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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by AmberLM1 View Post
    Hi, not sure if you guys remember me but I'm AmberLM (I forgot my login details and no longer have the email address I registered with back in 2004-ish!) *waves*
    Hey! Welcome back!!!!

    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    If I fail my chemistry exam this morning I'm blaming RDA!
    No, no...S/J should make you BETTER at chemistry! I see and A+ in your future....

    Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
    guh....are you trying to kill me??

    Originally posted by fems View Post
    I've said it before but it can't hurt to repeat; I really think one of the best things about this ship is that the actors (RDA&AT) have such amazing chemistry and portrayed everything just so right.

    There are pictures of them, like this one or Doctor Carter's wedding pic, where they are "in character" (either on-screen, behind the scenes or a promo pic) that just look so real. If I didn't know they were actors and playing a role then I would have thought they were a couple*.

    You don't see that a lot on TV, where it looks like actors are truly in a romantic relationship in a random picture of them "in character" (and to think the ship wasn't even confirmed!), although they are often comfortable enough to joke together off-screen/bts etc but that's different and obviously just friendship. Not sure if I'm explaining this well enough but I've seen enough so-called romantic couples on shows that look exactly like they are played by actors, either in a good or a bad way but this ship just looks more natural to me and especially in snap shots of the show with a touch here or a look there opposed to the in-your-face affection, touching/groping and smooching on other shows.
    I think it's truly a credit to their (AT&RDA's) acting ability, chemistry and off-screen friendship that they managed to portray the ship so well and, often, so subtle (too subtle for ship-deniers apparently) with looks like the one in the picture, small gestures or touches. There's true affection between them...
    *I'm not implying, in any way, that RDA&AT were actually in a romantic relationship at one point or another, as I know AT was/is happily married and RDA was in a committed relationship throughout (most of?) Stargate.

    -you said this so well.


    I think that this is the precise reason that this non-ship SHIP drew so many people in and caught so many by surprise...the chemistry just happened, even when they were trying to play it straight.

    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
    Ok so I promised myself I would try to get through all the drabble prompts Hlndncr gave us a while back there. Here's my attempt at:

    Whispers in the Dark:


    Scientifically it wouldn’t make sense. Darkness was the absence of light and therefore had no measurement or degrees. However, Samantha Carter knew from personal experience that there were levels and depths of it.

    Some darkness could suggest intimacy; others calm; but this darkness carried death. It was heavy, and suffocating; and it surrounded them.

    Daniel and Teal’c had been taken to cells in a different area of the prison; separation being another strategy of the new enemy SG-1 had encountered on the deceptively calm planet. The beatings had been severe and repetitive, with Colonel O’Neill being on the wrong end of the worst of it. Maybe the captors had heard of SG-1 because they gave no quarter; took no chances; evidenced by the chains that bound both Sam and Jack in separate adjacent cells.

    Sam knew that the Colonel shouldn’t be left to sleep. The Second in Command was sure the Commanding Officer was concussed which could lead to his quiet death. So Sam tried to keep Jack talking, eventually resorting to calling out to the Colonel every hour or so. Each response told Major Carter of his worsening condition, the last answer being bearly audible.


    “Colonel O’Neill.”

    Silence echoed in reply.

    There was no response to Sam’s whispers in the dark and the urgency of her call was magnified in the heavy, suffocating atmosphere she sat in.


    Samantha Carter knew that there were levels of darkness.
    This one carried death.
    I couldn't green you - WOW!! Thank you.

    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
    Thank you!! So I wasn't going crazy!
    I think it's easy for her to get more into the shippy mood now that her career isn't defined by it.

    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    By the way, just as an aside, I've read the first few SG-1 novels up to "Survival of the Fittest" but are any of the ones since worth buying for shippy moments?
    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    "Alliances" has a cute "shippy" bit in it. But for the most part, there are no real shippy moments in any of the stories. "Roswell" hints at it slightly, but that's all. They are almost all about like what you'd see in a regular non-shippy episode of SG1. I'm thinking about it, "City of the Gods" has some great s/j moments, though not exactly shippy. It's on my top 4-5 books of the series.

