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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    Nice photo, which also handily gets around the significant height difference

    Yay! PLCL! And oh, the hair. Its all about the hair, and you know it.

    In your case, I suspect that this thread is merely worsening an existing issue... *ducks*
    There is no height difference. *waves hand*

    Considering we've been waiting for him to cut it, this is very true. And we'd have nothing to discuss otherwise.

    Well I'm taking everyone down with me in that case.


      The cutting of the hair is possibly big enough news on this thread to warrant a cocktail happy hour

      ...If the poor man ever happened upon us here, he'd be so unnerved it's untrue.

      Oh hon, I'm already down here and have been for some time. What'll it be?

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Everything warrants a cocktail happy hour on this thread. I'm currently celebrating the arrival of PLCL. *hic*

        Incidentally, the hair and clothes in PL? Partly/mostly CN's fault. He suggested hip hop influenced fashion that was in at the time.

        ETA: Thinking of naming website "Corin Nemec Zone". Yay, or Nay, on the name?
        Last edited by smurf; 28 June 2009, 02:04 PM.


          I have an embarrassingly fondness for chocolate martinis, I'm afraid. I'm such a girl.

          ...I saw that! I've said it before (way too recently, actually) and I'll repeat it...he's a strange person

          Seeing as every other name I'd suggest would be an in-joke and therefore deeply confusing to other people, I'm OK with that

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Now you've got me thinking I haven't had a Long Island iced tea in an age.

            Between that and the interview with the NYTimes he's not spending much time resetting the level of strange.

            Yeah, I was having that problem. That's the one that's sticking at the moment. I've decided it has to have his name in, but be reasonably short, other than that it's still open.
            I have disregarded "online" 'cos it's kinda standard and a bit dull, and "epidemic" even though it amuses me so.


              Not sure I've ever had one. I have a chronic aversion to gin, which makes my drinking sadly limited

              What with the references to his car getting shot up whilst he was still at high school and the image of him going through racks of insane shirts and picking out the ones he liked, which were always the ones which were most mental, I'd concur and say that I won't be reassessing my opinion for some time soon


              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                It was big back in my uni days for some reason. Tastes like a slightly chemical coke (AKA Pepsi ) if I remember correctly.

                It rhymes.
                You have to remember: Easily pleased.


                  Still sounds miles better than Snakebite, which was the drink occasionally ordered by bizarroes amongst my peers with strong senses and no functioning taste buds. Never passed my lips, never will...

                  I should have known...

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    I generally stick to the beer now. Cocktails make me very, very drunk.

                    Why yes, you should have.

                    Ooh, it was Trek Expo this weekend. I wonder if there'll be any hair confirmation pics posted on t'net.


                      ...I can't believe that you just typed that sentence. Awesome

                      Does that mean that I'll have a legit excuse to break out that shiny new icon? Whee!

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Which sentence? *believes all sentences are entirely right and proper, and are in no way affected by thread insanity*

                        Like there's any need for excuses on this thread.


                          "Hair confirmation". It made me giggle.

                          I'll now have to fumble about on PB for certain pics, now that you've posted that one

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                            Most of you probably know this, but just in case, I was reading in EW magazine tonight that Parker Lewis S1 is coming out on DVD on June 30th.

                            Will there be a rush of caps on here? I haven't seen much from this show, so I'd be interested.
                            Oooh! Thanks for the reminder!! That's tomorrow.. I may have to boot it up to Wal-Mart to see if they have any.....

                            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                            I've always had the minor conviction that the hair was a) because the show is silly! silly hair is a must! and b) because it makes him look younger. This is useful when at 19 Corin was already nearly 6ft tall and was on the way to having adult male broad shoulders. There's a bit in the pilot episode when he's creeping down a corridor (with a different hairstyle, of course ) and its just, "Yeah, he's actually about 6ft and playing a 16 year old"

                            ...Do we have 'all about the hair banners/icons' floating around? Because I think we need them...

                            Yup we do have one!

                            Oh, and while we're on the topic of drinking. My friends and I (HUGE Doctor Who fans) made a drink we've fondly named the 'Sonic Screwdriver'. It's 1oz. vodka, 1oz. Blue Cuerco, and fill the glass with Sprite(TM). It's a bright blue drink... and it tastes like fruit juice... it's dangerous.... but oh so yummy!

                            Made by Me!


                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                              "Hair confirmation". It made me giggle.

                              I'll now have to fumble about on PB for certain pics, now that you've posted that one
                              *Waits patiently for pics*
                              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                              Oooh! Thanks for the reminder!! That's tomorrow.. I may have to boot it up to Wal-Mart to see if they have any.....
                              Did you find any?


                                CN is apparently on his biennial promotion splurge. More stuff:

                                He called into a radio show and had a fun, and reasonably in depth, chat about his career. Skip to 30 minutes in to the show, he's on for an hour. (Also available as a mp3 download.)

                                Interview talking about PLCL with Pop Candy blog.

