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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Dear Mary

    I don't know you but I am so very, very sorry for your loss.

    Believe me, I know what you are going through right now. My beloved elderly cat passed away on Thursday morning. He was 19 and had kidney failure. They certainly take a huge chunk of your heart when they go. This is partly the reason for my current obsession with watching SG1 - it is helping to take my mind off my grief.

    Be brave. The pain will ease slowly. If your Tasha needs a friend over the Rainbow bridge, tell her to look out for a white cat called Murphy. He loves to play with dogs.

    Sorry I'm crying again now. I should perhaps take some of my own advice about being brave.

    Elaine X


      OT to Buc:
      Sorry to hear about your dog.


        They've put up the episode listing for the webisodes. I expect they're much better than they're making them sound.

        Sony/Crackle seem very happy about them though. I wonder if they'll go mad with the promotion next week.


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          And wording it so politely as well.

          Welcome to the thread!

          Oh do post all your "ooh" and "aah" moments. We can get a bit forgetful of Jonas on this thread - I expect it's owing in part to some of CN's more recent roles.

          I'm a bit concerned for the thread that it seems to be only you and me who thought that. I'm scared now, hold me.
          Looks like DF's doing, but I expect that he'd love to rib CN about a comment like that.
          I'm a tad concerned that we seem to be the only one's thinking that as well... though I'm sure my hubby is more concerned LOL I'm still more than willing to post our thoughts.. infact I may.. I feel as though my migraine is allowing me to think I should do stupid things... lol....

          Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
          OT personal:


          I have sad news to report, that my beloved Shih-poo dog Tasha passed away this morning. Sickness came on her rather quickly. Tuesday night she stopped eating, and by Thursday morning, she couldn't get up, walk, eat, kiss, or do much except breath, and that was labored. She saw her doctor Thursday morning and the doctor diognosed she had almost no red blood cells in her system. Seems this sometimes happens with small dogs: their immune system goes crazy and starts attacking parts of their body. At the time, she diagnosed a course of steroids to depress her immune system to give her blood cell count a chance to recover. If that didn't work, the doctor said, she'd have to have a transfusion. (She said to watch her closely, and if she seemed in distress, to get her to the ER, as they were not equipped to do a transfusion at the office.) Thursday night she was a bit better, but by mid-Friday, she was degrading again. Friday night over this morning she was barely able to breath, and had added the condition of having blood in her urine. We rushed her to the Veterinary Emergency Room and the doctor checked her over and said that while she could do the transfusion, it would only give her an additional couple days of life, and I couldn't see making her suffer for those two days. She passed peacefully at the emergency room about 7:30 this morning. She was 13 and had a full life, so I guess I can't complain too much. We'd all like a lifetime with our pets, but it's not to be.

          I'm going to miss her immensely, as I'm sure you all know. I apologize for being out of contact over the past few days with those of you who I talk to online. Take care, and thank you all for your friendships.

          Love, Mary :-)

          Oh Mary!! I am so incredibly sorry for you loss! If you're anything like me, your pets are as good as children and Blen said it perfectly that they take a chunk of your heart with them! I lost my dog back in 2000 when our town was swept with an e.coli outbreak and it devistated my world. He was a Shih Tzu and reading your account of your precious Tasha brought me to tears. It will be a long time healing (if one ever really does) and if you need to vent, you know how to reach me!


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          They've put up the episode listing for the webisodes. I expect they're much better than they're making them sound.

          Sony/Crackle seem very happy about them though. I wonder if they'll go mad with the promotion next week.
          We should almost do something to countdown to friday lol....

          Actually, I'm feeling like poop right now, and the first thing I did was put on S6. I'm watching Nightwalkers right now and just realized that hubby and I were within feet of the Fish'n'Chips joint where the infamous Onion Ring MilkShake thing happened.... how could I have missed that!!!!! I would have gone in and taken pics!!!!!

          Made by Me!


            I decided to post it... for the good of mankind... just incase Corin reads it... and decides to show us....

            Oh Smurf, hope you don't mind that I added in your bit about "artistic" purposes only

            Made by Me!


              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
              I decided to post it... for the good of mankind... just incase Corin reads it... and decides to show us....

              Oh Smurf, hope you don't mind that I added in your bit about "artistic" purposes only
              Nicely done. Hopefully he'll take note and show us during the next series if it doesn't appear on this one.


                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Nicely done. Hopefully he'll take note and show us during the next series if it doesn't appear on this one.
                One can hope lol! Hey, if you feel like it, add me!! I have a great bumper sticker I'd love to share with other Jonas fans LOL!

                Made by Me!


                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  One can hope lol! Hey, if you feel like it, add me!! I have a great bumper sticker I'd love to share with other Jonas fans LOL!
                  I'd have to find my log-in info first. *sigh*
                  Can you share it here?


                    A bit of Jonas spam as a count down to Friday. Consider this a pre-emptive offset to the likely thread banning of pics from the webisodes.

                    Look't the cute and sane!



                        So much cute

                        The expression on his face in that 'Unnatural Selection' cap is made of win

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          So much cute

                          The expression on his face in that 'Unnatural Selection' cap is made of win
                          It's one of those "What?! I'm an alien!" expressions.

                          I think it says something about his more recent roles that I'm beginning to think of Jonas as permanently cute over anything else.


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            It's one of those "What?! I'm an alien!" expressions.

                            I think it says something about his more recent roles that I'm beginning to think of Jonas as permanently cute over anything else.
                            I've spent most of this rewatch thinking "cute!", moreso than I have previously, IIRC. Maybe its because of his recent roles, like you say I'll probably be going "Aw, give his hair a ruffle!" even when he's being uber-serious in 'Homecoming'...

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Hey guys!

                              YOu would never guess where I went yesterday. Lafayette, LA!!!! Ummmm, hubby went over there to a horse sale. I tagged along to see if by any chance we'd come across a movie location. We didn't. Ah was worth a shot. was ccccccold over there yesterday.

                              I need some Jonas hotness to warm me up.



                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                I'd have to find my log-in info first. *sigh*
                                Can you share it here?
                                It was uber cheesy.. I actually assume it was meant to be a Bumper Sticker dedicated to the Jonas Brothers, but it said "Lice, Love, Jonas" and it made me think of this thread and you girlies!

                                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                                Hey guys!

                                YOu would never guess where I went yesterday. Lafayette, LA!!!! Ummmm, hubby went over there to a horse sale. I tagged along to see if by any chance we'd come across a movie location. We didn't. Ah was worth a shot. was ccccccold over there yesterday.

                                I need some Jonas hotness to warm me up.

                                Horse sale you say.. did he buy anything? I love horse sales.....

                                Side note: This pic... it.. well... it really creeps me out....


                                Made by Me!

