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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Merrin_Delaney
    *cough* Sex slave *hides*
    You thought so too, huh? Mwwaahahahahaha. The stories that could come of that. hehe. What is it they say? "There are always possibilities."

    And as for Ba'al being like Ra: bah, I say. Ba'al would kick his ass and then rule as the supreme system lord. With Sam by his side of course. Seriously, that much hotness and brains in the same room... they would have the universe bowing at their feet inside six months.
    'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


      Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
      You thought so too, huh?
      *snicker* Yeah, well...
      Personally, I've always wondered how the guy managed to survive 24 years as Ba'al's closest servant. 'Coz, dude, Ba'al is evil. Delicious as sin, certainly, but evil all the same.
      He must have been one hell of a Lo'tar.


        Just thought I'd contribute this pic of the sexiest Goa'uld there is to this thread


          I dunno if Ba'al's lo'taur discussed his origin in Summit/Last Stand, but is there any chance that, say, Ba'al raised him? The kid seemed awfully young to have served Ba'al for years and years. There could be a story, there. Maybe the kid was the son of an enemy, kidnapped as a baby or rescued from the destruction of his father's base and brought up as evidence of Ba'al's might.

          Do you think Ba'al made good on his promise and made him a goa'uld?


            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
            I dunno if Ba'al's lo'taur discussed his origin in Summit/Last Stand, but is there any chance that, say, Ba'al raised him?
            Hmmm. They didn't say anything about his history, but your theory would explain why he was so utterly *****ed up. I mean, Daddy Ba'al? Can't be good.

            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
            Do you think Ba'al made good on his promise and made him a goa'uld?
            Yeah, I'm kinda worried he did. Ba'al keeping promises is canon, after all. And why wouldn't he 'reward' him for the years of good service?
            There aren't really that many options, anyway. I think the Lo'tar was either snaked or made some sort of irredeemable mistake and was killed off.


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
              I dunno if Ba'al's lo'taur discussed his origin in Summit/Last Stand, but is there any chance that, say, Ba'al raised him? The kid seemed awfully young to have served Ba'al for years and years. There could be a story, there. Maybe the kid was the son of an enemy, kidnapped as a baby or rescued from the destruction of his father's base and brought up as evidence of Ba'al's might.

              Do you think Ba'al made good on his promise and made him a goa'uld?
              Are you trying to let loose some bunnies?

              Thanks to bling for the great sig!
              Proud Hussy of Babylon (tm) and resident linguist
              ~Proud member of the official Dr Radek Zelenka Fan Club!~


                Originally posted by Iskandra
                Are you trying to let loose some bunnies?
                Yes. I have a plot bunny ready to hatch, but I'm busy trying to find a way to get my sister's comp play DVDs. It has a DVD drive, but it doesn't recognise it or something. It says I need a DVD decoder and I'm kinda pissed at the idea of having to BUY a decoder when it should be preinstalled with the damn DVD drive! *sigh*


                  Originally posted by Merrin_Delaney
                  Hmmm. They didn't say anything about his history, but your theory would explain why he was so utterly *****ed up. I mean, Daddy Ba'al? Can't be good.

                  hmmmm... daddy baal, huh??


                    Plot bunny has been posted. And dang, that pic makes it seem so possible...

                    The kid's almost as cute as his daddy.


                      ...ALMOST... really, i think there's somethin goin on there


                        Yeah, I could see it going that way, too. If ANY of the goa'uld went for that sort of thing (and no doubt BDSM) it'd be Ba'al, but I'm kinda liking the "raised as a son" thing.


                          well who says the two are mutually exclusive??? this IS a goauld we're talkin about here


                            Originally posted by emily_reich
                            "Look here, I've got a reputation to uphold... er... son... I am the most powerful System Lord... evil incarnate... destroyer of worlds..."

                            "What aftershave do you use... er... dad... dang... it smells good..."
                            Last edited by Easter Lily; 03 March 2005, 05:27 PM.
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              You know, Ba'al seems to have a geniune nice side, he just tries to hide it because he supposed to be evil. Look at how he acts when he appears.

                              Besides, if he really wanted to get O'Neill and his lotar to tell him everything, infest them with a Go'auld and then kill them. And he was willing to help with the weapon in Reckonning. He even said "Good luck" to Sam.

                              Most other Go'auld wouldn't have done that. In the few episodes in which he has appeared, he has some of the most character developement. More, in my opinion, then even Apophis.
                              'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                                I randomly clicked on the ASK SEN'IL! column and found this answer to a question about where they get their outfits.

                                Originally posted by SEN'IL
                                ...Lord Baal has an elite unit of personal tailors who travel with him at all times. It is their job to make sure he looks his godly best at all times...

                                Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.

