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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    here's a cute little sam and vala friendship fic
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      here's a cute little sam and vala friendship fic
      Consider yourself greened. That is a cute fic. Well written too!
      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


        couldn't you just see sam putting one over on vala?

        and vice versa, eventually
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          couldn't you just see sam putting one over on vala?

          and vice versa, eventually
          Ooooo, total prompt for that author...must go back and request (politely) a fic with Vala (kindly) paying Sam back for it.
          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.



            Check out my fanfic


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

              Hammond: Doctor Fraiser reports that Rocky is still delusional, but they're working on a cure.

              Teal'c: I do not believe he wishes to be cured.

              Hammond: Doctor Fraiser reports that Rocky is still delusional, but they're working on a cure.

              Teal'c: I do not believe he wishes to be cured.

              Sam: Why should he? Besides, I'd hardly call it delusional if it's the truth. If that Tapping lady doesn't want him, I'll have him .

              Well you heard it from Sam herself . Besides, if I'm the "delusional" one *looks at jckfan's location* how come you live at the Sanctuary? Can someone say abnormal? Oh, and if you liked that, than your gonna love these which I also posted on the Sam/AT pic thread:

              Reporter: Amanda what's wrong? You're here in New York for your own shows big premiere, so where's that big smile of yours?

              Amanda: Everything's fine... actually no it's not, I thought he'd be here.

              Reporter: Who?

              *Yells across distance* Rocky: Amanda I'm here, sorry I'm late.

              *SQUEEEEEEEEEE* Amanda: YAY he made it, now we can party.

              Rocky: What do you want to do after the premiere?

              Amanda: *Talking slowly* Oh, I can think of a few things. Why do you think I picked this dress? *Wink*


              Amanda: Hey Rock, what da ya think of my new gear?

              Rocky: Amanda, you're way to beautiful for that.

              : You're right, I'll take it off.

              Rocky: $$$

              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              Hi Everyone

              *hugs thread*

              *sends chelle love and prayers* I'm think of you, your Dad and all your family chelle *hugs you*
              We're always with you Chelle , and your family . *Lots of hugs*

              On topic: doesn't Amanda Tapping rock?!!

              Yes, yes she does .
              Last edited by Rocky89; 07 January 2009, 04:46 PM.


                Rocky, Delusional much


                  WOO HOO, I just reached my 1500th posts you guys *YAY*. Sorry I haven't got another awesome vid to show you like I did with my 1000th post, but we'll see what happens when I reach my 2000th post .

                  Here's to 1500 posts, and here's to many more . Cheers Samanda
                  Last edited by Rocky89; 07 January 2009, 10:59 AM.


                    I'm sorry, what was that??? Are you happy

                    Go get posting...Just another 500 posts and you can get a custom avatar!



                      Sam has been my favorite SG character since I saw the pilot ep way back when, she's been part of my one SG Ship, I've been fangurling Amanda in every thread I post in and I'm going out of my way to be able to see Sanctuary every week because I'm hooked and yet, in the two year I've been hanging around on GW I have never, ever posted here.

                      To show that one is never too old to try something new :

                      Amanda is Awesome.

                      *fangurl Squees for good measure*

                      Yes, I did wait two years just to say that.

                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


               has an interview with David Hewlett (McKay) about ending the series and he had some nice things to say about Amanda.

               Tell me about McKay's journey as a character and your journey playing him throughout the years.

                        Hewlett: I think McKay has done more changing of me than I have of McKay. He was just the most unlikely lead. You know what I mean? He came in SG-1 as a guest star and my job as a guest star was to get in the way of Amanda Tapping (Col. Samantha Carter) and annoy [her character] mercilessly.

               Well done.

                        Hewlett: Right? Job. Done. She's such a gracious, lovely actress to work with that she really let me have some fun. The weird thing is, if you come in [to a show] and you're insulting and demeaning to people even though everyone knows you're playing a character — people don't like to be weak. You have to give people a certain amount of latitude to get away with that kind of stuff. She was fantastic because you could tell that my character was getting under her character's skin. She was great, she would talk about it and say, "You know what I hate? Do this!" It was a fantastic way to play a guest star because I really got to go for it. ... [McKay] is an irritating, abrasive, intelligent but socially inept individual. So I've spent five years filling in the reasons for that.

