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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    (((Mad))) Oh hon, I know you weren't saying that. I was replying to MerryK and what I thought she had said. You are right as far as the recent eps are concerned (and even some of the older ones).
    Don't worry Jess, I know that you are never rude
    Sig made by slizzie1986


      Originally posted by discodiva View Post
      Well, I can only speak personally, but from my meetings with Michael Shanks, I haven't come across an actor more personally committed to holding 100% true to the character he plays, i.e. Daniel Jackson - good and bad points included - he's definitely still passionate about Daniel that I CAN tell you.........In Vancouver this year he was very excited about appearing in Atlantis and the role that Daniel might be playing (although I've already half expected that Daniel might well be "sacrificed at the altar of Rodney" for the Atlantis fans...).....he just doesn't seem the type of guy that would desert a character at the drop of a hat - after all haven't we heard from his fellow actors about his copious notes scrawled all over his script and that he analyses every performance he watches....not the sort of thing from someone who has no commitment to his character imho....

      As for supporting Daniel on here - well I'm finding it harder and harder these days - hence my gentle withdrawal from blanket participation on Gateworld....I'm not blind to Daniel's faults, neither am I so blinded in my adoration that he can do absolutely NO wrong at all, and to the detriment and dissing of his fellow characters (as I've seen elsewhere on the net..)...however I find it easier these days to "enjoy" Daniel away from the forums and in the relative peace and quiet of Live Journal....

      He will always be the most complex character to me, he WAS the man who made the Stargate happen in the very first instant, he and Jack WERE the main team who went forth and discovered the first new world of Abydos and he will ALWAYS be the man that kept me interested.....I won't change that - but I just may not be celebrating that fact here very often.....

      Deeds xx

      Total Word.

      I'm getting more than a little tired of the passive-aggressive negativity towards Daniel on this forum. It's often subtle (sometimes not) but it's there in spades. I'd quote examples but I'd probably get modded to hell and back.

      I'm a DANIEL fan, seasons 1-10, and sometimes I feel I have to apologise for that, for all sorts of reasons.

      Well, hey. I will not apologise for supporting the actor and character I see as being the heart and soul of the series. Daniel is the most interesting, complex, difficult, enjoyable, character of the lot, as far as I'm concerned. And, no, I'm not dissing Daniel fans who feel he just isn't the same, has changed beyond all recognition throught he years, etc etc ... I just don't feel that way.

      I'll support Daniel (and Michael) for as long as people want to talk about Daniel, enjoy him, debate him.

      I suppose what I'm trying to say is that, for me, Daniel is a great character, for all seasons, all reasons ... faults and foibles and all.

      And I love him.


        OK, here are my description-snippets from the FedCon in Bonn, copy and pasted and just slightly edited out of the DJ/MS Thunk Thread:

        If you want me to put it into spoiler tags for length, please say so.

        Friday night, first Day

        Ah, I would love to provide you with some steaming fresh (but not very brilliant, because of my camera) Michael pics from the FedCon here in Bonn, but I can't connect my camera to my computer right now.

        He was tired, fell fresh from he plane, but so great and funny. Looks like The Rage Of Angels will become a feature film, that he really loves Continuum ("The Ark was great, but Continuum is great great"). There were some often heard questions about filming with RDA which is great but sometimes difficult because RDA is exactly like the later O'Neill and he doesn't take anything serious) , whether he preferred the earlier or the later Daniel (both, for different reasons) and whether there will be a "men if SciFi" (most probably not, because Chris Judge won't like filming half naked man as he liked doing the same thing with women).

        One girl asked if Rage of Angels would be a funny film because he is he one to play Lucifer and the one second expression on Michaels face right after that was incredible. It was "HUH?". Hilarious. And he mocked after that a little bit because of the "funny" Lucifer. One of the very first questions was quite a witty one. The lady told, that she knows a lot of things about Daniel Jackson, but nothing about Michael Shanks, and she asked him what HE thinks is a personal thing about him that would be important to know, and he stumbled over that but in the end he told that he is sarcastic. And he was on some occasions.

        More tomorrow after the second panel. I won't do photo ops because they are in the morning and I promised my sister to look after my god-niece (the little 20 month old sunshine is all excited over me and even started to cry when I went to the Con in the afternoon. Broke my heart).


        Originally posted by strider6 View Post
        Thanks for the con update Iolanda. By feature film, was he referring to a movie theater release? Just imagine hussies, a movie theater size screen filled with MS!!! Let the drooling begin!!!
        Since Michael tends to talk without subtitels I am not 100% sure, but it sounded that way. The words "feature film" are mine, I am not so sure about his exact words. But I am sure, that the decision to change the concept was very very fresh (a week old or so) and that they are all excited and that there is a lot of work to do right now because the shooting will be in the summer. And as I was listening to it I was sure that he was speaking about a theatrical release.

