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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Sam Carter is awesome! I like her personality, attitude, personal qualities, styles. Mostly everything about her. I didn't like it when she had a boyfriend. Was kind of weird, lol.
    I think Sam is the real hero throughout the show. She's done a lot, been through a lot. Lost many friends and family members. And she's more emotionally in sync with the storylines and characters.
    She's my favorite!
    ~I am the Ultimate Chosen One and was Chosen by Destiny~


      Originally posted by UltimateChosenOne View Post
      Sam Carter is awesome! I like her personality, attitude, personal qualities, styles. Mostly everything about her. I didn't like it when she had a boyfriend. Was kind of weird, lol.
      I think Sam is the real hero throughout the show. She's done a lot, been through a lot. Lost many friends and family members. And she's more emotionally in sync with the storylines and characters.
      She's my favorite!
      Welcome to the thread, and I couldn't agree with you more

      my fanfic


        I finally got to watch Search and Rescue and...
        I loved the first 40 minutes of it. I thought it was going great, I loved seeing a strong Sam, I loved seeing a Sam who got to make decisions, really I just loved seeing Sam. Then, the very last scene at the SGC just slayed me. Was it only me, or was anyone else shocked at how they did that. I feel like it was so rude to her, especially to be done in front of all of those people.

        I'm hoping for more information this week.
        sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
        I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



          Hey, vball! I was just dropping by to voice my own opinion on that. You and I appear to be of like minds.

          On Search & Rescue, I have to say (contains spoilers for S & R and Continuum):

          My jaw just dropped when Woolsey implied Sam was being relieved because they wanted someone with different skills to lead Atlantis! From the way he said it, it was like the IOA thought she hadn't done a good job. That really ticked me off! I felt so badly for her! I thought (from what I had read recently) that they had decided to give her some leave to attend Ba'al's execution. Then, later, when she didn't make it back, they would blame it on the events of Continuum.

          But to imply that she was being recalled for poor performance really upset me! Of course, I realize this can certainly be corrected later, either in SGA eps or in the (hope, hope) third movie.

          But grrrrr!!! Sam has lead Atlantis with dignity, grace and great skill. Of course, we know what weasels the members of the IOA are . It's probably all political...maybe even aimed at Sam because of her relationship (recently confirmed by Martin Gero) with Jack.



            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
            1. Window of Opportunity
            2. Threads
            3. Moebius (both parts... )
            4. Grace
            5. Divide and Conquer

            Need anyone ask why? No, didn't think so...
            Mine are very much like yours, Jenni.

            1. Threads
            2. Grace
            3. Divide & Conquer
            4. Moebius
            5. Death Knell

            Oh...and then, I'd probably watch Threads again...
            Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 13 July 2008, 07:17 PM.


              Lol I just read that in the Sam/Jack thread, and started to respond, but then I decided to come over here first.
              Search and Rescue/Continuum spoilers
              I thought they had the perfect beginings of a very good reason for her to leave Atlantis, the whole Baal thing. Then they had to go and ruin it with Woolsey being rude like that in the gateroom. I'm really not sure what the idea behind that was, or what kind of justification they're going to give us for it this week, or if we will even get any justification at all.
              sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
              I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                Lol I just read that in the Sam/Jack thread, and started to respond, but then I decided to come over here first.
                Search and Rescue/Continuum spoilers
                I thought they had the perfect beginings of a very good reason for her to leave Atlantis, the whole Baal thing. Then they had to go and ruin it with Woolsey being rude like that in the gateroom. I'm really not sure what the idea behind that was, or what kind of justification they're going to give us for it this week, or if we will even get any justification at all.
                I think Woolsey
                didn't mean to be rude. I think he respects her, and all of the people he's met from the SGC. Richard Woolsey just lacks people skills. I don't think he was trying to be rude. It just came out that way. In fact, it probably made it harder for him to be the one to deliver the news. Hey! Where was Landry, FCOL????

                But it felt like that to me too...


