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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by siles View Post
    My first ship was Sam/Jack and for a long time I thought it was the best, but the lack of an on screen unambiguous confirmation made by sad and angry.

    Other ships which I think are better written
    1. Sheridan/Dellen (Babylon 5)
    2. Bones/Booth (Bones)
    3. Castle/Beckett (Castle)
    4. Harm/Mac (JAG)
    5. Kira/Odo (Deep Space Nine)
    Other ships I like Chuck/Sarah (Chuck), Riker/Troy, Picard/Crusher (ST:TNG).

    But Sam/Jack remains a favourite, especially because of the huge amount of fics that give me what TPTB couldn't/wouldn't - confirmation.

    If you could how would you have handled Rick's departure from the show and AT's pregnancy in S9?
    I would have had Sam on maternity leave and retired Jack maybe in a position as a consultant to the president with regard to Stargate

    What other ships do you have? And do you think they've been written better than Sam/Jack?
    I do ship other couples but this is Sam/Jack thread, so it's better to stay OT!
    My vids Sig made by me


      Hey freckles, how about X-302 for the letter "X". I'm thinking from Redemption. There's something in that for every brand of shipper.

      Gutter: Sam checks out Jack's six when they're boarding the craft.

      Fluff: There's some adorable banter in the cockpit.



      Oxygen, pressure, temperature control.

      All check.

      Inertial dampeners.

      Cool…and check.


      All check. Phasers?

      Sorry, Sir.

      Sir, the simulations we ran anticipated every conceivable scenario.

      You know, Carter, it's the inconceivable ones I'm concerned about.

      The X-302 has hundreds of safety mechanisms to compensate for anything that can go wrong. Arming ejection system.

      [Carter grins as she looks forward towards O'Neill.]

      That's good…that's good, that's funny.

      Angst: Jack sends the X-302 off in an unstable hyperspace window and Sam waits anxiously on the ground to learn if he ejected in time.


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        Hey freckles, how about X-302 for the letter "X". I'm thinking from Redemption. There's something in that for every brand of shipper.

        Gutter: Sam checks out Jack's six when they're boarding the craft.

        Fluff: There's some adorable banter in the cockpit.



        Oxygen, pressure, temperature control.

        All check.

        Inertial dampeners.

        Cool…and check.


        All check. Phasers?

        Sorry, Sir.

        Sir, the simulations we ran anticipated every conceivable scenario.

        You know, Carter, it's the inconceivable ones I'm concerned about.

        The X-302 has hundreds of safety mechanisms to compensate for anything that can go wrong. Arming ejection system.

        [Carter grins as she looks forward towards O'Neill.]

        That's good…that's good, that's funny.

        Angst: Jack sends the X-302 off in an unstable hyperspace window and Sam waits anxiously on the ground to learn if he ejected in time.

        What a great idea!!
        @ Arming ejection system 'd it!
        I might just use one of those...
        "…you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again."

        "Because I care about her....a lot more than I'm supposed to..."


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          One more reason to dislike Santuary and its characters IMO.

          So how about we go back to the ONE TRUE SHIP:

          That's kind of a silly thing to say, and IMO, NO reason at all to dislike the show or is characters.


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            Sam's pregnant with her and Jack's first child. A girl. She'll be in the room next to Aka in the maternity ward. (Though why she's having the baby in Arizona I don't know.)

            Niiiiiice. Hey--actually, that would be kind of fun. It would definitely be an improvement over the neighbors I had last time, who whined about every little thing. I can't imagine Sam being one of those women who pushed the call button for every tiny twinge. She'd be MUCH tougher than that! (She'd be like me. Ha ha ha.)

            Four weeks to go! Scheduled C-Section on the 29th of October, unless things happen naturally first. (The little stinker has been breech/transverse for several weeks. We find out today if she's turned herself around. . .)
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Originally posted by freckles2185 View Post
              I don't know why but every time i think of the word Valor - I have Sean Connery in my its a possibility for S/J too... (got a good scene to go with that??) (Am I driving you nuts already?)

              Excuse my ignorance but what does Xanadu mean exactly?

