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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    She doesn't change her story and didn't this time at all. She just wasn't asked about it so it never really came up. I guess all the shippers there (and there was quite a lot I know) didn't feel the need to ask her about it. Perhaps they were all satisfed with the current state of play with reagrds to their relationship, or perhaps they just didn't want to ask for fear of seeming overly obsessed by it. Face it, she hasn't played Sam for over 3 years now and has well and truely moved on to other things so it's a bit churlish to be disapointed that it wasn't #1 hot topic of the weekend.
    first, thank you for contributing to the discussion.

    second... are you calling me churlish? (had to look that up, btw )

    i didn't expect it to be number one (or two either) discussion at the con, it's just the only thing i'm really interested in anymore. it's my comfort zone, my love, my squee.

    now i'm preaching to the choir!



      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      One of the reason I'm not particularly interested in these events is that I really don't care for Sanctuary. I'm glad AT is having good success, but I don't care what she has to say about that show. I'm also glad her charities are doing well and she's excited about them. I have my own charities and enjoy the work I do too.

      Well I'm not particularly satisfied with the way things stand right now. I mean, I'm convinced their married and I don't plan on letting anything destroy my lovely illusions, but I would still very much like absolute, on-screen confirmation. That being said, I realize I won't get that out of any convention Q&A.

      And I haven't moved on! In fact I just got here last year; so I figure I'm entitled to be obsessed. Isn't that the point of this thread? Here Sam and Jack are the number one topic of discussion. So call me churlish if you like, but I just don't care what else happened over the weekend. (But I'm glad everyone had a nice time. )
      well, that's me right there.




        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        One of the reason I'm not particularly interested in these events is that I really don't care for Sanctuary. I'm glad AT is having good success, but I don't care what she has to say about that show. I'm also glad her charities are doing well and she's excited about them. I have my own charities and enjoy the work I do too.

        Well I'm not particularly satisfied with the way things stand right now. I mean, I'm convinced they're married and I don't plan on letting anything destroy my lovely illusions, but I would still very much like absolute, on-screen confirmation. That being said, I realize I won't get that out of any convention Q&A.

        And I haven't moved on! In fact I just got here last year; so I figure I'm entitled to be obsessed. Isn't that the point of this thread? Here Sam and Jack are the number one topic of discussion. So call me churlish if you like, but I just don't care what else happened over the weekend. (But I'm glad everyone had a nice time. )
        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        first, thank you for contributing to the discussion.

        second... are you calling me churlish? (had to look that up, btw )

        i didn't expect it to be number one (or two either) discussion at the con, it's just the only thing i'm really interested in anymore. it's my comfort zone, my love, my squee.

        now i'm preaching to the choir!
        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        well, that's me right there.

        Me too, Sally! (((hlndncr)))(((majorsal))) Totally agree with both of you! Nicely put.


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
          I was also at AT5, and during the auction Amanda kept smelling a black t-shirt that had been worn by RDA.
          You know I was so completely gobsmacked by the whole aution thing that I forgot all about the RDA tee shirt! It was signed by him and yes, she did sniff if a lot didn't she! I would too; rather sniff the man himself though.

          Oh there was also the black poloneck that Sam wore in Nemesis up in the auction. I guess that's shippy manna in this ship desert in which we live these days. There was a mention that it came from an episode with a certain fishing invite.

          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Well I'm not particularly satisfied with the way things stand right now. I mean, I'm convinced their married and I don't plan on letting anything destroy my lovely illusions, but I would still very much like absolute, on-screen confirmation. That being said, I realize I won't get that out of any convention Q&A.

          And I haven't moved on! In fact I just got here last year; so I figure I'm entitled to be obsessed. Isn't that the point of this thread? Here Sam and Jack are the number one topic of discussion. So call me churlish if you like, but I just don't care what else happened over the weekend. (But I'm glad everyone had a nice time. )

          I wasn't calling you churlish. I was just saying... oh go back read it, can't be bothered to explain again.

          Someone asked if there was anything shippy at AT5. I figured, having been there, I'd answer. Sorry that wasn't the answer some of you wanted. I probably should have known better really.
          I'm just a bit frustrated by the way that nothing will ever be good enough for some. I reckon movie #3 could consist of the three hour wedding ceremony, plus the consummation on the wedding night and there'll be those who reckon that's not enough. I guess I find that frustrating and I forget that old perception is reality thing. I mean, to me, to be disapointed nothing more was said is churlish... that's my perception. *shrugs* I know, how crazy of me, huh!
          Then again, I'm probably not obsessed enough, which is probably why I so rarely even read in here these days, let alone participate in the discussions. I used to enjoy them but, truth is, I just don't have the emotional energy to keep getting wound up over a fictional couple. It's not the thread it was when I joined.

          And on that note... there was an appropriate quote from Amanda about fish during AT5...


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            I wasn't calling you churlish. I was just saying... oh go back read it, can't be bothered to explain again.

            Someone asked if there was anything shippy at AT5. I figured, having been there, I'd answer. Sorry that wasn't the answer some of you wanted. I probably should have known better really.
            I'm just a bit frustrated by the way that nothing will ever be good enough for some. I reckon movie #3 could consist of the three hour wedding ceremony, plus the consummation on the wedding night and there'll be those who reckon that's not enough. I guess I find that frustrating and I forget that old perception is reality thing. I mean, to me, to be disapointed nothing more was said is churlish... that's my perception. *shrugs* I know, how crazy of me, huh!
            Then again, I'm probably not obsessed enough, which is probably why I so rarely even read in here these days, let alone participate in the discussions. I used to enjoy them but, truth is, I just don't have the emotional energy to keep getting wound up over a fictional couple. It's not the thread it was when I joined.

            And on that note... there was an appropriate quote from Amanda about fish during AT5...
            My response was at least partly facetious. And I know there are many shippers who have moved on. I, on the other hand, didn't have the luxury of being a part of fandom when it was all new and exciting. But it is all still new to me. That's why I'm here. I'm still excited about it and interested, and there are other newbies here too. So bare with us if we aren't as jaded, or mature, or worn out, or bored or whatever over Sam/Jack as those who have been around for a long time.

            And I certainly can't speak to what the thread was like "in the good old days," but I find it hard to believe that it didn't consist of people "getting wound up over a fictional couple." I thought that's what the thread was for. Nothing in life stays the same, but it sounds like what's changed is your view of Sam and Jack. It's not as important to you, which is fine. Glad you still stop by and visit. I would love to see more of the old shippers back for a visit. I'll be here, holding down the fort.

            As to what would be enough, I think most shippers would be very pleased with a real, honest to goodness kiss and at least some acknowledgment that Sam and Jack are in actual fact a couple. That's all I need. Would I like more? Sure! That's why I write and read fanfic, make art, watch videos, etc. I want more Sam and Jack! That's definitely abnormal in the real world, but perfectly logical and really rather expected here.

            "It's not about the fish, it's about fishing."


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

              As to what would be enough, I think most shippers would be very pleased with a real, honest to goodness kiss and at least some acknowledgment that Sam and Jack are in actual fact a couple. That's all I need. Would I like more? Sure! That's why I write and read fanfic, make art, watch videos, etc. I want more Sam and Jack! That's definitely abnormal in the real world, but perfectly logical and really rather expected here.

              "It's not about the fish, it's about fishing."
              the bolded: YES!!!

              i think we're basically pretty easy to please. so please please us!!



                I'm still here. I may not post as much but I still read all the posts because I'm still interested in Sam and Jack.

                I, too, want to see some sort of confirmation, especially if it involves a great big honkin' kiss!


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  the bolded: YES!!!

                  i think we're basically pretty easy to please. so please please us!!
                  There is a little trick that I have in my little Sam/Jack romance world. It is called Fanfic. I'm new to SG1, up through season 6 now, and also have found S/J fic. So many stories of romance, angst, hurt/comfort...... Now there is a new canon in my mind as all these adventures add to the characters. I especially love the stories of them in established relationships.... and also the tags to episodes. And also a nice romantic video helps too.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                    I'm still here. I may not post as much but I still read all the posts because I'm still interested in Sam and Jack.

                    I, too, want to see some sort of confirmation, especially if it involves a great big honkin' kiss!
                    what better confirmation than sam and jack snogging each other silly?

                    ~take the 'grace' kiss. must have face touching, open mouths, tongues dueling... what was a talking about again? ~



                      Originally posted by ladydeadlock View Post
                      I completely agree with everything you said. The clues are overwhelming and I squeed at every single one of them! The "not exactly" for some reason, made me absolutely bonkers with happiness. I say for some reason because it happened (and I may have fainted) even though it was such a short moment
                      Isn't it crazy how two little words can just make you swoon?

                      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                      I'd be satisfied with him playing an old lover
                      You know, I think AT mentioned something about that at a convention. Someone had asked about having RDA as a guest star, and she replied by saying it would be nice if he could play an old lover. Wish I could provide the link, but it would take me a while to find it.

                      Originally posted by pointoforigin View Post
                      hey, how is everybody doing? try to catch up what I missed lately. RL sucks and gives me a big headache - or is it the really crappy weather? well probably both.
                      need some distraction:

                      ahhh yea that helps
                      thx's guys for all the fanfic and vid recs!

                      Sorry that RL is giving you a headache.... I usually like to come here when I need a pick-me-up

                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I was at AT5.

                      To be honest, no. There were clearly SJ shippers there and there were a few sort of allusions to it but no outright questions. Most of the questions were either Sanctuary related or about her charities.

                      As I say, I was there and yes, that would be my interpretation too.

                      She doesn't change her story and didn't this time at all. She just wasn't asked about it so it never really came up. I guess all the shippers there (and there was quite a lot I know) didn't feel the need to ask her about it. Perhaps they were all satisfed with the current state of play with reagrds to their relationship, or perhaps they just didn't want to ask for fear of seeming overly obsessed by it. Face it, she hasn't played Sam for over 3 years now and has well and truely moved on to other things so it's a bit churlish to be disapointed that it wasn't #1 hot topic of the weekend.

                      FWIW, there was one moment when AT did a little skit with one of the Gabit staff (Tracy). The brief was John and Jack stuck in an elevator and the conversation turns to women... AT played Jack and made it pretty clear she thinks Jack's in a relationship with Sam... although she played with it a little. It was funny as hell!
                      I got the impression she just thinks it's a done deal and there's nothing more to discuss - even if she did say she'd like to do more research on who is the better kisser (John or Jack)
                      Apart from that and the usual odd shippy things... nope, nothing really shippy came out of it. One good thing that did come out was that she wants to get other Stargate actords guesting on Sanctuary, in particular Teryl Rothery, which made the whoel room cheer.
                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                      I was also at AT5, and during the auction Amanda kept smelling a black t-shirt that had been worn by RDA.
                      You guys are so lucky! Wish I could go to something like that. Can't see that happening, as these kinds of conventions don't usually happen where I live. Oh, and the t-shirt bit... wish I could have seen that!

                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I'll be here, holding down the fort.

                      As to what would be enough, I think most shippers would be very pleased with a real, honest to goodness kiss and at least some acknowledgment that Sam and Jack are in actual fact a couple. That's all I need. Would I like more? Sure! That's why I write and read fanfic, make art, watch videos, etc. I want more Sam and Jack! That's definitely abnormal in the real world, but perfectly logical and really rather expected here.
                      I'll be here right with you.

                      Bolded part -- shipping aside, just being part of a TV forum (any TV forum, regardless if they're shippy or not) would be pretty much considered to be abnormal in the real world. And, if it's a forum for a science fiction show, well you can pretty well imagine what "normal" people would think about that. Luckily, I can indulge in my Sam/Jack hobby here with like-minded people and not feel judged.

                      Originally posted by Steff View Post
                      There is a little trick that I have in my little Sam/Jack romance world. It is called Fanfic. I'm new to SG1, up through season 6 now, and also have found S/J fic. So many stories of romance, angst, hurt/comfort...... Now there is a new canon in my mind as all these adventures add to the characters. I especially love the stories of them in established relationships.... and also the tags to episodes. And also a nice romantic video helps too.
                      I love fanfic, too. I love the insight into the characters and their relationships that some writers provide. They have helped to form my own perceptions about the characters and relationships. And, some stories are so intelligently written by amateur writers, that it really blows my mind at the talent out there.

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      what better confirmation than sam and jack snogging each other silly?

                      ~take the 'grace' kiss. must have face touching, open mouths, tongues dueling... what was a talking about again? ~
                      How about.... Sam and Jack snogging each other silly while wearing wedding rings?
                      That should put to rest any doubts about their relationship, once and for all


                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        I'd be satisfied with him playing an old lover
                        Maybe not "old lover" ... how about, a long lost lover? He was thought dead, and when he shows up alive, they must re-connect in every possible way


                          Originally posted by IggyMing View Post

                          How about.... Sam and Jack snogging each other silly while wearing wedding rings?
                          That should put to rest any doubts about their relationship, once and for all

                          i think i could live with that. [/understatement]




                            Thanks to those who posted the recent videos, they were great!

                            Back a few pages to the quote where AT said Jack/Sam kisses being too restrained?? Perhaps it's been too long since Amanda played Sam, she definitely needs to be reacquainted with RDA's lips... preferable on camera

                            Honestly, the only Sam/Jack kiss that seemed restrained was the one in POV, where our Jack was clearly uncomfortable kissing AU Sam. The Broca divide kiss was primal, the WOO kiss was romantic, the Grace kiss was smoking hot, and the kiss in Mobius was full of sparks!


                              Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                              How about.... Sam and Jack snogging each other silly while wearing wedding rings?
                              That should put to rest any doubts about their relationship, once and for all
                              Oh I could definetly live with that

                              Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                              Maybe not "old lover" ... how about, a long lost lover? He was thought dead, and when he shows up alive, they must re-connect in every possible way
                              That would be great
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                One lives in hope...