                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  Sorry, no disrespect meant here, but could you please enlighten me on an ep that you can think of where Janet let an injured person under her care go back out into the field on another mission? I've racked my brain and can't think of a one. My impression of her has always been that she was very 'hard core' and even fiercely protective when it comes to any of her patients. She's also very bright. Just can't see her doing something as stupid as this...least voluntarily.

                  I loved Vala in S 9 and 10. With Jack gone I felt she added a much needed comic relief and personally was glad for it as it diverted my attention away from the fact that Sam was playing second fiddle to Cam when we all know she should of *and* could of lead the team all by her lonesome.
                  the only time I can remember Janet sending someone into the field when she wasnt 100% sure was in "Assention" after Sam's bloods came back sightly anemic and she said she was starting to regret giving her the all clear to go...but it wasnt the anemia that made her pass out so it was all good

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

                  Not quite the right example, but the first scene that came to my mind was the 'Napoleonic Powermonger' scene, when O'Neill was insisting he could go find Daniel. Sam was out cold on the other bed. Dr. Frasier says 'No', but he tries to get up off the bed and immediately collapses. Then Teal'c kindly picks him up off the floor and plops him on the bed again. Totally hilarious! One of my favorites of the whole series
                  HAHA I love that bit "Dr Fraiser is usual right about such things" hehe

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Well this is my GW anniversary so I thought I'd say something profound…I got nothing.

                  Ok, just a few thoughts then. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a great place to hang out. We're drawn together by our appreciation of Sam and Amanda Tapping. (Thanks majorsal, for starting the thread!)
                  We have interesting discussions, lots of silly stuff, great pics & captioning. We pull together and show our support when a Samandan is in trouble. We've got Penguins & Polar Bears laughing and playing together, for crying out loud! Samanda has grown over the years, but the core philosophy and attitude has remained strong.
                  Hic Comitas Regit!

                  jckfan55 (Royal Minister Without Portfolio)
                  Congratz on your 4th GW anniversary well I thought it was a very nice anniversary post

                  Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                  Hey! Are you in my head? I'm just attempting to write that conversation as part of a much bigger AU fic I have some serious whump going on for poor Vala and Janet...and slightly less for Sam..but still some whump.

                  don't trip over the plot bunnies.
                  YAY Janet wump...I Love Sam and Janet long as you dont kill tham thats when I stop liking it...cant wait to read....

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  Rainy day shows....As in you are stuck inside all day with nothing to do??

                  1) Boxed Set - Season 4
                  2) Boxed Set - Season 7
                  3) Boxed Set - Season 8
                  4) Boxed Set - Season 1
                  5) Boxed Set - Season 5

                  I know that is cheating, but I have the boxed sets running the time anyway, I'd just keep watching them.
                  Yeah that sounds about right for me too
                  I cant pick just 5 its too hard, it really depends on my mood but its basically anything that has Sam in it that isnt Heros pt2...I dont watch Heros pt 2....never again....unless paid alot of money.....

                  Originally posted by UltimateChosenOne View Post
                  Sam Carter is awesome! I like her personality, attitude, personal qualities, styles. Mostly everything about her. I didn't like it when she had a boyfriend. Was kind of weird, lol.
                  I think Sam is the real hero throughout the show. She's done a lot, been through a lot. Lost many friends and family members. And she's more emotionally in sync with the storylines and characters.
                  She's my favorite!
                  Hey welcome Totally agree

                  right I should probably be getting back to cleaning my room *grumble grumble*



                    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                    Well, that was as clear as mud.

                    Although you earn brownie points for clearing this one up.

                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Brownies? <<studiously ignores the word "points" behind the most important word>>

                    Mandy picked the same eps I would. That's why I quoted her. Except I forgot about Jolinar's Memories.

                    Speaking of brownies... I had brownies with pecans in them for desert tonight.

                    Yum, even if I did almost burn them. Good thing the nose is atuned to baking stuff.

                    Nice thing is I can bake them and they are usually gone by the next day. Good thing or I'd eat them all.

