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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Speck neck:

    The cap before this one contains better Speck neck, but contains smoking (yes, but the bad kind as well).
    What do people think - Yay, or nay for the forum?


      If we're going to petition for an extended cut of Mansquito, another petition for his future characters to wear more in the way of vests shouldn't look too insane by comparison...

      I'm not sure about that one. And I'm going to totally circumnavigate the question by slipping in a totally unconnected pic...


      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        For what, exactly?
        You know, I'm not sure. The scientist and his drink both look tasty.

        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


          Smoking as in an illegal substance, I say no. Smoking a legal thing...sure, why not?


            Originally posted by Morgania View Post
            You know, I'm not sure. The scientist and his drink both look tasty.

            Both at once? Its the general rule when he's doing the eating thing. Except for when it involves onion rings. Although he might be able to convert my opinions on that

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Food, drink and a Jonas. I should get me a food-serving Jonas clone

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Random, but so cute:


                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  If we're going to petition for an extended cut of Mansquito, another petition for his future characters to wear more in the way of vests shouldn't look too insane by comparison...

                  I'm not sure about that one. And I'm going to totally circumnavigate the question by slipping in a totally unconnected pic...

                  Or v-necked sweaters, or open necked shirts, or nothing.
                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Smoking as in an illegal substance, I say no. Smoking a legal thing...sure, why not?
                  Being a PG forum I should probably add a warning everytime I post it.

                  *Smoking is bad for you. It makes your lungs go black, and fall out of your bum.*

                  That should do it.


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                    Food, drink and a Jonas. I should get me a food-serving Jonas clone
                    *grins* Mine serves food. And Chef Malek is teaching him to cook. He's getting rather good at it.

                    We're now excepting lunch orders. If you act fast, I'll even deliver in the apron.
                    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                      @ smurf!

                      True...and the inhale definitely produces the throat hollow.

                      Is Speck available in rental land? Does anyone know?


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        @ smurf!

                        True...and the inhale definitely produces the throat hollow.

                        Is Speck available in rental land? Does anyone know?
                        Oh, good point. mmm, neck thing...
                        Yes, it is. I think IHS rented her's from Netflix.


                          Thanks, smurf!

                          *makes note to check local store*


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            Or v-necked sweaters, or open necked shirts, or nothing.

                            Being a PG forum I should probably add a warning everytime I post it.

                            *Smoking is bad for you. It makes your lungs go black, and fall out of your bum.*

                            That should do it.
                            The petition might have to wait until after Stone's War, unless they all find a nice warm place somewhere to hide from the zombies that allows for him to remove items of clothing for extended periods of time without freezing to death. Death we don't like. I'm still waiting for him to do a film set in an unbearably hot climate though...

                            Throat hollow. Ohhh. That's as communicative as I get when it comes to the neck/throat area

                            *Smoking is EVIL. Evilevilevilevilmakesyousmelllikeanashtraymakesyouembarassinglyimpotentandresult sinsmurf'saforesaidblackenedlungsoutthebackdoorwarning) Ahem.

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                              The petition might have to wait until after Stone's War, unless they all find a nice warm place somewhere to hide from the zombies that allows for him to remove items of clothing for extended periods of time without freezing to death. Death we don't like. I'm still waiting for him to do a film set in an unbearably hot climate though...
                              According to the BBC, it was 32C/89F today in Vilnius, Lithuania where the film studio is.
                              Not too many layers of wardrobe for the poor guy, I hope.

                              Blimey, today it was warmer in Helsinki than it was in London!


                                No overcoats, then. Hurrah. Unless they've decided that in time-honoured war/horror movie fashion that it must be misty and cold and they're frozen the set. In which case- EVIL. But probably not. Which still equals 'hurrah!' then

                                If not then they're be like the cast of 'The Thing' when they were shooting interiors in L.A (away from the set that they built on a glacier) who would literally walk in from blazing Californian summer heat into an icebox, and then out again for lunch when they're get weird looks in the cafeteria because it was like July and they were dressed for Antarctic temperatures

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

