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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I definately prefer the longer hair.


      Originally posted by NoobTau'ri View Post
      Carter is an old woman. I don't like that. Women look their best young.

      She looked her best in that episode I forgot the name, where she is married to O'Neil in an alternate reality and has very long hair. She looks lovely there. Just lovely.
      What on earth do you mean she's an old woman. She's in her 40's. Old is 80 or 90.


        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        Well we know Sam prefers diet soda...but that;s like diet coke right??
        I don't understand the fuss over Dr just does nothing for me!!
        We had cherry pies at Macca's at one stage...I think it was more a promo thing though...but I love the hot apple pies!!
        As for grape v depends on the sweet and the company who makes them...we have both!!

        I thought the yellow ones were lemon!!!
        I just hope they don't come out with mango...I am so over mango...they make everything into mango here...and it's eeugh!!
        What's blue then???
        We have blue fruit loops...not much flavour but pretty colour!!
        Better go...night all!!
        Hehe, yellow can be lemon too.

        Here, blue is blueberry. In Americaland they seem to have this made up flavour called "berry blue." Like the jello That Sam likes.
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Oh Jesus people...quit the food color conversations. There's a whole page with nothing but what food should be what color.

          Lets get back to the Sam talk!


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Hehe, yellow can be lemon too.

            Here, blue is blueberry. In Americaland they seem to have this made up flavour called "berry blue." Like the jello That Sam likes.
            'blue' is a flavour all in its own resembles nothing found growing anywhere on this planet.
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              I thought it was set after Atlantis? I was under the impression that the reason she left Atlantis was because of the Ba'al situation...or did I miss something???
              Now Continuum is set after Atlantis, but originally they said it was set before Sam went to Atlantis (but I think they also said for this movie it wasn't really important when it was set, because it's more of a stand-alone).

              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              Oh Jesus people...quit the food color conversations. There's a whole page with nothing but what food should be what color.

              Lets get back to the Sam talk!
              Go ahead

              And since nobody has posted this yet, I will From JM's blog about S&R

              EH-T writes: “All you could come up with was we need “a different skill set”? That’s even more lame than the way Sam was written out of SG1 in season 9.”

              Answer: We’ll be touching on the I.O.A.’s reasoning in this week’s episode, The Seed.

              Thanks for asking that question EH-T!!


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                And since nobody has posted this yet, I will From JM's blog about S&R

                EH-T writes: “All you could come up with was we need “a different skill set”? That’s even more lame than the way Sam was written out of SG1 in season 9.”

                Answer: We’ll be touching on the I.O.A.’s reasoning in this week’s episode, The Seed.

                Thanks for asking that question EH-T!!
                Well, we know AT's contract was up, but still. I'm gonna miss Sam on the show. I wish TPTB could've found a way to keep her on the show. But I must agree...I don't like how the bomb was dropped on Sam in the last few seconds of the episode...right after she walked through the gate.


                  40 is pretty old, especially when we're talking about 'sexiness'.


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    And since nobody has posted this yet, I will From JM's blog about S&R

                    EH-T writes: “All you could come up with was we need “a different skill set”? That’s even more lame than the way Sam was written out of SG1 in season 9.”

                    Answer: We’ll be touching on the I.O.A.’s reasoning in this week’s episode, The Seed.

                    Thanks for asking that question EH-T!!
                    My question is will it come from Woosley's mouth when he walks into Atlantis with all his luggage while everybody stands expecting Sam. Like, "The IOA deemed Carter's performance substandard at best and replaced her. Oh, and by the way, I'm in command here now..." Incredulous looks all around then bam! the action begins and nothing more is said. From the sneak peek of Seed shown last Friday, it didnt *seem* like they really had time to worry over it. *shrug*


                      Hey Everyone,

                      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                      I hadn't. Thanks for posting that.

                      And, OT, re: my accident:
                      Went to the doctor today. XRays of the neck and back showed nothing significant, the doctor put me on 800mg IBuprofen, 500mg Hydrocodone (Vicodin), and 750mg of Methocarbamol (Robaxin), for pain and spasms, and I was put off work until Monday.


                      I hurt.

                      The good news is that the responsible party's insurance already called. He told them he ran the stop sign, so there will be no arguments there, and both my insurance and his insurance are going to have an injury adjuster in touch with me. I will see how I feel Friday, and if I am still in pain I will make that step to see a chiropractor.
                      (((((((((Jenni)))))))) wow that's a lot of medication, glad the guy owned up too, and remember a good dose of Amanda each day keeps the aches and pains at bay.

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Would it be possible for people to put their comments about the Continuum preview video in spoiler tags? I don't want to watch it yet b/c it apparently has spoilers for the movie & I don't want to have the interviews spoiled either. Is that being a demanding spoiler-phobe?

                        As for JM's comment: I guess "touching on" is better than nothing, but I'm not holding my breath.

