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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Forestia View Post
    Hi, yeah so once again it's been like a trillion years, give or take a billion (where or where does the time go?). Also, once again, I don't have the time to catch up on all the posts, but happy new year to everyone and I'm sorry for all the anniversaries, birthdays and landmarks I've missed. Congrats to you all!

    On the subject of Amanda, I am thoroughly enjoying Sanctuary! Awesome, awesome show! I am going to sound dis loyal, but my favorite character is actually Henry. I can't help it, he is just very appealing to me. However, Helen is my 2nd fave, followed by Will, Ash and the big guy. I guess John would be next. I actually like Tesla a lot too,
    even though he is kind of evil (I mean John was at first, but as far as I can tell, he's better).
    He is a very interesting character, so I hope we see more of him. So, yeah, that is so my favorite show right now!

    On another note, I want to get all of your opinions on something because I still care about all of you and when something upsetting happens with me and it concerns Amanda, well I want to talk to you guys about it.

    Anyway, ok I watched a vid for Amanda on You Tube and then I left a comment saying I am lucky because I got to meet her and get a hug from her. I said it was the best moment of my life so far. Then this other person left a reply saying "Your life must be pretty crappy if that was the best part". Not only did that hurt my feelings, but it seems very insulting to Amanda to say that getting to meet and hug her was not that great of a thing. I don't know why this person was watching the vid, but they obviously aren't that big of an Amanda fan.

    So, I am wondering, is it pathetic to consider something like that the best moment? I don't feel like it is. I haven't gotten married or had kids, or anything like that, but I have had a lot of good experiences. I've done many fun things and have had some great days. However, when I really think about what made me happiest, and what was not only the best day, but the best moment, that was it. I don't care if people think I have a crappy life because of that. They don't know me.

    Ok, I'm obviously just venting now. I'm not sure I really have the right to do that on here since I'm never on enough for people to even know me, but I can't help it. I mean if anyone would understand, it would be Amanda fans.

    I hope I get a chance to get back on here and see what people say. Whatever the case, I hope you are all well and take care!
    Only you can say what the highlight of your life is and no one has the right to pass judgment. I don't understand why people have to be negative about another's experience. Happy to say my brain is not wired that way. In catching up on the thread today it seems a lot of people mentioned Amanda moments as their highlights of 2008 so you are obviously in good company here. I suspect I'm older than you (as I am compared to a lot of folks here). Other than wrinkles, age also brings a bit of wisdom. As you get older you will learn that life is too short () to worry about the negativity of others. Until then, you can hang out here, in your happy place.

    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    Happy Birthday
    Major Sam!!

    Hey Forestia...I know some people have already responded but I just wanted to add...I think the thing is that that moment means a lot to you and will be something you will always remember and why can't it be the best moment of your life???
    Unfortunately there are some people who just don't understand what it truly means to have a happy moment happen in their life that makes it mean more to you rather than to them. And you don't need to have kids or get married to make that the best moment in your life. know you can have more than one right???
    Maybe this person hasn't been so lucky to have a best moment and is jealous that you have. Just a thought! Don't let it upset you honey.

    Just a quick note before I sign off...this is OT so spoilered for those who don't want to know...
    I'm gonna be in less for a while...I'll try to get in as much as I can when I get the chance but my dad isn't too good. He's receiving palliative care now and things are going a lot quicker than I expected. So while I wish I could play, I've been spending every day at the hospital with him...unfortunately I'm also working 6 days a week at the moment so my time is extremely tight. I just wanted to say that I have appreciated all the thoughts and kind words that my dad and I have received since he was first diagnosed. I honestly can't say how I feel right now other than angry and confused...and frustrated. BUT...again, I'm taking each day as it comes and I still wake up and smile at what I have. Which is hard. But also easy. Confusing?? Tell me about it!
    Anyhoo, take care and have fun. And thank you!
    *hugs Samandans*

    Chelle, sending you virtual hugs and support until I can give you the real thing in November.

    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

    Sam has been my favorite SG character since I saw the pilot ep way back when, she's been part of my one SG Ship, I've been fangurling Amanda in every thread I post in and I'm going out of my way to be able to see Sanctuary every week because I'm hooked and yet, in the two year I've been hanging around on GW I have never, ever posted here.

    To show that one is never too old to try something new :

    Amanda is Awesome.

    *fangurl Squees for good measure*

    Yes, I did wait two years just to say that.

    Welcome! Never to late to see the light!

