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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Oh cool, there is a Daniel discussion thread! I've seen the thunk one and the ship ones, but I couldn't find a discussion one. Yay.

    Daniel is one of my favorite Stargate characters, though I must admit that I liked him more in the early seasons than the later ones (and was rather disappointed with his Atlantis episodes this season). I still like him though!!

    Anyway, just wanted to say I'm glad I finally found this thread. I'm still finding my way around GW, it can be a rather confusing place.



      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
      Oh cool, there is a Daniel discussion thread! I've seen the thunk one and the ship ones, but I couldn't find a discussion one. Yay.

      Daniel is one of my favorite Stargate characters, though I must admit that I liked him more in the early seasons than the later ones (and was rather disappointed with his Atlantis episodes this season). I still like him though!!

      Anyway, just wanted to say I'm glad I finally found this thread. I'm still finding my way around GW, it can be a rather confusing place.
      GW is a bit confusing...I finally had to limit myself to a certain amount of threads because there were too many to follow.

      Unfortunately there isn't much going on in here, but I'd love it if there were. Any discussion topics you have in mind?

      Good Man by Random is an awesome look at who Daniel is; who he's always been, and who he is after he's changed a little. It's not happy go lucky, but it felt very satisfying and true to me.

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        GW is a bit confusing...I finally had to limit myself to a certain amount of threads because there were too many to follow.

        Unfortunately there isn't much going on in here, but I'd love it if there were. Any discussion topics you have in mind?

        Good Man by Random is an awesome look at who Daniel is; who he's always been, and who he is after he's changed a little. It's not happy go lucky, but it felt very satisfying and true to me.
        Thanks for the fic rec!

        Well, the main reason I wanted to find a Daniel Discussion thread was because of how disappointed I was with some aspects of Daniel's characterization in the Atlantis two-parter this season. I really enjoyed most of his appearance, like figuring out where Janus's lab was and discovering the lost Asgard tribe.

        But there were a couple of moments where he felt really out of character to me, like when he seemed to complain to McKay that he was used to being ridiculed for his theories. I know they were probably referencing the archaeological community's dismissal of his theories, but I had the impression that Daniel has kept basically no contact with those academics since he joined the Stargate program. He's spent the past 10 odd years working with a group of people who implicitly trust his theories, so it just seemed so strange that he'd now complain about being used to people not believing him.

        I was really looking forward to seeing Daniel on Atlantis, but came away a bit disappointed because of how off his characterization seemed to me at times. And, well I guess now I'm wondering if I've missed something somewhere that would help me understand why Daniel would currently feel he's used to his theories not being trusted.



          Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
          Thanks for the fic rec!

          Well, the main reason I wanted to find a Daniel Discussion thread was because of how disappointed I was with some aspects of Daniel's characterization in the Atlantis two-parter this season. I really enjoyed most of his appearance, like figuring out where Janus's lab was and discovering the lost Asgard tribe.

          But there were a couple of moments where he felt really out of character to me, like when he seemed to complain to McKay that he was used to being ridiculed for his theories. I know they were probably referencing the archaeological community's dismissal of his theories, but I had the impression that Daniel has kept basically no contact with those academics since he joined the Stargate program. He's spent the past 10 odd years working with a group of people who implicitly trust his theories, so it just seemed so strange that he'd now complain about being used to people not believing him.

          I was really looking forward to seeing Daniel on Atlantis, but came away a bit disappointed because of how off his characterization seemed to me at times. And, well I guess now I'm wondering if I've missed something somewhere that would help me understand why Daniel would currently feel he's used to his theories not being trusted.
          I think you read too much in that line, he was clearly referencing at the archaeological community before he joined Stargate Program. I loved him in Atlantis, he showed us how much confident he is with himself and the others, even with an egomaniac like Rodney, and with his ideas or theorys, just one thing I found a little OC, he was a little bit too cheerful, but hey! it was DanielDisneyland!
          Sig made by slizzie1986


            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
            But there were a couple of moments where he felt really out of character to me, like when he seemed to complain to McKay that he was used to being ridiculed for his theories. I know they were probably referencing the archaeological community's dismissal of his theories, but I had the impression that Daniel has kept basically no contact with those academics since he joined the Stargate program. He's spent the past 10 odd years working with a group of people who implicitly trust his theories, so it just seemed so strange that he'd now complain about being used to people not believing him.
            Daniel did come in contact with his old colleagues at least once in "The Curse", so that was a reminder. But I think he was mostly referring to how all those experiences made him used to rejection, even if it doesn't happen as much. It certainly shapes his character.

            Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
            I loved him in Atlantis, he showed us how much confident he is with himself and the others, even with an egomaniac like Rodney, and with his ideas or theorys, just one thing I found a little OC, he was a little bit too cheerful, but hey! it was DanielDisneyland!
            Why wouldn't Daniel be cheerful at that point? There are no galactic enemies to fight, so presumably he gets to explore and study whatever he wants. Even after all that's happened in his life, I'd think that that would make him happy.

            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              Why wouldn't Daniel be cheerful at that point? There are no galactic enemies to fight, so presumably he gets to explore and study whatever he wants. Even after all that's happened in his life, I'd think that that would make him happy.
              I said a "little bit too".
              Sig made by slizzie1986


                Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                I said a "little bit too".
                Could that be explained by something shippy in his life? Not going to say what, since there are so many possibilities and candidates, but he seemed a bit honeymoon-ish to me.

                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  Could that be explained by something shippy in his life? Not going to say what, since there are so many possibilities and candidates, but he seemed a bit honeymoon-ish to me.
                  I like that! Wait..what candidates! I can think 2 of them at most, Vala and JacK Who else?
                  Sig made by slizzie1986


                    Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                    I think you read too much in that line, he was clearly referencing at the archaeological community before he joined Stargate Program. I loved him in Atlantis, he showed us how much confident he is with himself and the others, even with an egomaniac like Rodney, and with his ideas or theorys, just one thing I found a little OC, he was a little bit too cheerful, but hey! it was DanielDisneyland!
                    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                    Daniel did come in contact with his old colleagues at least once in "The Curse", so that was a reminder. But I think he was mostly referring to how all those experiences made him used to rejection, even if it doesn't happen as much. It certainly shapes his character.
                    But I felt that all those experiences that happened in the academic community that made him used to being doubted and ridiculed happened over a decade ago. Since then he's worked intensively with a group of people who trust him implicitly, so I'd say for a majority of his professional life he's worked with people who have not ridiculed his theories, but rather have depended on his theories to save their lives.

                    I guess I just felt that at this point in his life, where he's obviously a highly valued member of the SGC and has accomplished so many things in the program, he wouldn't still be so bothered by his previous rejection by the academic community. Yes he was reminded of it in The Curse, but even then he seemed content that he knew the truth, so Steven's jabs at his theories were meaningless. And in Heroes he told Bregman that it didn't matter if he was right or not, compared with the scope of the truth, so I don't see why Daniel would care about the academic community's opinion of him, since he knows the truth and that is what really matters to him. The caring about being 'right' seemed more like a Mckay thing (re Brainstorm) than a Daniel thing.

                    I would think that by now and with everything he's experienced, he'd be far more used to being trusted than not trusted, so that's why that line rang false to me, but maybe I am reading too much into it.



                      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                      But I felt that all those experiences that happened in the academic community that made him used to being doubted and ridiculed happened over a decade ago. Since then he's worked intensively with a group of people who trust him implicitly, so I'd say for a majority of his professional life he's worked with people who have not ridiculed his theories, but rather have depended on his theories to save their lives.

                      I guess I just felt that at this point in his life, where he's obviously a highly valued member of the SGC and has accomplished so many things in the program, he wouldn't still be so bothered by his previous rejection by the academic community. Yes he was reminded of it in The Curse, but even then he seemed content that he knew the truth, so Steven's jabs at his theories were meaningless. And in Heroes he told Bregman that it didn't matter if he was right or not, compared with the scope of the truth, so I don't see why Daniel would care about the academic community's opinion of him, since he knows the truth and that is what really matters to him. The caring about being 'right' seemed more like a Mckay thing (re Brainstorm) than a Daniel thing.

