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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Blasphemy! I need not see it to know it exists. I have seen the effects...
    I've faced the noodle and walked away relatively unscathed.

    < --- me


    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by silly sally View Post
      Has anyone seen the noodle? I doubt it exists
      Nope it doesn't exist anymore, I ate it last night. Sky will have to get a new one I expect.
      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


        Originally posted by wibbling View Post
        ...ooh don't anger the noodle by questioning its existence. You may regret it!
        What noodle, didn't you hear the loud slurp last night? I ate that needed more butter.
        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


          Originally posted by Edb View Post
          I do believe, I do believe, I do the Noodle!!!

          Again, what noodle? I ATE IT. mwahahahahhahaha!
          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


            Originally posted by Edb View Post
            Big mistake.......Huge ........... to ignore Sam and Teal'c in Seasons 9 and 10 in favor of the "newbies" because ah... like... where is SG1 today????????? GONE!!! Way to go, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            It wasn't the newbies fault that the show is now gone. The newbies were to some, brought in to try and breath new life into the show. I'm with Sky, the writing got sloppy and they tried to distract by bringing in Claudia and Ben. Sadly that plan didn't do much, except cause some fans to be rather nasty towards Ben and Claudia like it was their fault. It's not their fault any more than it's Amanda's fault that there are so many "anti-sams" out there. They're just actors. They do what their told, stand where their told. If any blame needs to be placed on why the show went down hill, it's the writers and producers...they got sloppy.
            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
              It wasn't the newbies fault that the show is now gone. The newbies were to some, brought in to try and breath new life into the show. I'm with Sky, the writing got sloppy and they tried to distract by bringing in Claudia and Ben. Sadly that plan didn't do much, except cause some fans to be rather nasty towards Ben and Claudia like it was their fault. It's not their fault any more than it's Amanda's fault that there are so many "anti-sams" out there. They're just actors. They do what their told, stand where their told. If any blame needs to be placed on why the show went down hill, it's the writers and producers...they got sloppy.
              I couldn't agree with you more

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                Yeah, threats of violence and beatings just don't work with some people...
                Yeppers, not when noodles are involved. Noodles are to be eaten. Noodles are not to be used to beat people. They don't inflict enough damage or pain. <weg>
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  And cream. And perhaps a bit of gorganzola.
                  Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                  or just a little olive oil and parmasean cheese. or mozzerlla. now i'm hungry! *runs off for a late night snack*
                  Some times, but last night it was just butter and a bit of salt and pepper. YUM!!
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    I couldn't agree with you more

                    Head for the hills folks! Mandy agrees with me. The balance in the 'verse is totally outa whack. Someone, quick, call the Tappinator to set it to rights before we all perish!

                    *runs away screaming....
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      I did a fic where Sam got slashed with a sword with major whump, not impaled though

                      OOOO.. Linky.
                      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                      William Shakespeare

                      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                        Is there any way to change the display in the Groups? It would be really handy if it sorted/displayed the same as the forum, with the display beginning with the first unread message.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Well said Sky. I agree with pretty much everything you've said. I'll add a couple of things. In addition to the "mommy time off" I felt part of season 9 in terms of sidelining Sam and emphasizing Vala was kind of like a mid-life crisis for the male writers. AT was kind of the faithful wife taken for granted and CB was the new exciting mistress in their lives. They had a new character to play with and ignored the old ones like Sam and Teal'c.
                          I agree in a way but i would say that SAM was the 'tired old faithful wife' and VALA was the mid life crisis. The actors had nothing to do with it, it's the characters.

                          Also, i think the new writers found sam too hard to write. see, she's smart and they'd have to do research, while vala is easy and fun.
                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          As for those who dislike Sam, I agree we should just ignore them. No talking reason there. If Sam has a brilliant idea, she's super-Sam or too perfect. If she is human and makes a mistake, she's slammed for that. Can't win.
                          reason is relative. Do i agree with their assessments? no. but they're right for them, so you gotta respect them, even if respect is just turning around and walking away

                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          One thing I find interesting in reading AT interviews or hearing her talk at AT3 is that the few legitimate things the character is critized for are things Amanda was against but TPTB ignored. Example, Sam accepting Pete's proposal and necking with him on the job at a stake out site. Amanda said she thought that was the worst thing they did to the character and she tried to change it. I have to say that even in her criticism she is nice. She didn't slam anyone she just explained why she thought it was a bad idea, that they did it for "X" reason and that was it. Unfortunate that they didn't listen to her more often. Who knows Sam better than the woman who played her for 11 years? The only writers who were there from the beginning were BW and RC. BW wasn't around SG1 in 9 & 10. Not sure what happened to RC, I used to like the way he wrote Sam.
                          And it wasn't just her. I think that ben too, saw some of the stuff going on and went 'dude, this just ain't right' but was consistently over ruled. who knows the characters better than the actors? yet who is constantly ignored when it comes to input????

