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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
    One would hope Earth's most talented linguist could decipher it though! LOL!

    And yeah, she's a computer whiz, but how many people would she talk to that would even use "LOL"? Jack is the only one fun enough and he wouldn't know it to use it.
    Probably just Cassie. I'm sure she'd keep Sam up-to-date. As for Jack, he probably wouldn't know unless it's on the Simpsons!


      My February WP Calendar:


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        My February WP Calendar
        Very pretty! Pink is my fave colour. <3
        The password is fishing...


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Thanks hlndncr, so purty!!!

          *runs off to set up new desktop*


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            My February WP Calendar:
            Nice! Out of green unfortunately! But virtual green for it!
            Fics | Art | Tumblr


              Fics | Art | Tumblr


                Fics | Art | Tumblr


                  New fic.
                  Mommy's Little Angel.
                  Sequel to Daddy's Little Princess
                  Rated: K
                  A few people asked that I write a sequel... so here it is! I hope you all like it. I've also posted it on with Daddy's Little Princess

                  Sam quietly but quickly walked up the steps to the house that she shared with her husband and daughter. It was late and she knew they would both be in bed.

                  She had gotten home from her command on Atlantis a lot earlier than she had expected. She had been told almost immediately after stepping through the ‘gate that she was being replaced.

                  Happiness far outweighed her disappointment. She was finally getting to see her little angel again.

                  Slipping the key into the lock she turned it to the right and heard the lock click back.

                  Smiling she silently let herself into the house. She placed her bags on the couch as she slid her feet out of her shoes and shrugged out of her jacket. She left them where they lay. She would tidy up later.

                  As quietly as she could she walked up the stairs, pulling the hair tie from her hair as she did. She let it fall and hang around her shoulders.

                  Softly she pushed her daughters bedroom door open. She frowned. She wasn’t there.

                  She closed the door behind her again.

                  Turning around, she crept down the hall. Opening the door to the bedroom she shared with her husband she stepped inside and immediately saw his form under the covers.

                  She smiled to herself. She couldn’t wait for him to wrap her in his arms. It had been far too long since he had held her.

                  But she still didn’t know where their daughter was.

                  Carefully walking around the room as she stripped herself of her clothes and pulled on one of her husbands t-shirts, she found her daughter.

                  Snuggled deeply and securely in her fathers arms.

                  Sam couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face.

                  Sliding into bed she stroked her daughters soft long blonde hair. Then her husbands bare arm. It felt so good to touch them both again. She couldn’t believe she was finally home.

                  She watched with a smile on her face as her husband began to wake. Sleepy brown eyes connected with equally sleepy blue eyes.

                  Jack glanced from his wife to his daughter and back again. He smirked at her.

                  His little Princess was going to get a surprise when she woke up!

                  “Hey,” he whispered as she leaned over for a kiss.

                  “Hey,” she whispered back as she laced her fingers through his.

                  “I wasn’t expecting you home for another few days,” he said as he squeezed her fingers.

                  “They decided just to keep me here after the meeting with the IOA. They didn’t see the point in sending me back for a few days apparently. John can handle the city until my replacement gets there.”

                  “We’re glad you’re home,” he nodded towards the little girl in his arms.

                  “I am too,” she said as she kissed her daughters cheek. “She been here all night?”

                  “No. She had a nightmare and crawled in beside me.”

                  “Same one?” Sam asked sadly.

                  “Yeah,” Jack nodded.

                  “I don’t care what they say. I’m not leaving her again.”

                  “She’ll love that,” Jack smiled. He knew that Sam would work things out and get stationed on Earth for the foreseeable future.

                  “Mommy?” a small sleepy voice said.

                  “I’m here baby,” Sam replied as her little girl turned towards her and latched on to the t-shirt she was wearing before falling asleep again.

                  Sam wrapped her daughter in her arms and turned around in bed so that her back was against Jack’s chest. She sighed contentedly when he wrapped his arms around her.

                  She was glad to be home.
                  Sig made by Nola
                  Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                    I need to get ready for church.

                    But before I do . . .

                    Touch #76

                    She’s exhausted and shell shocked. He’s desperately relieved. All pretense is gone. She leans on him. He puts his arm around her and may have even placed a light kiss on her hair (at least that’s how it happened in my world).


                      Touch #77

                      When Jack is shot, Sam runs to him and places her hand on his chest. She often touches him when she fears for his life.


                        Touch #78

                        He reaches for her and pulls her in as she let him in emotionally, probably more than she ever has (at least in many, many years).


                          Touch #79

                          She clings tightly to him and he dips his head into her neck. It’s such a sexy, romantic gesture. But here it’s just pure raw need to be connected to someone the woman he loves and let her know they still one another despite the pain they are feeling at their loss.


                            Touch #80

                            Jack nudges her when Daniel comes in. It’s part of their pattern. He tells her she’s amazing and he’s not worth that much and she tries to let him know that he’s worth everything to her. Then the moment is broken by an intrusion from their real life, but there’s still this moment of secret sharing as he taps her on the arm.


                              Touch #81

                              She runs to him and checks for a pulse, she holds his face as she calls out for him to stay with her, and then lays a hand along his neck. Pulling him back to them and holding on. She won’t let him leave her now.


                                Touch #82

                                OK, touching him through the ice is not actually physical contact, but it’s just so angsty. Reaching out but never able to touch; their eyes locked on one another. Longing, loving—sacrificing themselves for duty and honor.

