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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I'm not sure how to post fics on here... I need to figure things out! So I'll just post the link just now. Hope that's ok!
    Just posted this on Rated K.
    Sig made by Nola
    Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


      Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
      I'm not sure how to post fics on here... I need to figure things out! So I'll just post the link just now. Hope that's ok!
      Just posted this on Rated K.
      For short stories, you can put them in spoilers, like this:

      [ spoiler] (insert story) [/spoiler]

      Insert your story in the appropriate space, but take out the extra space after the first "[".


        Originally posted by fems View Post

        How about someone else starting a pic spam of nice Sam and Jack moments?
        But this is a lovely way to start.

        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        Just want to say Hi!
        Hi *waves*

        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        Several years ago, somebody commented on how rarely Sam ever touched anyone. I got curious and went through the whole series (and SGA) and found a huge number of times where Sam had touched people for any reason; I just have no pictures to go with them.

        I then went back and made up a list of every time Jack touched another person (Sam included), and found that similar to Sam, he didn't hold back on being a touch(y) person.
        I remember that.

        It was excellent.

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        that joe mallozzi quote i showed you guys a couple or so days ago: how would you guys feel about a 3rd series and s/j being confirmed on it?
        I don't understand the question.

        Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
        That's a downer. But there's always the hope! More importantly, I want to see RDA and AT, not other actors playing Jack and Sam.

        I agree.

        Has to be RDA and AT for me.

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        to show you just how desperate i am to have sam and jack confirmed...

        as long as they're sam and jack... i'd even take other actors playing them.

        just make it so. make it real. make it canon... and i can fill in the rest.

        desperate, meet majorsal!
        Awww **hugs**

        Originally posted by UhSir View Post
        Couldn't green you but my imagination just loves you right now.

        Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
        So I have a question for everyone...

        If you could somehow send a message to Jack, and another message to Sam at any point during the series(2010 note style) what would it say? And what time would you send it to?
        Note to : Sam loves Jack

        Note to : Jack loves Sam

        Originally posted by Zoser View Post
        My latest story - Sam/Jack of course but UST
        Hope you enjoy it.
        Zos!!!! **tackle hugs**

        Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
        Hi there!
        I'm new here to this whole Gateworld forum thing...
        Just been having a look around and I love what I see!
        I'm a huge shipper of S/J and I write fic
        You can find my fics here:

        I've recently taken up writing again and have written 3 since:
        Sam's Return: Stay with me (which is the sequel to Don't Let Go that I wrote about 4 years ago in college);
        Thanks for the jacket;
        New Lingerie (which I posted last night).
        The latter 2 are rated M.

        It would be great to hear what you think of them, and all reviews are welcome. I'd like to know how I can improve as a writer.
        You're in the right place.

        **saves to read later**

        And welcome.

        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
        That was cute. Thanks for sharing.

        Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
        Soooooooooooooo....I was watching Ex deus machina today on Space but didn't catch all of it so I decided to finish up watching on my computer. What's great about the version om my computer is that the director's commentary is on it. In this case it was Joe Mallozzi and Martin Wood commenting.

        When they got to the Sam/Barrett scene, there was totally a shipper moment! At first they describe the scene then they talk about the line where Barrett asking Sam if she's single from Barrett's POV and then this happens...

        JM: In all honesty, that little exchange wasn't there in the first draft. It was actually Robert's suggestion. And I thought 'okay, well what does she mean by that' and he just kinda shrugged and said, I don't know, we'll see, let let it play"

        and later...

        JM: I think personally...she is referring to O'Neill. Whether they're dating or not, I mean it' know

        MW: they're sleeping together. They may not be dating but they're sleeping together, that's for sure

        There you have it. Made my day.

        Does happy dance.


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        So bummer news today - I have to work all weekend!

        Let's hope this doesn't happen on Valenship!

        I should be heading off to bed soon, but thought I'd share a little more pic spam first. Although, I see others have taken up the torch while I've been at the grindstone.

        Good Job! *two thumbs up*
        It can't happen on Valenship.

        We need you there.

        So talk to TPTB

        Or we will ......

        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
        So I know this is a little late in coming, but here's my contribution to the fic challenge for Valenship. It's inspired by SaraB's artie, if I recall correctly. This one:

        The tone is a little different, but hey. I'm not complaining...


        When Jack saw Sam for the first time in months, it wasn’t exactly the homecoming he’d like to give her. She’d been away on Atlantis for over six months now, knee-deep in a war he only got updates on every month or so. It had gotten a little better since the Carter-McKay bridge was created, but now that was down again, already attacked by the Wraith and exploited as a point of contact between the Pegasus galaxy and Earth.

        He hadn’t seen her in months, and yet he could only stare at her profile, her back ramrod straight where she sat across from him. The briefing room table stood between them, and only the sound of Landry’s measured voice kept Jack in his seat.

        They are ostensibly working to design a defense strategy, balance the war against the Lucien Alliance with the war against the Wraith. Some figured with the Wraith a galaxy away, Homeworld Security ought to divert more resources away from the Pegasus Expedition and into the battle against the Alliance. Sam argued, eloquently, that if and when the Wraith showed up in the Milky Way, it would be too late to mount a defense. If Atlantis fell, so would Earth, eventually.

        Jack knew that she too felt a responsibility to the Pegasus Galaxy, and was compelled to battle the enemy the original expedition had unwittingly awakened. But the points she hit today were all practical and devoid of the compassion she used to lead her people. Before long even her staunchest of opposition were softening, some even nodding in agreement.

        The meeting concluded with an assurance it would continue in a few hours. For a brief, fleeting moment Jack thought he might have a moment alone with his wife, but before he could get a word in edgewise she was surrounded by diplomats. She suffered them with grace, but her eyes betrayed her. They strayed repeatedly to Jack, a tiny smile curling her lips. In her gaze he read her desire, sensed the mischief that leaked out around her crisply ironed edges.

        Jack smiled, allowing himself to be absorbed into a conversation with two of the Joint Chiefs and General Landry. Like Sam, his attention strayed frequently. His smirk lingered, and deepened when he caught the flutter of her eyelashes, a wink meant only for him.

        “So, Jack, what do you think about creating a permanent off-world base here in the Milky Way?” Landry spoke up. “There’s a moon that our scientists say may be suitable.”

        Jack gave Sam one last grin before shifting his focus back to the conversation. His brows lifted. “I don’t suppose that by ‘scientists’ you mean Dr. Rush?” Landry could only duck his chin with a smile, confessing without a word. Jack shook his head. “I’m telling you, that guy is all kinds of wacko. Brilliant, sure, but absolutely, 100 percent nutso…”

        So maybe he was exaggerating. But who was he kidding? There was only one kind of brilliant he could truly tolerate, and she was on the far side of the room, waiting. “And you know, Hank, I’d love to discuss this further, but I have another pressing engagement.”

        Jack nodded to the Joint Chiefs, and took his leave. Sam barely managed to utter her own farewells before he had her by the hand, tugging her behind him as he navigated the stairs he knew by heart. She willingly followed, their steps clanging discordantly against the grated steps. Her palm was warm in his, her smile loud despite her silence. It was good to be home.

        Hmmm. I love drabble challenges.

        So them. Very nicely done.

        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
        *Stomach*, yeah that's where his head is... *jumps swiftly into the gutter*
        *Follows Amber*

        sig by Mada
        As a matter of FIC


          S+J = FOREVER!


            Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

            I don't understand the question.
            A third series sometime in the future, with some sort of confirmation comment in it. It wouldn't necessarily have the original SG1 in it, just a comment or two about Sam and Jack being together which would give us confirmation.


              Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
              I'm not sure how to post fics on here... I need to figure things out! So I'll just post the link just now. Hope that's ok!
              Just posted this on Rated K.

              good fic!

              spoilers to not ruin the fic -
              maybe sam should take an earth-side post now, so her daughter doesn't have to suffer? you could write a sequel where this is brought up, by either sam, jack, or their daughter. not that i'm forcing you to do this of course.



                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                a third series sometime in the future, with some sort of confirmation comment in it. It wouldn't necessarily have the original sg1 in it, just a comment or two about sam and jack being together which would give us confirmation.
                I'LL TAKE IT!!!

                i mean, that would be nice.

                nope, not desperate at all.

                but actually, that really would be nice. like to the tenth power!



                  Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

                  Note to : Sam loves Jack

                  Note to : Jack loves Sam
                  I've decided to change my note to Sam to read...

                  OMG! Go fishing already!!!!!

                  Hmmm... I wonder if Sam would know what OMG stands for. Not sure she would be hip to abbreviations from the Internetz. Should throw a LOLZ in there too so she'd have to ask Danny Boy.
                  Last edited by Jack4Sam; 02 February 2013, 02:55 PM.
                  The password is fishing...


                    Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                    I've decided to change my note to Sam to read...

                    OMG! Go fishing already!!!!!

                    Hmmm... I wonder if Sam would know what OMG stands for. No sure she would be hip to abbreviations from the Internetz.
                    Made by the talented Meredithe5

                    Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

                    My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece


                      Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                      I've decided to change my note to Sam to read...

                      OMG! Go fishing already!!!!!

                      Hmmm... I wonder if Sam would know what OMG stands for. Not sure she would be hip to abbreviations from the Internetz. Should throw a LOLZ in there too so she'd have to ask Danny Boy.
                      Jack would be like "Carter, what the heck does OMG YOLO, LOL and JK mean?" we all know jack, he would be a little slow on the new lingo. heck i'm in my 20s and i still don't understand half this language.


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                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              A third series sometime in the future, with some sort of confirmation comment in it. It wouldn't necessarily have the original SG1 in it, just a comment or two about Sam and Jack being together which would give us confirmation.
                              Yeah lol.

                              I meant I didn't understand why it was a question whether we'd want it or not

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              I'LL TAKE IT!!!

                              i mean, that would be nice.

                              nope, not desperate at all.

                              but actually, that really would be nice. like to the tenth power!

                              Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                              I've decided to change my note to Sam to read...

                              OMG! Go fishing already!!!!!

                              Hmmm... I wonder if Sam would know what OMG stands for. Not sure she would be hip to abbreviations from the Internetz. Should throw a LOLZ in there too so she'd have to ask Danny Boy.
                              I'm sure she would. If not it would be easy enough to find out.

                              Originally posted by Ikorni View Post

                              So young, the both of them.

                              Ah the good old days.
                              sig by Mada
                              As a matter of FIC


                                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

                                So young, the both of them.

                                Ah the good old days.
                                Yep. made me so nostalgic as I was putting the Moments together.

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