        BUT I am still no native speaker, so please don't nail me if it was wrong. I understand nearly everything, but I can get it wrong when it comes to the details.

        Oh, and he told that there are plans for another SG1 movie, to be filmed at the end of the year.

        Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post

        Someone ask Michael when he starts work on Atlantis?
        He told it by himself: soon. And he doesn't know a lot about the show, only that as someone named McKay (or was he referring to David? I am not sure) that is the fastest talker and he will have to prove it. The exact date wasn't asked, but if I am brave enough tomorrow I will ask him that and I want to ask him if he knows already something about the story.

        So, tired like a stone - I am off to bed!



        Today was sensorical overload. I hope I'll remember more tomorrow, but at the moment my mind refuses to give me any details back.

        I try to give some details, but I'll use headwords:

        - I wasn't at the photo shoot, looked after my niece
        - got my picture from MK signed, even personalized though there was a shield "no personalisation"
        - made one useful pic during the signing (made none at the second talk, those from the first talk are 100% rubbish)

        the talk:
        -wore no cap, was shaved, wore jeans and a darker shirt
        - plans to shoot SGA in June, some movie in Kaloomps in the summer, RoA at the end of the year (yeah that sounds different from yesterday)
        - is not planning to go back to the stages because he doesn't want to leave his family for a longer time
        - wanted to change his glasses for years, but they didn't give him other ones until Rob Coopers mother told Rob "is Daniel still wearing that old glasses?" and then he got some new.
        - but would have loved something like "contact lenses" or "laser surgery"
        - his favourite death: wasn't really a death but when in double jeopardy the android Daniel was killed they had a lot of fun during the shooting, because the head had to roll to a certain position and after a dozen of people tried to do it RDA came and threw the head into the right position in his second try
        - why did he quit after season 5: the role felt like a dead end
        - why he came back: with RDA reducing his role he felt like there was more place for change and development and he accepted after they offered him the role again

        - he was at the party, but stayed only about 10 or 15 minutes, together with Steve Bacic, Kevin Sorobo and (I guess, don't know him) Jamie Bamber.

        The con was really great so far. I met a lot of people (like sg-daniel) I knew from forums only, some old friends, some new friends. I wasn't at too many talks since the guest list contains a lot of people from Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5 which I havent seen. Marina Sirtis was great!

        The costume contest was great! They really, really improved that thing, great fun.

        There was a raffle and the winner got a complete SG1 - DVD Boc set, delivered by Michael together with a hug and a kiss. How great was that? I am not envious at all

        Today: tired like two stones. At least. Good night!

        Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
        Thanks! Are you sure he said "Stages" and not "States"?
        It was stages like in theatre. He missed it, hadn't done that at all after Hamlet, but being with a theatre company is connected with "being elsewhere but there where he lives" for months and he doesn't want to do that with a young family.



        Here are my pictures - brightened up the some ones which were halfway useful - and then the one from the signing


        Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
        Hello ponders
        the bad thing is all my pics were crap! and I wasn't allowed to film I thought the fedcon people were very very unfriendly , that's what I thought and something this big I will never do again , to many people and a to small place you know , so was really busy ...
        About the filming: is there any con where filming is allowed? I don't know one. When I was there the last time (I guess 3 years ago) it was worse with the filming-stuff. They searched every bag and you were not allowed to bring a camera inside which was able to film at all.

        Now no bag was searched, they just made it clear, that when you film, you die. On the one hand, the "you die" is Marc B. Lees (who is American, btw.) weird sense of humour, on the other hand did they sue a Star Trek Newssite, who made films and put them on their website. The only ones who have the rights for filming and publishing are the guys who make the DVD.

        This year I experienced not one unfriendly helper, that's different to other FedCons I attended. Yes, the Con is huge, with over 3000 visitors on a quite small place and too many things to see and to do, but that is what the FedCon was since it moved to Bonn. You have to try and pick the best.

        Oh, I didn't tell about the closing ceremony. Michael was on the stage and said "Thank you" and I think he liked it. It was his first time in Germany, but he only saw the Maritim (Next time he might just ask me - I can show him the area ). He had a question to the audience: "Whats with all the chocolate? You gave me so much chocolate, do I look as if I would need some chocolate, or worse, do I look as if I would eat that much chocolate?"

