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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Shipsgiving Thanks:

    P-90 (Jack)
    Blue Jello (Sam)
    "Carter Special", aka Micro 16 assault rifle (Sam)
    Red Jello (Jack)
    The SGC for meeting (S&J)
    Twu Wuv (S&J)
    Cassie (S&J)
    Actually finding each other (S&J)
    Pie (Jack)
    Stargate (S&J)
    Jack's cabin
    Sleeveless BDU t-shirts (Jack, when it's Sam's shirt)
    Always tan necks (Sam, when it's Jack's neck)
    Jack's sense of humor
    Watching sixes
    Hair Ruffling (Sam)
    Blue eyes (Jack)
    Stars (S&J)
    Magnets (S&J)
    Cake (Jack)
    Dogs (Jack)
    Cats (Sam)
    Playstation (Jack)
    Telescope (Jack)
    Teal'c, the first shipper
    *The* tank top (Jack)
    Kisses! (S&J)
    The Episode Divide and Conquer (we get to hear Jack's confession and not sam's)
    "Always" (Jack)
    Good sense to lose deadweight (aka PS & KJ)
    Gou'ald castles with crack lights that make you wrestle in the mud (Hey, it almost happened!)
    Loud metal Jaffa boots that cause flashbacks so Jack O'Neill has to clutch you close.
    Zatarc machines that make the emotionally repressed reveal all.
    Force shields that do the same (see above).
    Being stuck in a timeloop enabling Jack to kiss Sam without consequences
    Simpsons (Jack)
    Jack (Sam)
    Sam (Jack)
    Teal'c as the 1st Shipper & voice of reason (S/J)

    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      P-90 (Jack)
      Blue Jello (Sam)
      "Carter Special", aka Micro 16 assault rifle (Sam)
      Red Jello (Jack)
      The SGC for meeting (S&J)
      Twu Wuv (S&J)
      Cassie (S&J)
      Actually finding each other (S&J)
      Pie (Jack)
      Stargate (S&J)
      Jack's cabin
      Sleeveless BDU t-shirts (Jack, when it's Sam's shirt)
      Always tan necks (Sam, when it's Jack's neck)
      Jack's sense of humor
      Watching sixes
      Hair Ruffling (Sam)
      Blue eyes (Jack)
      Stars (S&J)
      Magnets (S&J)
      Cake (Jack)
      Dogs (Jack)
      Cats (Sam)
      Playstation (Jack)
      Telescope (Jack)
      Teal'c, the first shipper
      *The* tank top (Jack)
      Kisses! (S&J)
      The Episode Divide and Conquer (we get to hear Jack's confession and not sam's)
      "Always" (Jack)
      Good sense to lose deadweight (aka PS & KJ)
      Gou'ald castles with crack lights that make you wrestle in the mud (Hey, it almost happened!)
      Loud metal Jaffa boots that cause flashbacks so Jack O'Neill has to clutch you close.
      Zatarc machines that make the emotionally repressed reveal all.
      Force shields that do the same (see above).
      Being stuck in a timeloop enabling Jack to kiss Sam without consequences
      Simpsons (Jack)
      Jack (Sam)
      Sam (Jack)
      Teal'c as the 1st Shipper & voice of reason (S/J)

      Last edited by A. Karswyll; 10 November 2012, 01:36 PM.
      My stories at or


        P-90 (Jack)
        Blue Jello (Sam)

        "Carter Special", aka Micro 16 assault rifle (Sam)
        Red Jello (Jack)
        The SGC for meeting (S&J)
        Twu Wuv (S&J)
        Cassie (S&J)
        Actually finding each other (S&J)
        Pie (Jack)
        Stargate (S&J)
        Jack's cabin
        Sleeveless BDU t-shirts (Jack, when it's Sam's shirt)
        Always tan necks (Sam, when it's Jack's neck)
        Jack's sense of humor
        Watching sixes
        Hair Ruffling (Sam)
        Blue eyes (Jack)
        Stars (S&J)
        Magnets (S&J)
        Cake (Jack)
        Dogs (Jack)
        Cats (Sam)
        Playstation (Jack)
        Telescope (Jack)
        Teal'c, the first shipper
        *The* tank top (Jack)
        Kisses! (S&J)
        The Episode Divide and Conquer (we get to hear Jack's confession and not sam's)
        "Always" (Jack)
        Good sense to lose deadweight (aka PS & KJ)
        Gou'ald castles with crack lights that make you wrestle in the mud (Hey, it almost happened!)
        Loud metal Jaffa boots that cause flashbacks so Jack O'Neill has to clutch you close.
        Zatarc machines that make the emotionally repressed reveal all.
        Force shields that do the same (see above).
        Being stuck in a timeloop enabling Jack to kiss Sam without consequences
        Simpsons (Jack)
        Jack (Sam)
        Sam (Jack)
        Teal'c as the 1st Shipper & voice of reason (S/J)