              As for the cheesy ones - yes - it is very hard to overcome them...but if i cant find a good word to use instead - I might have no choice in the end...*sigh*
              Xanadu was a summer palace of Kublai Khan in the Yuan Dynasty of China. But it now commonly refers to "a place of great beauty, luxury, and contentment". For which you could probably use scenes from "The Light".

              "Heroes" would be a good example of how valor relates to S/J. Or even in "The Nox", when Jack gets hit by the staff blast and Carter darts out to help him before she gets hit herself. That's just the ones off the top of my head. I could prolly find more. It is the US Air Force, after all...


                Originally posted by siles View Post
                If you could how would you have handled Rick's departure from the show and AT's pregnancy in S9?
                I would have had Sam on maternity leave and retired Jack maybe in a position as a consultant to the president with regard to Stargate
                Unfortunately, Sam being on maternity leave at that time would have meant the baby would have been Pete's. After all, she had just broken up with Pete just before the beginning of Season 9.

                Apparently AT's pregnancy had been discussed at that point, and Amanda nixed the idea of Sam being pregnant; she didn't like that idea and didn't want to have it written into the show or having her pregnancy hidden on screen.


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  That's kind of a silly thing to say, and IMO, NO reason at all to dislike the show or is characters.
                  Well thankfully for me this isn't a Sanctuary thread and I'm under no obligation to like that show or its characters.

                  And revisionist history is one thing, but slander on someone's character who had no documented history of homosexual dalliances (as I understand it) is quite another.

                  Moreover, I consider such relationships immoral and distasteful, which is certainly not a silly reason to me for dislike something I'm under no obligation to support.

                  += FOVEVER
                  Last edited by hlndncr; 27 September 2011, 06:38 AM.


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    Niiiiiice. Hey--actually, that would be kind of fun. It would definitely be an improvement over the neighbors I had last time, who whined about every little thing. I can't imagine Sam being one of those women who pushed the call button for every tiny twinge. She'd be MUCH tougher than that! (She'd be like me. Ha ha ha.)

                    Four weeks to go! Scheduled C-Section on the 29th of October, unless things happen naturally first. (The little stinker has been breech/transverse for several weeks. We find out today if she's turned herself around. . .)
                    In many of the baby fics I've read, Sam waits till pretty much the last possible minute before she tells anybody she "thinks" it's time to go to the hospital, and by then her contractions are getting down to around 5-10 minutes apart. Tough, indeed.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      In many of the baby fics I've read, Sam waits till pretty much the last possible minute before she tells anybody she "thinks" it's time to go to the hospital, and by then her contractions are getting down to around 5-10 minutes apart. Tough, indeed.
                      I waited until the last possible minute with one of mine--I got there and had the baby forty minutes later--which included the fifteen minutes I spent having to fill out all the registration paperwork because I'd forgotten to do it before hand. I did the whole thing with no medication at all. Yeah--I rock. (But then, she was my smallest at just over eight pounds, and a week early, so it's not like I'm Xena, Warrior Princess or anything. . . )

                      More about birth--maybe TMI--Spoilered for that reason. . .

                      Contractions 5 minutes apart are a normal time to go to the hospital for me. I don't particularly enjoy being there, so I won't go unless I have to. Having said that, the idea of having a home birth has never appealed to me--birthing is messy, and I have no desire to have to clean up after myself. And my husband has stated repeatedly that he will burn any car in which I happen to have a baby, because he won't drive it afterwards. So, we have to make it to the hospital before hand.

                      I think Sam would be a tough one in labor--but not necessarily a hero. I think she'd take the epidural, because she has a healthy respect for modern medicine and sees no need to prolong the pain just because she can handle it. It's the afterwards where I think she'd excel. The "ouch" isn't over with the birth. I think that she would soldier through it with great strength. And I think that Jack would be a good support for her. (Although for me, personally, I can't stand the sight, sound, or smell of my husband during hard labor. He was quite literally sitting on the other side of the room when number three was born, playing his game boy and watching the 3 woman bobsled on the winter olympics. The doctor asked me if I wanted him with me, and I think I yelled some bad words at him.)