        Someone from the audience yelled "American chocolate is crap" and the he said something I didn't quite understand, but in the end he said "but I am Canadian, eh"

        Oh and he was always with Kevin Sorbo, I guess they are good friends


        Oh, if you really want to see a lot of people you have to visit the FedCon when its "Rhein in Flammen" at the same time (that happens every few years). There are about 300.000 people in the Rheinauen (a large park next to the Rhine, 5-10 mins walk from the maritim) who celebrate a "Volksfest" with a fair and live-music and there is a large fireworks, synchronized to music. At the end of the fireworks all the people go home. I once was there with a friend and it took us 2 hrs just to leave the area where we parked.
        The cake is a lie!


          Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
          Total Word.

          I'm getting more than a little tired of the passive-aggressive negativity towards Daniel on this forum. It's often subtle (sometimes not) but it's there in spades. I'd quote examples but I'd probably get modded to hell and back.

          I'm a DANIEL fan, seasons 1-10, and sometimes I feel I have to apologise for that, for all sorts of reasons.
          Well, hey. I will not apologise for supporting the actor and character I see as being the heart and soul of the series. Daniel is the most interesting, complex, difficult, enjoyable, character of the lot, as far as I'm concerned. And, no, I'm not dissing Daniel fans who feel he just isn't the same, has changed beyond all recognition throught he years, etc etc ... I just don't feel that way.
          I'll support Daniel (and Michael) for as long as people want to talk about Daniel, enjoy him, debate him.

          I suppose what I'm trying to say is that, for me, Daniel is a great character, for all seasons, all reasons ... faults and foibles and all.

          And I love him.
          Totally agree with you!!!! He was the reason why I liked so much the movie and he is the reason why I watch Sg1.
          Sig made by slizzie1986


            Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
            Totally agree with you!!!! He was the reason why I liked so much the movie and he is the reason why I watch Sg1.
            I started watching Stargate totally by accident buzzing through set and S2 started in syndie and didn't know it was on showtime of course didn't have showtime. So started watching S2 and fell for Daniel right away; amazing how quickly started looking up Michaels name finding sites and what he did. So I am kinda a person who has to see the actor away from the character I fell for. this is how crazy I am; I thought save money tape stargate and watch at sis's house did that through summer and then its like do i really want to do this every friday so ended up just getting showtime on my sets and watching at house and was fun cause I could talk to others about eps after.
            And have been a fan of Michaels/Daniel/other characters for 7 years I was a late bloomer


            Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


              Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
              Total Word.

              I'm getting more than a little tired of the passive-aggressive negativity towards Daniel on this forum. It's often subtle (sometimes not) but it's there in spades. I'd quote examples but I'd probably get modded to hell and back.

              I'm a DANIEL fan, seasons 1-10, and sometimes I feel I have to apologise for that, for all sorts of reasons.

              Well, there's obviously some people on GW that have some vendetta against Daniel. This thread had five stars for a while and now it's back down to four. Which wouldn't happen, I surmise, if people weren't voting it back down low to one or two stars. I think it's a little odd that on this whole forum, there are only a few threads with five stars and them, and most of them being about Sam or Jack or Sam/Jack.

              I have had a difficult time finding places which are comfortable for someone who loves both Daniel and Sam! I think GW is very Sam - Sam/Jack oriented, just as other places I've visited are Daniel oriented or Jack oriented or even Cameron oriented. It's just this site is rather large. Some people are very polarized between being fans of Sam and fans of Daniel, and then it skews off into the actors themselves.

              I noticed a few comments on the Continuum trailer announcement on the GW mainpage that showed that even. A few posts mentioned that they were worried that they didn't see much of Daniel in the trailer so they weren't as excited about the movie, and then there'd be posts by people to make fun of the "Danny-lovers". Some were anonymous, and some were of people I know were upset with AoT because Sam wasn't in it enough!

              I can understand why people would want to leave this site if they are constantly harped on for their love and want for discussion of a character if the people ripping on them are doing the same for their favorite character.

              More on topic, I am rather happy with Daniel's progression throughout all 10 years. I did not like some of Daniel's short tempered frustration in 9 and 10, but I can see where the characterization for that came from. When I read fan fiction, I gravitate toward an earlier version of him, but so much happens between say, season 3 and 9!
              He is the character I think that does get trashed the most for changing throughout the 10 years, even though every other character has changed quite a bit over the years. I am really interested in what direction Daniel will go post-Ori.
              sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


                Originally posted by heliosphere View Post
                Well, there's obviously some people on GW that have some vendetta against Daniel. This thread had five stars for a while and now it's back down to four. Which wouldn't happen, I surmise, if people weren't voting it back down low to one or two stars. I think it's a little odd that on this whole forum, there are only a few threads with five stars and them, and most of them being about Sam or Jack or Sam/Jack.
                There are always people who have vendettas.

