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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
    You know, Ba'al seems to have a geniune nice side, he just tries to hide it because he supposed to be evil. Look at how he acts when he appears.

    Besides, if he really wanted to get O'Neill and his lotar to tell him everything, infest them with a Go'auld and then kill them. And he was willing to help with the weapon in Reckonning. He even said "Good luck" to Sam.

    Most other Go'auld wouldn't have done that. In the few episodes in which he has appeared, he has some of the most character developement. More, in my opinion, then even Apophis.
    I don't think the fact that he enjoyed torturing and intimidating Jack when he could indeed have gotten what he wanted via implantation makes him nice, I think it makes him sadistic.
    I haven't seen Reckoning II yet, so I'm not sure, but I'd assume the only reason for him to be nice and willing to help is that he came to the Tau'ri begging for their help in Part I. Most people are nice to those from whom they want/need something. All that proves is that he's not stupid.
    That said, I think he does have a lot of character and potential, but I don't think that potential lies in lack of genuine evilness.


      hmmm... personally i'd say he's less genuinely evil than some of the other system lords... certainly less evil than anubis, and i'd say less than apophis... BUT that certainly doesn't make him less power-hungry! thing is, he doesn't care whether people think/believe he's a god... he just wants to power and as long as he's got it he doesn't care... it's when anubis takes over and bumps him down on the scale that he's willing to be NICE to get back there (and save his own skin... not to mention the people of the galaxy... no fun being boss if there's no one left to serve you, ya know! ).... i don't see ANY of the other system lords acting nice in any way or admitting they need help... let alone ASK for it that's where baal's got the real character development and why i love 'im so much that and the lovely smirks, accent, and attire


        ok, so you have a valid point.

        So, here's a thought: cleanshaven or goatee?
        'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


          Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
          You know, Ba'al seems to have a geniune nice side, he just tries to hide it because he supposed to be evil. Look at how he acts when he appears.

          Besides, if he really wanted to get O'Neill and his lotar to tell him everything, infest them with a Go'auld and then kill them. And he was willing to help with the weapon in Reckonning. He even said "Good luck" to Sam.

          Most other Go'auld wouldn't have done that. In the few episodes in which he has appeared, he has some of the most character developement. More, in my opinion, then even Apophis.
          I'd like to see a kind of nice side of Ba'al.

          Can I join the thread?

          The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


            of course you can!!! welcome to the dungeon, angelique

            so on that note, are we the dungeonettes then

            So, here's a thought: cleanshaven or goatee?
            cleanshaven??!!! blasphemy!!!!!

            goatee of course!!


              I definitely agree on that...goatee is gorgeous.


                Is this a poll?

                In that case:


                I think I've made my point.


                  and an EXCELLENT point it was at that


                    definitely Goatee! I can't imagine him without it!

                    The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                      Originally posted by emily_reich
                      hmmmm... daddy baal, huh??

                      Hot Damn! That's a nice pic!


                        Originally posted by Easter Lily
                        "Look here, I've got a reputation to uphold... er... son... I am the most powerful System Lord... evil incarnate... destroyer of worlds..."

                        "What aftershave do you use... er... dad... dang... it smells good..."
                        ok, ROFLMAO!!!! i didn't realize i never responded to this quote before, but this is absolutely hilarious!!! mind if i steal it for a nice trip to photoshop???


                          ok, i couldn't resist:

                          inhonor of E Lily's brilliant quotes... at least ONE deserved to be preserved for all time!! (well, on my computer anyway )


                            ^^The son thing could work. He’s definitely a looker. And Baal’s host has got some great genes. That goa’uld snake had some discriminating taste. Wonder how long it took him/it to find that scrumptious host. Men like that don’t come along everyday.

                            Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
                            So, here's a thought: cleanshaven or goatee?
                            Goatee but of course. And I usually like ‘em clean shaven, but Cliff Simon sports his so well. Yummm. Couldn’t imagine him without one.
                            IMO always implied.


                              Wooo for Baal fics!

                              There just aren't enough out there.

                              If he truly is to be all powerful and we really are his loyal worshippers, then he must have a giant legacy of literary tributes.....

                              I like the whole son idea.

                              I like the um, *other* idea even more .

                              But that might be just me.

                              But hey Shadow, here's an idea for incorporating not just our fav evil overlord, but our fav snarky scientist too: Feel free to swipe it or diss it as you see fit

                              Sam gets captured by Baal (and here's an opportunity for all the Sam/Baal shippers to play..) and taken to a remote and unknown planet not part of our galaxy's gate system.

                              Nobody knows where she is and both rescue and escape appear impossible (naturally ).

                              Meanwhile, in the Pegasus galaxy, Rodney's late night fantasies take on a strange twist...he keeps seeing Sam in the clutches of this sinfully hot guy with a goatee and sexy robes and - horror of horrors - she is subjected to the dreaded LEMON torture. (Ahem)

                              He figures it's just hallucinations brought on by his lack of familiariy with lousy hours and constant peril, but as his nights become more and more sleepless, Rodney realises that his dreams/fantasies aren't dreams at all.

                              Samantha is in trouble! And there's only one man who has what it takes to rescue her, who knows what a life long legacy of horrors LEMONS can inflict.

                              That man is Dr Rodney Mckay.

                              Of course, whether Sam will appreciate the interrup - I mean rescue - is another matter entirely.


                                Originally posted by emily_reich
                                ok, i couldn't resist:

                                inhonor of E Lily's brilliant quotes... at least ONE deserved to be preserved for all time!! (well, on my computer anyway )
                                Awww... that is so sweet Em... I actually thought nobody liked it and ignored it on purpose to be nice...
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

