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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I'm here! Just finished building my Lego Millennium Falcon (yes, I discovered LEGO's in my 40's, whatever!).

    I worked on my latest Campfire today, still "Jack's Valley," and it's kicking my butt. I also did some writing and (this is the S/J part of the post) to keep the "woe-mantic" mood had Joel's (RIP, my friend) amazing soundtracks playing.

    So, the 'ship was inspiring the fiction today. Trying to meet some deadlines and still write fanfic. And teach. Ugh.

    And...still playing catchup to 'Ship Day offerings that have been just amazing!
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      I'm here! Just finished building my Lego Millennium Falcon (yes, I discovered LEGO's in my 40's, whatever!).

      I worked on my latest Campfire today, still "Jack's Valley," and it's kicking my butt. I also did some writing and (this is the S/J part of the post) to keep the "woe-mantic" mood had Joel's (RIP, my friend) amazing soundtracks playing.

      So, the 'ship was inspiring the fiction today. Trying to meet some deadlines and still write fanfic. And teach. Ugh.

      And...still playing catchup to 'Ship Day offerings that have been just amazing!
      so pleased you are still working on campfires, I have read them all now and they are amazing, i just love the ones relating to beneath the surface
      Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig


        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
        Ok Shippers. Is there something going on that I don't know about? There have been so few posts and I mean I know I'm not here as often as I'd like to be but...

        .... I'm here now and you guys aren't and it just makes me .....

        .... kinda sad.
        I think for a lot of us in North America school is about to begin and this is the last long weekend. Folks are probably just out of town or preparing for the oncoming storm give it a few days.


          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
          Ok Shippers. Is there something going on that I don't know about? There have been so few posts and I mean I know I'm not here as often as I'd like to be but...

          .... I'm here now and you guys aren't and it just makes me .....

          .... kinda sad.
          I never get replied to so I just kinda lurk these days
          sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


            i think it's so quiet is because it's labor day weekend here in the US most people are out camping and what not. I'm sure we'll return to our daily programming come tuesday.


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              I'm here! Just finished building my Lego Millennium Falcon (yes, I discovered LEGO's in my 40's, whatever!).

              I worked on my latest Campfire today, still "Jack's Valley," and it's kicking my butt. I also did some writing and (this is the S/J part of the post) to keep the "woe-mantic" mood had Joel's (RIP, my friend) amazing soundtracks playing.

              So, the 'ship was inspiring the fiction today. Trying to meet some deadlines and still write fanfic. And teach. Ugh.

              And...still playing catchup to 'Ship Day offerings that have been just amazing!
              I think you're at the right age for LEGOs (want to come over and build LEGOs with my son? He's convinced that at the age of 5 he's going to save up enough for a Death Star. Guess what I expect him to buy when he turns 15 ).

              Can't wait for your Campfire I've missed you around here!!!


                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                Ok Shippers. Is there something going on that I don't know about? There have been so few posts and I mean I know I'm not here as often as I'd like to be but...

                .... I'm here now and you guys aren't and it just makes me .....

                .... kinda sad.
                I'm here! I will have to log off in a few to go have lunch with the hubs. After that the kiddo wants a turn on the computer, so it will be this evening until I'm back.

                I'm doing the rewatch and hedwig recommended 'A Matter of Honor' and 'The Cost of Honor' fandamonium books by Sally Malcolm (I hope I got the author name right) to me -and they have just sucked me in (I read for several hours yesterday). I probably see a lot more shippiness in these books than the average joe -but it has the subtle beat of their relationship in there and it is wonderful. She also references things from the greater SG story: Daniel's ascension, Jack's struggle with Baal, even a mild reference to Jack dreaming he's a 'baraber in Indiana' (I snorted).

                All of this is also motivating me to write -so I'm trying to make that happen.

                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                I'm here! Just finished building my Lego Millennium Falcon (yes, I discovered LEGO's in my 40's, whatever!).

                I worked on my latest Campfire today, still "Jack's Valley," and it's kicking my butt. I also did some writing and (this is the S/J part of the post) to keep the "woe-mantic" mood had Joel's (RIP, my friend) amazing soundtracks playing.

                So, the 'ship was inspiring the fiction today. Trying to meet some deadlines and still write fanfic. And teach. Ugh.

                And...still playing catchup to 'Ship Day offerings that have been just amazing!
                I'm glad you haven't given up on writing S/J -I know your schedule is crazy and I can't imagine there are enough hours in the day to do it all...and I laughed when I saw you post about '1250 pieces' because I knew you weren't talking about a puzzle. I think Legos have the appeal of a puzzle with the satisfaciton of engineering a 3 dimensional object.

                You gots any SG Legos??

                Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                I never get replied to so I just kinda lurk these days
                Hi Ramona!! Are you doing the rewatch??
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3



                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Pol, Legos are cool but too expensive for moi! A friend of mine just bought all of the new Lord of the Rings Lego sets, so I'll probably help him put them together

                    Back on topic

                    Happy Labor Day fellow Americans!


                      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                      Ok Shippers. Is there something going on that I don't know about? There have been so few posts and I mean I know I'm not here as often as I'd like to be but...

                      .... I'm here now and you guys aren't and it just makes me .....

                      .... kinda sad.
                      I was super busy. Now I'm just busy. My job has been put on hold for the next two days. So good news is I have a couple days to catch up on other important projects, like shipping! Bad news, I'm losing two days pay.

                      Originally posted by Pol View Post
                      I'm here! Just finished building my Lego Millennium Falcon (yes, I discovered LEGO's in my 40's, whatever!).

                      I worked on my latest Campfire today, still "Jack's Valley," and it's kicking my butt. I also did some writing and (this is the S/J part of the post) to keep the "woe-mantic" mood had Joel's (RIP, my friend) amazing soundtracks playing.

                      So, the 'ship was inspiring the fiction today. Trying to meet some deadlines and still write fanfic. And teach. Ugh.

                      And...still playing catchup to 'Ship Day offerings that have been just amazing!
                      I don't know if you're a lego purist, but the GW homepage has an article about some new SG lego-type sets (different brand but lego compatible). You should check it out.

                      Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                      I never get replied to so I just kinda lurk these days


                        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                        I never get replied to so I just kinda lurk these days
                        You should post anyway. Eventually you'll get replied to.


                          Vid rec

                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                            lovely vid

                            thanks for the link, feel all squeee now
                            Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig


                              Hey! SG-thing! Stalker is on TNT right now on Rizzoli and Isles.

                              is, of course, the bad guy, as he should be.

                              Um... Sam loves Jack x 14
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                You should post anyway. Eventually you'll get replied to.
                                Yeah, it's kind of like that old basketball saying, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Instead, it's "No one will ever respond to the posts you don't make."
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

