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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ST-1
    By popular request (and because I had already written it anyway ), here is the finale to my most recent run of shipfics: Aftermath, sequel to Focal Point and All The Way, both of which you can find by clicking the link in my siggie.

    Please R&R, and enjoy!
    thanks for writing the ship fic. i'm enjoying this series.


      Marion, it's so cool that you got to meet Carolina! I really think we need to have a Ship Family Convention. How about Opryland Hotel, Nashville?


        Originally posted by majorsal
        i need to vent, so please bear with me. this vent talks about chimera.

        i just got the new illustrated companion book for seasons 7 and 8, and of course, i go and read the ship related and controversial eps first. and i started with chimera.

        i won't give you details, other than amanda went on and on and on and on about how wonderful it was to film the makeout-against-the-wall scene with pete/david. by the time i was done, i wanted to cry.

        shippers, don't buy this book. save yourselves the heartbreak.

        and i can't believe i'm about to say this, and i know i'm going to be slammed by my sam friends on the sam thread, but... shame on you, amanda. if you were reading this... i'm really going to have to leave now, because i want to cry.

        Sal...I feel ya...but keep in mind that Amanda is an actress. She wants whatever she thinks will be an interesting development for her character.

        She's been playing Samantha Carter for a long time...and as an actress, she appreciates any storyline that means her character will experience change or growth because that's what continues to make playing her interesting.

        As far as what she said about Sam and Jack, she started her comment by saying that she doesn't really have an answer on the Sam/Jack topic. She then went on to suggest that perhaps they're better off as just friends...but she's vascilated on this topic for years now...and frankly I think she's a little tired of it. And do you blame her? You spend years developing a rich, complex character, you go so far as to even BLOW UP A SUN, for crying out loud...and all people ever ask is "What about Sam and Jack???"

        Also remember she's the first to point out the shippy moments in commentaries too...I just relistened to Lost City commentaries and she was positively giddy when they were watching Sam call Jack by his first name...Amanda: "She called him Jack!!! That's very important..."

        So I think that, as an actress, Amanda's happy that the issue isn't front burner this year...but like she said at the ComicCon, the future is wide open for Sam and Jack...

        P.S...I hope I can count on shippers to vote for me in the Amanda Tapping Contest! please?

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          I read a comment from Amanda in the new official stargate magazine for this month and she was saying that she was glad they had got over the Sam pining for Jack thing...she said it was making her charatcer weak and she didn't like it. She also mentioned the fun she had with Pete i think....It did make me feel a bit upset that we have been following a wonderful ship between two characters when the actress playing one didn't believe in it

          I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, I love Amanda Tapping, she is a wonderful person but i just hoped she would be more supportive of the ship...

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            okies i had to get that over with first... now i'll say Hi everyone!
            I haven't been around for a while but i'm starting college tomorrow and i've had to get some stuff sorted....
            I've noticed that Ship Nana has brought a new batch of her shipper cookies over so i'm going to order a box as 'essential college supplies' and also to cure my Sam/Jack, RDA withdrawl...

            I havent read what anyone else thought of Babylon but i was pretty disappointed, i loved Ex Deus Machina and thought we were going to get another ep like that but sadly it didn't do too much to grab my attention although we did get to see some more of Mitchell. I'm hoping next week is better....

            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


              Hi Sam O Neill good to see you again ((( missed talking to you )))
              lol there is a stargate barbie in here hahahahaha
              nobody responses about my ship banner
              I am counting on you guys to join our forum
              Lord Zedd


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                P.S...I hope I can count on shippers to vote for me in the Amanda Tapping Contest! please?
                Of course you can !! you have my vote. Perhaps you could help me a bit out with making video's ?? lease
                Lord Zedd


                  Originally posted by _Anubis
                  Hey sueKay

                  Good luck tommorow. Tell me everything University is hard but great too. You get to know other people who are way more nicer than in high school !

