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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    I'm ready to go to bed and no one has posted on The Seer Spoiler thread yet! Bummer.

    In meantime, ann, I'm confused as I thought
    Christopher H. was Jack the Ripper and Helen's lover and he's playing the Wraith. You think he was playing BIGFOOT too? I don't think so ...
    Oh, but I do think so
    Sorry. I am sure my other post was confusing. I was typing very quickly during commercial. Yes I do think Christopher H. is Bigfoot or at the very least the voice of Bigfoot. And we all know him as John Druitt, Helen's ex lover and biggest fear. Tonight on Atlantis, Christopher was the wraith. His voice as the wraith was the same as Bigfoot's. If I had a way of recording tonight episode I would love to play it against a Bigfoot scene in Sanctuary to compare the two.. lol I may be wrong, but I'm pretty convince the voice is one and the same.

    And now for the actual episode - synopsis of the episode
    I loved the moment when Sam tells Woosley to shut up or she will have him removed! Woohoo... Go Sam!!

    This episode was to show Sam adjusting to Atlantis and having doubts... While the episode wasn't really centered around Sam she certainly played a big part. That was cool with me because there were great parts from the others as well. I don't know if Sam really had doubts just questions. Typical Carter questions... that the future is not predetermined... This goes all the way back to 1969 I think the first SG-1 episode dealing with time in s2. So the character stayed true to past development. Her biggest concerns now are the fact that her decisions are affecting an entire base not just her own life... She even said she wouldn't think twice making the decision if it were only her who would have to deal with the consequences (or something to that nature). Shepp makes a good point they all signed up for this because they share the same desire to help people and make a difference... (again something to that nature... lol I will be watching the 2nd viewing later tonight ) I thought it was a good episode. There was more information revealed from last weeks episode regarding Teyla and her people. I thought that was a good continuation and glimpse into future episodes.

    Shepp and Sam had some nice discussions. Remember when Jack had doubts when he took over for Hammond... the only way we knew of his doubts/ concerns was as he typed his resignation letter to Hammond, but at the end tore it up. Kinda the same here but Sam talked to Shepp while Woosley followed her around making notes. Sam is just 3 months into her command on Atlantis. She is under review from the IOA (standard protocol). She does gets a pep talk from Shepp, but at the end of the day she she had to make a very difficult choice with not much info and she stood up for what she believed in.

    When a threat emerges Woosely over rides Sam's command and takes control over the base and demanding Shepp to fire the weapon ... Sam doesn't back down and says my favorite line of the night to Woosley (see above). She stands behind her decision orders Shepp to stand down ... The danger passes them and Sam's instincts wins out and Atlantis lives to fight another day.
    Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 16 November 2007, 08:34 PM.


      Minor frustration regarding The Seer:
      It would have made perfect sense for Sam to mention what happened to Jonas Quinn in Prophecy in this one...even if just in passing.
      Two best moments of The Seer:
      Wraith: I believe among your people it is customary to shake hands.

      *Wraith reaches hand out, the guards around Sam cock their guns and Sam doesn't budge*

      Wraith *laughing*: Just a little Wraith humor. *continues laughing*
      Sam: Shut up, Woolsey!!! ... One more word out of you and I will have you removed!

      Sam +1, idiot bureaucrat 0

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
        OT TOPIC
        OK So I am watching the current episode of Atlantis
        and I noticed that Christopher Hy... something, John Druitt on Sanctuary is going to be in the episode... and then the wrath shows up and I think wow that guys voice sound familiar ... how do I know that voice... it's BIGFOOT... Yep Chris was the Wrath. Go figure. No I am even more convinced that CH is Bigfoot

        So far the episode is pretty good! oops Commercial is over gotta go
        Glad you said that! I thought the voice sounded familiar too...but didn't look at the credits and hadn't placed it.

        Good ears you have, Ann!


          Originally posted by Über View Post
          Minor frustration regarding The Seer:
          It would have made perfect sense for Sam to mention what happened to Jonas Quinn in Prophecy in this one...even if just in passing.
          Two best moments of The Seer:ahahahahahahahaha
          Sam +1, idiot bureaucrat 0
          Hehehe...Can't wait to see it...Sam's awesome!!! yay!!!

          I've just finished my very first fic but I have no idea about what to call it...I thought it was hard enough writing the fic but the title seems to have eluded me!! :O
          Anyways...gotta go for the day...hubby is cutting the grass and my allergies are kicking in...nothing like the smell of freshly cut grass...and to make matters worse, my car is in the shop after driving home from a party last night, my fan belt snapped and I was stuck in the middle of somewhere having no idea where I hubby came to my rescue with a trailer and we towed the car to the 1.30am!!!...then I had a dream about a fleet of Tel'taks attacking earth and I was beamed up...and boy did that feel weird...and then my life as I thought I knew it was all I was in another reality...and there were 2 kittens in it...I'm just trying to piece it was really weird!!
          Anyhoo...night all...hope you've all enjoyed The Seer...I hear it was awesome!!
          Take care, be safe and have fun!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Cap attack!!!!!