                        You can find the complete interview here



                          Congrats on 1500 posts Rocky

                          Sorry I gotz no green to give.

                          *waves at Nad* Eloquent as ever hun Welcome


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                            Sam has been my favorite SG character since I saw the pilot ep way back when, she's been part of my one SG Ship, I've been fangurling Amanda in every thread I post in and I'm going out of my way to be able to see Sanctuary every week because I'm hooked and yet, in the two year I've been hanging around on GW I have never, ever posted here.

                            To show that one is never too old to try something new :

                            Amanda is Awesome.

                            *fangurl Squees for good measure*

                            Yes, I did wait two years just to say that.

                            Hey at least you found us

                            and Welcome!

                            my fanfic


                              Thanks for the welcomes. I feel like a newbie again.
                              Young and... GW fresh

                              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                              *waves at Nad* Eloquent as ever hun Welcome
                              I fangurl eloquenticallily.

                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Hey at least you found us

                              and Welcome!
                              Oh, you guys are quite easy to find. I just, you know... spend the last couple of oh, years taking notes, snurching pictures, following links you posted, nodding at all ''Amanda Rocks'' comments while pumping my fist in the air, anticipating sanctuary, reading posts and following...
                              ...In the totally non-creepy way, of course...

                              But yes.
                              I did say Amanda's awesome, right?
                              She is, you know...
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                as to SGA, i'm sure joe would have loved to have had her stay,b ut really, it was a dead end. And i think she knew it. not only was the show destined to be canceled (read joe's blog, i think even he knew that they were gonna end it), but frankly, joe had this great character to liven up the show and he wasted her. As much as i like sam, quite often she was just given weir's lines and did nothing that was uniquely SAM. she just played the female leader that sometimes gave you the hint that she had experience.

                                there were more missed opportunities where the writers either played it safe or took the 'easy way out' instead of challenging themselves.

                                SGA woulda been easy money. it woulda been a 9 month long cake walk as she participated in 20 episodes of scifi by the numbers and cliche of hte week.

                                Sanctuary - for all its freshman foibles - was a good choice in my opinion. I don't think it's a fantastic show. I think it has potential. I think it's off to a good start. But i also think there's been a bit of catering to the cliches. whether they're decisions made from a financial pov, or if scifi is giving them' suggestions', we'll never know. but there are things that have been done and you just shake your head and go 'dude, had that plot figured out and yep, knew they were gonna go there' and there have been some missed opportunities...of course, for allwe know, what they want to do and what they can financially do might not have meshed up.

                                I think, in the long run, 'thirteen years on a tv show' vs '11 years on a tv show 2 years starring inand producing her own groundbreaking show'....the latter will win. and the latter was a correct choice.

                                I don't think Joe had any plans to really use CARTER and all her history. I think he just wanted to have an easy to work with leader for the show to make things easy for him. Not that i can fault that decision, but i think it was a waste of sam. Because Joe didn't want SAM and her history - personally, i think sam just showed the weaknesses inherent in atlantis and revealed just what a pale immitation of sg1 it was.

                                I think Joe just wanted someone easy to work with and i'm glad that amanda stood up for herself and took care of herself and the others at s3m rather than giving yet another year to a franchise that has wasted her potential for years. Stargate had every opportunity to make sam something more and to preserve what greenburg made, and they just kept wasting it in the eternal quest for funnier, yukkier, sillier and cliche of hte week. Joe and his boys did their best to turn sam into nothing more htan jack's girlfriend and they had no idea how to handle a real female character, so they treated her poorly for years.

                                she's moved on into something bigger and more groundbreaking, while they have remained in their safe little nitches. good for her.

                                i think her decision to leave was a wise one and one that will serve her well for years. she's taken the control of her future out of the hands of others and back more into hers.

                                you go girl
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                I think, the choice that amanda made for sanctuary, is something that'll give her a 'career' for decades.

                                I look at Helen Shaver, or Roxanne Dawson, Helen worked in varous vancouver shows, most notibly Poltergeist, Roxanne Dawson was in Voyager.

