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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    New vid (warning: very fast-paced clips)
    I absolutely love this vid and the song it. Can someone tell me the name of the song?
    It's my sidearm, I swear!


      Love Carlton Ornament Company! They are the only company that's still makes Stargate ornaments, plus they have the cutest penguin couple ornaments around.


        Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
        Sam and Jack fishing. *sigh*

        Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
        No sorry, no Teal'c. Just a random Jaffa. How I made him? I formed the armour and the helmet out of some sort of clay, it's only the "prototype", though.
        Wow! I'm very impressed.


          Originally posted by Solitude View Post
          I absolutely love this vid and the song it. Can someone tell me the name of the song?
          The name of the song is "Stay" and the artist is Hurts.


            Ah, excellent, thank you
            It's my sidearm, I swear!


              Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
              It's awfully quiet today, anyone here?

              I want a Lego Stargate character! These are great.
              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                Thanks to all of you, but you're giving me to much credit, the Jaffa is only looking good from afar, up close... not so much. Nevertheless here is the next pic.



                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  Wow! You are really talented. Keep 'em coming. They're great!

                  You really need to make a Teal'c though. It's just not SG1 without him.

                  They're super cool but Teal'c is absolutely necessary
                  sig by Mada
                  As a matter of FIC


                    Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                    Thanks to all of you, but you're giving me to much credit, the Jaffa is only looking good from afar, up close... not so much. Nevertheless here is the next pic.

                    He found something!!!


                      Originally posted by trupi View Post
                      Love Carlton Ornament Company! They are the only company that's still makes Stargate ornaments, plus they have the cutest penguin couple ornaments around.
                      That O'neill ornament with the replicators is cool! I saw one a few years ago that was the Stargate and had all four of them standing in front. It also had audio recordings of different sayings from the show, including Jack's "For Crying Out Loud"! I was poor at the time, but I wish I bought it!
                      And Jack and Sam are prominently side-by-side in the front!
                      Last edited by Lucycat; 31 August 2011, 05:25 PM.


                        Ok Campers...this is going to be REALLY LONG because I'm computerless and I have temporarily hijacked the library computer. What would drive me to such a dire act, you may ask? Total and complete Shipper withdrawl...seriously.

                        My 13 year old daughter wanted to come to the library to get on her Facebook and knew she had me when she said "you can get on Gateworld!" LOL

                        The new computer is being built and hopefully to be installed next week! I may have to name her/him after a SG character as many of you have done.

                        I have really hated missing the caption game, and the drabbles and all the pretties, so here is my S/J catch-up on the weeks I have missed:

                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        Just a question - Would you write actual people fic or do you always stick to fictional characters and why?
                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        Back in the day, in the X-Files fandom, actorfic was extremely frowned upon as disrespectful. Just sayin'. Still working on that BtS Campfire. Patience, grasshopper(s).
                        I also agree that it's simply not done (or shouldn't be). It seems to be crossing a line between fiction and reality that should not be crossed. Some things are 'sacred'.

                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        A couple more pretties before I go to bed.
                        Thanks for making one with one of my favorite Sam quotes! Squee...

                        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                        Glad you're ok. We felt the tremors all the way in Michigan. I like the way you think. Sam probably beamed him up to the Hammond during the evacuation, then had to "inspect" him for any injuries. I mean, you never know.
                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        And we all know how thorough Sam is about these things
                        *giggle-snort* mmm...absolutely

                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        Not knowing how bad it was (I'm about 2000 miles away) I can see them both going something like 'that happened'. They've both been through way to much to let stuff like that shake (pun intended) them too much.
                        Yeah -I think there are very few things that would shake the two of them anymore. Too professional.