                Seriously, I haver problems understanding that. I personally love the shows. Both of them. And I love the characters. OK, over the time I felt more for Daniel and Rodney but that doesn't make me hate any of the other characters, and I really do not see any reason for hate there.

                OK, there are things which are worthy to discuss (and with discuss I do not mean rant), but I really do not see any reason why I should hate Sam when I like Daniel.

                Oh, and I do not see any reason to leave this thread, only because someone has some issues with Shanks's performance or the way Daniel changed over the years. I mean, nobody is perfect, and I still can like someone even though I do not like every little bit of him.
                The cake is a lie!


                  Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post
                  I started watching Stargate totally by accident buzzing through set and S2 started in syndie and didn't know it was on showtime of course didn't have showtime. So started watching S2 and fell for Daniel right away; amazing how quickly started looking up Michaels name finding sites and what he did. So I am kinda a person who has to see the actor away from the character I fell for. this is how crazy I am; I thought save money tape stargate and watch at sis's house did that through summer and then its like do i really want to do this every friday so ended up just getting showtime on my sets and watching at house and was fun cause I could talk to others about eps after.
                  And have been a fan of Michaels/Daniel/other characters for 7 years I was a late bloomer
                  I started watching Sg1 in winter/spring of 2006, just out of curiosity after I read an ep synopsis on a tv magazine, till then I barely knew that there was a tv show based on the movie, which I watched for James Spader but I LOVED for Daniel! I watched first PU and then Icon and then I totally fell in love with MS's Daniel and with MS himself...From March 2006 to half April 2006 I watched all the 9 season, except season 6.... unfortunately I watched them randomly. So, to me, Sg1 is about Daniel and then Jack/Daniel and Daniel/Vala now, 'cause I love so much their chemistry...remind me a little of Jack/Daniel. I never had a crush like this for a character or an actor, not even when I was a teen...long long, unfortunately long, time ago!
                  Sig made by slizzie1986


                    Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                    There are always people who have vendettas.

                    Seriously, I haver problems understanding that. I personally love the shows. Both of them. And I love the characters. OK, over the time I felt more for Daniel and Rodney but that doesn't make me hate any of the other characters, and I really do not see any reason for hate there.

                    OK, there are things which are worthy to discuss (and with discuss I do not mean rant), but I really do not see any reason why I should hate Sam when I like Daniel.

                    Oh, and I do not see any reason to leave this thread, only because someone has some issues with Shanks's performance or the way Daniel changed over the years. I mean, nobody is perfect, and I still can like someone even though I do not like every little bit of him.
                    The perfection is soooo boring
                    Sig made by slizzie1986


                      I actually like Daniel more and more as the show goes on. I must admit that I thought Daniel in the first couple of seasons was a bit too spacy to be on a team that would face so much danger. I can't imagine that there is any way they would let him be on the team. Yeah, he's great at talking to people and coming up with out of the blue solutions to problems, but I can hardly watch the scene in Children of the Gods when he's standing there flipping through his notes trying to find the return address while everyone is getting shot at and Kowalsky is getting goa'ulded. I much prefer it in later seasons when he's no longer a danger to himself or his team.

                      He just seems to be held to a much higher standard than the others (except for maybe Sam). Teal'c can go off on his own revenging all he wants, but everyone still likes Teal'c. Jack can swing wildly from good, honest guy who would never betray an ally in order to get stuff (Shades of Gray) to a short-sighted, grab first - ask questions never guy (The Other Side) to a guy who never takes anything seriously, but everyone still likes Jack. Hammond starts off as a gruff blow-hard and turns into a loveable old teddy bear, and no one thinks there's anything odd about that.

                      But all the animosity seems to be saved for Daniel and Sam. I don't know why that is. Maybe because I'm relatively new to fandom. I also don't go on any other Stargate forums so perhaps things are different in other places.

                      Personally, I prefer watching a show that evolves. I watched the Simpsons for many years, but eventually I got tired of them always being the same ages. I watched the original Law and Order and even though the actors changed, the characterizations and stories didn't so I got tired of it after a few years.

                      I also prefer watching characters who change. If Daniel were still the same way he were in season one or two, I don't think I'd have much respect for him. How can a person go through so much and not be different.

                      But I think the "heart" of Daniel is the same. He's a good guy. He just wants other people to be happy and free. He likes a juicy discovery. And he probably wouldn't mind getting a little happiness himself, once in a while.


                        Callista, since you are here....

                        Sig made by slizzie1986


                          Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
                          Total Word.

                          I'm getting more than a little tired of the passive-aggressive negativity towards Daniel on this forum. It's often subtle (sometimes not) but it's there in spades. I'd quote examples but I'd probably get modded to hell and back.

                          I'm a DANIEL fan, seasons 1-10, and sometimes I feel I have to apologise for that, for all sorts of reasons.

                          Well, hey. I will not apologise for supporting the actor and character I see as being the heart and soul of the series. Daniel is the most interesting, complex, difficult, enjoyable, character of the lot, as far as I'm concerned. And, no, I'm not dissing Daniel fans who feel he just isn't the same, has changed beyond all recognition throught he years, etc etc ... I just don't feel that way.

                          I'll support Daniel (and Michael) for as long as people want to talk about Daniel, enjoy him, debate him.

                          I suppose what I'm trying to say is that, for me, Daniel is a great character, for all seasons, all reasons ... faults and foibles and all.

                          And I love him.
                          Very well said Totally agree
                          I love all of the characters, from the original four member team and others :janet smilie: and the new members (and the very talented actors who play them) but not going to apologise if I find to be the most interesting, entertaining character of the bunch.

                          On that note I don't expect anyone else to apologise for their favourites either and hope that anyone could post here happily as long as theres good things to say about Daniel.


                            Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post
                            I started watching Stargate totally by accident buzzing through set and S2 started in syndie and didn't know it was on showtime of course didn't have showtime. So started watching S2 and fell for Daniel right away; amazing how quickly started looking up Michaels name finding sites and what he did. So I am kinda a person who has to see the actor away from the character I fell for. this is how crazy I am; I thought save money tape stargate and watch at sis's house did that through summer and then its like do i really want to do this every friday so ended up just getting showtime on my sets and watching at house and was fun cause I could talk to others about eps after.
                            And have been a fan of Michaels/Daniel/other characters for 7 years I was a late bloomer
                            I watched the movie, thought it was one of the best and original movies of its time and was exstatic when it was announced there would be a TV series. My friends dad would tape it and when we went home from school for lunch he would put it on. So I can even remeber it being part of my childhood traditions. I loved the Daniel in the movie and soon loved Daniel in the sereis after watching most of season one. I didn't come online until season 7 started because I wanted to find out what had happend to Daniel when he came back, after that I found out more about Michael Shanks and the rest is history

                            Happy Birthday Callista
                            Last edited by Sprinkles; 27 April 2008, 04:55 PM.


                              Originally posted by Callista View Post
                              I actually like Daniel more and more as the show goes on. I must admit that I thought Daniel in the first couple of seasons was a bit too spacy to be on a team that would face so much danger. I can't imagine that there is any way they would let him be on the team. Yeah, he's great at talking to people and coming up with out of the blue solutions to problems, but I can hardly watch the scene in Children of the Gods when he's standing there flipping through his notes trying to find the return address while everyone is getting shot at and Kowalsky is getting goa'ulded. I much prefer it in later seasons when he's no longer a danger to himself or his team.

                              He just seems to be held to a much higher standard than the others (except for maybe Sam). Teal'c can go off on his own revenging all he wants, but everyone still likes Teal'c. Jack can swing wildly from good, honest guy who would never betray an ally in order to get stuff (Shades of Gray) to a short-sighted, grab first - ask questions never guy (The Other Side) to a guy who never takes anything seriously, but everyone still likes Jack. Hammond starts off as a gruff blow-hard and turns into a loveable old teddy bear, and no one thinks there's anything odd about that.

                              But all the animosity seems to be saved for Daniel and Sam. I don't know why that is. Maybe because I'm relatively new to fandom. I also don't go on any other Stargate forums so perhaps things are different in other places.

                              Personally, I prefer watching a show that evolves. I watched the Simpsons for many years, but eventually I got tired of them always being the same ages. I watched the original Law and Order and even though the actors changed, the characterizations and stories didn't so I got tired of it after a few years.

                              I also prefer watching characters who change. If Daniel were still the same way he were in season one or two, I don't think I'd have much respect for him. How can a person go through so much and not be different.

                              But I think the "heart" of Daniel is the same. He's a good guy. He just wants other people to be happy and free. He likes a juicy discovery. And he probably wouldn't mind getting a little happiness himself, once in a while.

                              And Happy Birthday Callista!


                              Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                                I watch Stargate because I find Daniel to be such an interesting character and so well acted by MS. I think if Daniel hadn't grown up and changed over the years after all his experiences, we would have become quite frustrated with him. Daniel has learned a lot over the years and it shows. He is trusted and well respected for his knowledge and how he handles himself in tough situations. People put their faith in him because he has earned it. And yet, he's still human, with flaws that only make him the more endearing.