                                both of htem moved on beyond simply (and i mean this with all due respect) being an actress. And both of them are producing and directing shows. They may not be thier own shows but working for others, however producing and directing are careers where it doesn't matter if a woman is a size 0 or a size 12, if her hair is done 'right' or if her clothing is the latest and most fashionable. It's not a job where she's 'penalized' for getting pregnant.

                                it's a job with less 'glamour' so to speak, but it's a job with the staying power to last decades, if one has the talent.

                                I think amanda has the people skills and the talent to go far. her work on SG1 and SGA has given her the groundwork and basis to have a greater understanding of the business as a whole, and her talent and vision and dedication to pursuing that vision will serve her well.

                                I think she's gonna have a career long after SGU shuts down and the current stargate writing and directing staff move onto different things.
                                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                                I think so long as Amanda is happy with her choice than frankly I'm happy she's happy.

                                As far as creatively as a viewer which would I have preferred? I would have preferred another season of Sam on SGA.

                                I agree that I don't think she was utilised as well as she could have been in S4 but that I think had a lot to do with them all being far too wary with the whole Weir-exiting-fan-reaction debacle. I think they were all trying to be sensitive to it not becoming the Sam Carter show and they went too far. More so because as sky said they ended up not utilising Sam as Sam but as 'the generic leader'. And in many ways this role of 'generic leader' suits Woolsey far better than it did Sam, (and actually IMHO, Weir but that's a discussion for another thread ).

                                I do think had Sam been around for another season they would have used her more - the putting her on trial for a leadership decision story concept that Joe has referred to in his blog sounded intriguing. But we'll never truly know.

                                I tried Sanctuary and while I'll watch it if there's nothing else, I'm just not grabbed by it. Amanda is fantastic in it - that I agree on. And I think in her shoes I would probably be revelling in playing a different character after so long of playing Sam so I can't be sad for her that's she's moved on.
                                Been busy over the holidays so just catching up. Wanted to get in on this discussion. Always enjoy your point of view ladies.

                                In a perfect world (and maybe if there were 36 hours in a day so Amanda could get some sleep) it would have been wonderful if the timing had worked out so she could have finished with season 1 filming of Sanctuary before SGA started season 5. Not to be, so I think Amanda made the best decision she could under the circumstances. All that matters, as said above, is that Amanda is happy with her decision.

                                I agree they did not give us enough Sam on SGA nor did they give us enough of Sam being Sam. I agree it was due in part to the alleged controversy of Sam crossing over to Atlantis. I think TPTB didn't want to create waves and therefore probably went too far in restricting Carter's role. In fairness to Joe and Paul, I think they would have liked to have done more. It was their idea and they talked Amanda into it. I think they just catered to the vocal minority a bit too much. Also, to be fair, Amanda herself has accepted some of the responsibility for this. She has mentioned often that she wanted to tread lightly both as a character and as an actor coming to an established show.

                                One of the reasons that I was hoping to see Sam regularly in season 5 was that I anticipated we would not only see more of her but more of the "old" Sam.

                                As much as I miss Sam (hoping for a good things in the next SG1 movie) I love the character of Helen. Again, I agree with the comments about some growing pains on Sanctuary but, for the most part, I have really enjoyed the show. I'm disappointed we haven't seen more of Helen's history and more Helen/John but I'm hopefull we'll get that in season 2.

                                I also agree that it was the right career move for Amanda because of the added responsibilities of being an EP and because I think we'll get more of her directing in the future. Not that I want her to do less acting but I think she has many talents to explore. Good for her and good for women in the business. Amanda mentioned at AT3 that she and Michael asked about directing SG1 at the same time. He was given an opportunity in season 3 and she had to wait until season 7. Much as I admire TPTB for writing some strong female characters they still have a way to go regarding equality (don't worry, I'm not about to mention the fact that her reproductive organs are on the inside ).

                                As Rocky mentioned, Sanctuary would have died without her. Isn't one of the reasons we admire this lady so much is because of her personal integrity? She could have easily made a selfish decision to take the money and work way less. Frankly, I think the risk was much greater that the new show wouldn't click than Atlantis would be cancelled. The odds for new shows making it are pretty bad especially since they don't get much time to establish a fan base. Not surprising to me that she risked what she had because others were depending on her.

                                All in all, this Amanda/Sam/Helen fan is happy with how things turned out.
                                Last edited by EH-T; 07 January 2009, 03:23 PM.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

