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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
    The Newsroom? I'm afraid I've never even heard of that... have I? And yeah, it's hard to believe that there was once a time when we saw Amanda on TV before SG and we saw her and just another actress . And now 11 years, she's the queen of Sci-fi, one of the, if not the most famous female Sci-fi TV actress, she has another hit show of her own, and most importanly LOADS of fans who love her .

    It's on dvd and available from Netflix. She was really funny in it. If you get a chance you should check it out.
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    William Shakespeare

    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      Just got back from the post office. Thanks Sky! Your my first...well Christmas card sender that is.

      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

      Greatest the list!!

      I have to get to bed early tonight...I think I must have squeezed in about 2 hours last night and I'm totally feeling it now! I can't wait to see Sanctuary on Sunday morning before work!
      But must go get daughter from dance class then get some beauty sleep.
      Night folks...sweet dreams!! (((Samandans)))
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        I don't know, but I'm willing to guess from what little I know of names in Russian, a related language/ culture. Last names take different forms based on the gender of the person, frequently by adding the letter -a to the end of the name. So Sergei Grinkov's daughter's name is Daria Grinkova. I think that the -ova ending is the foreign name using a Czech ending.

        Just my guess.
        well they probably wouldn't use the -ova form simply because she's American herself, but if she was Czech then yeah, Carterova. My friend's surname is Sedlakova and her father's Sedlak rather than Sedlakov.
        But then in Watergate, the scientist is Dr. Markov and I always thought it should have been Markova but nevermind

        *back to lurking*
        sigpicMy Fanfic


          Just pre-ordered Sanctuary from Amazon It's due for release here in the UK on 16th February 2009. Cost on Amazon is £25.98.

          For details of AT10 go to


            WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, hey guys, just gotta tell ya something crazy, I had another wicked Helen dream last night, the BIGGEST, CRAZIEST dream I've ever had. . It was crazy, it was my own version of Requiem . I dreamt I was working with Helen who was wearing her standard hunting suit to hunt down abnormals in a mall, and Helen was acting a lot like she does in those promo pics we've seen and she was acting a bit irritable.

            We were chasing the abnormals, and Helen kept trying to kill them instead of capture them, and at one point we came across a restaurant, I think it was a McDonald's , and we ordered something to eat, and Helen was been a huge pain to the cashier . At this point I figured what makes her crazy in Requiem has got to be making her crazy here in the dream too.

            Anyway, we sit down to eat, and then Helen starts putting the moves on me , she was acting like we've seen her in these hot wet promo pics pics, expect in my dream Helen was dry.


            Anyway, she was coming on to me hard, kinda like she did to O'Neill in The Broca Divide, and I'll never forgive myself for this, but in my dream, I was actually trying to get away from her *Smacks head* she was actually scaring me, and I was trying to run away.

            Then the most UNBELIEVABLE part of my dream, I'm running away, and Helen catches me, and says to me in that awesome accent of hers "Why you running sweetheart?" And then BOOM, someone grabs her and throws her back, and it was none other than my first hero, Sam Carter (real blonde Sam Carter) . She looked like how she did in Continuum, but she was wearing her leather off-world jacket and pants from Atlantis, I was in shock to see who I was seeing, and Sam actually said "Hi" to me. Sam looks over at Helen and she says to her "Hey, b****, you've taken on quite a few baddies in you day, why don't you try taking me on now?"

            So there I had it, fandom VS fandom, Colonel Samantha Carter VS Dr. Helen Magnus . The fight was crazy, it was like a mixture of Hulk VS Abomination, Freddy VS Jason and Robocop VS Terminator.

            Helen got up, and ran towards Sam, and Sam started running towards, they jumped and collided in mid-air, with Helen throwing Sam to the ground. Sam's lying there on the ground, she's tries to get up, but Helen grabs her by the hair and slams her face in the ground, then picks her up, and throws her back down to the ground on her back, Helen grabs Sam's face and runs her through soft walls, with Sam grabbing on to Helen's hands trying to get free, and then Helen throws Sam through a store window. Sam slowly gets up, and then she See's two fire next to her on a wall, she grabs them, charges over to Helen and starts whacking her with them, she hits her all over and eventually knocks her to the ground where Sam continues to whack her with the extinguishers. Sam throws them away and hits Helen in the face with her bare fists, and then she stands and stomps Helen's face with her foot, Helen grabs her foot, and throws her away. Helen tries to get up, but she's still a bit dizzy, but eventually gets on her feet, then Sam picks up a baseball bat and swings it at Helen, but Helen continues to maneuver around it, and she grabs Sam's arm with both her arms and kicks her shoulder and elbows her in the face, thus falling to the ground. Sam quickly gets up and pushes Helen hard and she falls back onto a table, but Helen gets back up, runs toward Sam and they lock hands in a power struggle and they just stare each other down.

            Helen lets go and grabs Sam's throat and starts choking her, Sam grabs Helen's and starts doing the same, they both stay on their feet, and Sam kicks Helen in the stomach and Helen goes down again while Sam falls her knees trying to get some air. Helen gets up just as Sam gets back on her feet, and Helen delivers a flying jump kick which throws Sam down near a flight of stairs, Helen comes out her again but Sam charges at Helen's legs, picks her up and throws her down the stairs. Sam goes after her and somehow gets back the baseball bat and starts hitting Helen with it over and over, then out of no where, Helen gets some sand and throws it in Sam's face, which makes the bat fall out of Sam's hand and into Helen's. Sam finally able to see, gets hit by Helen and eventually knocks her to her hands and feet, Sam tries to get up, but Helen keeps hitting her on her back, and Helen yells to her "Had enough blondie?", and she keeps hitting her again.

            As for me, I don't know how I did, but I got the antidote to cure Helen, and I ran over to give it to her. Meanwhile, Helen grabs Sam, turns her over and punches her in the face, Helen picks Sam up and slams her against a wall with her arm to Sam's throat, Sam tries to get free, she even knee kicks Helen in the stomach, but Helen presses her arm harder against Sam's throat, and Helen said to her "You know I do know who you are, and I am familiar with your work, and what you do, but I'm afraid it's time to end this." Helen pulls out a knife and goes in for the kill, but Sam grabs it just millimeters from her face, but Helen presses harder and the blade starts to cuts Sam's face, but then Sam gets a boast of energy pulls the knife away and pokes Helen in the eyes, and headbutts her in the head. Helen falls back and Sam grabs her by the shoulders and starts banging against hard walls over and over, until Sam throws her into an antique shop, there Helen gets her hands on a sword . Sam rushes in and quickly grabs a sword too, then they started fighting again big time like Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

            They both kept going at it, but then Helen gets the upper hand on Sam and gets the sword out of her hand, and Helen cuts nicks Sam in the stomach. Sam falls on her back and Helen goes in for the kill, BUT I jump on Helen and try to give her the antidote, she throws me off, and I drop the antidote Helen picks up her sword and she's about to kill me, but luckily Sam comes up from behind her and injects the antidote into Helen, thus making her normal.

            Afterwards Sam falls on her back and so does Helen, but Helen thanks us for making her normal again, and Sam said-- well, I think she said "Sure, nothing to it". They shook hands, then....... I woke up.

            Cool story, eh?


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              who else is excited about 'requiem' airing next?
              Oh, is there an episode this week. Hadn't crossed my mind. No nnnot at aaaalll.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i saw the preview 'once' and that's all. i've seen some caps from it, but like the other eps, i'm trying to remain as spoiler free as possible. unlike stargate, i don't fear being blindsided by things, so i don't *have* to know things.
              I also saw the preview once but have changed the channel when it's been on so as not to spoil too much.
              Last edited by jckfan55; 03 December 2008, 07:45 AM. Reason: fix quote


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                You're invited to a party! Here's an invitation just for you...from the talented josiane! It's in spoilers for those who may not want to participate.

                Mark your calendars now!!!
                Yeah, but your signature has that icky shippyness to it too.
                Seriously, it IS a nice photo of RDA and AT though.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Yeah, but your signature has that icky shippyness to it too.
                  Seriously, it IS a nice photo of RDA and AT though.

                  Seriously, I'll try to visit the Shipmas thread that day, but I work and then have the church play that night. Need to cook for the dinner too.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse View Post

                    Seriously, I'll try to visit the Shipmas thread that day, but I work and then have the church play that night. Need to cook for the dinner too.

                    Is that a threat?

                    my fanfic


                      Hi Everyone,

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i do agree, sam's 'ways to kill time' would vary over the years.

                      seasons 1-3 or so, she'd pay attention, more so in the beginning, less so as the years go on. season 4-6ish, she'd sit in the back, kinda paying attention, kinda doing something else

                      now? i think it depends. If she's in a meeting with lots of outsiders, i think she'd have her blackberry/laptop handy and get a little work done, or a little reading, especially if it was a topic she knew already.

                      i don't think she'd ever be rude (like some people i see at meetings) but i do think she's busy enough and knows enough that she can 'unplug' some of the time
                      I agree Sky I think that Sam (especially in later seasons) would be able to mentally multi-task.

                      And I got my first Christmas card today, thanks Sky

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                        It's on dvd and available from Netflix. She was really funny in it. If you get a chance you should check it out.
                        I saw the episode a few years back. The show was a critical success and Amanda did a good job on her episode.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          I'm glad the cards made it. I took advantage of sucky TV last friday to address them and then to get to the post office saturday

                          now, if i could just gert my christmas shopping done
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            I'm glad the cards made it. I took advantage of sucky TV last friday to address them and then to get to the post office saturday
                            now, if i could just get my Christmas shopping done
                            Your post office is open on a Saturday?? I don't think ours are! Bummer!
                            I'll get mine done this week...which basically leaves me today and tomorrow!
                            Great dream Rocky!! You could almost make a fic out of that!
                            Back later...have to let junior use the puter to do homework!
                            3 more sleeps til Sanctuary: Requiem!!!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Your post office is open on a Saturday?? I don't think ours are! Bummer!
                              I'll get mine done this week...which basically leaves me today and tomorrow!
                              Great dream Rocky!! You could almost make a fic out of that!
                              Back later...have to let junior use the puter to do homework!
                              3 more sleeps til Sanctuary: Requiem!!!!
                              Hey, maybe I could . How do I though?

                              Thanks Chelle .


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                Your post office is open on a Saturday?? I don't think ours are! Bummer!
                                I'll get mine done this week...which basically leaves me today and tomorrow!
                                Great dream Rocky!! You could almost make a fic out of that!
                                Back later...have to let junior use the puter to do homework!
                                3 more sleeps til Sanctuary: Requiem!!!!
                                Chelle the Post Office Shops are open Saturday mornings (at least they are up here).

                                *skips off chanting*
                                *only 3 more sleeps, 3 more sleeps, 3 more sleeps*