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                          I heard on one of the commentaries, iirc, for Off the Grid--that the network doesn't like Sam to get slugged, for example, because they don't like the idea of women getting hit. We see her a bit bloody, but we only see CAm & Daniel actually get hit.
                          that does have something to do with it. show too much of an eps where sam gets beat up (like the SVU eps where olivia is nearly raped) and it needs a warning. showing too much sam whump would get the network criticized for supporting abuse

                          Originally posted by Über View Post
                          I've faced the noodle and walked away relatively unscathed.

                          < --- me

                          Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                          Nope it doesn't exist anymore, I ate it last night. Sky will have to get a new one I expect.
                          I gets no respect.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            the writing has been very sloppy, ever since season 7 in my opinion. and it just got worse as the years wore on.

                            not explaining where jack was, not adequately explaining where sam was in s9, the whole co-leaders fiasco, nepotism of daddy/daughter in the same chain of command just so they could stick in a soap opera angle of lam/landry angst and they toyed with cam/lam ship.
                            the silliness of bounty and family ties, the idiocy of beaming a sky scraper out of a city??? And do we even want to discuss the clones?????

                            Basically, the boys spun stories and didn't look much beyond the stories themselves. they seemed to ignore the framework that those stories were set in, thus they seemed to ignore little things like AF regs and the dichotomy of a top secret project vs aliens running around kansas and fell back on the plot device of 'we signed a non disclosure'

                            Basically, the writers just cranked out stuff and didn't seem to look beyond week to week.

                            and, in a lot of this, Sam took the brunt of it. In my very non-objective opinion, it felt like she was 'punished' for inconveniencing them with maternity leave. Once she returned in s9 (and wasn't even given a decent reason for being gone while daniel's actor takes a couple of episodes off and he gets a whole plot arc), what the writers may have meant as 'let's give the new mommy time off' seemed to be more of 'yeah, well, give her some technobabble and stick her in the corner'

                            Teal'c suffered. in s6 especially, the addition of jonas allowed him to move from 'silent alien muscle and convenient holder of 'i once heard a legend about.....' info dump', into a more mentoring role. then that development was lost and, especially in s9 and 10, teal'c was just there to be tortured, cameron was just there to be whumped on, sam was just there to babble.

                            The sam character has always been highly criticized, because for every fan of sam, there's a few that just do not like the character and take issue with everything she does. and that is thier right, i'm not saying that. They're entitled to their opinions just as we are. However, in thier passionate pursuit of 'all things sam does wrong' it means that every little thing she does will be twisted and spun into being wrong. The same leeway and latitude that vala got as to her behavior, sam got the polar opposite, as in zero leeway at all.

                            and the writers just exacerbate that when they do things like - with mis written words - imply that jack can promote sam on a whim 'for services rendered' , or that she's so incompetant that it's okay and perfectly fine being put second to an inexperienced male simply because 'that's the normal way of things'.

                            So, if you like sam, you just have to accept that those that dislike her are just as devoted to those that like her. that their opinions are just as valid, and you just ignore them, let them be, and simply immerse yourself in your own enjoyment.
                            Well said. I particularly liked this - teal'c was just there to be tortured, cameron was just there to be whumped on, sam was just there to babble. Funny. And yeah, I agree, avoiding the hate-threads is probably the best policy.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              SSSSSSLLLLLLUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPPPP!!!! Needs more butter.

                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              Me thinks thou doest protest too much.
                              Shakespeare aye......He must of been a brunette.....

                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              Has anyone seen the noodle? I doubt it exists
                              NO!!!!! TAKE IT BACK!!!! TAKE IT BACK!!!! QUICK!!!!!

                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              Nope it doesn't exist anymore, I ate it last night. Sky will have to get a new one I expect.
                              Didn't you know that one was a Decoy??? Sky's still got the real one

                              *Goes off to find makeup so she can go to work* grumble grumble



                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Oh, Sally--always wanting to hurt Sam. But I agree, that could have made for some cool Sam moments. She'd probably be trying to solve the problem even while impaled.
                                (have you checked out Strix's "Ten Thousand Suns?" Major whump, though a tad slashy.

                                I heard on one of the commentaries, iirc, for Off the Grid--that the network doesn't like Sam to get slugged, for example, because they don't like the idea of women getting hit. We see her a bit bloody, but we only see CAm & Daniel actually get hit.
                                She got clobbered in Foothold and Evolution II, but I guess since it wasn't repeated torturous slugging, it didn't count?

                                Strix's fic Under Fire is very whumpy and has no slash.

                                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                                SG-1 FanFiction
                                Sanctuary Fanfiction

