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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Who killed Kinsey?
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Kinseys demise

      Short version is he got taken over by a Goa'uld, one of the ones infiltrating the trust, and erm blew up in their cargo ship when it was fired on by an X-303, can't remember which one, Daedalus?
      Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
      If you want something in life, you have to work for it

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        Thank you!
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          In my world everyone's a Sam/Jack shipper, except Kinsey and !
          Lol you forgot Jonas Hansen and Colonel Samuels, I don't see them liking the idea much either!

          So, let's see:

          Teal'c: The Original Shipper - he's always getting Sam and Jack to talk about it!

          Walter: Shipper - he a) cries at their fantasy wedding and b) keeps grinning his @ss off at them when she gets promoted to Lt Col (look at the screencaps if you don't believe me lol)

          Kawalsky: Shipper - his alternate thinks they "look good together" and tries to get Jack to go for it

          Hammond: Shipper - he knows that Sam "means a lot" to Jack

          Vala: Shipper - suggests a wedding, need I say more?

          Daniel: Shipper - whenever there's an opportunity to ignore the regs he's on it like lightening (Window of Op, New Order part 2 "you could do anything you want!" Suggestion then blatantly stares at Sam lol)

          Hayes: Shipper - "They're entitled to their feelings!"

          Maybourne: Shipper - he's always smirking knowingly at Jack whenever Jack mentions Sam, especially after he's AWOL

          Janet: potential Shipper - worried about Sam's career but shares the pain of losing Sam in Entity with Jack and "gives it a moment" against Sam's wishes for no extraordinary means.

          Suggestion by neverendingimagination:

          Jacob - Shipper - he clocks them from the start, you can see it all over his face when he meets Jack. From the "I thought you were meeting Pete at the florist?" to telling Sam to dump Pete and marry Jack (in not so many words), he's clearly a-ok with it (and he should be the hardest to convince!)

          Kerry: Shipper - what's up with me tonight?! I'm forgetting the major players! She told Jack to leave her and go and get Sam - if that's not dedication to the cause I don't know what is!
          Last edited by AmberLM; 26 March 2013, 04:11 PM. Reason: Major omission lol!
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            I'd add Jacob to the list, potential shipper like Janet, he obviously knows how Sam feels about Jack but he wouldn't want it to harm her career. Jack (and Teal'c) being stuck in a retrofitted death glider was a 'damn good reason' to interrupt his mission.
            Last edited by neverendingimagination; 26 March 2013, 03:45 PM. Reason: suddenly can't spell
            Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
            If you want something in life, you have to work for it

            Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


              Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
              I'd add Jacob to the list, potential shipper like Janet, he obviously knows how Sam feels about Jack but he wouldn't want it to harm her career. Jack (and Teal'c) being stuck in a retrofitted death glider was a 'damn good reason' to interrupt his mission.
              How could I forget Jacob?! He's a total shipper!
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                OK this is OT, but I have to give my Cassie rant here:

                I read so much fic (fan and "official") that completely ignores the evidence we do have about Cassie and it drives me up a wall.

                We never have a scene with Daniel and Cassie together. The only thing that comes close is Daniel supporting Sam when she's looking after Cassie in Singularity and he is swinging her again with Sam in the park at the end.

                We do see Cassie getting a dog from Jack. Cassie calls Jack when she thinks Sam is a goa'uld in ItLoD. He's the only one she trusts and she curls up next to him for protection and reassurance. At the end of that episode she is with Jack, sitting on his lap while she's waiting to go in and see Sam.

                In Learning Curve we discover that Jack is a regular visitor to Cassie's school and knows all her teachers.

                In Rite of Passage she talks about playing chess with Jack (he calls the knight a horse). Jack is the one who comes to the infirmary to check on her and he stays with her when they are sweeping the base for Niirti.

                After Janet dies the first thing Jack asks when Sam comes to visit him is how Cassie is doing.

                I'm not saying that Daniel doesn't also have a connection to Cassie because I think it is logical to assume that he does, but from the evidence I am of the opinion that Jack and Cassie are very close and Jack plays a very active, fatherly role in her life.

                And while I'm on a Cassie rant, I also do not buy the fannon concept that Cassie became a teacher or a sociologist or an anthropologist (ie followed in Daniel's footsteps). I don't know where these ideas come from but I read them all the time.

                I'm a little more likely to believe she became a doctor because of Janet's influence and maybe to honor her. Also her own experience with Niirti's genetic manipulations and the biological agent that killed her natural parents good be a motivation for Cassie to study biochemistry and medicine. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least it's evidence based.

                I guess the fact that we see her coloring and finger painting might lend some support to the notion that she became an artist; although I can't say I've ever read that one. Children do tend to color, draw and paint a lot regardless of talent or inclination; so I don't consider it a strong possibility, but at least it's not entirely out of left field.