                      I would think that by now and with everything he's experienced, he'd be far more used to being trusted than not trusted, so that's why that line rang false to me, but maybe I am reading too much into it.
                      I don't think he cares, it was a simple answer to a Rodney question, a statement of a fact, nothing more.
                      Sig made by slizzie1986


                        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                        I would think that by now and with everything he's experienced, he'd be far more used to being trusted than not trusted, so that's why that line rang false to me, but maybe I am reading too much into it.
                        I don't think you forget completely that kind of treatment, especially after only ten years. And I think it started before his professional life, too, with his personal experiences as a child.

                        Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                        I like that! Wait..what candidates! I can think 2 of them at most, Vala and JacK Who else?
                        Sam and Cam (though I don't particularly ship that, it certainly exists as a ship).

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                          I don't think you forget completely that kind of treatment, especially after only ten years. And I think it started before his professional life, too, with his personal experiences as a child.
                          True, I guess I remember Daniel usually referring to his experience with the academic community in a more joking manner, like his quip in The Curse that the lecture hall was full when he started, so his more serious/earnest tone in this scene kinda threw me.

                          I just didn't get the impression that he would still be that bothered by it, especially in the middle of an exciting new discovery beyond those academics wildest dreams, and that his own knowledge of the truth would overshadow stuff like that, kinda like what he said in Heroes.

                          But thanks for presenting another interpretation of the scene, I'm really glad I found this thread.



                            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                            True, I guess I remember Daniel usually referring to his experience with the academic community in a more joking manner, like his quip in The Curse that the lecture hall was full when he started, so his more serious/earnest tone in this scene kinda threw me.

                            I just didn't get the impression that he would still be that bothered by it, especially in the middle of an exciting new discovery beyond those academics wildest dreams, and that his own knowledge of the truth would overshadow stuff like that, kinda like what he said in Heroes.

                            But thanks for presenting another interpretation of the scene, I'm really glad I found this thread.
                            I actually agree mostly, I don't think he usually looks back on it with that serious of an outlook. It's like a friend of mine who lost his wife a while ago, and can now honestly share funny stories about their time together, but that doesn't affect the seriousness of the loss. I think Daniel's self-aware to know that his past does affect him, that's all.

                            I'm glad you brought it up too...I didn't think to read anything into that line other than basic information-giving.

                            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                              I actually agree mostly, I don't think he usually looks back on it with that serious of an outlook. It's like a friend of mine who lost his wife a while ago, and can now honestly share funny stories about their time together, but that doesn't affect the seriousness of the loss. I think Daniel's self-aware to know that his past does affect him, that's all.

                              I'm glad you brought it up too...I didn't think to read anything into that line other than basic information-giving.
                              I agree the line was probably meant just as information-giving, but to me it felt like such unnecessary information to give at that moment, that I found myself looking for some other meaning behind it.

                              On the bright side, I caught a rerun of Grace today, and I just love Sam's hallucination of Daniel. 'Seize the Moment!' 'Space born alien entity'.

                              I thought it was cool and quite appropriate that Sam sees Daniel as the inner voice that helps her keep her mind open to all possibilities, and to stay true to her own desire to discover and explore new things.



                                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                                On the bright side, I caught a rerun of Grace today, and I just love Sam's hallucination of Daniel. 'Seize the Moment!' 'Space born alien entity'.

                                I thought it was cool and quite appropriate that Sam sees Daniel as the inner voice that helps her keep her mind open to all possibilities, and to stay true to her own desire to discover and explore new things.
                                Very cool indeed. And I love how Daniel is just slightly annoying to her in her head...adds a whole layer of realism to their relationship. In fact, I like all the not-Daniels we see in the series, and how they enhance our idea of canon-Daniel. The one in Moebius, for instance, is a favorite of mine, and the various "dark sides" of Daniel under sarcophagus or harcesis influences are fascinating.

                                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal

