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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Sorry, lol.

    6 promotions in 7 or so years
    That's because it was wartime.


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post

      meh..definitely wouldnt have been my first choice. All I can say is that Woosley will have some mighty big shoes to fill. Perhaps the writers cast him to be the antagonistic that would conflict with Sheppard on varies issues and missions to bring some added drama to the show. Not sure if that's the best thing as it would get really old fast (least for me!) but it would sure be interesting to see how it might be played out.

      I'd bet the season 5 premiere will draw quite the crowd though and might even bring in SGA's season's highest ratings. Come on! Even those who might not like Woosley HAS to be curious about how he's gonna be written in and how well Sheppard and Co. will/will not take to him being in charge. Even I might watch that one.
      Mmmm, I dunno.... Don't get me wrong, I love RP's work (Voyager was way cool!), and I think he's an incredible actor, but come on, Woolsey???? The guy doesn't know a zat from a toilet paper tube!! Do they really think he'll be able to command a base in another galaxy that is constantly under threat from the wraith et al?? I might watch it in the beginning for the Sam factor, but I have a strong feeling that it's gonna get really irritating really fast.

      But I'm not opinionated or anything...

      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

      SG-1 FanFiction
      Sanctuary Fanfiction


        Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
        Mmmm, I dunno.... Don't get me wrong, I love RP's work (Voyager was way cool!), and I think he's an incredible actor, but come on, Woolsey???? The guy doesn't know a zat from a toilet paper tube!! Do they really think he'll be able to command a base in another galaxy that is constantly under threat from the wraith et al?? I might watch it in the beginning for the Sam factor, but I have a strong feeling that it's gonna get really irritating really fast.

        But I'm not opinionated or anything...
        oh no not at all I suspect he will suprise us. I can't wait to find out what happens to Sam ie how she ends up leaving Atlantis it can't be for anything bad because then her character wouldn't be able to guest. Any thoughts on what they maybe have planned?
        Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


          It's quiet in here tonight where did everyone go

          New leader of Atlantis S5
          OMG!I cant belive Woolsey is going to be the new leader of Atlantis it's like putting someone from the NID incharge ,i have to admit i'm not to fond of him especialy with what he was going to do to daniel in THE SHROUD .

          My favorite Sam ,Woolsey moment is in season 9 in THE SCOURGE when she nicely tell's him to cool it i love that and THE SEER as well i love seeing Sam telling people off in a nice way

          AMANDA IS NUMBER 1 !
          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Hey Everyone,

            Originally posted by atfan View Post
            oh no not at all I suspect he will suprise us. I can't wait to find out what happens to Sam ie how she ends up leaving Atlantis it can't be for anything bad because then her character wouldn't be able to guest. Any thoughts on what they maybe have planned?
            I'm hoping for whump!

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Originally Posted by atfan
              oh no not at all I suspect he will suprise us. I can't wait to find out what happens to Sam ie how she ends up leaving Atlantis it can't be for anything bad because then her character wouldn't be able to guest. Any thoughts on what they maybe have planned?
              I like suprises i was thinking maybe she leaves becase she's pregnant that would be nice i'd like to see that or maybe there is a major situation in our galaxy and Sam is only one with the expertise to fix it