                One theory I have never seen explored, even though I think it has evidentiary support, is that Cassie went into physics, like Sam. We know Cassie adores and idolizes Sam. We learn that she is fascinated by a prism she used in class (I'm presuming a science class). So much so that her boyfriend gets her one for her birthday. She is studying from a physics textbook when Sam comes to see her at the end of Rite of Passage.

                So in conclusion, I think Cassie is a scientist who sees Sam and Jack as her parental figures.

                Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It's been bothering me lately, and I've needed to say it for some time.
                Totally agree with you here about Cassie. I haven't come across a lot of fics where Cassie and Daniel are very close, although I do recall a few where they he was somewhat of a father figure to her because he and Janet were married/living together (but they weren't the focus of those stories and Cassie was also close with S/J). I find the ones about Daniel and Cassie in a relationship far more disturbing, though.

                Oh and about Cassie's education, don't forget the part of Ripple Effect's original script:


                Scene 26: Green Daniel and Green Teal'c interview Desert Camo Fraiser

                This was a great little scene reuniting Teal'c and Daniel with Fraiser (albeit an alternate version of the good doctor). Again, due to time constraints, we had to lose some references to Cassie. Here is the exchange as originally scripted:

                GREEN ##TEAL'C: You have been greatly missed.

                Suddenly, she realizes -

                DESERT CAMO FRAISER: How's Cassie?

                GREEN DANIEL: She's fine. She moved in with Sam after it happened.

                DESERT CAMO FRAISER: I can't imagine what she must have gone through.

                GREEN DANIEL: It was tough for her -- but she got through it. She managed to deal with her loss by focusing on her studies.(beat) She's majoring in Biochemistry at UCLA.

                Desert Camo Fraiser can't help but smile.

                DESERT CAMO FRAISER: She's doing well back home too.(then, catching herself) I mean -- my home.

                GREEN TEAL'C: Hopefully you will be able to return to her shortly.

                DESERT CAMO FRAISER: Hopefully?

                GREEN DANIEL: For the moment, it looks like your trip here was only one-way.

                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                I agree and it's not really OT. Sam and Jack are "mom" and "dad". Yes, Janet adopted her but, to me, Cassie always seemed to have much more of a connection with Sam for obvious reasons. Daniel seems more supportive of Janet in Rite of Passage than close to Cassie. Especially after Janet dies and Danny disappears, Sam and Jack are the constant parents. Sam even moves to Nevada to be closer to Cassie doesn't she or am I confusing fanon with canon?

                I always saw Cassie as the kid Sam and Jack never had (because I don't see them ever having kids of their own at this point due to their ages and jobs.)
                You're not confusing the two; Sam gives that as her reason for transfer to Barrett in Ex Deus Machina.


                What's new?

                Uh, let's see…I was leading R&D for a while there.

                Well, I never figured you the type to settle for a desk job.

                I needed something with more flexible hours. Janet's adopted daughter, Cassie, was going through a hard time.

                And because she knows Barrett has a thing for her she obviously leaves out the part about her transferring to get together with Jack!

                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                Lol you forgot Jonas Hansen and Colonel Samuels, I don't see them liking the idea much either!

                So, let's see:

                Teal'c: The Original Shipper - he's always getting Sam and Jack to talk about it!

                Walter: Shipper - he a) cries at their fantasy wedding and b) keeps grinning his @ss off at them when she gets promoted to Lt Col (look at the screencaps if you don't believe me lol)

                Kawalsky: Shipper - his alternate thinks they "look good together" and tries to get Jack to go for it

                Hammond: Shipper - he knows that Sam "means a lot" to Jack

                Vala: Shipper - suggests a wedding, need I say more?

                Daniel: Shipper - whenever there's an opportunity to ignore the regs he's on it like lightening (Window of Op, New Order part 2 "you could do anything you want!" Suggestion then blatantly stares at Sam lol)

                Hayes: Shipper - "They're entitled to their feelings!"

                Maybourne: Shipper - he's always smirking knowingly at Jack whenever Jack mentions Sam, especially after he's AWOL

                Janet: potential Shipper - worried about Sam's career but shares the pain of losing Sam in Entity with Jack and "gives it a moment" against Sam's wishes for no extraordinary means.

                Last edited by fems; 26 March 2013, 03:57 PM. Reason: fixed quote
                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                On FFnet or AO3

                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                  I think Walter is about to break into a tap dance lol he looks like he's about to burst from trying not to smile!
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    OK this is OT, but I have to give my Cassie rant here:

                    I read so much fic (fan and "official") that completely ignores the evidence we do have about Cassie and it drives me up a wall.

                    We never have a scene with Daniel and Cassie together. The only thing that comes close is Daniel supporting Sam when she's looking after Cassie in Singularity and he is swinging her again with Sam in the park at the end.

                    We do see Cassie getting a dog from Jack. Cassie calls Jack when she thinks Sam is a goa'uld in ItLoD. He's the only one she trusts and she curls up next to him for protection and reassurance. At the end of that episode she is with Jack, sitting on his lap while she's waiting to go in and see Sam.

