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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    1. Where do you prefer to live, in the cavern of angst, on the fluff clouds or in the gutter?

    I have dwelled in the cavern of angst for years and I doubt I'll ever leave. The gutter certainly trickles through every now and then, but it is very rare that I see the fluff clouds through the darkness.

    2. What is your favorite Stargate episode?

    Solitudes. Window of Opportunity.

    3. What is your favorite S/J moment?

    There are just too many to choose from! Though I'm rather fond of:


    This convo that leads up to such a beautiful hug

    Just for something a little less angsty

    4. Do you have a favorite S/J pic, vid, and/or fic?(links?)

    Even though it's Rick and Amanda - it's those subtle linked hands that get me!

    For Sam and Jack, I love this one (in spoiler tags as it's a tad big):

    This is one of my all-time favourite vids:

    As for fics, I couldn't possibly choose a single favourite, but I'm a big fan of Pol's Campfire Stories.

    5. Is there a song, poem or quote that most reminds you of S/J?

    Nickelback's I'd Come for You tends to make me think about S/J. Also, this part of Sappho's Jealousy poem (as translated by the Xena writers) fits them quite well too:

    There's a moment when I look at you
    And no speech is left in me.
    My tongue breaks.
    Then fire races under my skin and I tremble.
    And grow pale for I am dying of such love
    Or so it seems to me.

    6. Do you have a preference for fics, art or vids?

    I love fics and vids when done properly.

    7. What is your favorite color(s)?

    Black and blue. Ooh, and purple. Like a bruise I guess, haha.

    8. What is your favorite S/J hug?


    9. What is your favorite S/J kiss?

    Grace, for the utter passion flowing between them.

    But also, WoO for the fact it's real and SAM KISSES HIM BACK!

    10. Is there anything you really don't like?
    Characters acting out of character. Overdone cliches. Clone/mini fics. Smut for the sake of smut - if they're getting it on, there better be a damn good reason and it better be done in a believable way

    11. Do you have a preference for cannon or AU?
    Canon/canon-friendly all the way.

    12. Why are you an S/J shipper?

    They are just, to me, the ultimate ship. The tragic romance, the forbidden love - all that dark, passionate angst that twisted fairytales are made of The fact that Sam and Jack need no words to communicate so much with one another is wonderful - all the meaningful looks that convey so many emotions. I've followed this ship for ten years and just can't seem to get away from it - it's still so appealing after all this time, and no couple in any story have ever drawn me in so deeply as these two do. It's great to see the chemistry between them, and feeling that flow in through the great love and chemistry Amanda and Rick have for/with one another. Sam and Jack forever!
    Last edited by Jolinar_of_Malkshur; 02 November 2012, 06:32 PM.
    Thank you to Ikorni for the sig

    Jolinar's LJ - Currently reviewing all SG1 eps as part of the Shipper Rewatch, feel free to add me


      Originally posted by Goodfairy View Post
      I like XFchemist’s and UhSir’s S/J videos and Mala’s manip pics, but my absolutely favourites are
      I LOVE this video! I had never heard this song before seeing this video (which I've watched many times) so I thought it was funny when I heard it playing in the atrium of a restaurant and immediately thought of Sam & Jack's wedding!!


        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
        Thanks for the info and links to Annerbs stories, you guys.

        Boy do I remember Shadowmaat *shivers*. My first time ever coming to, in one of the general discussion threads - (I had never visited any of the Shipper threads yet) - anyway, Shadowmaat was saying in the thread that there is no 'ship or Jack and Sam. I replied "What do you mean? It's right there in the story." She slammed my newbie-az* so quick and mean. I reported it to a mod who just smoothed it over and said that Shadowmaat just has strong feelings about things. I still resent how rude it was and think she should have been banned. That was my Day 1 experience on Gateworld and on ANY forum. Some people might not return to the boards after that type of thing. I'm glad I stuck around long enough to find out that most people here are courteous and good people.
        When I first came on I was actually *shocked* that there seemed to be so many people who didn't like Sam and Jack as a couple or claimed there was "nothing there".... it just blew my mind. Are these people blind? But I didn't stir up anything and I was glad to find this thread and find other true shippers. I'm glad you found us too, Ramona!!

        One True SHIP==>


          Oh, just wanted to add a huge thanks to hlndncr for creating the questionaire - it was lots of fun to fill out and I'm really enjoying reading everyone's answers

          Couldn't green you though, so GREEN!
          Thank you to Ikorni for the sig

          Jolinar's LJ - Currently reviewing all SG1 eps as part of the Shipper Rewatch, feel free to add me


            Originally posted by Jolinar_of_Malkshur View Post
            Oh, just wanted to add a huge thanks to hlndncr for creating the questionaire - it was lots of fun to fill out and I'm really enjoying reading everyone's answers

            Couldn't green you though, so GREEN!
            Glad everyone is having a good time. I love reading about everyone's ship experiences. I hope it's not only giving everyone great ideas for Secret Santa but also Shipsgiving, which is coming up fast.


              I think I might try something I've never done guarantee, but I've at least got some good ideas now!


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                I think I might try something I've never done guarantee, but I've at least got some good ideas now!
      're trying to write a...fic?
                Fics | Art | Tumblr


                  This is totally off topic but I thought I'd share.... I think my cat is a fan of MacGyver!! I put on the first episode to watch before bed while I was reading (I'm strange I like background noise lol) and I noticed that my cat hadn't moved in quite a while... She just sat there staring at the tv through the entire episode.

                  I guess RDA really has an effect on women..... even other species!


                    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                    I LOVE this video! I had never heard this song before seeing this video (which I've watched many times) so I thought it was funny when I heard it playing in the atrium of a restaurant and immediately thought of Sam & Jack's wedding!!
                    Ah, I heard too this song in a restaurant few weeks ago. My husband asked me: "What are you smiling, honey?" "Nothing" - I said. He don't know what means this song to me.

                    May I have a question? Anybody knows where does live Sam now? OK, I know the show was cancelled, but in my mind didn't. So, she is the commander of USS George Hammond and thay are together with Jack. Jack lives in Washington, and Sam... Colorado Spring or Washington too? Thank you for the help.


                      Thanks, you guys for the encouragement. I'm glad I found you too! (I can't believe after all these years it still rankles. NOTE TO SELF: Get over it!)


                      On one of the commentaries,one of the directors says they came up with the idea to ship J/S after Amanda "stood to close to Rick". Then quite some time ago, someone in this thread (or the discussion thread) said the incident the commentator was referring to is during this scene:


                      Does anyone know if this really is the scene? Because it was obviously scripted for Jack to put his hand over Sam's mouth and duck the two of them behind the corridor and stand pressed against the wall. So if this is really the scene they're talking about, why do they think AT stood too close and not RDA held her too close? Or why think anything odd at all since the very nature of the scene required them to stand close? And since it makes no sense for this to be judged as "standing too close" under the circumstances of avoiding capture (and wasn't the ship already being hinted at before this?) therefor, if the decision to ship them resulted from an incident of AT standing too close, isn't this episode too far into the series for it to be the ship's launching point? Just curious about which scene really is the "too close" scene that made the writers give us S/J.
                      sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                        Thanks, you guys for the encouragement. I'm glad I found you too! (I can't believe after all these years it still rankles. NOTE TO SELF: Get over it!)


                        On one of the commentaries,one of the directors says they came up with the idea to ship J/S after Amanda "stood to close to Rick". Then quite some time ago, someone in this thread (or the discussion thread) said the incident the commentator was referring to is during this scene:


                        Does anyone know if this really is the scene? Because it was obviously scripted for Jack to put his hand over Sam's mouth and duck the two of them behind the corridor and stand pressed against the wall. So if this is really the scene they're talking about, why do they think AT stood too close and not RDA held her too close? Or why think anything odd at all since the very nature of the scene required them to stand close? And since it makes no sense for this to be judged as "standing too close" under the circumstances of avoiding capture (and wasn't the ship already being hinted at before this?) therefor, if the decision to ship them resulted from an incident of AT standing too close, isn't this episode too far into the series for it to be the ship's launching point? Just curious about which scene really is the "too close" scene that made the writers give us S/J.
                        I can't answer that question but I would find it odd if that's the moment, since AT has already told how she had to stand next to RDA during auditions, to see if they'd fit together. She never mentioned anything like this having to be done with MS, CJ and the other guys who were auditioning for those parts so...
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          SGSuzi and a few others on twitter have been very busy They're putting together a virtual AT6 event to raise money for Sanctuary for Kids if anyone wants to take part in the event check it out here.


                            Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                            SGSuzi and a few others on twitter have been very busy They're putting together a virtual AT6 event to raise money for Sanctuary for Kids if anyone wants to take part in the event check it out here.
                            I will be at AT6

                            Btw since I'll be away next weekend, I so need a time dilation bubble to finish my SS in time!!! So far it takes me 1 h to edit 3 seconds!(20 sec done in total so far!)
                            My vids Sig made by me


                              Okay, here goes...

                              1. Where do you prefer to live, in the cavern of angst, on the fluff clouds or in the gutter?

                              In the Land of Shipperdom I live in a vardo, that is usually parked within the Fluffy Clouds or along the Gutter but I make frequent visits to my friends in the Cavern of Angst and enjoy traveling to other less-frequented terrain.

                              2. What is your favorite Stargate episode?

                              Cannot name one at the moment. Have to re-watch everything I guess! Such tragedy.

                              3. What is your favorite S/J moment?

                              I enjoy the quiet moments, the hugs and light touches for the heat rendering or melting feeling as much as I enjoy the passionate moments of kisses to yell "Squee!"

                              4. Do you have a favorite S/J pic, vid, and/or fic?(links?)

                              No favourite picture, as I seemed to go through favourite phases particularly in regards to how I can use them in my own art. Right now, it would probably be the photos from the Jules Verne awards. So nice to see new ones!

                              I do not watch many videos, a hold over from my dial-up days that I have not managed to break very well yet.

                              The first SG-1 fanfic I ever read was SGCbearcub's Banshee and the second was Celeste's I Killed Carter (which is not online anymore). So those are very memorable to me, but I enjoy a lot of authors and cannot say I have a favourite story at the moment.

                              5. Is there a song, poem or quote that most reminds you of S/J?


                              6. Do you have a preference for fics, art or vids?

                              No preferences.

                              7. What is your favorite color(s)?

                              I like rich colours, and seem to have a lot of purple, green, and blue in my wardrobe. (Working on adding red.)

                              8. What is your favorite S/J hug?

                              "Heroes" for its intensity and the fact that they reached out to each other.

                              9. What is your favorite S/J kiss?

                              "Point of View" breaks my heart and "Grace" is as passionate as all get out!

                              10. Is there anything you really don't like?

                              For fanfiction I do not really enjoy Alternate Realty stories because I find that characterization is rarely well done, that they are recognizable as themselves and not just their names. (There are exceptions of course, but they are the exceptions.) The poor characterization also tends to happen with Teen fics too, because they have not had time to grow into the people we know and love and in the fics, rarely get that chance either.

                              11. Do you have a preference for cannon or AU?

                              Why yes I like cannons to blow things up... particularly a certain potato-head, oh, canon!

                              I like canon, but divergence is absolutely fine (I write it after all). Otherwise, I am a big fan of good characterization, good grammar and spelling, and great story telling! I also really enjoy stories that are a well blended mix of relationship with adventure, with both aspects propelling each other forward in development. (Think of it more like pie, than steak with a side.)

                              12. Why are you an S/J shipper?

                              Just them. I love them as individual characters with their strengths and their flaws but together they smooth, balance, and complete each other more than any edges rub. With their steadfast devotion and a passion that burns brightly, they are inspirational.
                              My stories at or


                                Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                                I love the banner and I can't wait to read the Halloween story, especially if it's anything like the story you wrote for Jack's birthday!!!!
                                Hope you enjoyed the story! And really glad you loved the banner. It was fun to make, but boy, did those capes take time!

                                Originally posted by Goodfairy View Post
                                May I have a question? Anybody knows where does live Sam now? OK, I know the show was cancelled, but in my mind didn't. So, she is the commander of USS George Hammond and thay are together with Jack. Jack lives in Washington, and Sam... Colorado Spring or Washington too? Thank you for the help.
                                My head canon, she is living in Washington with Jack, but it is also possible that she has an apartment in Nevada (again) for convenience because that is where the spaceship dry-docks are.
                                My stories at or