                    On topic: bet Amanda eats brownies about as often as she does Oreos. Poor dear.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                      More dragon eggs (I'll post a photo when they are coloured and varnished) more Stargate. The start of season two.
                      as always you're thoughts are great to read and make me want to go watch early seasons over again...blasted work keeps getting in the way.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i think vala could have been a wonderful addition. just think of all she and sam could have accomplished. the history, the past, two warrior women.

                      IMHO, they just took the easy way out with Daniel and Vala and it was a detriment to BOTH of the ladies. Daniel/Vala is easy. Writing smart women is evidently hard At least in recent years.
                      It seems to be impossible in recent years...kinda makes me wish we could all turn up at Bridge Studios and tell them "how about writing to this demographic for once instead of the ficticious teenage boy who is afraid of women demographic?"

                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Wow..since I posted this morning, you've chatted away at least 5 pages! Go Samandans!
                      okay....where are you? We keep passing like ships in the night on IM *sounds foghorn*

                      Originally posted by UltimateChosenOne View Post
                      Sam Carter is awesome! I like her personality, attitude, personal qualities, styles. Mostly everything about her. I didn't like it when she had a boyfriend. Was kind of weird, lol.
                      I think Sam is the real hero throughout the show. She's done a lot, been through a lot. Lost many friends and family members. And she's more emotionally in sync with the storylines and characters.
                      She's my favorite!
                      Welcome to the thread! Pull up an item of furniture and get comfy I agree with your comments about Sam and hope you stick around and have fun with us.

                      Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                      the only time I can remember Janet sending someone into the field when she wasnt 100% sure was in "Assention" after Sam's bloods came back sightly anemic and she said she was starting to regret giving her the all clear to go...but it wasnt the anemia that made her pass out so it was all good
                      and slightly anaemic isn't that big a deal...I seem to be slightly anaemic every time I try and go give blood and all I suffer from is the inconvenience of being told, yet again, that they can't accept my blood.

                      Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                      YAY Janet wump...I Love Sam and Janet long as you dont kill tham thats when I stop liking it...cant wait to read....
                      Nope, no killing of beloved characters...I don't like that either.
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Originally posted by UltimateChosenOne View Post
                        Sam Carter is awesome! I like her personality, attitude, personal qualities, styles. Mostly everything about her. I didn't like it when she had a boyfriend. Was kind of weird, lol.
                        I think Sam is the real hero throughout the show. She's done a lot, been through a lot. Lost many friends and family members. And she's more emotionally in sync with the storylines and characters.
                        She's my favorite!
                        Think you picked the exact thread to sound off as all you'll get here are vigorous nods of agreement. Welcome and hope you have fun here UltimateChosenOne!

                        Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                        I finally got to watch Search and Rescue and...
                        I loved the first 40 minutes of it. I thought it was going great, I loved seeing a strong Sam, I loved seeing a Sam who got to make decisions, really I just loved seeing Sam. Then, the very last scene at the SGC just slayed me. Was it only me, or was anyone else shocked at how they did that. I feel like it was so rude to her, especially to be done in front of all of those people.

                        I'm hoping for more information this week.
                        If you scroll back for the last er, 8 or 9 pages you'll see many, many shocked and outraged posts (most with spoiler tags) all about Friday nights ep. *sigh* Totally wish it wasn't so though.

                        Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                        the only time I can remember Janet sending someone into the field when she wasnt 100% sure was in "Assention" after Sam's bloods came back sightly anemic and she said she was starting to regret giving her the all clear to go...but it wasnt the anemia that made her pass out so it was all good
                        Hmm...well case in point then. Janet just wouldnt allow one of her patients to go back into the field if they were still hurt or whatever which makes Shep's actions that much more unbelievable...either that or the character of Keller very weak in resolve.

                        Might have to rewatch this ep later today cos I don't particularly remember this scene..hmm. Thanks though.


                          Hi everyone !

                          Originally Posted by Fresh_Horse
                          Ooh, cookies! Wait, I have some jaffa cake as well.

                          Now that Jan and Mandy have come out to play I am sure they will join us shortly.

