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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    just because I miss them so....

    pic fr florence

    avatar and sig by flidget


      i need to vent, so please bear with me. this vent talks about chimera.

      i just got the new illustrated companion book for seasons 7 and 8, and of course, i go and read the ship related and controversial eps first. and i started with chimera.

      i won't give you details, other than amanda went on and on and on and on about how wonderful it was to film the makeout-against-the-wall scene with pete/david. by the time i was done, i wanted to cry.

      shippers, don't buy this book. save yourselves the heartbreak.

      and i can't believe i'm about to say this, and i know i'm going to be slammed by my sam friends on the sam thread, but... shame on you, amanda. if you were reading this... i'm really going to have to leave now, because i want to cry.




        majorsal-be warned the gal that writes these particular books is not a shipper-in fact i don't think she is very much interested in it at all-and whatever slant there is on what Amanda had to say-take with a grain of salt-in fact -use the whole container.
        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Welcome, Anunnaki!

          Happy birthday, LOL4JACK!
          Happy birthday, ses110!

          Shhhhh, Sam! We gotta be quiet til LOL4JACK and ses110 get here. THEN, we yell, "Surprise!"


            I know the following is off-topic, but I'm going on instinct. I hope no one will mind this reminder that today is September 11.


              Hey guys! Have not finished my next section of SG-Clay Men yes as I've been workign on a few other filming projests. But here is 2 artworks I have been doing.

              Oh and I mase a Yellow kitchen for one of the SG-Clay scenes which will be made especially for you guys featuring the BHK.

              Sam and Jack having Dinner in Atlantis...

              Clay Stargate Mask I made...




                Originally posted by Equinox
                Hey guys! Have not finished my next section of SG-Clay Men yes as I've been workign on a few other filming projests. But here is 2 artworks I have been doing.

                Oh and I mase a Yellow kitchen for one of the SG-Clay scenes which will be made especially for you guys featuring the BHK.

                Sam and Jack having Dinner in Atlantis...

                Clay Stargate Mask I made...


                You're such an artist.. its so unfair! LOL.. good job on it all, and I cant wait to see the little SG-1 figures again


                Also.. my thoughts are with you guys in the US. I hope today doesnt bring bad any memories that are too awful



                  Back to where it all began.

                  TOGETHER FOREVER,
                  NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                    Happy Birthday Carolina! Just leeched off someone wireless signal(Only reason I'm connected). Love Ya! Maybe we can get together at LBI before the weather changes. Closer to you and Julie. Safe trip and I'll take of Peter's site.


                      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                      majorsal-be warned the gal that writes these particular books is not a shipper-in fact i don't think she is very much interested in it at all-and whatever slant there is on what Amanda had to say-take with a grain of salt-in fact -use the whole container.
                      thank you.

                      i'm now in the process of returning this book. i won't pay out my hard earned money to be treated this unbiasly.

                      i really can't tell you how much this broke my heart. i wasn't that happy with the two previous books 'attitude' concerning ship, but this one i was sooooo excited to get because there were some awesome ship eps to read about. and not one of them were shippy - with chimera and affinity being torture sessions. all this was to me was a pro sam/pete and anti sam/jack experience. every ep that should have high-lighted s/j did not. (there isn't even a face to express what i'm feeling right now)

                      how much crap can any fan take before they just pack it in and quit, you know? god... i really want to cry.




                        Sally.....sorry what you read was so upsetting. It's funny how easily that canhappen, isn't it? And suddenly, your good mood turns bad because you get hit with something you really didn't expect. I know I won't be buying those books---that's for sure!


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          thank you.

                          i'm now in the process of returning this book. i won't pay out my hard earned money to be treated this unbiasly.

                          i really can't tell you how much this broke my heart. i wasn't that happy with the two previous books 'attitude' concerning ship, but this one i was sooooo excited to get because there were some awesome ship eps to read about. and not one of them were shippy - with chimera and affinity being torture sessions. all this was to me was a pro sam/pete and anti sam/jack experience. every ep that should have high-lighted s/j did not. (there isn't even a face to express what i'm feeling right now)

                          how much crap can any fan take before they just pack it in and quit, you know? god... i really want to cry.


                          I feel your pain, honey! As for how much one can take... I managed to get throughseason eight... but the overall disappointment sank in hard over the summer... and I did pack it in.

                          I haven't bothered watching but a coupld eps of season nine, and it just never grabbed me like The Original SG1. Add to that the obvious lack of Ship, the main reason I've been tuning in for the last eight years... and this disgruntled viewer has given up. I've moved on, found a much more fullfilling Ship with an infinitely smarter production team holding the reins. Anyone here (besides Poz, who turned me onto it in the first place; Thanks a gazzillion, my friend!) watch Gilmore Girls? Now *that's* Ship done RIGHT.

                          But... as I've said before, I still adore Sam & Jack... the first four seasons of their lovestory were truly wonderful, and have given me more than plenty material to manipulate into even shippier directions thanx to the wonderful world of fanfic... And the stories for the second half were still plenty interesting, and left plenty of margins of error to *fix* in fic...

                          Once more, I say, Thank God for FanFic. It makes being a Shipper truly worth the time and emotional investments involved in such obsessions!
                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            Originally posted by lonely_star
                            [I'm so happy, the film I've been working on during my internship (that is over now !! YAY!!) just had the special award of the jury at the Venice Film Festival ! that's great !!! sorry for the OT I needed to share my joy
                            That is fantastic Congratulations
                            And I'm just geen with envy that you work making films


                              Hi everyone! I have been a lurker in these threads forever and finally decided to come out of my hiding place. I am still in Stargate withdrawal...well I mean Sam/Jack withdrawal. As those know came out of it briefly a couple weeks back but then it got worse! So anyway couldnt stand the wait for more SJ so decided to preorder season 8. Got 1 day shipping to. 1/3 the price of the dang DVD for it! Oh well.

                              Anyway so I know will enjoy chating with you all...or in otherwords watching you guys chat. Well have to go back to the ever present and OH SO WONDERFUL world of *drums please!* Homework...Aghh! Stop thowing tomatos! College is so much worse then High School....yea getting OT.

                              So will get out of all your hairs now *shuffles away* *curtains fall* *pokes head out of curtains* Forgot to add RDA withdrawal to! ...... You had to put the tomato on my face didnt ya? HMM? HMM?! *pokes head out of view*

                              BYE!!!!..For now lol.
                              Kayla adimant believer in Sam and Jack screwing the regs...or eachother


                                Hi guys how are you? I would like to say sorry forgive me I know I am late but anyway better late than never. So Happy birthday, LOL4JACK! and ses110! I have been busy getting our own forum online.
                                Lord Zedd