                        Has anyone noticed an increase in AT/Sam threads these days? The revival of the AT Thunk thread, a thread on whether she's sexier early in the show or later, etc? Kind of counteracts the professional Sam haters, huh?


                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          WOW, WOW and WOW! That was awesome, thanks a lot tsaxlady. Amanda look sooooooooo beautiful, stunning and funny, I'm so glad she's on the cover of that page. .

                          I'm really glad and not surprised that Amanda was eager to see the Arctic footage, and I'm really glad she got to see it on the big screen in HD. The way Amanda and Martin made fun of each other was hilarious, Amanda said he was a pain in the butt, and called him the worst director in the history of directing, and Martin said she was the hardest working on the movie, and said the Amanda Tapping we've all loved for 12 years was because of his "editing" After the movie Amanda talked about how she loved the movie and was still like "Eeeee" , and then she was like "Damn, we make good stuff" . She also talked about how she was thrilled with the production value and visual effects. At the end, Amanda was like "Go get it" and then said she's going to get it when it comes out on video, because she's "knows" they're not going to give her a free one, than she says she kidding, than says she's not . And the whole time she was bursting out smiling and laughing like a young school girl, and Martin (I think it was Martin) was making fun of her . She did however say she still doesn't like watching herself on camera though , but she did say she loves watching her boys, and made a cute face :. Amanda you dirty girl . Seeing her now, and happy, like that almost makes up for what happened in S&R .

                          Towards the end Chris said he hopes this'll be the last Stargate movie that goes straight to DVD, so the fans can watch the movies in the theatres, and he's right. But you know what? Even though-- and I'm being 110% honest, even though we'll only be able to see the movie on the small screen, I'm very, very glad, proud and happy Amanda was able to see it on the big screen and in HD . If there is one person who deserved to see it the most like that it's her . If I had a choice between her and me going to see the movie in a big theatre in HD, I'd let her go without even thinking about it. I mean, who here deserves to see the movie on the big screen in HD more than this beautiful woman?-

                          Hi guys I just had the weirdest dream, actually it was 2 dreams, and they were both about Sam . After 2 years I finally have one after all this time . After I saw the GW vid and wrote about it, I went to bed, but didn't fall asleep right away because I couldn't stop thinking about Amanda/Sam (It's a guy thing ). After I feel asleep I had these 2 Sam dreams that just stuck with me.

                          1. My first dream took place in Atlantis with weasel-- I mean Woolsey in command , and he was doing an awful job, he didn't know what he was doing, he couldn't handle the pressure, he was scared most of the time. And what's more bizarre is that Sam was there--always a joy to have her around, but still bizarre. *Wink* But Sam wasn’t real, I think she was a figment of his imagination or something. Like that episode of Star Trek: Enterprise when the AU Captain Archer was able to see the original Archer as an hallucination. Anyway as Woolsey was messing up, Sam was like "No no, not like that, stand up straight", "Look them right in the eye" and "You wanna run this base, you gotta take control". I can't really remember the rest, but I do remember thinking Sam should still be boss. Then I woke up thinking "Whoa"

                          2. My second dream was a little more weird, it was a future episode or something, where Sam was trying to prove herself again, and the IOA was trying to make her look bad. Meanwhile Shep and company are trying to help her, even Agent Barrett was there. I'm not sure what that dreams meant, maybe all my thoughts, and feelings from reading about the episode, and writing about it in my posts I wrote got into my subconscious and made up a way to fix it.

                          Well that's it, what do you guys think? But yeah, my first 2 Amanda dreams in one night *YAY*


                            Originally posted by jenks View Post
                            40 is pretty old, especially when we're talking about 'sexiness'.
                            Depends on your perspective. I find RDA all through SG1 pretty smoking hot. But if I were 18, maybe not so much. Well, probably I still would.

                            Can't really judge Sam's sexiness, but I think AT has always looked great.


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              Now Continuum is set after Atlantis, but originally they said it was set before Sam went to Atlantis (but I think they also said for this movie it wasn't really important when it was set, because it's more of a stand-alone).

                              Go ahead

                              And since nobody has posted this yet, I will From JM's blog about S&R

                              EH-T writes: “All you could come up with was we need “a different skill set”? That’s even more lame than the way Sam was written out of SG1 in season 9.”

                              Answer: We’ll be touching on the I.O.A.’s reasoning in this week’s episode, The Seed.

                              Thanks for asking that question EH-T!!
                              EH-T wrote that? Cool Where can I write on his blog? But yeah, I'm glad we'll know a little more about the IOA's reasoning though, whatever that is . Good find SJ


                                I had a dream last night where somehow
                                I was at a restaurant sitting with AT & one of TPTB (not sure who?) while they were discussing the circumstances of TH & AT leaving Atlantis. They were paying no attention to me, but I was listening to the whole conversation.

                                I don't remember much, but something about TH refusing to dress like 7 of 9 & so they canned her.