        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
        On FFnet or AO3

        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


          Originally posted by fems View Post
          That's okay, just make (mental) notes now and pay attention; we expect a full report by the time you get back!

          Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
          Just wonderful. Congratas to Dee on an excellent job and thank Mere for posting.

          Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
          I have an idea and started a bit, but the deadline is still too far away.
          Ummm when is the deadline again. I may have missed it in my periodic thread absence

          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post

          feel the power...*stare*

          Wicked, wicked woman!

          **stares stares stares**

          Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
          So I read this:
          Shipsgiving Thanks:

          and then this:

          an thought, why not do a pic spam based on it on the thread? What's the best pic of Jack with a P-90? The best pic of Sam eating blue jello?

          Anyone up for it?
          Wonderful idea! Can't picscam to save my life but I'm enjoying the contributions so far.

          Thank you.
          sig by Mada
          As a matter of FIC


            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
            Totally ensnared by the power... It's good though, the angst will force me to write my SS
            Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

            Chapter 1


              For those that didn't get a questionnaire filled out from the person you're supposed to give a gift to, I'd PM hlndncr. Just because maybe she could prod them?


                P-90 (Jack)
                Blue Jello (Sam)
                "Carter Special", aka Micro 16 assault rifle (Sam)

                Red Jello (Jack)
                The SGC for meeting (S&J)
                Twu Wuv (S&J)
                Cassie (S&J)
                Actually finding each other (S&J)
                Pie (Jack)
                Stargate (S&J)
                Jack's cabin
                Sleeveless BDU t-shirts (Jack, when it's Sam's shirt)
                Always tan necks (Sam, when it's Jack's neck)
                Jack's sense of humor
                Watching sixes
                Hair Ruffling (Sam)
                Blue eyes (Jack)
                Stars (S&J)
                Magnets (S&J)
                Cake (Jack)
                Dogs (Jack)
                Cats (Sam)
                Playstation (Jack)
                Telescope (Jack)
                Teal'c, the first shipper
                *The* tank top (Jack)
                Kisses! (S&J)
                The Episode Divide and Conquer (we get to hear Jack's confession and not sam's)
                "Always" (Jack)
                Good sense to lose deadweight (aka PS & KJ)
                Gou'ald castles with crack lights that make you wrestle in the mud (Hey, it almost happened!)
                Loud metal Jaffa boots that cause flashbacks so Jack O'Neill has to clutch you close.
                Zatarc machines that make the emotionally repressed reveal all.
                Force shields that do the same (see above).
                Being stuck in a timeloop enabling Jack to kiss Sam without consequences
                Simpsons (Jack)
                Jack (Sam)
                Sam (Jack)
                Teal'c as the 1st Shipper & voice of reason (S/J)

                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                On FFnet or AO3

                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                  Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                  Ummm when is the deadline again. I may have missed it in my periodic thread absence

                  December 12 is the Secret Santa deadline. Send your gift to [email protected].

                  Don't worry, I will poke and prod and push when the time comes.


                    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                    For those that didn't get a questionnaire filled out from the person you're supposed to give a gift to, I'd PM hlndncr. Just because maybe she could prod them?
                    Yes, please do. I have already done some prodding to good result.


                      Some additional survey questions for clarification:

                      1. What is the best example of your preferred residence (fluff clouds/angst cavern/gutter)? (If you live in the fluff clouds, what about S/J exemplifies that place for you?)

                      2. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a fluffy moment? (For example, if you're a cavern dweller, what do you think constitutes fluffy?)