                    In Learning Curve we discover that Jack is a regular visitor to Cassie's school and knows all her teachers.

                    In Rite of Passage she talks about playing chess with Jack (he calls the knight a horse). Jack is the one who comes to the infirmary to check on her and he stays with her when they are sweeping the base for Niirti.

                    After Janet dies the first thing Jack asks when Sam comes to visit him is how Cassie is doing.

                    I'm not saying that Daniel doesn't also have a connection to Cassie because I think it is logical to assume that he does, but from the evidence I am of the opinion that Jack and Cassie are very close and Jack plays a very active, fatherly role in her life.

                    And while I'm on a Cassie rant, I also do not buy the fannon concept that Cassie became a teacher or a sociologist or an anthropologist (ie followed in Daniel's footsteps). I don't know where these ideas come from but I read them all the time.

                    I'm a little more likely to believe she became a doctor because of Janet's influence and maybe to honor her. Also her own experience with Niirti's genetic manipulations and the biological agent that killed her natural parents good be a motivation for Cassie to study biochemistry and medicine. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least it's evidence based.

                    I guess the fact that we see her coloring and finger painting might lend some support to the notion that she became an artist; although I can't say I've ever read that one. Children do tend to color, draw and paint a lot regardless of talent or inclination; so I don't consider it a strong possibility, but at least it's not entirely out of left field.

                    One theory I have never seen explored, even though I think it has evidentiary support, is that Cassie went into physics, like Sam. We know Cassie adores and idolizes Sam. We learn that she is fascinated by a prism she used in class (I'm presuming a science class). So much so that her boyfriend gets her one for her birthday. She is studying from a physics textbook when Sam comes to see her at the end of Rite of Passage.

                    So in conclusion, I think Cassie is a scientist who sees Sam and Jack as her parental figures.

                    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It's been bothering me lately, and I've needed to say it for some time.

                    Now back to your regularly scheduled shipping.
                    I can believe that Cassie might not have become an MD because of the way her mother died; admittedly, it's not a strong possibility but that could happen. I've read some fics in which she joins the SGC as a team member and that works for me too. I'm guessing some fics would have had Daniel and Janet getting close, and hence, Daniel becoming more of an uncle figure to her and by that token, having varying amounts of influence on her career choices.

                    S/J would definitely be her parental figures, that much we can extrapolate from what little those episodes have revealed. I didn't think much of Daniel and Cassie at first, until I ran across a fic that paired the both of them romantically yet included the Jack-as-father-figure getting infuriated. It was a crazy, crazy pairing that I never expected, but I enjoyed the story so much that I'm now inclined to think Daniel and Cassie would have had interacted more.
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                      Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                      S/J would definitely be her parental figures, that much we can extrapolate from what little those episodes have revealed. I didn't think much of Daniel and Cassie at first, until I ran across a fic that paired the both of them romantically yet included the Jack-as-father-figure getting infuriated. It was a crazy, crazy pairing that I never expected, but I enjoyed the story so much that I'm now inclined to think Daniel and Cassie would have had interacted more.
                      There's at least one fic out there that has Cassie being paired with mini-Jack. I just can't see that, given that mini-Jack has all of adult Jack's memories and experiences, and it just seems wrong.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        There's at least one fic out there that has Cassie being paired with mini-Jack. I just can't see that, given that mini-Jack has all of adult Jack's memories and experiences, and it just seems wrong.
                        Is all I can say. It's just...wrong on so many levels, seeing how mini-Jack is only mini in physical stature. He would still feel the same paternal feelings for her.
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                          Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                          Is all I can say. It's just...wrong on so many levels, seeing how mini-Jack is only mini in physical stature. He would still feel the same paternal feelings for her.
                          Exactly. I read a bit of it, but just couldn't get past the ick factor, so I didn't finish it.


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            Exactly. I read a bit of it, but just couldn't get past the ick factor, so I didn't finish it.
                            That really is wrong, and here I was thinking Sam and Apophis was a disgusting pairing.
                            Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                            If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                            Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                              Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                              That really is wrong, and here I was thinking Sam and Apophis was a disgusting pairing.
                              That's also ick. Any pairing with Goa'uld is just...gross for me. Jack/Nirrti, Sam/Apophis, Daniel/Amounet/Nirrti, in whatever form.
                              Fics | Art | Tumblr


                                Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                                That's also ick. Any pairing with Goa'uld is just...gross for me. Jack/Nirrti, Sam/Apophis, Daniel/Amounet/Nirrti, in whatever form.
                                Who comes up with these pairings? Thought Anise/Freya - the host, whichever that is - actually coming on to Jack was bad enough and I can imagine that spurned some fics but seriously, Jack and Nirrti? why oh why would someone even imagine that? its wrong, plain wrong, for a start he's Sam's, and ewwwwww. Better stop before I really ramble.
                                Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                                If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                                Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.

