybe her body had suffered too much damage.

            For months Jack had kept telling her to have faith but her hopes were gradually fading away.

            She felt Jack squeezing her hand. She slowly opened her eyes to look down at the white stick that was lying on the bed next to them. Two blue lines. They finally got their miracle.
            Smiling like an idiot I am.

            That was so sweet.

            Couldn't green you Chemmy but you soo deserve it.

            Originally posted by fems View Post
            Drabble Prompt #1
            Have a Little Faith


            It had been five years since his first invitation and they were finally at his cabin.

            They both knew it was time to talk.

            The wooden deck creaked when Jack came to stand next to her.

            “Now what?” Sam asked.

            “We give it a go.”

            Sam's eyes widened when he put a small box on the balustrade. “Jack?”

            “Just want you to know it’s on the table.”

            “But we’ll be in different states and don’t even know if–”

            “I know.”


            His smile was warm and loving as he slipped his hand in hers. “Have a little faith, Carter.”

            Who's next?


            Excellent drabble.

            Gosh I think the shippers are getting better and better all the time.

            Again, couldn't green you.

            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            Faith that some dreams come true

            Nola it's lovely.

            I could and did green you

            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Hello shippers! It has been a long, loooooong time since I've posted on the thread. Never fear, I still ship !

            Anyway, here's what I need a little help with. Years ago someone had posted about the Fandemonium Stargate Novels and the shippy bits they found in said novels. I thought perhaps I'd favorited that post, but upon looking through my bookmarks, I wasn't able to find it. :-/ I was wondering if anyone knew where that list was, or could just tell me which books are the shippiest. I just read City of the Gods, and I have Survival of the Fittest, A Matter of Honor, and Alliances. Any input would be much appreciated.
            La Doyle!!!

            So nice to see you.

            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Sally, you're still the best!
            She is though isn't she.

            **Sally to the 10th power**

            sig by Mada
            As a matter of FIC


              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

              She is though isn't she.

              **Sally to the 10th power**

              not everyone feels this way, but thanks!




                Here's my drabble...


                “In a minute, Sir.”

                “Hey, no rush.”

                For once, Jack doesn’t mind the wait. Especially since her six is a way that he just knows isn’t quite accidental.

                Then Carter shifts and-

                Oh lord…

                His ears prick at the sudden sound. Is that a ditty that she’s softly humming? The one that had him blushing all through his childhood and his teenage years?

                The humming stops. Without missing a beat, Carter climbs out with a smile bright enough to power them home.

                "Have a little faith, Sir. It’s fixed."


                Fics | Art | Tumblr


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  not everyone feels this way, but thanks!

                  I do!!!!


                    I've been in the middle of a major new (to me) home renovation for the past little while so my time's been limited. Today I worked my fanny off, but I couldn't resist the urge to come play. Alas, ship day is the start of my moving weekend, so I don't think I'll be around much. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the pre-game show!

                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    Alright Shippers, it's time to begin our Drabble Challenge!

                    Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                    Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                    Drabble Prompt #1
                    Have a Little Faith
                    Here's my contribution. It just sort of popped into my head, and the venue is implied, though I'm hoping it'll be apparent enough. Also, the prompt put me in mind of a specific song more than anything else. So this is what my tired brain and body came up with:

                    “No, sir.”

                    “What do you mean, ‘no, sir’?”

                    “I mean exactly what I said.”

                    “Aww, c’mon, Carter.”

                    “That was a pretty emphatic ‘no, sir’, wouldn’t you say, sir?”

                    “But… it’s a party!”

                    “And yet there’s not enough liquor in the place.”

                    “It could practically be our song!”

                    Our song?!”

                    “Yeah. SG-1 should have a song. I mean, we should probably have a theme song. But until the brass gets behind that idea I think we’re stuck with this.”


                    “So. Whaddaya say?”

                    “No, sir.”

                    “I shall do it, O’Neill.”

                    “Now that’s what I call taking one for the team, sir.”

                    Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                    Okay, my very first attempt at a drabble.

                    She had faith she would find a way to get her Colonel back. He disappeared before her eyes in a flash of blue and purple. She pushed her team and fought tooth and nail to keep them working.

                    She had faith she would find out where he was. Scans revealed nothing on the planet's surface but she knew he was out there somewhere, waiting for her, depending on her to get him home.

                    He had faith she would find him and bring him back where he belonged - by her side, his faithful 21C.
                    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                    not even original coming for me


                    In the past decade she had been repeatedly shot. She had died and brought back to life. An alien parasite had changed forever her body chemistry. An energy being had took control of her mind. She had been mind raped.

                    Maybe her body had suffered too much damage.

                    For months Jack had kept telling her to have faith but her hopes were gradually fading away.

                    She felt Jack squeezing her hand. She slowly opened her eyes to look down at the white stick that was lying on the bed next to them. Two blue lines. They finally got their miracle.
                    Originally posted by fems View Post
                    Drabble Prompt #1
                    Have a Little Faith


                    It had been five years since his first invitation and they were finally at his cabin.

                    They both knew it was time to talk.

                    The wooden deck creaked when Jack came to stand next to her.

                    “Now what?” Sam asked.

                    “We give it a go.”

                    Sam's eyes widened when he put a small box on the balustrade. “Jack?”

                    “Just want you to know it’s on the table.”

                    “But we’ll be in different states and don’t even know if–”

                    “I know.”


                    His smile was warm and loving as he slipped his hand in hers. “Have a little faith, Carter.”

                    Who's next?

                    I couldn't green you ladies (apparently I don't spread it around enough ) so I'm sending you virtual green. Loved the contributions!
                    Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                      Okay. Here's my attempt at....

                      Have A Little Faith:

                      Jack refused to consider the odds.
                      They'd always beaten those stacked against them
                      They would again.
                      He just had to find a way.
                      To make a way.

                      Jack banged the control, then the force shield between them.
                      But the odds seemed to be winning.
                      Sam begged him to leave her behind but doing so meant that he'd given up on her, on them.

                      Screaming his refusal Jack stared at Sam
                      He wouldn't leave.

                      Hearing footsteps of the enemy marching toward them
                      Jack willed the heart in his chest and the one that had captured his, to have a little faith.
                      Last edited by trinity3; 13 July 2013, 05:45 PM.
                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                        Here's my drabble...


                        “In a minute, Sir.”

                        “Hey, no rush.”

                        For once, Jack doesn’t mind the wait. Especially since her six is a way that he just knows isn’t quite accidental.

                        Then Carter shifts and-

                        Oh lord…

                        His ears prick at the sudden sound. Is that a ditty that she’s softly humming? The one that had him blushing all through his childhood and his teenage years?

                        The humming stops. Without missing a beat, Carter climbs out with a smile bright enough to power them home.

                        "Have a little faith, Sir. It’s fixed."


                        Virtual green.
                        Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                        If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                        Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          and you'd be surprised how many are really just anti s/j shippers.
                          Let's throw jello at them... and potatoes.

                          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                          Ooh, I'll leave it until I get to work, we usually have no customers so it'll give me something to look forward to

                          Just wrote my first drabble too!

                          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                          Okay, my very first attempt at a drabble.

                          She had faith she would find a way to get her Colonel back. He disappeared before her eyes in a flash of blue and purple. She pushed her team and fought tooth and nail to keep them working.

                          She had faith she would find out where he was. Scans revealed nothing on the planet's surface but she knew he was out there somewhere, waiting for her, depending on her to get him home.

                          He had faith she would find him and bring him back where he belonged - by her side, his faithful 21C.
                          That last line turned me to goo!

                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          You have absolutely nothing to worry about with Chapter 5. It's great.
                          Reread and found I used the word 'was' instead of 'is'. Bit sad as only got two reviews, and I got twenty on chapter four. I hope that doesn't mean people hated it. Oh well - this is the story peeps!

                          Originally posted by Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse View Post
                          Still in love with your story, J4S - well done on the potato reference *
                          Thought you guys would like that one. I know it made me smile.
                          The password is fishing...


                            I love this Drabble prompt!
                            The password is fishing...


                              What was the prompt again?
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                It was

                                Have a Little Faith
                                Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                                If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                                Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.