    Quite sometime ago (maybe last spring) I posted a list of all the stories, with my own personal rating after each story. For some unknown reason, it got deleted along with the entire conversation related to it. I have no idea why someone would take offense to it, but I haven't been able to find it again, even after a lot of searching.
    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    I'm back for the afternoon, after braving splattery drops of snow while out. So here's my list of Stargate Novels, with ratings.


    Trial by Fire 2.5 (2nd or 3rd Season)
    Sacrifice Moon 2.5 (takes place just before Emancipation)
    A Matter of Honor 5.0 (Season 7)
    City of the Gods 5.0 (Season 5)
    The Cost of Honor 5.0 (Season 7)
    Siren Song 2.0 (Aris Boch kidnaps SG1, takes place probably Season 4)
    Survival of the Fittest 5.0 (late Season 5
    Alliances 3.0 (takes place during Season 4)
    Roswell 4.5 - 5.0 (late Season 10)
    Relativity 3.0 (late Season 7)
    Barque of Heaven 4.0 (not sure, but a few years into the series)
    Hydra 3.0 (not sure, but several years into series)
    Valhalla 1.5 (late Season 7)
    The Power Behind the Throne 0.5
    Four Dragons 3.5 - 4.0 (early Season 7)
    Sunrise 3.5 (shortly after Beneath the Surface)
    Transitions 4.0 (early Season 9)
    Oceans of Dust 4.0 (not sure when this takes place, though a few years in)
    Heart's Desire 3.5 (not sure when this takes place, though one of the few where Sam and Jack are paired off from the other two)
    The Drift 4.5 (late Season 8)
    Moebius Squared 4.5 (Season 11 had there been one)

    NOTE: These are just my own ratings. Other people do and will disagree with what I've given the stories, but we all have our own opinions, which is what makes it more interesting - to see how others view the same stuff.
    I found 'Transitions' entertaining and the duel stories of 'A Matter of Honor' and 'The Cost of Honor' had moments that I SAW the ship at work -I felt the tension, though a non-shipper could read it and write it off. I enjoyed them immensely, and the plot was very well constructed.

    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
    I also love the angst it created between S/J. Ah, I bask in the warmth of such emotional agony
    LOL -there is no reforming the angst cave-dweller. *pats her on the head*
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
      No need to apologize. I guess I misunderstood. Kewl.

      I don't know, when I first saw Pete I was like......

      ...... really?

      I thought it was a big jump from a fit military type like Jack to.... Pete, but I guess even that makes sense considering what Sam's intention at that point was ie, to get over Jack.
      I agree. Pete just wasn't in Sam's league (and it so didn't help he was obviously shorter than she was in boots/heels) and he also didn't really look like any of the other guys she's been semi-interested in over the years, from Hanson and Jack to alien guys falling over her. Plus, the actor's grin/smile was just so goofy it annoyed me and at some points actually was kinda creepy. Not sure if that's his usual grin/smile (if so, it's not his fault) or if he had to play it like that the way AT and RDA sometimes had to put a bit of ship in their interactions...

      Pete's personality was also truly awful and I think if they had written him more normal, kind of like Barrett (although he isn't much of a looker he's got a certain charm) or Faxon (without the fertility stuff) then Sam's boyfriend would have been more accepted. I mean, just look at Kerry; don't think I've ever heard anyone say they hated her. And I doubt that's just because Sam had already moved on and thus Jack was allowed to do so as well from a shipper pov, as there are also shippers here that liked Laira...

      However, having said that I do think that Pete (look- and occupation-wise) kinda fit with someone Sam's brother would be friends with or was in the past if they met in college or something. But that's just based on the small glimpse we got of Mark and the tidbits of information Sam and Jacob gave us.
      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
      On FFnet or AO3

      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


        Could I ask what people are planning or going to do for Valenship? It's not that long away!
        Fics | Art | Tumblr


          Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
          Could I ask what people are planning or going to do for Valenship? It's not that long away!

          Since I can't do art or vids, it's always fic from me I'm afraid.
          sig by Mada
          As a matter of FIC


            Fic from me too, I hope.
            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
            On FFnet or AO3

            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


              I just found a rather cute/angsty vid on youtube. Not sure how old it it but it's very well done.


