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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Okay! When may we expect this masterpiece? I would LOVE to read it!

    I totally enjoy the fanfics that put SG1 in these kinds of stories. There's one for the Princess Bride, another for Pirates of the Caribbean, and a western of some sort. And then there's that wonderful one based on Jane Austen stories.
    Of course, I love Pirates, but I'm a child of the 80s, and must admit an affinity for "The Pirate Movie" with Kevin Kline as the Pirate King. That show was so much fun!

    There's a whole thread of fanfic on FF . net about Stargate stories mimicking the Wizard of Oz. (I thought I was being clever when I wrote mine. **sigh**) Anyhow, I wonder if anyone has done a compilation of these mashups?

    And can I say that I thought it was great in 200 when Vala was Dorothy and Sam was Glinda? I was so expecting Sam to be Dorothy. Great twist.

    And to try to shove myself back on topic--this man and this woman love each other very very very much.
    My Stories: FFdotNet
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    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      I had the same experience the first time I saw "Cats". The woman singing Grizabella was this little tiny thing, and when it came to the part in "Memory" when the music crescendos and she sings "Touch me! It's so easy to leave me!" I felt my entire body being propelled backwards into the seat. I couldn't breathe until the end of the song. It was amazing--simply beautiful!

      Of course (and I do like me some sad in Broadway type musicals), that was nothing compared to the goose pimply runny nosed bawling I did during "Bui Doi" in "Miss Saigon". It's a men's chorus, and John sings standing at a podium with pictures of real Vietnamese/American children in prison camps flashing on a huge screen behind him. It's chilling. And the final song--"This is the Hour"--well--I'm just sitting here right now with chills running down my spine. It's just heart-wrenching. Walking out (I saw it at Kennedy Center in DC), I did not see a single person who wasn't crying. That kind of emotion from a play is special.

      I can Sam enjoying the theater more than Jack. But Jack would go because he wants to be with Sam. And deep-deep-deep-deep down inside, he's a very thoughtful and provocative man who thinks about things. Not that he'd ever let that on to people he didn't know.
      I saw Miss Siagon a few years ago and it was amazing... but I have admit that I think the material is too heavy and close-to-home for Jack to want to take Sam to see... I'd think he'd want to take her to see something that would cheer her up (and put her in the mood?) rather than bring her down (imo)!


        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        I saw Miss Siagon a few years ago and it was amazing... but I have admit that I think the material is too heavy and close-to-home for Jack to want to take Sam to see... I'd think he'd want to take her to see something that would cheer her up (and put her in the mood?) rather than bring her down (imo)!
        he'd probably be like my husband, who fell asleep during Saigon.

        Lion King, now. That's a show I can see Jack liking. Although there aren't any dogs in it. . . unless you count Jackals. . .
        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

          I dunno. I think they might be as peeved about
          the ending as I was. I LOVED the book. I enjoyed the Broadway show quite a lot, but the way they disney-fied the ending really annoyed me.
          Well, unless they read the book, they wouldn't know... I think the play is a fine entity separate from the book! I feel the way about the Harry Potter books vs. movies... I try not to think about everything that is different and just enjoy both on different levels.

          How funny, I was the opposite! I saw the play first, then read the book. I kept wondering when Scarecrow was coming back!


            I wrote a Stargate Wizard Of Oz mash up once good fun! (helped by the fact that I know it BACKWARDS! It helps when you have a penchant for being cast as Dorothy, hehehe)

            I think Jack would take Sam to see Spamalot, you know - with his liking of Monty Python and all ("sit on my face ....") He'd laugh, Sam would laugh at him, if Daniel were there, he'd mention how inaccurately they played out the story of King Arthur and Teal'c would...hmmm, who knows what Teal'c would do...

            (and I would have liked the book ending to have been in the musical Wicked too )


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              he'd probably be like my husband, who fell asleep during Saigon.

              Lion King, now. That's a show I can see Jack liking. Although there aren't any dogs in it. . . unless you count Jackals. . .
              Since you're talking about dogs...and Disney...what about 101 dalmations then?

