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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
    Hey, is it pathetic or what? I watched this like a hundred times and it still puts a smile on my face:

    And again something funny to start the day, if it's been posted before, just ignore it. If not have fun:

    And since we are talking about proof:

    They put a smile on my face, too! Thanks for getting my morning off to a good start. Now, I really have to get back to work....


      Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
      Thanks for sharing this one, too. Interesting that RDA was invited on Sanctuary, but couldn't do it at the time. I hope he holds out for a juicier part than playing Helen's "old assistant"!

      I wouldn't worry too much about it. AT doesn't spend as much time as we do in analyzing and re-watching the show, so I don't think she really thinks too much about whether Sam and Jack are together or not. Whereas, we shippers are, in some respects, better versed at the relationship, and can cite, at the drop of a hat, all of the clues that the writers/producers have dropped since "Threads" indicating that they are, indeed, together. The most important thing is the intent of the writers/producers, and I do believe the intent is for Sam and Jack to be together post-"Threads". Just think about all of the clues, and you'll feel better (I'll start you off.... "Not exactly".)

      Well, that's it for me tonight.... good night, everyone!
      I completely agree with everything you said. The clues are overwhelming and I squeed at every single one of them! The "not exactly" for some reason, made me absolutely bonkers with happiness. I say for some reason because it happened (and I may have fainted) even though it was such a short moment
      Last edited by ladydeadlock; 16 February 2011, 11:30 AM. Reason: spelling errors
      by Sapphire_Jade


        Thanks for sharing this one, too. Interesting that RDA was invited on Sanctuary, but couldn't do it at the time. I hope he holds out for a juicier part than playing Helen's "old assistant"!
        I'd be satisfied with him playing an old lover
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          by Sapphire_Jade


            hey, how is everybody doing? try to catch up what I missed lately. RL sucks and gives me a big headache - or is it the really crappy weather? well probably both.
            need some distraction:

            ahhh yea that helps
            thx's guys for all the fanfic and vid recs!

            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            Thanks for the link yessika. It's fun reading about the event and getting different points of view on what was said.

            Personally, I take AT's comment to be refering to Sam and Jack during the main run of the show; so they couldn't be together but also couldn't live without one another. That thought doesn't depress me at all. It goes back to the chemistry AT and RDA had because watching them together I can really believe that Sam and Jack are two people who are connected in a deep and abiding way that doesn't necessarily rely on any physical demonstration (not that I wouldn't enjoy some tangible, demonstrative proof ).
            I agree with you on this. Wasn't there a DVD commentary of an SGA episode were she and Martin Wood admitted that Sam has a boyfriend - the almost retired general
            I think it was in Jenn's site somewhere:


              I got control of my controls!! do I upload an avatar? Aaaand I need a dreamy looking siggy of the Grace kiss...any takers?
              by Sapphire_Jade


                Originally posted by ladydeadlock View Post
                I got control of my controls!! do I upload an avatar? Aaaand I need a dreamy looking siggy of the Grace kiss...any takers?

                Go to "My Controls" and you'll see a menu to the left called "My Settings" Click on "Edit Avatar" and you'll see your options there.

                As for a sig, I made a bunch of new ones, but I'm waiting for Valenship to reveal them. After that, you are welcome to snurch one if you'd like.

                Or you can go over to the Sam/Jack Art Thread and put in a request.


                  Aaaahhh thank you! It'll take me a while to know where to go for things so I appreciate the linky, and I'll definately check your sigs out when they become available
                  by Sapphire_Jade


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i'm waiting to hear if anyone asked amanda an s/j question on whether they're together, or if we'll see proof if they're together in the 3rd movie.

                    i know she's asked s/j all the time, but we also get diff answers all the time too.
                    I was at AT5.

                    To be honest, no. There were clearly SJ shippers there and there were a few sort of allusions to it but no outright questions. Most of the questions were either Sanctuary related or about her charities.

                    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                    Though I get what you're saying, I think what AT was talking about goes beyond kissing. Sam and Jack have always been reserved when it comes to their relationship, whereas Helen and John were free to pursue each other for a long time. I think that AT, a woman whose aware of the backstories surrounding both couples, could have been talking about what their relationships are like in general, not just what we see on screen.