              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                ok, topic of the day
                Let's say that Sam had been put in charge of throwing a birthday party for someone at the sgc (equality my tush, trust me, it's the women that end up doing this social stuff)
                what would she do???
                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                It depends who the party was for. I can see her having a "what the...?!?!" reaction to it all. One of those, "Put me in a room with 30 Jaffa, let me get tortured multiple times by Ba'al, blow me up and sic a supersolider on me.... but please, NOT the party hostess!"
                I agree with this part of your post Tracy...and I guess it depends on where the party was to be held it meant to be on base at the SGC or outside of the SGC??...coz that would make a bit of a difference!
                Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                Younger Sam would've thrown the bigger party, to over-compensate, perhaps, because she didn't know what else to do.
                Ten years later and it's a quieter affair, depending on the person.
                Oh yeah...I can so totally see this as being on!!!
                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                The origin of "snurch" - Farscape.
                As for SamPartyPlanner - gotta go with TJ's response. Although...for Jack...I think she'd take him fishing...just the two of them.
                Ahhh...that's definitely Sam...except I bet she'd invite the rest of the team to join them....a few days later!!
                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                One hundred percent casual! No matter who the party would be for, I could definitely see Sam throwing a barbecue or planning some fun get together where everyone could relax and cut loose.
                I can see that happening too...casual is more Sam's way...something inconspicuous!
                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                ok, this is slightly off topic, but have you SEEN this?? I think I'm going to vomit!!
                My first reaction to that was...what on earth were they thinking???
                I would like to state before I complete this post, that I do not intend to offend anyone...writers, producers, actors or whatever...but seriously...what the heck are they doing putting Woolsey in command of Atlantis???
                I mean, this guy just can not handle anything under pressure...I wonder what he put in his last report to the IOA to have them think that he was worthy of this position?
                I love the actor...Robert Picardo is just gorgeous and admittedly, I even like the character of Woolsey...but not as commander...c'mon...they've just doomed that poor city!!!
                Personally, I think he would have been the last person I would thought they would have seriously put in charge of Atlantis...oh well...will be very interesting to see what happens!!
                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                You are totally right. My initial reaction was "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!! THE MAN'S A WUSS IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE! " Lord help Atlantis City (and the Stargate Franchise).
                Nothing against the actor. He's a great actor shown by the fact that he makes me feel that way about his character.

                Mumsey (wandering off, shaking her head)
                I think there's gonna be a lot of head shaking all around the world tonight!!
                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                Not even the shippers want her to just run off and marry O'Neill. She does need to be doing something cool, something that uses her talents, because they've been wasted on Atlantis, IMHO.
                As a feloow shipper, I agree...I don't want it all to be about Sam running off to be with Jack...but I would like it to be a small part...I think that Sam will remain in the military but I hope she gets to have her man cake and eat it too!! ( personally, I think the man thing works too!!)
                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                I agree, I think SciFi is just waiting for SGA to hit the 100 eps and then I think cancellation will soon follow, I could be wrong though
                Ah...excellent point...well that will be interesting..won't be too long til we find out then!!
                Originally posted by dmovies View Post
                My first reaction was anger at how, again, they were disrespecting Amanda, then when I went to bed that night I cried. I actually cried. Time for the 7 states of grief to begin. I go between anger and sadness. Stargate has really become more painful than enteraining for me. I'll not be watching anymore.
                (((dmovies)))...sometimes all you need to do is take a step back and chill out for a bit...don't give up entirely!
                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                My second response was Uh OH!! They better be writing Sam out of command with respect otherwise there will be some very unhappy campers in fandom.
                *wanders off worrying a bit about how they write out Sam*
                I think that would have to be my greatest fear now...if they can do this...bring in Woolsey....then what else can they do that is just as incredulous!!??...IMHO, it would be totally disrespectful to Amanda as an actor who has worked so hard in portraying Sam Carter over the last 11 years, just to have them write her out in anything but a respectful and dignified manner...but somewhere deep down, I don't think they will travel that route...I hope!!
                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                Speaking of fanfic...I have spent a few sick days recently reading lots and lots of fanfic over at the Stargate Fan Awards website.
                Shiaw Mei Mei calls fanfic "a magnificent obsession." I'd have to agree with her assessment. Sky probably would too.
                (((scifithinker)))...hope you is feeling better soon...lucky you gets to get into SFA wont let me get past the front door!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  I'm hoping for whump!
                  Hehe...a little bit of whumpin, a little bit of...luvin'...and all is right with the universe!!!

                  I'm off...have a gazillion things to do this weekend and it all starts
                  nighty night folks, take care, be safe and have fun!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                    i only signed up for a year

                    thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                    there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                    so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                    I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                      i only signed up for a year

                      thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                      there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                      so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                      I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                      This is a great scenario, but I don't trust the writers to come up with anything half so interesting. They'll probably have her decide to go back to head of R&D at Area 51...

