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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Season 2
    A Matter of Time

    The whole discussion about wormholes with the apple

    He suggests they cut the power

    When she tells him they’re in trouble he tells her to think of something

    The whole discussion between them where Frank Cromwell tells Jack 'don't even pretend you understood that'

    Her reminding him to be sure to give himself enough time to get out

    Boyd reminds him of Carter a little bit.

    He hands her his dog tags

    The real solution 'Man, she is...' Frank begins, 'Way smarter than we are. Yes I know.' Jack.

    Her warning on the shattered glass

    Her pulling him back in with Teal'c at the end

    The end scene where he praises her 'good thinking Captain'


      A matter of Time was another great episode. The conversation they have about wormholes at the beginning is so funny. I always felt like Jack understood a lot more than he ever let on and that he understood what she was saying but he thought it was funnier if he acted confused... it got her to smile didn't it


        Season 2
        The Fifth Race

        She takes charge when he collapses

        He shows her base eight math

        Jack worries even when he's being overwritten with Ancient and comes up with the solution when she's stuck on the planet

        Her surprise that he drew the blue prints to fix the DHD

        Her worry when he's with the Asgard


          Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
          A matter of Time was another great episode. The conversation they have about wormholes at the beginning is so funny. I always felt like Jack understood a lot more than he ever let on and that he understood what she was saying but he thought it was funnier if he acted confused... it got her to smile didn't it
          Jack was definitely in flirtation mode there.


            Season 2
            Serpent's Song

            Sam has a flashback to Jolinar and Jack calls her 'Sam' as he checks her in concerned (last time Jack calls her Sam in SG1)


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
              Hi everyone!

              Unfortunately, I've had a lot of real life issues stopping my fandom time lately. I see you had a great ship day and wish I had been able to make it!

              On that very subject, I did want to drop by this gift:


              A new Sam/Jack fanfic. Hope you enjoy!
              Ooooh! A new Rachel500 fic! squeeeee! *runs off to read*


                Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                I want to thank Hindncr for all the hard work in making Ship Day a success!

                crankie by Mala
                I'd like to raise a glass to hlndncr, too! Well done, thanks for all you do for Sam/Jack shippers everywhere!


                  Season 2

                  Look they share when Daniel says he wouldn’t let Jack near his sister if he had one

                  Note: This is when these behind the scenes pics were taken


                    Season 2
                    One False Step

                    When Jack asks her how she knew the plants would bloom and she admits she talks to her plants


                      we should do a sg1 rewatch share our favorite parts, especially the shippy bits


                        Season 2

                        He pretends to understand her technobabble

                        They hug the same wall together when trapped in the missile silo

                        The whole discussion in the room at the base when they get 'captured'

                        The discussion in the truck before Hammond breaks them out 'where there's a will, there's an or'

                        Discussion about the answer being in the note

                        Sitting together by the fire

                        Her reminding him to use the solar filter

                        His worrying about screwing up her theory when checking out the solar flares

                        Her stopping him from influencing Michael on whether to go to 'Nam


                          Season 2
                          Out of Mind

                          The whole checking out her naked bod

                          His seeing her worry for him in A Message in A Bottle episode on the memory screen

                          The whole exploring together scene where he has to hold her in order to keep her silent


                            Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                            we should do a sg1 rewatch share our favorite parts, especially the shippy bits
                            I tried to keep up with the GW rewatch for a while, but it just went too fast for me. Maybe we could start another Shipper rewatch if we have enough people who would commit to it.

                            That's all I've got for Season 2 shippy moments. I'm off to my book club now, even though I haven't read the book.

                            I may be on later tonight, but it depends on how late we decide to stay up talking. (The book discussion never lasts very long, but sometimes the gossip and the chit chat goes very late into the night.)

                            Shipper Math:

                            += Always


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              Shipper Math:

                              += Always
                              Shipper Math: The only type of math I excel at!


                                Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                                we should do a sg1 rewatch share our favorite parts, especially the shippy bits
                                yes we should def do a SG1 shiptastic rewatch, although i really do need to finish watching them for the first time first.
                                Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig