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Rocky, Delusional much

      Jack: How’s it goin’?
      Sam: I’ve never seen this kind of technology before.
      Jack: Hey, you’re supposed to be a genius. That’s why I brought you along.
      Sam: I’m working on it. I think the power relay was overloaded. I may be able to reroute the circuit to the control interface.

      Sam: What?

      Jack: It’s just a little weird hearin’ that kind of stuff come out of someone so ...

      Sam: What?

      Jack: Hot.

      Sam: Really?

      Jack: Well... you know-- yeah.

      Sam: Wow. Um, it’s just you ... you’re not the kind of guy that I usually attract.

      Jack: No?
      Sam: No. Huh. God. Wow! This is kinda awkward.
      Jack: Yeah, it’s gettin’ there.

      Sam: I’m kind of attracted to ... Rocky.

      (Jack stares at her for a moment in MASSIVE disbelief.)
      Jack: What?! (Sam shrugs. Jack walks closer to her.) Really?! That shmo?! That weasel?!

      Sam: I'll have you know he's no shmo or weasel, I mean MY gawd! The man is a hunk if I've ever seen one. Those lips, those eyes, that dark hair, oh man, sometimes he makes me moan uncontrollably like a wolf.

      Jack: OK, I'm gonna go back to work
      Sam: Wow. Psycho.
      Last edited by Rocky89; 07 January 2009, 06:37 PM.


        rocky, hon, your reality check just bounced
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Seriously, Rocky, where do you get your "stuff" man? I'd like to know.


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            rocky, hon, your reality check just bounced
            yeah ... but he's the only 'other' that's had that spark with sam... ~is afraid for s/j~




              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

              Sam has been my favorite SG character since I saw the pilot ep way back when, she's been part of my one SG Ship, I've been fangurling Amanda in every thread I post in and I'm going out of my way to be able to see Sanctuary every week because I'm hooked and yet, in the two year I've been hanging around on GW I have never, ever posted here.

              To show that one is never too old to try something new :

              Amanda is Awesome.

              *fangurl Squees for good measure*

              Yes, I did wait two years just to say that.

              Amanda is the awesomest. And welcome!

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              rocky, hon, your reality check just bounced
              Tee Hee.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                rocky, hon, your reality check just bounced
                Amanda's all the reward I need .

                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                Seriously, Rocky, where do you get your "stuff" man? I'd like to know.
                Amanda's all the inspiration I need .

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                I'm sorry, what was that??? Are you happy

                Go get posting...Just another 500 posts and you can get a custom avatar!
                Amanda always makes me happy *Sigh*. As for my custom avatar, at first I was thinking of this-

                Then I thought of this-

                Or these-

                Or these, which our awesome artist Lies (SamJackShipLover) made with her loads of talent -


                  Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                  Sam has been my favorite SG character since I saw the pilot ep way back when, she's been part of my one SG Ship, I've been fangurling Amanda in every thread I post in and I'm going out of my way to be able to see Sanctuary every week because I'm hooked and yet, in the two year I've been hanging around on GW I have never, ever posted here.

                  To show that one is never too old to try something new

                  Amanda is Awesome.

                  *fangurl Squees for good measure*

                  Yes, I did wait two years just to say that.
                  You and me both , and yeah, Amanda is too awesome, maybe even too awesome for some .

                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
         has an interview with David Hewlett (McKay) about ending the series and he had some nice things to say about Amanda.

         Tell me about McKay's journey as a character and your journey playing him throughout the years.

                  Hewlett: I think McKay has done more changing of me than I have of McKay. He was just the most unlikely lead. You know what I mean? He came in SG-1 as a guest star and my job as a guest star was to get in the way of Amanda Tapping (Col. Samantha Carter) and annoy [her character] mercilessly.

         Well done.

                  Hewlett: Right? Job. Done. She's such a gracious, lovely actress to work with that she really let me have some fun. The weird thing is, if you come in [to a show] and you're insulting and demeaning to people even though everyone knows you're playing a character — people don't like to be weak. You have to give people a certain amount of latitude to get away with that kind of stuff. She was fantastic because you could tell that my character was getting under her character's skin. She was great, she would talk about it and say, "You know what I hate? Do this!" It was a fantastic way to play a guest star because I really got to go for it. ... [McKay] is an irritating, abrasive, intelligent but socially inept individual. So I've spent five years filling in the reasons for that.

                  You can find the complete interview here

                  Now that's what I like reading, I love how when ever someone works with Amanda, they usually come out loving her . I've always known her and David are close, but it's always good hear him talk so highly of her .

                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  Congrats on 1500 posts Rocky

                  Sorry I gotz no green to give.

                  *waves at Nad* Eloquent as ever hun Welcome
                  Thank you jasmina , and don't worry about the green, like Amanda, I don't do it for the green .

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Been busy over the holidays so just catching up. Wanted to get in on this discussion. Always enjoy your point of view ladies.

                  In a perfect world (and maybe if there were 36 hours in a day so Amanda could get some sleep) it would have been wonderful if the timing had worked out so she could have finished with season 1 filming of Sanctuary before SGA started season 5. Not to be, so I think Amanda made the best decision she could under the circumstances. All that matters, as said above, is that Amanda is happy with her decision.
                  Welcome back . And you're right, if there were 36 hours in a day, Amanda could do it all, but there's not, Amanda can't do it all, and for her sake, we shouldn't want her to. I wouldn't want her to overwork herself, besides as long as she's happy, I'm happy .

                  I agree they did not give us enough Sam on SGA nor did they give us enough of Sam being Sam. I agree it was due in part to the alleged controversy of Sam crossing over to Atlantis. I think TPTB didn't want to create waves and therefore probably went too far in restricting Carter's role. In fairness to Joe and Paul, I think they would have liked to have done more. It was their idea and they talked Amanda into it. I think they just catered to the vocal minority a bit too much. Also, to be fair, Amanda herself has accepted some of the responsibility for this. She has mentioned often that she wanted to tread lightly both as a character and as an actor coming to an established show.

                  One of the reasons that I was hoping to see Sam regularly in season 5 was that I anticipated we would not only see more of her but more of the "old" Sam.
                  Since you already read my big post about this, there's really no need to repeat myself .

                  As much as I miss Sam (hoping for a good things in the next SG1 movie) I love the character of Helen. Again, I agree with the comments about some growing pains on Sanctuary but, for the most part, I have really enjoyed the show. I'm disappointed we haven't seen more of Helen's history and more Helen/John but I'm hopefull we'll get that in season 2.

                  I also agree that it was the right career move for Amanda because of the added responsibilities of being an EP and because I think we'll get more of her directing in the future. Not that I want her to do less acting but I think she has many talents to explore. Good for her and good for women in the business. Amanda mentioned at AT3 that she and Michael asked about directing SG1 at the same time. He was given an opportunity in season 3 and she had to wait until season 7. Much as I admire TPTB for writing some strong female characters they still have a way to go regarding equality (don't worry, I'm not about to mention the fact that her reproductive organs are on the inside ).
                  I love both Sam and Helen, and Sam was given 11 years for us to learn a lot about her, which we did and I loved learning something new about Sam every season and every episode. And I think we've just begun to tap (no pun intended ) into the character of Helen, I've loved her this season, and I can't wait see what we see in S2 .

                  As Rocky mentioned, Sanctuary would have died without her. Isn't one of the reasons we admire this lady so much is because of her personal integrity? She could have easily made a selfish decision to take the money and work way less. Frankly, I think the risk was much greater that the new show wouldn't click than Atlantis would be cancelled. The odds for new shows making it are pretty bad especially since they don't get much time to establish a fan base. Not surprising to me that she risked what she had because others were depending on her.

                  All in all, this Amanda/Sam/Helen fan is happy with how things turned out.
                  Thanks for mentioning me , and I'm glad we see eye to eye on that . Amanda knew it was possible Sanctuary might not get renewed, and she didn't know about what would have had happened to Atlantis, she could have taken the safe route and stayed with SGA, but she didn't, she didn't do this for herself, she did it for her fans and the people who needed her, and I respect and admire the hell out of her for that.

                  And now, her show is coming back for S2 and why? Karma.


                    Hi Everyone,

                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                    Sam has been my favorite SG character since I saw the pilot ep way back when, she's been part of my one SG Ship, I've been fangurling Amanda in every thread I post in and I'm going out of my way to be able to see Sanctuary every week because I'm hooked and yet, in the two year I've been hanging around on GW I have never, ever posted here.

                    To show that one is never too old to try something new :

                    Amanda is Awesome.

                    *fangurl Squees for good measure*

                    Yes, I did wait two years just to say that.

