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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Rosehawk
    Did I miss something somewhere out there. Did Corin has some kind of following out with TPTB. Other fan favorite characters have been brought back but Corin only had that one episdoe.
    It seems pretty obvious that there was although nothing has ever (or will ever) be confirmed.

    Knowing what I know of TPTB I think it's also obvious what we're meant to conclude from that throw-away line, but frak 'em straight to hell if they think I'll ever accept that answer.

    God bless fanwanking. It saves the show far better than TPTB could.


      Just one more nail in the coffin. I'm not a happy camper also.


        Let me get this straight, they have a throwaway line like this and yet say we won't be seeing Jonas again because they don't have any stories for him?
        Not very imaginative are they?
        Looks like I won't be paying the forfeit of having to watch all of season 9 and 10 any time soon.


          Don't have any stories for him?! They just set up a great story for him IMO!! I'd love to see Jonas reunite with SG1 again to fight the Ori on Langara! But of course, they just think that Jonas is over and done with and that no one cares about him. I'm still not a happy camper


            Originally posted by jonasgurl1
            Don't have any stories for him?! They just set up a great story for him IMO!! I'd love to see Jonas reunite with SG1 again to fight the Ori on Langara! But of course, they just think that Jonas is over and done with and that no one cares about him. I'm still not a happy camper
            Yeah, I agree they setup a great storyline for Jonas. Given the fact that they said allies instead of Jonas when mentioning that they hadn't heard from anyone from those two planets when it was a great opportunity to give the Jonas fans just a hint of hope kind of implies that it is all over.

            His character, being a part of SG1 for a little over a year really deserved something better.



              Sounds like Sam, Daniel and Teal'c have been hanging around TPTB too long- they've forgotten Jonas's name, too.


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                Sounds like Sam, Daniel and Teal'c have been hanging around TPTB too long- they've forgotten Jonas's name, too.
                Yeah, sad treatment to a fellow team member.



                  OH MAN OH MAN, I haven't seen Counterstrike yet... we just saw Insiders a couple of days ago. That's how behind we are at my place... I can't believe what I've been reading... I saw a "possible return of Jonas" thread that had been moved and I went to follow the link. It placed me at Counterstrike and then I saw what they said. I can't believe they did that. I wanted to know what happened to Langara, but I was hoping it wouldn't be bad. At least in my fanfiction series Jonas
                  is a part of a deligation that went to earth to ask for their help. Meanwhile the Orii destroy the planet by setting off a chain reaction with the Naquadria.

                  Even though we know that tptb, have no honor when it comes to contracts, wasn't Corin asked if he wanted to kill off the character or not. He said not to, so can they do that without his permission? Perhaps that's why they didn't mention him?


                    I think they asked more out of feigned politeness than any contractual need. They can do whatever they want, it's THEIR show and Corin's contract is long over.


                      I sent scifi a feedback e-mail on their sight. I hope I didn't sound too bad, I tend to not make all that much sence when I'm upset... Though I sincerely doubt if it will even be read...

                      The e-mail I wrote is in spoiler tags

                      To whom it may concern:

                      I would just like to let you know that Jonas Quinn played by Corin Nemic was one of the best characters that Stargate SG1 ever put out. During the last few seasons there has been no mention of him, besides a rude comment in the episode Citizen Joe, and as a result there have been several shady rumors floating around about why the actor was let go from the series.

                      The fans of both the actor and the character have not forgotten about him despite how hard those who run the network and the studio have wished it! Many in fandom found it very disrespectful that there was no mention of the character in Counterstrike. So please, take my advice and use this opportunity to bring him back for either the last episodes of the series or a mini series or movie where we find out that he's still alive and doing well.

                      Seeing this character again was what has kept me watching this long. Sadly, I felt that SG1 died yesterday with the fall of his planet. It has even left a bad taste in my mouth for Atlantis as well. The show that the character was originally intended on joining.

                      A Very Upset Jonas Quinn Fan


                        I'd write to TPTB. They're the ones responsible. Tell 'em how disappointed/disgusted you are with their underhanded and cowardly tactics and that it's moves like that which make you glad the show is ending.

                        If you DO write to SCIFI, thank them for cancelling the gutless tripe being served up on Stargate and tell 'em that you look forward to watching more SCIFI programming... and mention that while Stargate may have been too blind to recognize what a great thing it had in Corin Nemec you're glad that SCIFI is smart enough to use him and that you hope to be seeing him in more stuff... maybe even a full-fledged series. He'd make a great addition to Eureka. Or maybe Dresden Files. Or perhaps SCIFI can cook up something special just for him.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                          I hope TPTB suffer. I've never felt more strongly that SG-1 deserves cancellation.

                          Jonas was the best thing to happen to SG-1 in a long time and certainly the best part of S6. In my opinion, of course.

                          It's a shame TPTB didn't have the guts to stand behind the character. Gods know Corin certainly gave it his all and he helped make Jonas the only team member I really love.
                          Makes you wonder why they were so adamant to stand behind the new, horrible characters (Mitchell and Vala) when they had a magnificent character that they didn't. Idiots.
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                            I'd write to TPTB. They're the ones responsible. Tell 'em how disappointed/disgusted you are with their underhanded and cowardly tactics and that it's moves like that which make you glad the show is ending.

                            If you DO write to SCIFI, thank them for cancelling the gutless tripe being served up on Stargate and tell 'em that you look forward to watching more SCIFI programming... and mention that while Stargate may have been too blind to recognize what a great thing it had in Corin Nemec you're glad that SCIFI is smart enough to use him and that you hope to be seeing him in more stuff... maybe even a full-fledged series. He'd make a great addition to Eureka. Or maybe Dresden Files. Or perhaps SCIFI can cook up something special just for him.
                            That's the thing I don't understand. The network uses him for their movies and then promotes them by saying Corin Nemic from Stargate: SG1. Why on Earth don't they ever mention him in the series? Why not bring him back for an episode or two? It just doesn't make much sence to me, but then again there are likely some political issues there that I won't ever know about...


                              Near the bottom of Page 2???? Can't have that!!!

                              Anyway, can somebody give me a trascript of what exactly was said on Friday's SG1 episode that leads you to believe that
                              Jonas' planet was destroyed? If "they" kill off Jonas,
                              I'll go up there myself, in person, and b**chslap each and every one of them!!

                              Last edited by Buc252; 27 August 2006, 09:59 AM.
                              - Mary
                              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                Near the bottom of Page 2???? Can't have that!!!

                                Anyway, can somebody give me a trascript of what exactly was said on Friday's SG1 episode that leads you to believe that Jonas' planet was destroyed? If "they" kill off Jonas, I'll go up there myself, in person, and b**chslap each and every one of them!!


                                It wasn't that Langoria was destroyed, it was one of the planets that has now fallen to the Ori. All that was mentioned was that they haven't heard from their allies on Langoria and another planet. They did not come out right and say anything about killing Jonas, etc, it was the lack of mentioning Jonas name that leads one to speculate there are issues with Corin and TPTB. After all he was a major Team member for a year, you would have thought that Daniel would have at least asked if they had heard from Jonas or Sam would have said Jonas's name.

                                Naturally the way the writers wrote the scene leaves fans imaginations to only wonder.....

                                Sorry, I don't have the transcripts.
                                Last edited by Rosehawk; 27 August 2006, 07:15 PM.