                          Quick poll:

                          What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                          My top 5:

                          Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
                          Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
                          Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
                          Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
                          Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts
                          My favorite eps on a rainy day i have so many hmmmmm

                          1.Moebuis-I love geeky Sam
                          2.Gemini-gotta love replicator Carter she's so evil and so cool i love replicators
                          3.Point of View-i love watching Carter and Dr Carter working togther alternate realitys rock
                          4.The Road Not Taken-Seeing Sam's reaction to finding out her alternate self had been married to McKay
                          5.Ripple Effect-did i mention i love alternate realities
                          6.Pegusis Project-watching Sam's reaction to when Rodney is telling her about what happend to him in Grace Under Pressure
                          7.Uninvited-I love seeing Sam in command of the SGC
                          8.Trio-Becase Amanda done so well in that eps given her fear of hights i wish i was as brave as her .

                          these are just a few i have stacks more
                          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                            as always you're thoughts are great to read and make me want to go watch early seasons over again...blasted work keeps getting in the way.

                            It seems to be impossible in recent years...kinda makes me wish we could all turn up at Bridge Studios and tell them "how about writing to this demographic for once instead of the ficticious teenage boy who is afraid of women demographic?"

                            okay....where are you? We keep passing like ships in the night on IM *sounds foghorn*

                            Welcome to the thread! Pull up an item of furniture and get comfy I agree with your comments about Sam and hope you stick around and have fun with us.

                            and slightly anaemic isn't that big a deal...I seem to be slightly anaemic every time I try and go give blood and all I suffer from is the inconvenience of being told, yet again, that they can't accept my blood.

                            Nope, no killing of beloved characters...I don't like that either.
                            Yeah anemia is a pain in the mikta, I have it too and I'm trying to avoid my GP cause shes ganna make me get B-12 shots for 6 months to help with my anemia *grumble grumble*

                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Think you picked the exact thread to sound off as all you'll get here are vigorous nods of agreement. Welcome and hope you have fun here UltimateChosenOne!

                            If you scroll back for the last er, 8 or 9 pages you'll see many, many shocked and outraged posts (most with spoiler tags) all about Friday nights ep. *sigh* Totally wish it wasn't so though.

                            Hmm...well case in point then. Janet just wouldnt allow one of her patients to go back into the field if they were still hurt or whatever which makes Shep's actions that much more unbelievable...either that or the character of Keller very weak in resolve.

                            Might have to rewatch this ep later today cos I don't particularly remember this scene..hmm. Thanks though.
                            Yeah Janet would never let a hurt patient go back into the field.



                              Hey Everyone,

                              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post

                              Quick poll:

                              What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                              My top 5:

                              Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
                              Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
                              Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
                              Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
                              Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts
                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              My rainy day episodes would probably vary depending on my mood, but if I'm looking for a broad spectrum of Sam:

                              Point of View
                              Divide and Conquer
                              The Lost City
                              Line In The Sand
                              I'm with PengYn those are my 5 too. Although picking just 5 is sooo hard.
                              Originally posted by UltimateChosenOne View Post
                              Sam Carter is awesome! I like her personality, attitude, personal qualities, styles. Mostly everything about her. I didn't like it when she had a boyfriend. Was kind of weird, lol.
                              I think Sam is the real hero throughout the show. She's done a lot, been through a lot. Lost many friends and family members. And she's more emotionally in sync with the storylines and characters.
                              She's my favorite!
                              Welcome to Samanda!! and I agree 100% with you.

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                *quietly enters thread trying to remain inconspicuous*
                                I think I said that ages ago...if it were to come out to Australia, I'd love to participate somehow...I'm just happy for everyone that it's finally at the ticket selling stage.
                                Congratulations to everyone at Me So lovely!!
                                Good luck!! I'm sure it will be a huge success!!
                                I'm just bummed I can't be there to cheer you all on.
                                *sneaks back out and gets ready for bed...too sick and tired to play*
                                Night all...I wish you all enough!
                                Well, should it happen, we'll make a rockin' team!!! Do you do any theatre stuff in RL? I remember you saying that your daughter dances....
                                Royal Page of Samanda
                                "Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid."