                        Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                        So I accidently found myself in an anti-shipper thread yesterday after I clicked on the wrong link, and I came across an interesting discussion. Bearing in mind these posts were written as the show was still on air and having regular episodes every week, but a lot of people there were saying that S7 was so shippy it put them off. But these were comments made towards the end of the season, and after Sam had met Pete, which I found most strange. Now I'm not here to flame them or anything, but it mainly made me confused, as I didn't really find that season all that shippy. I know we've done our own little polls for which season is the shippiest, in the past (which we can always revive considering we have lots of new members ) but I just found it such an odd and interesting thing, as from the other perspective the viewpoint is quite different. Yes there were a few shippy moments in that season, but for me S6 was much shippier*. And I'm pretty sure most shippers would find S4 the shippiest!
                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        I think in S7 with the Grace Kiss, the Heroes Hug, and numerous moments in LC, as well as the Sam, , Jack triangle you can say that the ship was much more front and center than usual. I think that's where the impression comes from that S7 is a very shippy season. And it is, just mostly very angsty. For us Shippers, we are used to finding those beautiful subtle moments that others ignore. Allowing us to enjoy the ship even when it's not as obvious to everyone else. Even in S5, which I find to be the least shippy season, I can show you many moments that from my rosey, shippy clad eyes demonstrate that the passion still burns within.
                        Yes -S7 is shippy (note hlndncr's points above).

                        "Grace" was actually the first time I KNEW without a doubt that Sam had feelings for Jack. *holds up hands and requests shippers not to stone me*.

                        The first time I watched the series through, I knew something was going on, and I hoped that there were mutual feelings, but every one of Sam's actions could be interpreted as 'friend', 'comrade', or 'romantic' -because they didn't show her interroagation in D&C, there was no definitive proof that she 'felt feelings' for Jack (well, BtS, but I was still confused because she was not exactly herself). When I watched 'Grace' I could have jumped off the couch and run around the house like a crazy person! I could then go back to every past moment and accept every shippy implication. There was finally proof (to me). If you guys think I'm naive and dense, I may agree with you, but 'Grace' really sealed the deal for me when it comes to the 'ship.

                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        By the way, I had a funny thing happen to me the other day, which I will spoiler because it's looooooooooong:


                        Anyway, we got our two year old out of his crib and took it apart and hid it, then put him in the big boy bed in his room. We had such a problem with him getting out and coming back downstairs that we turned the lock around on the door, which got me in MAJOR trouble on Thursday. I had put him down for a nap in his room and then went about my business. I had the baby monitor on, so I heard when he woke up. I hadn't locked the door, so I kept telling him to just get out, but he didn't, so I went up to his room to get him out of bed. While I was in there, I did a little cleaning while he was playing with his toys, and turned around to look at him just in time to see him turn the lock on the outside of the door and then close it. Now, I had no key (it's one of those little holes in the knob that you can open with a little tiny blade screwdriver or key specially made for the door), no cell phone, and my kids had to be picked up from school in a few hours. And I was locked in this room with no way out! I tried to force the door open, but it didn't work.

                        I looked out the window, but there wasn't anyone there, and it's a second story window, so it's not like I could jump out. Even if I could jump (seventh months pregnant. . .), all the outside doors were locked, anyway. So, I looked around and tried to find something to get me out of the room. I found some playing cards and tried to fit them into the doorframe to slip the closer thingy open, but that didn't work. I found a wicker basket that had wicker about the same size as the door knob hole, so I ripped a piece off and tried to form the end into a blunt screwdriver-like edge, but the wicker wasn't strong enough. I pulled a few steel picture hangers out of the wall and unbent them so that they were flat and straight and could go into the hole, but they were just too big to go in. The nails were too pointy and too short. All the toys in there were baby toys, but I found a baby plastic hammer and a long hard skinny toy and tried to pound the hinges out of the door, but they weren't strong enough, and the door had been painted, so the paint was making it hard to get the hinges out.

                        Finally, I found a plastic hanger that had a secondary hanger on it for pants--the kind that slips over the pointy curved hanger part and rests on the top of the other hanger (does that make any sense?). It had these straight plastic pieces on the top part that I worked free very carefully so that I didn't compromise the shape of the plastic. It took about twenty minutes to half an hour to get it off. Then I chewed on the end of it to blunt the edge and knelt in front of the door to see if it would work.

