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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I come bearing gifts. Well, one gift. I finally finished my Valenship fic. Almost two weeks late, but better late than never. (At least, I hope you think so after you've read it.)

    The Perfect Accessory


      Originally posted by jabeye View Post
      *Newbie peeking her head out for the first time*

      Hi all! I've been lurking around for a while and thought it was time to say hello and join in the Sam/Jack love!

      I'm a relatively recent convert to the show (My husband & I bought Season 1 with a gift voucher at the start of 2010, just to see what we thought ... A week later we went out and bought Seasons 2 through 10!), and I've been a sucker for Sam & Jack since ... Well I can't remember, but it was early enough in the show that I can't remember NOT wanting them to be together! At the time I had no idea there was such a huge community of shippers out there that were just like me! Yay!

      The last time a ship hit me this hard was Mulder/Scully, so it's like I'm regaining my youth or something here, hehe! I've been known to knock out a fic or two from time to time, but time & inspiration are my constant enemies, so I keep plodding along ... Hopefully joining in the fun here will help with the inspiration part!

      Anyway, nice to meet you all, I look forward to joining the fun!
      Hey, welcome to the thread.
      And nice to meet you, too!


        Welcome jabeye!!!

        New shippers are always gratefully received here.

        And a little present for delurking:

        Love at first sight?
        Well for us shippers, absolutely!!!
        How could we not fall in love with and and ?


          Welcome Jabeye!

          I love that scene from CotG - Sam had so much spunk then! Though I've just been rewatching some of Atlantis S4 recently and it's so interesting to see how much she's changed over the years. And in such a fantastic way. And Jack too. I think RDA looks considerably more yummy in the later seasons


            Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
            Welcome Jabeye!

            I love that scene from CotG - Sam had so much spunk then! Though I've just been rewatching some of Atlantis S4 recently and it's so interesting to see how much she's changed over the years. And in such a fantastic way. And Jack too. I think RDA looks considerably more yummy in the later seasons
            Oh you are so right! The grey really suits him.


              Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
              Welcome Jabeye!

              I love that scene from CotG - Sam had so much spunk then! Though I've just been rewatching some of Atlantis S4 recently and it's so interesting to see how much she's changed over the years. And in such a fantastic way. And Jack too. I think RDA looks considerably more yummy in the later seasons
              Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
              Oh you are so right! The grey really suits him.

              No words necessary.


                I was watching Redemption part 2 last night (at 1am on SyFy because I couldn't bloody sleep) and noticed that RDA was limping through the whole episode. Had he just had surgery or do I not remember Jack having been injured prior to that episode?
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Mmm, thanks for the welcome! I knew there was a reason to de-lurk! You won't believe this but I actually haven't watched CotG since my very first viewing I REALLY need to do something about that as soon as our DVDs arrive! We just moved from Australia to New York, and I've been without my SG1 DVDs since the end of December! S/J withdrawal is setting in badly ... !!


                    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                    I was watching Redemption part 2 last night (at 1am on SyFy because I couldn't bloody sleep) and noticed that RDA was limping through the whole episode. Had he just had surgery or do I not remember Jack having been injured prior to that episode?
                    I don't know if RDA was experiencing actual knee problems at the time, but at the beginning of Redemption 1 Jack hurts his knee running from angry natives because of a mistranslation by the latest Daniel replacement.


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      No words necessary.



                        Originally posted by jabeye View Post
                        Mmm, thanks for the welcome! I knew there was a reason to de-lurk! You won't believe this but I actually haven't watched CotG since my very first viewing I REALLY need to do something about that as soon as our DVDs arrive! We just moved from Australia to New York, and I've been without my SG1 DVDs since the end of December! S/J withdrawal is setting in badly ... !!
                        Well SG1 is available on Netflix, and it's back up on Hulu; so now that you're in the States you have that option too.


                          Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post

                          Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                          - R.E.M.


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            I don't know if RDA was experiencing actual knee problems at the time, but at the beginning of Redemption 1 Jack hurts his knee running from angry natives because of a mistranslation by the latest Daniel replacement.
                            I was reasonably sure someone mentioned this here before, so I checked it out. He apparently had knee surgery around this time. The official explanation in the series was a partially torn ligament in the right knee during the mission to P2X-374.


                              Originally posted by jabeye View Post
                              Mmm, thanks for the welcome! I knew there was a reason to de-lurk! You won't believe this but I actually haven't watched CotG since my very first viewing I REALLY need to do something about that as soon as our DVDs arrive! We just moved from Australia to New York, and I've been without my SG1 DVDs since the end of December! S/J withdrawal is setting in badly ... !!
                              Make sure you get the re-cut COTG as well. And welcome!
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by jabeye View Post
                                *Newbie peeking her head out for the first time*

                                Hi all! I've been lurking around for a while and thought it was time to say hello and join in the Sam/Jack love!

                                I'm a relatively recent convert to the show (My husband & I bought Season 1 with a gift voucher at the start of 2010, just to see what we thought ... A week later we went out and bought Seasons 2 through 10!), and I've been a sucker for Sam & Jack since ... Well I can't remember, but it was early enough in the show that I can't remember NOT wanting them to be together! At the time I had no idea there was such a huge community of shippers out there that were just like me! Yay!

                                The last time a ship hit me this hard was Mulder/Scully, so it's like I'm regaining my youth or something here, hehe! I've been known to knock out a fic or two from time to time, but time & inspiration are my constant enemies, so I keep plodding along ... Hopefully joining in the fun here will help with the inspiration part!

                                Anyway, nice to meet you all, I look forward to joining the fun!

                                I hope you get to do a rewatch soon

                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                Well SG1 is available on Netflix, and it's back up on Hulu; so now that you're in the States you have that option too.
                                It's back up on Hulu? Yes!!!
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