                      About birth-story fic--I have a really hard time reading it if it's obvious that the author hasn't done it before. I have written a few birth-centered things for Sam and Jack, and drawn from either my own copious experience or that of my friends. Birth is a process that you can't really know unless you've been there (or assisted in births--I think that counts to a large degree). It's like on TV or movies when women suddenly have a massive pain and the baby is "right there!"--it doesn't normally happen that way. Even with my super fast labor, it was a building thing, and not an all-of-a-sudden thing--it just happened to build really quickly. What I especially hate is when someone's water breaks and the baby is born three minutes later after no other signs/contractions or anything. My water broke with number 4, and I didn't have a single contraction for over eight hours. Birth is a dramatic process, but it's not necessarily (ever) how they show it on TV or movies or in fic. It's really hard to get right unless you've done it IMO.
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        Well thankfully for me this isn't a Sanctuary thread and I'm under no obligation to like that show or its characters.

                        And revisionist history is one thing, but slander on someone's character who had no documented history of homosexual dalliances (as I understand it) is quite another.

                        Moreover, I consider such relationships immoral and distasteful, which is certainly not a silly reason to me for dislike something I'm under no obligation to support.

                        += FOVEVER
                        I don't know why you consider homosexual relationships immoral and distasteful and quite frankly I don't really care. As you so aptly put it, this is the Sam/Jack thread, so I don't understand why you feel obligated to inform us of your political or moral views time and again. I can't and won't tell you what you should like or dislike or how you should or shouldn't live your life. So please spare me with these kind of statements, they are disrespectful and offensive.


                          Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                          I don't know why you consider homosexual relationships immoral and distasteful and quite frankly I don't really care. As you so aptly put it, this is the Sam/Jack thread, so I don't understand why you feel obligated to inform us of your political or moral views time and again. I can't and won't tell you what you should like or dislike or how you should or shouldn't live your life. So please spare me with these kind of statements, they are disrespectful and offensive.

                          I feel the need to do so because I'm confronted with others contrary views over and over again and I don't see why I should be forced to endure it in silence or accept insults and abuse from those who disagree with me (especially in the name of (ironically) what some people term as tolerance.

                          I responded to the accusation that was leveled against me of being "silly." (As you can tell I am in fact quite serious on this topic.)

                          I did in fact try to move the discussion back on topic. And I am quite happy to say nothing more about it if I don't have to read anything more about it.


                            Originally posted by siles View Post
                            My first ship was Sam/Jack and for a long time I thought it was the best, but the lack of an on screen unambiguous confirmation made by sad and angry.

                            Other ships which I think are better written
                            1. Sheridan/Dellen (Babylon 5)
                            2. Bones/Booth (Bones)
                            3. Castle/Beckett (Castle)
                            4. Harm/Mac (JAG)
                            5. Kira/Odo (Deep Space Nine)
                            Other ships I like Chuck/Sarah (Chuck), Riker/Troy, Picard/Crusher (ST:TNG).

                            But Sam/Jack remains a favourite, especially because of the huge amount of fics that give me what TPTB couldn't/wouldn't - confirmation.

                            If you could how would you have handled Rick's departure from the show and AT's pregnancy in S9?
                            I would have had Sam on maternity leave and retired Jack maybe in a position as a consultant to the president with regard to Stargate

                            What other ships do you have? And do you think they've been written better than Sam/Jack?
                            Two ships come to mind:

                            - Mike/Fiona (Burn Notice)
                            - Shawn/Jules (Psych)

                            I really wish Sam/Jack could have gotten a proper ending but since they didn't thank goodness for fanfic
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Originally posted by siles View Post

                              If you could how would you have handled Rick's departure from the show and AT's pregnancy in S9?
                              I would have had Sam on maternity leave and retired Jack maybe in a position as a consultant to the president with regard to Stargate
                              that's what i would have done too!!



                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                That's kind of a silly thing to say, and IMO, NO reason at all to dislike the show or is characters.
                                this is the SAM/JACK ship thread, not sanctuary ships or a sanctuary thread. right, rock???


