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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Penguin day? I love it. Maybe next year we could have some kind of penguin day shipping event?
    The password is fishing...


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      It is apparently World Penguin Day!

      Happy Penguin Day!

      Haha this is brilliant!
      Sig made by Nola
      Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


        Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
        I can sort of understand. Sort of. He's played by RDA, unfortunately, with a lot more stupidity (a trait that apparently isn't befitting his rank) as the years went on and I think some people find that the jokes are too much, too cavalier for the gravity of the situation at times. I think I read somewhere that RDA got bored with the role and wanted to inject more levity into it.
        i noticed things in season 5...

        but it falls totally on management!!



          how about a picspam? someone?




            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            how about a picspam? someone?

            Sure, if it's your thing!

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                    *drools at the s/j pretty*




                      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                      Is the most disliked character in the Stargate pantheon of characters?
                      No. Not for me, anyway. He's more of an annoyance, than anything else... The PTB didn't even bother to make him a worthwhile adversary. So, if they didn't put much thought into him, neither will I.

                      My most despised character is Colonel Frank Simmons. He is so, so... slimy. Blech. He's the type of character that if I see the actor who played him on the street, I'd probably glare at him. Which, I suppose, speaks to the actor's skill, but still. He gives me the creeps. I think what gets me the most was that he clearly had no sense of ethics or morality, and yet somehow had (relatively) carte blanche to create havoc within the Stargate Program. A prime example of too much power in the wrong hands...


                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        No. Not for me, anyway. He's more of an annoyance, than anything else... The PTB didn't even bother to make him a worthwhile adversary. So, if they didn't put much thought into him, neither will I.
                        you stated that perfectly.

                        My most despised character is Colonel Frank Simmons. He is so, so... slimy. Blech. He's the type of character that if I see the actor who played him on the street, I'd probably glare at him. Which, I suppose, speaks to the actor's skill, but still. He gives me the creeps. I think what gets me the most was that he clearly had no sense of ethics or morality, and yet somehow had (relatively) carte blanche to create havoc within the Stargate Program. A prime example of too much power in the wrong hands...
                        he really was a good villain, wasn't he? i think a good part of that was b/c the actor was so good at doing his character! i wish he'd stuck around. i *loved* the scene in (can't remember the ep name) where he's interrogating sam, and she's glaring at him to scare anyone!



                          Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                          I can sort of understand. Sort of. He's played by RDA, unfortunately, with a lot more stupidity (a trait that apparently isn't befitting his rank) as the years went on and I think some people find that the jokes are too much, too cavalier for the gravity of the situation at times. I think I read somewhere that RDA got bored with the role and wanted to inject more levity into it.
                          I heard that RDA had figured out early on that there was no way to continue the brooding, melancholy characterization that was portrayed by Kurt Russell for an extended period of time, so they tried to deal with his past in the first season and move the character past that.

                          I think that (the bolded) is a gross misinterpretation of the character. Regardless of how RDA felt, he managed to imbue Jack O'Neill with something that was complex and lasting. Under all of that sarcasm was a wide, deep river of emotion and character that would occasionally seep, unwanted, to the surface.

                          ...especially @ timeframe 2:05

                          BAAL: You can't be serious?
                          JACK: I can...I just choose not to be...


                          ...even in that exchange, I see (or maybe I imagine...I'm good at that) the body language of Jack coming face-to-face with the being that tortured and killed him over and over again...and now Ba'al is coming crawling to him for help, and he cannot help but savor the delicious taste of denying him what he is *almost* begging for...
                          Last edited by SaraBahama; 25 April 2013, 07:01 PM.
                          sig by Ikorni

                          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            It is apparently World Penguin Day!

                            Happy Penguin Day!

                            BACK ATTCHA!! I hadn't heard...

                            Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                            My most despised character is Colonel Frank Simmons. He is so, so... slimy. Blech. He's the type of character that if I see the actor who played him on the street, I'd probably glare at him. Which, I suppose, speaks to the actor's skill, but still. He gives me the creeps. I think what gets me the most was that he clearly had no sense of ethics or morality, and yet somehow had (relatively) carte blanche to create havoc within the Stargate Program. A prime example of too much power in the wrong hands...
                            He's a really great villain actor, isn't he????
                            sig by Ikorni

                            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                              Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                              I heard that RDA had figured out early on that there was no way to continue the brooding, melancholy characterization that was portrayed by Kurt Russell for an extended period of time, so they tried to deal with his past in the first season and move the character past that.

                              I think that (the bolded) is a gross misinterpretation of the character. Regardless of how RDA felt, he managed to imbue Jack O'Neill with something that was complex and lasting. Under all of that sarcasm was a wide, deep river of emotion and character that would occasionally seep, unwanted, to the surface.
                              *shrug* This is just what I've gathered from reading why people don't like his character as the years went on. I've read comments like 'I'm giving up SG-1 until Jack O'Neill grows a brain' and while I don't quite agree, I understand why they'd say that, that's all. The Jack O'Neill of the first 2 seasons comes across quite differently from the Jack of later seasons.
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                                I was just cruising the early posts on this thread. Man this place used to be brimming with fluffy goodness and positivity. JMO but I think we talk too much about these days, and the angsty negative things. While I don't mind talk of - especially when it's making fun of him - I think we need to rev up the shippy love.
                                The password is fishing...