                        Now, remember that I had to get the kids from school. My mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario in times like these, and so I was thinking that if I didn't get the kids, the first person the school would call would be my best friend. She'd go get them, bring them home, and find that my car was there, but that I wasn't answering the door. I have a history while I'm pregnant of passing out and having hemorrhaging problems, so I imagined that she would think that I was having a health issue, call 911, and the firefighters and police would force the door open to make sure I was okay, only to find that I was stuck upstairs in my kid's room because I'd turned the lock around to lock him into his room at night. Seeing that, they would determine that I was an unfit parent, and then the would call CPS and my kids would be taken away.

                        This is what I'm thinking as I'm kneeling and trying to use a piece of plastic hanger that I've been chewing on to get the door open. So, I'm praying of course, and working on the door, and Josh comes up to me and says, "Hey mom." "Yes, Josh?" And he sticks out his little fist and says, "Fist bump!" I about died. I worked with the plastic hanger piece for about half an hour with no luck until I finally said one more prayer, jammed the plastic piece in, and turned the handle upward with all my strength. It simply clicked open. Success!!

                        Later, I was having a chocolate party at my house (my brother's girlfriend sells Lindt chocolate at home parties), and I told the story, and one of my friends said, "You totally MacGyvered your way out!" I said, "Well, I more thinking Carter on the Prometheus, but I'll take MacGyver." I totally missed all of you, because you would have understood! My friend didn't get me at all!

                        By the way, don't be surprised if that little episode shows up in an S/J fic if I ever find time to write again. . .
                        Since it ended well, I can say: that was the funniest thing I heard all week -I told the hubs the story and he said, before I even got to the end, that it was a 'McGuyver' moment. have to write a fic based on this!!

                        Originally posted by melanell View Post
                        This is OT, but I figured you would understand the story better than those who know me IRL.
                        DS was making me sit through the 2nd Wimpy Kid movie and I was bored silly, until suddenly I noticed Janet! Teryl Rothery had a small part, and that made the whole movie for me.
                        And to be on topic....Janet noticed early on that there was something there between Sam & Jack (100 Days).
                        Who else do you think noticed early on?
                        I'd say Jacob was suspicious that there might be something there when he first met Jack at the ceremony.
                        P.S. I forget how to hide something within a post that is either spoilers or OT. Can someone refresh my memory? Thanks!
                        I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that Teryl was in that movie -now I have to see it.
                        Shippers: Hammond (Entity), Teal'c, Janet, and I think Jacob would have suspected more than he was willing to pry about, and I agree that Daniel could not possibly have been as dense as he seems in regard to the ship.

                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        I especially like this moment in Enigma where Sam is staring at Jack.


                        So I made this:

                        And I was then reminded of this:

                        Wonderful sig (esp. the way the quote matches the pic)! I love the pics -look how they're mirroring again...
                        sig by Ikorni

                        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          yeah but do deleted scenes count as canon?
                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          According to Joseph Mallozzi in one of his blogs ... yes. (He was referring to the deleted scene in Trio that caused such a flap for being deleted.)
                          The way I look at the deleted scenes is: they were written and filmed, which means that someone (actually more than one someone) approved them and checked them against continuity, etc. So to me they are canon, even if they didn't make it to the ep for whatever lame reason (ESPECIALLY the 'Trio' scene).

                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          The picture is from the MGM website. It's taken from Seth. I have also used it here:
                          Ooooo...too bad Sam was gazing at Seth and not Jack in that scene }:-[.
                          Beautiful banner as always!

                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          I wish it would rain here in south Texas. We've had weeks of 100+ temps and dry as a bone. Even a hurricane would be welcome at this point in the drought.
                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          I've been praying for rain for a week or so. Yesterday's high in my town was 115 degrees. Ouch! Thank heaven for my pool! It's the only thing making being 7 months' pregnant in this heat bearable! But I've been through enough hurricanes (three) to tell people that when they advise to evacuate, please DO! Keep safe, shippers!
                          Please tell me you guys have gotten some rain? Wish I could spread the water around a bit more evenly...

                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                          So do you think Jack likes girls or women **proud to be woman**
                          Women -well...a particular WOMAN (and he loves her more with each passing year).