                      3. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be an angsty moment?

                      4. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a gutter moment?

                      5. What is something that Sam or Jack have said (either in an episode or in fic) that describes their relationship to you?

                      6. What is your favorite time of year?

                      7. What is more important – special celebrations or everyday moments?

                      8. Do you like Sam/Jack with team interaction or more on their own?

                      9. Home or on a mission?

                      10. How do you think of Sam/Jack – in casual clothes, bdu’s, or dress uniforms?
                      Last edited by Nolamom; 10 November 2012, 05:18 PM.


                        1. What is the best example of your preferred residence (fluff clouds/angst cavern/gutter)?

                        I don't understand the question. You mean... like a treehouse? Near the fluff clouds but with a stunning view of the gutter? If so, I prefer an RV. That way I could romp around through all the regions. And in the spirit of SG-1, it'd be one of those tricked out campers with showers, kitchen, and armor-plating on the outside.

                        2. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a fluffy moment?

                        I don't really get what "regardless of your preference" is supposed to mean, but a fluffy moment to me is one that is relatively shallow, simple, but bright with joy and love. Nothing too mind-boggling, or soul-searching. It's a day-in-the-life rather than an epic love story about passion and betrayal and the search for forgiveness and redemption.
                        3. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be an angsty moment?

                        Angst. This can be a rather broad range for me. It most often presents in the form of "I love him/her but can't be with him/her because of the regulations", but it could also be a scene where Sam and Jack are having a fight. It could be a tale of loss and woe as outside forces threaten to tear them apart. It's anything that makes me frustrated on behalf of the characters.

                        4. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a gutter moment?

                        Raunchy is a must. Not necessarily "run nekkid", but would have to include pointed innuendo and mischief of the sexual variety. Maybe a promise of a good time yet-to-come, with a taunting smirk to tide someone over-- or maybe a night of wild monkey sex. Whichever.

                        5. What is something that Sam or Jack have said (either in an episode or in fic) that describes their relationship to you?

                        from D&C-- Jack: "I care about her... a lot more than I should."/"I'd rather die myself than lose Carter."

                        from 100 Days-- Janet: "You miss him." Sam: "Yeah." Janet: "Is this a problem?" Sam: "No. Of course not."

                        6. What is your favorite time of year?

                        I don't really have a favorite. I appreciate the virtues of each, and enjoy pictures of idyllic scenes meant to represent each scene, but let's face it: Winter snow is cold and wet, Spring is pollen and twitterpated animals that get hit by cars, Summer is hot hot hot!, and Fall is...

                        Huh. Well, considering that all I can think of is that Fall is nothing but the trees getting nekkid, I think I have to say that Fall is my favorite. Especially with the leaves changing colors.

                        But it'd have to be the early to mid-fall that's still relatively warm. I enjoy a good crisp chill, but the bone-biting cold that sets in towards November is essentially Winter. I don't like the cold.

                        7. What is more important – special celebrations or everyday moments?

                        Couldn't you say that everyday moments are special celebrations of life itself?

                        In all seriousness though, the everyday moments. Those are special without even trying, and *that* is where the magic happens.

                        8. Do you like Sam/Jack with team interaction or more on their own?

                        Equal parts of each. Sam and Jack are self-sustaining, in a way, but the fact remains that without the team, there would be no "Sam/Jack". So while I like taking a magnifying glass to those moments of Sam/Jack goodness in the privacy of their own home, I also like to see them as a pair-- which is often only accomplished when seen through the eyes of a third party (like the team's).

                        9. Home or on a mission?

                        Toss up. So long as they're together.

                        10. How do you think of Sam/Jack – in casual clothes, bdu’s, or dress uniforms?

                        I appreciate all three, but it's the mental image of the two of them relaxed and being themselves in comfy civvies that gives me the warm and fuzzies. Jack in his plaid flannel, and Sam in a soft sweater and jeans; they're only Sam and Jack. Not Colonel and Major, or General and Colonel. Just them.
                        Last edited by selene0789; 10 November 2012, 05:36 PM.


                          Okay, I tried to clarify the questions a bit more. Hope that helps!


