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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Hey! I just made 1,600 posts. Took me long enough, but hey, here I am!

    It's just about midnight here so I'm not trying any drabbles now but loved all that you guys posted. So nice to see the thread soooo active with such great fun.

    **hugs shippers**

    Tomorrow guys.
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
      Hey! I just made 1,600 posts. Took me long enough, but hey, here I am!

      It's just about midnight here so I'm not trying any drabbles now but loved all that you guys posted. So nice to see the thread soooo active with such great fun.

      **hugs shippers**

      Tomorrow guys.


        I've got something for the Coming Home theme:

        This time she couldn't go with them. Janet hadn't given her permission. So she sat in her lab and tried to catch up with her work. She missed him, missed even the slightly mess he sometimes brings to her life.

        'Hey Carter, look what I have here for you!' he called while he walked through the door.
        'I see' she said, looking at the muddy footsteps all over the floor.

        And a nice song from my favourite band:



          Ten Days 'til Ship Day!

          Carter, I need you!

          No, not like that. . . . Well, yeah like that too.

          But right now I just need you to come take a look at something for me.

          Sir, this is a storage closet.

          I know. What do you think?

          I’m thinking why are you dragging me into a storage closet, Sir?

          Because there’s only ten days until Ship Day Carter.

          . . . And?

          I thought this would be the perfect place!


            Ten Days 'til Ship Day!

            Sir, we can’t spend Ship Day in a storage closet.

            Why not? The Shippers are always talking about us hanging out in here.

            Yeah. Sir, that’s the Gutter Gals,
            and making Ship Day posts is not exactly the activity
            they have in mind when they imagine us in here.

            Well what do they think we’re doing in here?

            Eyes - Check

            Hands - Check

            Neck - Check

            Lips - Check

            Arms -Check

            Rear - Check

            Tongue - Check

            Abs - Check

            Sidearm - Check

            Handcuffs - Check

            Uh . . . Taking inventory?


              Ten Days 'til Ship Day!

              Carter, you’ve got to be kidding me?!

              No, Sir.

              What is wrong with these Shippers?

              I’d much rather be fishing.

              So would I.

              Wait . . . really?


       know, my contribution to ship day happens to be a Storage closet crack!fic.... haha now I'm in the mood to finish that sucker! Thanks for the motivator Hlndncr!

                ...Really...I was starting to think I would never finish it...
                "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                  Best. One. Yet. Giggling out loud, here!
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Half way through our Drabble Challenge and all the contributions have been amazing.

                    Don't slack off now. Just five more to go. Keep those Muses fed!

                    Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                    Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                    Drabble Prompt #6
                    A Quarrel and a Kiss


                      Just FYI, if you can't get a drabble finished the day of the prompt you can always share them later.

                      I've been behind on mine all week!


                        I'm still on a car on my way home. I have an idea for this prompt but it's gonna be guttery. Sorry I can't help
                        My vids Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          Half way through our Drabble Challenge and all the contributions have been amazing.

                          Don't slack off now. Just five more to go. Keep those Muses fed!

                          Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                          Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                          Drabble Prompt #6
                          A Quarrel and a Kiss
                          Okay, well this was fun.

                          “You know, Carter, usually I’d be getting some pretty hot makeup sex.”

                          He watches in amusement as her jaw goes slack. “Sir?”

                          “I’m just saying, the last time I fought with a woman about something unrelated to work, there was makeup sex.”

                          “Sir, I’m not sure if you’re suggesting we… or that the fight was…”

                          He takes pity on her, “Oh, relax. I’m not propositioning you. And yeah, that argument was unprofessional.”

                          “Yes, sir.” She has the good graces to look chagrined. “It won’t happen again.”

                          “Good, Captain. Besides, you were under the influence and it was just a kiss.”
                          Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                            No drabble from me today, lesson planning for passive sentence formation is taking over!

                            I have been watching Lost City though while working and I swear that Jack mouths "I love you" to Sam when he's in the chair at the end. He's ready to say goodbye but she says his name and he changes his mind and mentions the suspension chamber.

                            Much shippy sighing will be occurring while I write the next part of my plan.

                            Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

                            Chapter 1


                              Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
                              No drabble from me today, lesson planning for passive sentence formation is taking over!

                              I have been watching Lost City though while working and I swear that Jack mouths "I love you" to Sam when he's in the chair at the end. He's ready to say goodbye but she says his name and he changes his mind and mentions the suspension chamber.

                              Much shippy sighing will be occurring while I write the next part of my plan.

                              Wasn't he pretty much speaking all-Ancient-all-the-time by then? Either way, I'm totally rewatching that scene...
                              Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                                Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
                                No drabble from me today, lesson planning for passive sentence formation is taking over!

                                I have been watching Lost City though while working and I swear that Jack mouths "I love you" to Sam when he's in the chair at the end. He's ready to say goodbye but she says his name and he changes his mind and mentions the suspension chamber.

                                Much shippy sighing will be occurring while I write the next part of my plan.

                                You can't demonstrate passive sentences in an S/J drabble?!