              Oh and maybe a fic for Valenship. I'd love to do a music video and i have a lot of ideas but but owing to my lack of PC/laptop (I currently only have my ipad) and lack of suitable software I can't.
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                *squee*thunk*dies*... ahem sorry, guys, just got lost in RDA's expression. That's just HOT! Where was that look when Sam asked Jack to tell her not to marry the Spud?!

                If I fail my chemistry exam this morning I'm blaming RDA!
                Sometimes I look at that man and wonder - just what is it about him - today, looking at this pic, I'll say it's the eyelashes. (But tommorow, it could be the laugh lines around his jaw). *sigh*

                Originally posted by fems View Post
                Well, from AT's auditioning story it sounded like she was the only one who had to stand next to RDA during the swimsuit part, none of the guys had to stand next to him (to check heights/physique or whatever) or next to her, so I'd say there was some shipping planned. Or at least the good-looking military colleagues part and from the first few episodes there's a definite flirty banter between them (that neither has with the other two), which makes me think there was some, perhaps subconscious, shipping from the start by TPTB.

                And yeah, RL shipping is awful and real people fic (RPF) disgust me.
                "swimsuit part"????!!! Who had on the swimsuit, him, her, or both?

                Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                Sally, please say it ain't so.

                Guess I'm the last, lonely shipper holding out for
                A BIG HONKIN' KISS!!!

                I'll never give up hope for it.

                Originally posted by SGSuzi View Post
                I'm guessing you all want me to ask about 3rd movie and jack and Sam when I see RDA in March ????
                SGSuzi, I hope you don't mind my asking, but do you know RDA personally? Are you a journlist, affiliated with the show? Going to a convention?

                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                A little OT
                So my friend was telling me about a new movie by Chris Nolan (director of the dark knight trilogy) and apparently it involves time travel and alternate dimensions in a story that sees a group of explorers travel through a wormhole. it kinda reminded me of Stargate.
                LCJS, Did you know Chris Judge has a role in that movie?

                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                Well said! Yeah, I agree, I think Amanda was getting frustrated with the fact that her whole character was starting to revolve around the "which guy will Carter choose?!" and the Pete relationship IMo was handled terribly by the writers - I've never been a fan of Pete (obv.!) but who says "is that it?" when you dump someone a week before the wedding and they don't explode in your face?! A little harsh! Then to add insult to injury they made Cam "co-lead" when it was a given that Sam should have taken over command of SG-1 for what reason exactly? Oh yeah, because a woman could never be the lead on a sci-if show! Despite Buffy, Helen Magnus, Andromeda, Janeway etc etc

                Sorry for the rant, that's what made me stop watching in the first place. I figured that the writers were just doing a poor job given that RDA didn't want to be involved anymore, but it seems that even when he was willing to come back the writers couldn't be bothered...... Maybe writing jokes about Cam's grandmother was the only thing they could think of at the time? I honestly think RDA kept certain people in check when he was there and made sure everyone got their fair share of stuff. Once he left I think maybe the balance of power got tipped a little and the writers slowly started to get more fanboy-like; Big Bang Theory this show ain't (as much as I like that show but for entirely different reasons!)

                ... I'll go away now and get off my soap box
                I hate the horrible stories they had in Season 8 that did not allow Sam's leadership qualities to shine (that is, when they were not writing her totally stupid; i.e. the whole letting RepliCarter into her head voluntarily nonsense.) I do love that the new stunt coordinator gave her great looking, and much more authetic looking fight scenes than in previous seasons - the same guy who choreographs the fight scenes for Teyla and SGA.

                The problem with Season 8-9 was "everyone getting in on the act". Since BB is naturally funny, I think in an effort to draw attention from Cam being a mini-Jack, they gave funny lines to all the cast. Why Jack's shennanigans worked was always the lack of reaction by the rest of the team who continued on to keep the seriousness of the situation in play. It doesn't work if the entire cast is tongue-in-cheek. The entire Cam's high school reunion and that many civilians knowing and yet the SG program is not exposed... it just jumped the shark to me. I love collections but just can't bring myself to complete my SG-1 dvds with the two remaining Seasons.