                            1. What is the best example of your preferred residence (fluff clouds/angst cavern/gutter)? (If you live in the fluff clouds, what about S/J exemplifies that place for you?)
                            I'm a cavern of angst kinda gal. Best examples for me are the whole scene in Grace including the kiss, and the force shield in Upgrades/D&C

                            2. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a fluffy moment? (For example, if you're a cavern dweller, what do you think constitutes fluffy?)
                            Sam's lab in Small Victories - when Jack asks "What'cha doin?"

                            3. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be an angsty moment?
                            End of Beneath the Surface - guh

                            4. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a gutter moment?
                            Broca Divide - locker room

                            5. What is something that Sam or Jack have said (either in an episode or in fic) that describes their relationship to you?
                            6. What is your favorite time of year?
                            Fall - love it when it's getting cooler but you're not freezing your butt off yet!

                            7. What is more important – special celebrations or everyday moments?
                            Birthdays, holidays, etc. are nice, but everyday interactions are more important to me.

                            8. Do you like Sam/Jack with team interaction or more on their own?
                            Just each other.

                            9. Home or on a mission?
                            both equally

                            10. How do you think of Sam/Jack – in casual clothes, bdu’s, or dress uniforms?


                              Some additional survey questions for clarification:

                              1. What is the best example of your preferred residence (fluff clouds/angst cavern/gutter)? (If you live in the fluff clouds, what about S/J exemplifies that place for you?)

                              Angsty Ice Cavern!!!!

                              2. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a fluffy moment? (For example, if you're a cavern dweller, what do you think constitutes fluffy?)

                              S/J Cuteness!!!!

                              3. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be an angsty moment?

                              Near death is angst.

                              4. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a gutter moment?

                              Jack is definitely got gutter on the mind!

                              5. What is something that Sam or Jack have said (either in an episode or in fic) that describes their relationship to you?

                              I do better with pictures.

                              6. What is your favorite time of year?

                              Spring Time. Pretty flowers. Trees in bloom. Warm sunshine with cooling breezes.

                              7. What is more important – special celebrations or everyday moments?

                              Everyday moments. Like this:

                              8. Do you like Sam/Jack with team interaction or more on their own?

                              Teamy goodness!

                              9. Home or on a mission?

                              Hmmmm . . . both?

                              10. How do you think of Sam/Jack – in casual clothes, bdu’s, or dress uniforms?



                                Some additional survey questions for clarification:

                                1. What is the best example of your preferred residence (fluff clouds/angst cavern/gutter)? (If you live in the fluff clouds, what about S/J exemplifies that place for you?)

                                I'm a definite angst cavern resident. And for me, angst = the 'please Jack' moment at the end of Lost City. Every time.

                                2. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a fluffy moment? (For example, if you're a cavern dweller, what do you think constitutes fluffy?)

                                Best fluffy moment is Jack staring across the table at Sam after the kiss in WoO. Or the tank top conversation at the end of Broca Divide.

                                3. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be an angsty moment?

                                As above, 'please Jack' or the look Jack gives Sam when he's walking to the Zatarc test in D&C. Or a million other ones

                                4. Regardless of your preference, what do you consider to be a gutter moment?

                                Broca Divide, even if it didn't really mean anything. Or the Grace kiss. *sigh*

                                5. What is something that Sam or Jack have said (either in an episode or in fic) that describes their relationship to you?

                                Beneath the Surface as a whole. I mean it, the whole episode just describes their relationship perfectly because there's no pretense, no regulations, it's just them. They look out for each other, they console each other and everything else. I love it!

                                6. What is your favorite time of year?

                                Spring. Crisp, clear mornings with lots of sunshine and the hint of warmer days to come

                                7. What is more important – special celebrations or everyday moments?

                                Both. I love the weird little everyday things that you always remember. But I love the fact that special celebrations bring people and family together.

                                8. Do you like Sam/Jack with team interaction or more on their own?

                                Team mostly (with the little side comments from Teal'c or Daniel) but I like the honest moments between them. A lot of my fic tends to end up with them alone talking about something deep.

                                9. Home or on a mission?

                                Mission. More chances for peril and angst.

                                10. How do you think of Sam/Jack – in casual clothes, bdu’s, or dress uniforms?

                                BDUs. But dress uniforms are hot.
                                Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

                                Chapter 1

