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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    Thank you! What a generous soul!

    I wish I were as put together as you!

    I went shopping for last minute stuff today and ended up getting a hair cut and going to lunch with my friend instead.

    Yikes! Is tomorrow REALLY Christmas Eve????
    This is our first Christmas in our first house...and Christmas sort of snuck up on me (I usually don't do much - we go visit family because our apartments were tiny...this year I have a HOUSE and I admit I didn't know what to do with myself LOL - it doesn't help that I'm gluten free so I'm not much of a baker (you can bake, but I don't like it much to begin with much less with the headache of GF)).

    I too enjoy this place (even if I take my hiatuses from time to time).


      My daughter, her husband and my granddaughter are all GF so she has learned a whole new way to cook and bake. She does most everything from scratch now (much cheaper) but there are lots of gf mixes available now. Congrats on the house! That's always such a big step. Our first house (a jillion years ago) was such a wonderful/terrifying experience to embark on. Merry Christmas!


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        This is our first Christmas in our first house...and Christmas sort of snuck up on me (I usually don't do much - we go visit family because our apartments were tiny...this year I have a HOUSE and I admit I didn't know what to do with myself LOL - it doesn't help that I'm gluten free so I'm not much of a baker (you can bake, but I don't like it much to begin with much less with the headache of GF)).

        I too enjoy this place (even if I take my hiatuses from time to time).

        I usually do it all before Christmas Eve, but having a baby over Halloween really screwed with that plan. I normally get all my client quilts done before 12/15, but this week I did four before Wednesday, delivered on Thursday, and then went shopping with the moolah. I feel like such a whiner this year!

        Oh well. I love that I can come here and get an instant "fix". More than just the ship, it's a community that takes me away from the everyday struggles and gives me a dose of something more stimulating.

        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          Looks like something from "Star Wars".
          Or one of the Quidditch balls.


            Happy Holidays Shippers!
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              If buying the books/ebooks helps, I've now accumulated most of the SG1 ebooks, and most of the SGA ebooks. My Christmas present to myself. And I'll be buying the next three in the "SGA going back to Pegasus series" when they are released.
              Is it sad that my only desire to buy an eReader is so that I wouldn't have to pay shipping on the Stargate books? Because most places don't carry them in-store nowadays... That would be my only use for an eReader.


                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                Is it sad that my only desire to buy an eReader is so that I wouldn't have to pay shipping on the Stargate books? Because most places don't carry them in-store nowadays... That would be my only use for an eReader.
                The new stories will be coming out on E-Reader, in the future. That's why you are having a hard time finding hard copies. They are producing limited amounts and then everything will be switched to E-Reader format. MGM feels it's cost affective.


                  Originally posted by trupi View Post
                  The new stories will be coming out on E-Reader, in the future. That's why you are having a hard time finding hard copies. They are producing limited amounts and then everything will be switched to E-Reader format. MGM feels it's cost affective.
                  what are these books about? i mean, are they a continuation of the stargate saga, up to date in the timeline? also, is mgm paying attention to the sales, meaning interest, in stargate through these books?

                  will it make a dent to buy them, to show mgm we still care? AND, are the books shippy, so we can show mgm we love that relationship?



                    MGM will be looking at sale numbers. The stories are a mix of SGA and SG1. If the E-reader sales do well, then there's a good chance they will request more stories. Remember Fandamonium is a company owned by former SG fanfic writers, who became published authors. MGM controls which stories are accepted, when it's released and how many are produced. The company has no control, which is sad because they are so dedicated to their product ( the owner being a big fan of the S/J ship). If the E-Reader stories do well then Fandamonium can request more stories created and then maybe more ship can show up in the stories. Don't forget when Star Trek was cancelled the only stories were in book version. Paramount had control over book development and soon learned that the fandom was still strong, Few years later the cartoon was produced, conventions started. Then when they needed a scifi story to go against Star Wars, they knew Star Trek following was still strong. That's what we have to do as a fandom prove to MGM there's still money in Stargate and that our ship is strong and true. Then maybe we can get confirmation or at least the script for the 3rd movies in E-reader format.


                      Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                      Is it sad that my only desire to buy an eReader is so that I wouldn't have to pay shipping on the Stargate books? Because most places don't carry them in-store nowadays... That would be my only use for an eReader.
                      That's why I got the first ereader I had; so I could read s/j fanfic on it. I never did use it for anything but that. Unfortunately, it developed problems and I can't seem to fix them. Then my brother gave me an "extra" Nook he had laying around gathering dust (his words), and I've been reading the Stargate Novels on that.

                      I have also gotten a few other books that I've read on it (mysteries) - outside of the Stargate Novels.

                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      what are these books about? i mean, are they a continuation of the stargate saga, up to date in the timeline? also, is mgm paying attention to the sales, meaning interest, in stargate through these books?
                      Each book so far has been independent of the others - like a stand-alone episode. One of them supposedly takes place right after "The Enemy Within", another one 18 months after "Crystal Skull" (since Daniel's grandfather is in it). Another takes place shortly before Meridian. Another takes place in Season 7 and has Jonas Quinn in it (no shippiness at all, except between Jonas and Kiana). "Roswell" takes place late in Season 10 and has Cam and Vala in it as well as the others, and even though Jack is a General, he's on the mission that takes place with the rest of the group.

                      If you read between the lines, you can find shippiness in some of the stories, but there really isn't much. There are some good bits of interaction between Sam and Jack in the various stories, but you might need a microscope to find shippiness. Each of the four characters (along with some recurring characters) seems to get quite a bit of story time, though Teal'c probably gets the least (as it usually seems).

                      I personally have enjoyed reading the stories. I've read one of them twice and will probably be rereading a couple of others, too.


                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        Is it sad that my only desire to buy an eReader is so that I wouldn't have to pay shipping on the Stargate books? Because most places don't carry them in-store nowadays... That would be my only use for an eReader.
                        Well, that and FANFIC! I bought an iPad because I hardly ever purchase "real" books anymore. I just saved my "book budget" for a while and voila! iPad!

                        Merry Christmas. I'm off to bed.

                        Edit...since its Christmas Eve day, now, here's a fic I wrote a while back.

                        And one more Christmassy fic from '09.
                        Last edited by Pol; 23 December 2011, 11:54 PM.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          awwwwwwww look at what DM made for my b-day!!!!! Love it!!!

                          and I got my new icon and sig from LGJ!!!
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by trupi View Post
                            The new stories will be coming out on E-Reader, in the future. That's why you are having a hard time finding hard copies. They are producing limited amounts and then everything will be switched to E-Reader format. MGM feels it's cost affective.
                            D'oh! I guess that proves it then... next paycheck, I'm getting an eReader. And I'll name it something cool. Like Oscar. Something subtly Stargate-y. I was going to do that to a plant I adopted at work, but my dad ruined that. His idea for a name for a bansai tree was "buckaroo". So now I have to use that. the eReader will have to be my Stargate victim.

                            Wait... did I see someone using an eReader for fanfic? By eReader I mean Kindle or Nook. iPads are a breed apart. Do the Kindles and Nooks do that too? The early ones that aren;t trying to be smaller iPads?


                              Cute together lol


                                by Oma-1

