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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by suse View Post
    You don't have enough posts to have a custom avatar. You need like 2000. But you can put it in your sig. Just go to My Controls and click Edit Sig then browse for the pic you downloaded. After you find it, add it to the white screen by clicking Insert Signature Picture.

    That should work. I did a lot of trial and error to get mine up.


    Thanks for the tip. Just edited my Sig and hopefully it shows now. BTW - I LOVE yours!

    And thanks Sky, for the icon.


      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
      I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is. name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now

      When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))
      Oh gosh. This is very very upsetting. Sending all my love to Deejay and her family!


        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
        I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is. name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now

        When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))
        That's the worst possible news. I pray that Deejay and her family are able to get all the support and love that they need at this time. Joyce Grenfell, a great British comedienne who was less well-known for her strongly spiritual side, once said "life is spiritual, and therefore eternal" and I do so hope that this is true, and that Deejay will find peace. She's certainly had a big effect on everybody on this thread, and her fighting spirit is an inspiration to us all. Our love and thoughts are with you Deejay.
        "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
          Even though we haven't heard from you in a while, you might be lurking, so -

          Happy Birthday Jenn!

          Wherever you are, I hope you're having a great day.
          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          Trouble is, with water come skeeters!
 mean mozzies!! a little confuzzled there for a minute!
          Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
          Wonderful Antoa!!! I love the little video that you and Vkitty have there!!! It's absolutely fabulous!!! I think I giggled the whole time...
          Love the 'other amanda' thing....
          I gotta go back to reading the interview though...
          Very Cool, thank you!!
          That part about Amanda, the other Amanda's other...very cool...I think my fave bit was when Amanda and Amanda called Tracy a trollop...hehe...poor Tracy!!

          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          DeeJay update
          Thanks to Ann's investigative skills we found DeeJay!!! I just got off the phone with her and a family member. I told her she had all of us praying and thinking of her and to hang in there. She said "I'm putting up a fight and I appreciate all of you so much!" The family member I talked to said she is in a lot of pain, tired and her kidney's have shut down but they are hoping they will start working again with treatment. They have stopped the chemo due to the kidneys.
          And just a suggestion; any money left over we could send to DeeJay to help cover the medical bills. What do you think?
          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
          I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is.
 name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now
          When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post

          i can't think of anything else to say. (((deejay)))
          I'm so sad to hear the news on Deejay...I admire her spirit in continuing to fight...I feel deeply for her family and friends who can only watch as she battles on...I'm totally amazed at the generosity and kindness from all those here....some who have had the pleasure in meeting her in person and some who have only had the pleasure in chatting with her via the net...Like you Sally, I can't think of anything I could possibly say to lighten your hearts and to make this better...I can only hope and pray the both Deejay and her family find peace.

          I'm not fussed with what happens to the money...if it can bring a smile to Deejay and her family...then that's what matters...the whole idea of it is to bring some cheer to her at this time.

          Originally posted by wibbling View Post
          Joyce Grenfell, a great British comedienne who was less well-known for her strongly spiritual side, once said
          "life is spiritual, and therefore eternal"

          and I do so hope that this is true, and that Deejay will find peace. She's certainly had a big effect on everybody on this thread, and her fighting spirit is an inspiration to us all. Our love and thoughts are with you Deejay.
          That is so beautiful.
          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          little photoshop work, if anyone wants to use them, made in support of deejay
          both in live journal 100x100 size and a 60x60 for GW
          Thank you Sky...they're beautiful.
          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          For those of you who don't live in the US (and even some of you who do), I'd like to throw out some figures about what it costs to be hospitalized.
          You in Australia, we have medicare tax...
          everyone who pays tax pays a levy towards medicare so that if and when you need a doctor or medical treatment, it's available to everyone regardless of insurance or not. Here, insurance is for the more wealthy...but everyone is entitled to free medical care in any public hospital. We have basic medical insurance after Tom needed grommets on several occasions but we didn't want to go on a 4 year waiting list...that;s the problem here with our hospitals...the waiting lists for non urgent care can be very long. Since then we've used it to reduce orthodontic care for both kids, claim some if not all our dental bills, and when I went into hospital to have my gall bladder removed, I went to a private hospital...the bill came to over $12,000 (most of that being theatre and bed costs) but all up the total out of pocket expenses came to $ my point is...I think here in Australia we have it pretty darn good.
          My dad has recently completed treatment for his cancer and is now in remission...there was a lot of out of pocket expenses but nothing like what scifithinker just mentioned...I'm not sure exactly how it works in the US or UK, but having spoken to several people who have lived overseas, the medical service here is great.

          Night night everyone...take care, stay safe and keep Deejay in your thoughts and prayers.
          (((Deejays family)))
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
            DeeJay update

            Thanks to Ann's investigative skills we found DeeJay!!! I just got off the phone with her and a family member. I told her she had all of us praying and thinking of her and to hang in there. She said "I'm putting up a fight and I appreciate all of you so much!" The family member I talked to said she is in a lot of pain, tired and her kidney's have shut down but they are hoping they will start working again with treatment. They have stopped the chemo due to the kidneys.

            Neep, I got lots of information I'll be sending you by email. The hospital recommended a place that will take international orders and they accept international credit cards. They also are online and you can order from the site.

            And just a suggestion; any money left over we could send to DeeJay to help cover the medical bills. What do you think?
            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is.

   name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now

            When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))

            *Sending bundles of love and strength to Deejay and her family*

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Just adding my 2 cents to say that I think getting a moderate gift--stuffed animal, plant kind of thing & then giving the rest to Deejay to use as needed is a good idea. As Sky, says unless there are some hidden millionaires here, our donation won't cover the hospital bill, but it is a gesture of solidarity. And there may be miscellaneous uncovered things that she needs that our contribution can help with.

              Thanks Ann and JanSam for letting Deejay know we're thinking of her--and sending her Samanda love.
              I'm happy whatever is decided money-wise; the important thing is for Deejay to know she is loved and that we're all thinking of her.
              "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is.

       name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now

                When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))
                I'm so sorry to hear that.


                  OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.

                  Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:

                  With a card saying:

                  "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                  As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                    I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is.

           name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now

                    When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))
                    i'm so sorry to hear that. my thoughts are with deejay and her family.

                    sig by starlover1990


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.

                      Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:

                      With a card saying:

                      "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                      As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?
                      I think that's just perfect. Well done. xxx
                      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.

                        Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:

                        With a card saying:

                        "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                        As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?
                        i think its lovely. i'm sure she'll like it.

                        sig by starlover1990


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.

                          Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:


                          With a card saying:

                          "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                          As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?

                          Eileen that's awesome, thank you.

                          I can't find any other words right now.

                          (((Deejay's family)))


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.
                            Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:
                            With a card saying:

                            "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                            As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?
                            I love it Eileen...well done! Do you know when she should expect it???
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              I love it Eileen...well done! Do you know when she should expect it???
                              It will be delivered today (Tuesday) when America wakes up
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.

                                Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:


                                With a card saying:

                                "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                                As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?
                                Eileen I think its wonderful! Well Done.

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