                  I made my first shipper banner what you think of it?
                  ah sam and jack, making stars explode together.


                    those season 8 commentary bits are making me all impatient waiting for the boxset to be released for uk/ireland. i was half disgusted about their not being any commentaries on the individual dvds and half happy cos i couldn't afford them anyway, so i didn't feel like i was missing out on too much. i love getting the dvds but my main reason for usually getting them asap is the commentaries.

                    i really hope they are on the boxset, and on every ep. there is nothing better than getting some shippy comments on a commentary. and PDL is always brilliant, and martin wood is so good to learn from for a filmie like me.

                    i love shippy commentaries cos it combines two of my fave things about stargate dvds.


                      I just wanted to thank everyone for there Birthday wishes.While I'am down on the Show I'll never be down on all the great People on this forum.I feel the same way you do Sally.It's getting real tiring hearing many of the Fans TPTB and Actors bash the Sam and Jack Ship while the same people praise
                      Sam and Pete.JM is the only one I know with the guts to bash Sam and Pete.I bet he took some Heat for that.I never heard JM back off from his support of the Sam and Jack Ship.My thoughs are if an Actor or TPTB does not like the Sam and Jack Ship that's fine,but please do not gush about the Sam and Jack Ship when your at a convention and your trying to score points with a Shipper Fan or your giving an interview to a Shipper.If your tired of answers Ship questions say no comment.Do not change your answer all the time even if your bored of giving the same answer.You should not be surprised to catch some Heat when you keep changing answers.The Fans cannot expect an Actor or TPTB to give away all the Secrets of the Show but the Fans should expect a consisent and Honest answer.If you do not want to answers questions you can also stop giving interviews and stop going to conventions.


                        sueKay, just sneaking in another Good Luck for tomorow, although thinking of it, you're probably in bed by now ... or you should be


                          Hey! Just popped in to see what the shippers were up to! Watched "Grace" today (one of my favorite shippy episodes!!!!!) And I desided to change my sig to something a little shippy because I was in the mood!!!(I also happened to read some more fan fiction!) Great going on keeping Sam and Jack togetherness alive everyone! ((Big Hugs))........

                          .:!*~Sam and Jack Forever~*!:.



                            ((((majorsal)))) We've all been down the path of Ship despair but really all the evidence weighs in favor of our Sam and Jack!!! I think Anunnaki's recently posted "rant" presented the facts superbly and the implications are clear that they have formed a relationship!!!! Um, my story and I'm stickin' to it yadda yadda yadda!!

                            ((((sueKay)))) Alot of us have faced college or trainings or new jobs or other challenges with some trepidation and anxiety. A bit of anxiety is normal and can be a nudge to sharpen our attention and focus on those things we need to learn to perform well in our areas of study, work, and recreation, too. Look at how well you do with your many and varied website,story, graphics arts projects!!!

                            ((((sg-1fanintn)))) Opryland Hotel??? Been there years ago while passing through Nashville on the way to Texas!!! Now that was way before I even watched Stargate! Ya know, let's keep all of our eyes open for future Cons because there will be a Season 10!!!

                            ((((Uber)))) Honey, of course, I will vote for you!! You deserve the votes!!!

                            ((((ST-1))))I'm going to read your fics tonight! I've been enjoying your work!! Keep up the Ship!!! Keep us posted with your sequels!! p

                            ((((WELCOME TO NEWCOMERS))))


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              She then went on to suggest that perhaps they're better off as just friends
                              Even if she were personally against the ship (which I hope she isn't), this doesn't make sense given what we were apparently supposed to get from "Threads". (I don't know when she actually made that ridiculous statement.)

                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              You spend years developing a rich, complex character, you go so far as to even BLOW UP A SUN, for crying out loud...and all people ever ask is "What about Sam and Jack???"
                              What kind of question can you ask about blowing up a sun? About what else are we supposed to ask? Every year we get screwed, we're supposed to take it in silence?

                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Amanda's happy that the issue isn't front burner this year...
                              Why was the issue on the front burner? Because of the cluster**** that was . And who was responsible for that? Certainly not us, who, after 8.5 years,
                              still don't even have a single real kiss.


                                This is my first post here so please be nice to me
                                My first task is to post a pic of a sam/jack moment
                                and my second task is to get to know ye
                                and my third task is to fit in

                                So first off Hi Everybody
                                and now the pic
                                The doctor told me Im insane, thank God! its so much better then being outsane!