              Anyway...that reminds me, what would be a movie that S/J's kid would watch if they would get a kid...other than the Wizard of Oz and the Simpsons...


                btw, Akam... great ficlet! Love the scenes of domestic bliss!


                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  I wrote a Stargate Wizard Of Oz mash up once good fun! (helped by the fact that I know it BACKWARDS! It helps when you have a penchant for being cast as Dorothy, hehehe)
                  Is it on


                    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                    Totally! It would have to be Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, though they no longer do Wicked. I love that musical, I've never seen it, however. But I do love the soundtrack. I think they would definitely see it!
                    And, not to forget, Joel Grey was Oz. It was an excellent show, I was very lucky to have had the opportunity to see it with the original cast.

                    + =


                      Really quick, while we're on the subject of musicals and such!


                      I LOVE Wicked. I've literally seen it about a dozen times! Glorious. My life was changed, I think, the first time I saw "Defying Gravity" on Broadway. Woah. I saw the show before I read the book. I was glad I was warned that they are very different. I can easily keep them as completely separate in my mind. I wouldn't mind a version of the musical that follows the weird, dark nature of the book, but I'm really glad they made the original "Wicked" the way they did!

                      Avenue Q:

                      I saw Avenue Q before seeing Stargate's "200" Now I always think of the other, when I watch them. Ooooh puppets... heh. If only 200 could have have been a musical ep, as well! Never did get that in SG...

                      Was going to write some Helen/John fic last night. Instead, I read Sam/Jack till 2am... woopsies!
                      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Okay! When may we expect this masterpiece? I would LOVE to read it!

                        I totally enjoy the fanfics that put SG1 in these kinds of stories. There's one for the Princess Bride, another for Pirates of the Caribbean, and a western of some sort. And then there's that wonderful one based on Jane Austen stories.
                        I've read the western (by a.loquita, I believe) and the Austen one (don't remember the author)... they were both awesome fics!


                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          I wrote a Stargate Wizard Of Oz mash up once good fun! (helped by the fact that I know it BACKWARDS! It helps when you have a penchant for being cast as Dorothy, hehehe)

                          I think Jack would take Sam to see Spamalot, you know - with his liking of Monty Python and all ("sit on my face ....") He'd laugh, Sam would laugh at him, if Daniel were there, he'd mention how inaccurately they played out the story of King Arthur and Teal'c would...hmmm, who knows what Teal'c would do... )
                          I forgot about Spamalot! That play was hilarious!


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            Since you're talking about dogs...and Disney...what about 101 dalmations then?

                            Anyway...that reminds me, what would be a movie that S/J's kid would watch if they would get a kid...other than the Wizard of Oz and the Simpsons...
                            There was a cute fic that had their daughter enjoying Chitty Chitty Bang Bang because the lead was an inventor of wacky gadgets... which was a something the daughter did herself! It was by Eve8, I think, that had their daughter, Jordon, who was mechanical-minded and very similar to Sam... anyway, I thought that was appropriate!


                              Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                              I've read the western (by a.loquita, I believe) and the Austen one (don't remember the author)... they were both awesome fics!
                              Me too!
                              Linky time!

                              Jane Austen fanfic: A Maneuvering Business

                              Western fanfic: Cast Your Fate to the Wind by A.Loquita there is also, afterwards, another one shot, but it's M rated so I can't link towards it.


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                There's a whole thread of fanfic on FF . net about Stargate stories mimicking the Wizard of Oz. (I thought I was being clever when I wrote mine. **sigh**) Anyhow, I wonder if anyone has done a compilation of these mashups?

                                And can I say that I thought it was great in 200 when Vala was Dorothy and Sam was Glinda? I was so expecting Sam to be Dorothy. Great twist.

                                And to try to shove myself back on topic--this man and this woman love each other very very very much.
                                I LOVED your Wizard of Mazd story!! And I think Vala was Dorothy in 200 because she was pitching the idea to Martin, so of course, she'd be the star!

