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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Good morning, everyone!

    New motto for someone: Want to feel younger? Ogle younger men.


      Hey, addy.

      I personally ogle across the age spectrum. I think its good for my personal development

      Just about old enough to be my father (although a scarily young one at that) but I care not. At all

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Good approach, res!

        I tend to lean more to the older set...Hubs is 8.5 years older than I.

        But she likes me anyway.

        Yes, well, you aren't baby-ish...even when you have the little boy charm come out, you're still manly...if that makes sense.


          Manly arms

          Even when being sweet, he's still very definately an adult man with experience of the world. The only problem is that its not experience of this one Although in all seriousness, there is shift in his behaviour between Earth and Kelowna that shows how his knowledge of his home planet's situation and what he has done weighs on his mind in a manner that only a well-rounded, mature person could feel. And any areas in which he is a bit more 'innocent' in the world is due to him having been sheltered in the Kelownan educational and then political systems. That soon changes.
          Last edited by resurgamlaura; 17 July 2007, 06:40 AM.

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            With the shadow of a peek-a-boo tattoo. *giggles*


              This one?

              I still think it would have made for a great little character moment- Jonas and Sam comparing CN and AT's respective tattoos and piercing

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Hmm. I might make today a 'Jonas arms' day. Just because. Any objections?


                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  Complimenting...for once

                  OT: So I take it you're all set for Pegasus, then?
                  *is surprised*

                  OT: Well, mayogaelz, one of my roomies, booked the hotel and I've booked my ticket but that's about it I haven't told my parents that I'm going (they disapprove of my Stargate "obsession") and I haven't booked the flights, but that'll be the easy part. Luckily I'll have moved to the city by the time the con happens so things will be easier to arrange without prying parental eyes Not to mention that they won't notice if I suddenly disappear for a weekend

                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  Just about old enough to be my father (although a scarily young one at that) but I care not. At all
                  Both of my brothers are in their 30s, therefore I keep my adoration (is that a word?) of older men between my friends because my brothers have enough reasons to mock me already

                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  New motto for someone: Want to feel younger? Ogle younger men.
                  Where's the fun in that?


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                    Hmm. I might make today a 'Jonas arms' day. Just because. Any objections?



                      @ res

                      I'm behind the curve on AT and tattoos, piercings?


                        Jonas' Arms Day...sounds good to me.


                          morning thunkers
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                            *is surprised*

                            OT: Well, mayogaelz, one of my roomies, booked the hotel and I've booked my ticket but that's about it I haven't told my parents that I'm going (they disapprove of my Stargate "obsession") and I haven't booked the flights, but that'll be the easy part. Luckily I'll have moved to the city by the time the con happens so things will be easier to arrange without prying parental eyes Not to mention that they won't notice if I suddenly disappear for a weekend

                            Both of my brothers are in their 30s, therefore I keep my adoration (is that a word?) of older men between my friends because my brothers have enough reasons to mock me already

                            Where's the fun in that?
                            I can be nice. Sometimes. Occasionally. Rarely. Never. Always.


                            Good old university freedom. They need never know...

                            That's annoying. I'm the eldest so I feel free to admire men in their thirties and early forties (although not in an overt way- it irritates mum if I'm seemingly nonchalent about someone she thinks is attractive- though I think she's realised my fondness for Jonas ). Although if I were to admit that I have at times found men older than my dad to be attractive (its not my fault he's not even fifty yet!) than I'm not sure what the reaction would be to that

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post

                              Good pictures for the arms are also invariably good pics for the S6 muscular torso. This is also excellent

                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                              @ res

                              I'm behind the curve on AT and tattoos, piercings?
                              AT has a navel piercing. No tattoos so far as I'm aware of.


                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                'Changeling' is a good one for this

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