                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          Did anybody else wonder about his choice of Uma Thurman? Tall, blonde? Ring any bells?
                          The man does have a type: Uma, Sara, Sam...

                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                          Do you think they ever went fishing off-world, and by fishing I actually do mean fishing and not 'fish-ing'
                          There's at least one good fic about that -it's Jack's birthday and the team takes him off world to go fishing (can't remember the name...when my computer's back, I'll find it for you, Trin.) Surely they have been...

                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          Working on more art (because I'm addicted and I can't stop), and I need your help.

                          What S/J moments come to mind when you read each of these quotes?

                          1) The strongest evidence of love is sacrifice.

                          2) Thou art to me a delicious torment.
                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          1. Jack offering to sacrifice himself to Anise's experiments in "Divide & Conquer".
                          2. Jack staring at Sam's bare back when she lifts up from the cryogenic chamber in "Out of Mind".

                          1. The look between Sam and Jack at the end of "Beneath the Surface" when he says 'let's go home', and she says 'yes, sir'.
                          2. Sam looking at Jack in the stasis chamber in Antarctica in "Lost City"; Sam looking at Jack's hologram in the briefing room in "Nemesis" as he says he's not getting off Thor's ship.
                          hlndncr - I'm in complete agreement with hedwig.

                          Originally posted by JingleBelle View Post
                          Ooh look! I don't have to be moderated anymore, I'm official! (Though still learning how to do quotes correctly. That last one looked funny.)
                          So exciting -I remember my first unmoded post!! YAY Jinglebelle!

                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                          Great job XFchemist
                          *pouts because she can't watch vid in the library*

                          Originally posted by Solitude View Post
                          lol really? Cool! The Shipsgiving one will be my first Thanksgiving celebration
                          The look between them when he is heading off testing gets me every time too. It was the scene that made me a shipper actually
                          It's my first Shipsgiving, too! I gotta fic something!!

                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          In my world Sam and Jack have been married for years. (Partially because of the CoC issue that was sure to come up again.) And Jack has a picture of Sam in his office. (I don't care what SGU has or rather doesn't have to say about it.)
                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          I think Jack has one of those electronic rotating photo album frames in his office. (Thunks to Mala and Pol for the manips.)
                          ^^ Oh -completely agree (nice thinking there!)

                          Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                          It's awfully quiet today, anyone here?
                          Lilac -thanks for all the wonderful pics you created and shared -they bring a smile to my face every time. I think I've see this structure on a travel show? Is it an abbey you can walk across to at low tide?

                          OK -the family is tugging at me and insisting that 9:30 p.m. means we have to leave the library and 13 yr old has to go to bed. *sigh*. Be back next week if we get that computer. (I didn't even get to write a drabble!!) *walks away sulking*
                          sig by Ikorni

                          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3



                            Don't go.

                            Gosh the thread is quiet

                            Hmmm **sigh**

                            Sam sat at the computer in her lab, trying to work without much success. Every few minutes she would look up and stare at the open door, sigh, then return to not working on the computer. It was the first week since Jack had been transferred to Washington - the first week that she'd not seen him on an almost daily basis - the first week he'd not been by her lab to fiddle with....something - the first week that she had missed him that much, unreasonably so.

                            Without Jack there it was so quiet.

                            Sam raised her head to look at the doorway again.


                            the response was nothing but quiet.

                            Hey! You guys know by now I always respond with fic.
                            sig by Mada
                            As a matter of FIC


                              Speaking of fics....

                              I already recommended this on the fic rec thread, and figured I ought to do the same here. It's a very good story.

                              Here's a really good Sam/Jack adventure story, The focus is on Sam, when she goes off to try to find Jack, who has disappeared offworld, and winds up with pretty much the entire SGC helping her, in spite of the new commanding General of the SGC's orders. Oh, and along the way, she comes across Harry Maybourne, Aris Boch, and Ba'al, two of whom have to experience the wrath of Samantha Carter.

                              The Quest by Jackie W.


                                I'm here. Just lurking and reading. Should be writing but I'm not.
                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