                      My suspicion is that they want to use Woolsey as a point of conflict in Atlantis (which could be okay), but their desire for laughs will turn him into the comic relief (which will become tiresome very fast). ETA: I just see this as a harbinger of their return to comedy scripts ala season 9 and 10 of SG-1. Vala pulling out a hairdryer... What ridiculous things will they have Woolsey doing? His very name speaks to his incompetence.

                      My LJ


                        that is my greatest fear. that they will take the 'easy way' out and make woolsey the butt of every joke, especially if it accentuates 'shep, the roguish hewo flauting his worthles boss'.

                        I don't want to see mutiny on the bounty 'the musical'

                        when it comes to high drama, woolsey freezes. Every single time he's been confronted with death, he freaks out. not quite who i'd trust with the codes to teh self destruct

                        I know folks have brought up rodney and how he was a coward..and yeah, he was. thing is, he was never teh boss. He was a follower, so his screams of fear were more tolerable cause shep would just tell him to shut up.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                          As a going away gift I think someone - maybe Rodney, Zelenka or even Lorne - would track down...

                          A vintage Major Matt Mason doll! (Complete with backpack ) And Doctor-Captain Sam who was so excited by everything. Oh, the good old
                          Oh that would be the perfect gift and such a great way to bring the story around full circle.

                          Speaking of which, though I really hate flashback/clip shows, the romantic in me would enjoy watching Sam packing up her personal things in her office as she prepares to step down and reminiscing about her early days with the SG...the people she'd met that made a big difference in her life, past missions where she wasnt sure she'd ever even make it back, etc...that sort of thing. We all have to agree that she has matured lots since S1 and flipping through the best parts fondly would be a great way imo to say goodbye to someone we all love.

                          Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                          Mmmm, I dunno.... Don't get me wrong, I love RP's work (Voyager was way cool!), and I think he's an incredible actor, but come on, Woolsey???? The guy doesn't know a zat from a toilet paper tube!! Do they really think he'll be able to command a base in another galaxy that is constantly under threat from the wraith et al?? I might watch it in the beginning for the Sam factor, but I have a strong feeling that it's gonna get really irritating really fast.

                          But I'm not opinionated or anything...
                          But I think that's just the thing. Having an inept Woosley in command of Atlantis would bring in the added drama that perhaps the TPTB are looking for to jump up the ratings. I dunno. One thing that I'm sure about is that I will definitely be there to watch, record and upload into my ipod the last ep of Sam Carter. That ep will be like gold.

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                          i only signed up for a year

                          thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                          there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                          so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                          I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                          hehe..and quite a train wreck it will be. Maybe putting Woosley in charge will be just the thing to finally doom Atlantis and give the writers a way out to finally cancel the series.

                          I like surprises though.

                          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                          <snip> What ridiculous things will they have Woolsey doing? His very name speaks to his incompetence.
                          From now on whenever the need arises where I have to say a person is incompetent, I'll be saying, "He/She is soo Woosley for the job/task!"


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say
                            i only signed up for a year
                            thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.
                            there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.
                            so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.
                            I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                            I'm telling you should have been a script writer for that show...your talent is so not being put to good use!...except we get the really cool fics so...dang!!
                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            that is my greatest fear. that they will take the 'easy way' out and make woolsey the butt of every joke, especially if it accentuates 'shep, the roguish hewo flauting his worthles boss'.
                            I know folks have brought up rodney and how he was a coward..and yeah, he was. thing is, he was never teh boss. He was a follower, so his screams of fear were more tolerable cause shep would just tell him to shut up.
                            I hope they don't do that to Woolsey...between having sooky Rodney and wussy Woolsey...heaven help the actors and even love the characters...but how much more can we take???
                            My neck hurts from all the head shaking!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                              i only signed up for a year

                              thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                              there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                              so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                              I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                              I kinda like this idea. I don't really mind Woosley as a character, I'm just not sure how he would fit as leader of Atlantis. But anyways, I really hope they write a good episode for when Sam leaves, I'd hate for it to be a disappointing episode.

                              sig by starlover1990


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                                i only signed up for a year

                                thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                                there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                                so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                                I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                                Oooh! I like this idea Sky, can we make you part of TPTB?

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