                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                By the way, just as an aside, I've read the first few SG-1 novels up to "Survival of the Fittest" but are any of the ones since worth buying for shippy moments?
                "Sunshine" is based around the Ship. But the surrounding alien planet story has a great premise but is never fully developed. The end in dealing with the two societies on the planet is soooo typical that it ruins the book IMO.

                Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                I won't deny that I hated Pete from the start. Not just for throwing a spanner in the works between the S/J ship but for the character that he is (stalking, sort of possessive, very hard to like in all the episodes for his behaviour) and I also took a dislike to how they portrayed Sam in this story-arc for her actions being, in my opinion, thoughtless and out-of-character, beginning from Grace. Everything screams wrong about it. But that's me.

                I think Ben Browder was still doing Farscape at the time they wanted Pete for that role.

                I don't know if BB was ever considered for Pete (but I could be wrong), but I know 100 percent for sure he was slotted to play Col. Shepard but out of dedication to the fans of Farscape who were left hanging on a cliff for the final episode, he opted instead to do the Farscape wrap up movie, Peacekeeper Wars.

                Someone mentioned "Jacob winding Sam and Jack up about the wedding". I hate that scene. Jacob, as a retired General would ever (IMO) have stressed shopping for flowers and embarrassing and undermining Sam at that moment. Maybe if they were in the commissary or hallway, but in the middle of a meeting? Undermine his little girl who has worked so hard to become a Colonel in the air force? The scene rang false and forced to me. It would have played better with Daniel being the person pressing her about it.
                sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                  Question: Was this forum down for a while, or just me? I couldn't even access the site, let alone post or read anything.

                  And....on topic...
                  Fics | Art | Tumblr


                    forum was down for hours and hours


                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      forum was down for hours and hours
                      and Hours and Hours


                        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                        I hate the horrible stories they had in Season 8 that did not allow Sam's leadership qualities to shine (that is, when they were not writing her totally stupid; i.e. the whole letting RepliCarter into her head voluntarily nonsense.) I do love that the new stunt coordinator gave her great looking, and much more authetic looking fight scenes than in previous seasons - the same guy who choreographs the fight scenes for Teyla and SGA.

                        The problem with Season 8-9 was "everyone getting in on the act". Since BB is naturally funny, I think in an effort to draw attention from Cam being a mini-Jack, they gave funny lines to all the cast. Why Jack's shennanigans worked was always the lack of reaction by the rest of the team who continued on to keep the seriousness of the situation in play. It doesn't work if the entire cast is tongue-in-cheek. The entire Cam's high school reunion and that many civilians knowing and yet the SG program is not exposed... it just jumped the shark to me. I love collections but just can't bring myself to complete my SG-1 dvds with the two remaining Seasons.
                        Ha. I love S.9-10 partly because they did spread the humor around. Daniel was finally interesting to me To each their own.

                        Someone mentioned "Jacob winding Sam and Jack up about the wedding". I hate that scene. Jacob, as a retired General would ever (IMO) have stressed shopping for flowers and embarrassing and undermining Sam at that moment. Maybe if they were in the commissary or hallway, but in the middle of a meeting? Undermine his little girl who has worked so hard to become a Colonel in the air force? The scene rang false and forced to me. It would have played better with Daniel being the person pressing her about it.
                        I don't know. I think he was picking up on something and honestly, if he were trying to manipulate a situation (which I could so see Jacob doing), he might very well pick a meeting. Especially since it's clear that Sam is avoiding things. Remember, he's dying, and I think he knows Sam isn't happy.


                          Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post


                          {{snip snip}}
                          Yay! We prob'ly should go get our bean-bag chairs, eh? Might be more comfy...

                          And how about a little picspam?


                            Fics | Art | Tumblr


                              No vid from me for Valenship. Sorry but I'm working on a very long Castle vid. But maybe I'll manage to make a new drawing. Any scene preference?
                              My vids Sig made by me


                                I've been crazy busy at work - end of the semester and too many seniors failing. I talked to my principal about it and he's been calling in the students and having a "chat" with them. It's helping in some cases. Anywho, don't know if I'll be able to crank out much new stuff...maybe, but it will have to be after next week's finals.