                    *waves* hi Nad! And Welcome!!!
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    rocky, hon, your reality check just bounced
                    We love ya Rocky

                    Gotta run, class starts soon, see you all later.

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Hi guys. Just checking in with a status update of dad. This post is a lot longer than anticipated but I couldn't stop...sorry!
                      Dad passed away this morning at 9.15 after mum and I had stepped out to let the nurses give him a bath. I truly believe he was waiting for all of us to not be in the room with him when he left us. My brothers and I stayed with mum at the hospice all Tuesday night as things had progressed rather quickly during that day. (All the grandchildren came in to say goodbye to him that night...very very sad and difficult to watch. Totally broke my heart).Then we stayed all day with him on Wednesday and things once again went downhill late in the afternoon and we thought we were going to lose him then. It was just us five in the room and we held his hand and told him we loved him and he came out of it enough to say "love you" back to us. It was the most beautiful wonderful thing ever!
                      All of dad's grandchildren stayed at our house. All nine of them. David and my two sisters in law took care of the kids. The kids are old enough to be left on their own for a period of the three littlies that the four older girls took care of...including baby Daniel...but we didn't want them to be alone too much during this, so we decided that it would be better to only call our partners in when the time came that dad wanted to go.
                      As it turned out, after speaking with the nurse on Wednesday night at 10.30, she felt that nothing was imminent so we could all go home and get some sleep. I really wasn't functioning to well on one hour sleep in 2 days...I kid you get to a point where sleep truly alludes you and you hit overdrive and it's just freaky how you manage. While the boys took shifts in sleeping, mum and I chatted and laughed about the good times with dad and life in our wacky family! Only when the boys ducked out for a bit the next morning did mum get a couple of hours sleep and it was me who had to wake her coz dad once again took a dip.
                      So much happened in the last two days. Anyhoo, basically, last night I told the boys that if anything should happen overnight while we weren't there, then I think that just proves that dad is waiting to be alone with mum. But I think he really didn't even want mum to see him go either. So this morning my older brother and hubby went to the airport to pick up my uncle who flew in from NZ and my little brother was still at home sleeping. Hubby had dropped me off at the hospice on the way so it was just me and mum.
                      Mum had a shower and the nurses came in to say they wanted to give dad a bath so we left to get a drink and the paper. We came back to find the doctor there and he told us that he had just died.
                      So, I sat with mum and dad for a few minutes and then went to call my little brother and told him to come on in...I couldn't tell him about dad til I knew he got to the hospice safely. Then I called hubby had him tell my brother. Then I called the girls to also come in. Hard part was calling dad's brother. So by now it was back to mum and dad then off to look for little brother Pip and tell him when he arrived.
                      Then once Bob and hubby arrived and the girls, we spent more time together before we all...including mum, headed off to my place to tell the kids.
                      Picture if you will, 8 kids on my floor in the lounge/living room all waiting for the news they knew was coming. So I told them the same thing I told everyone else...
                      "Opa passed away this morning at 9.15. And he left us so peacefully and beautifully just like he wanted. And it couldn't have been any better. The nurses told us that he just slipped away. And we truly believe that Opa waited til we were all out of the room as he didn't want for any of us to see him go".
                      They just accepted that so bravely and so ...grown up like!
                      So after some coffee and lots of phone calls, we headed back to mum and dads to make funeral arrangements. I couldn't stay there when people started to show up. I just wanted to be with my family only...just us three kids and our families and my 2 uncles and auntie. Alone. But...I couldn't tell the others to wasn't my place. So I left. I'm waiting for it to truly sink in. It's not overly hard to write about it. In fact this has helped a bit.
                      You know, we knew this was going to happen...but when it was sad and beautiful and hard but such a relief that he wasn't going to suffer any more.
                      Anyhoo, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you. I have to go back to mums tomorrow to finalise the funeral and I've been asked to make a video...among a few other things.
             said this would be one the most difficult times of my life. And it is. But we're all going to be fine. It's funny how we pull together when we really need to. I'm lucky...I'm truly very lucky.

                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        I am so sorry chelle

                        My sincerest condolences

                        Where in the World is George Hammond?




                          I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My most heart-felt condolences to you and to all of your loved-ones. I will keep you all in my thoughts and my prayers.


                            I am so sorry to her of your loss. Baroch dayan hamet (a prayer in Hebrew for him).


                              (((Chelle))) my sincerest best wishes for you and your family during this difficult time.

                              my fanfic


                                (((((Chelle))))) my condolences. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