                    Just speculation of course.
                    As I say, I was there and yes, that would be my interpretation too.

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    yeah, interesting and depressing :/

                    i'm talking about sam/jack.

                    why does amanda keep changing the story on this? she used to think they were together!
                    She doesn't change her story and didn't this time at all. She just wasn't asked about it so it never really came up. I guess all the shippers there (and there was quite a lot I know) didn't feel the need to ask her about it. Perhaps they were all satisfed with the current state of play with reagrds to their relationship, or perhaps they just didn't want to ask for fear of seeming overly obsessed by it. Face it, she hasn't played Sam for over 3 years now and has well and truely moved on to other things so it's a bit churlish to be disapointed that it wasn't #1 hot topic of the weekend.

                    FWIW, there was one moment when AT did a little skit with one of the Gabit staff (Tracy). The brief was John and Jack stuck in an elevator and the conversation turns to women... AT played Jack and made it pretty clear she thinks Jack's in a relationship with Sam... although she played with it a little. It was funny as hell!
                    I got the impression she just thinks it's a done deal and there's nothing more to discuss - even if she did say she'd like to do more research on who is the better kisser (John or Jack)
                    Apart from that and the usual odd shippy things... nope, nothing really shippy came out of it. One good thing that did come out was that she wants to get other Stargate actords guesting on Sanctuary, in particular Teryl Rothery, which made the whoel room cheer.


                      I was also at AT5, and during the auction Amanda kept smelling a black t-shirt that had been worn by RDA.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        I was also at AT5, and during the auction Amanda kept smelling a black t-shirt that had been worn by RDA.
                        Ok. Now that comment just needs a little more context behind it.

                        Was this something up for auction or did she steal his clothing at some point or... see... context! LOL!
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                          Ok. Now that comment just needs a little more context behind it.

                          Was this something up for auction or did she steal his clothing at some point or... see... context! LOL!
                          Yes, it was up for auction. She kept lifting it up to her nose for a good sniff.


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                            Yes, it was up for auction. She kept lifting it up to her nose for a good sniff.
                            I'd TOTALLY do the same thing. MMMMMMmmm.
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              I'd TOTALLY do the same thing. MMMMMMmmm.
                              I'm not sure I would.

                              I'd rather stick my nose in his neck during one of those yummy, full body hugs.

                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                              Yes, it was up for auction. She kept lifting it up to her nose for a good sniff.
                              Tell me someone got photos of that....
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                I was at AT5.
                                To be honest, no. There were clearly SJ shippers there and there were a few sort of allusions to it but no outright questions. Most of the questions were either Sanctuary related or about her charities.
                                One of the reason I'm not particularly interested in these events is that I really don't care for Sanctuary. I'm glad AT is having good success, but I don't care what she has to say about that show. I'm also glad her charities are doing well and she's excited about them. I have my own charities and enjoy the work I do too.

                                She doesn't change her story and didn't this time at all. She just wasn't asked about it so it never really came up. I guess all the shippers there (and there was quite a lot I know) didn't feel the need to ask her about it. Perhaps they were all satisfed with the current state of play with reagrds to their relationship, or perhaps they just didn't want to ask for fear of seeming overly obsessed by it. Face it, she hasn't played Sam for over 3 years now and has well and truely moved on to other things so it's a bit churlish to be disapointed that it wasn't #1 hot topic of the weekend.
                                Well I'm not particularly satisfied with the way things stand right now. I mean, I'm convinced they're married and I don't plan on letting anything destroy my lovely illusions, but I would still very much like absolute, on-screen confirmation. That being said, I realize I won't get that out of any convention Q&A.

                                And I haven't moved on! In fact I just got here last year; so I figure I'm entitled to be obsessed. Isn't that the point of this thread? Here Sam and Jack are the number one topic of discussion. So call me churlish if you like, but I just don't care what else happened over the weekend. (But I'm glad everyone had a nice time. )
                                Last edited by hlndncr; 16 February 2011, 02:44 PM.