            "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
            My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


              Cap attack: Part 2!


              "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
              "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
              My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                Cap Attack part 3:


                "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                  Cap attacl part 4:


                  "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                  "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                  My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                    HI EVERYONE

                    Today i saw GEMINI i love watching that eps becase you see sam's darkside through her replicator double Amanda play's replicator carter so well everytime i watch it i feel i'm watching it for the first time it's awsome

                    AMANDA ROCK'S!!!!!!!!!!

                    I'm can't wait to see THE SEER i love seeing sam in command WOOHOO!
                    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                      I really enjoyed The Seer.

                      There were one or two niggly bits, but nothing worth getting an aneurysm over. Overall I thought it was a great ep, and most importantly I was entertained. Everyone, with the exception of Ronon I think, had some really great beats.

                      Sam had some lovely moments, particularly with Sheppard. Loved that Woolsey was finally told to shut up because, seriously, the man has had it coming for a while! I also think it's great that the writers are letting Sam step up as leader. And there is that uncertain "this is so big" conflict waging against the skills and experience she already knows she has, which is really starting to add depth to her command and thus her character.



                        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                        How about doing both, just to be sure

                        What, at the same time?
                        That could be painful without the proper coordinating

                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        heck I think I'd run away too lol....great mental image though....I'm gonna skip the suit though...that thing looks confining!

                        lmao! any add with the phrase 'budgie smuggler' in is a good un.

                        My fridge now has blue jello in it all is right in the world.

                        I have got a pot luck Shabbat dinner tomorrow night and I am baking a cake for it....the blue jello is just for me. However I think I am going to worry my room mate when she looks in the fridge, this cake recipe is of my own creation and contains carrots, pineapple, coconut, walnut, raisins and the usual stuff....add that to the blue jello and the usual fridge contents, (vodka, chocolate, milk and eggs) and she is going to wonder what the heck I am up to.
                        What? Your kitchen sounds fairly normal to me ...
                        Add in a tonne of pasta and soups in the cupboards, and you're good to go! (Oh, and spices - must have spices ... or at least garlic. Total necessity.)

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        COD PIECES OF DOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
                        Hehehe....don't make me laugh - I'll start coughing again!

                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post

                        For Amanda, you bow...for me, you salute.

                        I don't think she'd run too quickly though.
                        I was more picturing her backing up slowly, maintaining eye contact so she doesn't miss any sudden movements, all the while whispering "nice samandans, GOOD samandans..." in a soothing tone...

                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        but thats the source of all the supersoldiers's like Samson and his hair...remove the codpiece and a supersoldier becomes a strange guy with a neoprene fetish....

                        If I'm dressing as a super soldier I demand a codpeice...even if I haven't got anything to put in it...

                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        I really enjoyed The Seer.

                        There were one or two niggly bits, but nothing worth getting an aneurysm over. Overall I thought it was a great ep, and most importantly I was entertained. Everyone, with the exception of Ronon I think, had some really great beats.

                        Sam had some lovely moments, particularly with Sheppard. Loved that Woolsey was finally told to shut up because, seriously, the man has had it coming for a while! I also think it's great that the writers are letting Sam step up as leader. And there is that uncertain "this is so big" conflict waging against the skills and experience she already knows she has, which is really starting to add depth to her command and thus her character.

                        You guys are seriously making me wish I had a tv license... at least I've got most of the older stuff on disc, so I can get my AT fix that way
                        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                        ames on facebook
                        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                          On Bigfoot:

                          On the official Sanctuary Forum it is believed that Christopher Heyerdahl at least did the voice of bigfoot, but we still haven't figured out fr sure who is in te latex.

                          On the Seer:

                          I loved this ep. I was half asleep when I watched it, so I'll have to watch it again to get more details.

                          Sam was frakking awesome. The best part was when she told Woosley to shut up. After three months you can see that she is slowly settling into her role as the leader. There are still some moments of doubts, but you can see the confidence now, especially in that scene with Woosley. She really stepped it up when it mattered the most and stuck to her guns, not showing any hesitation and presenting a strong leader standing behind her decisions. It was a wonderful moment.

                          This is right up there with Tabula Rasa as my favorites so far this season.

                          My theory about the vision is that it will come to play in the finale. They never said how far into the future his visions are.



                            Enjoyed this episode. Liked how Sam stood her ground without losing it, John stood up for her, and Sam was still totally ticked, but not mean as Woolsey left.

                            What was Woolsey thinking?!? Gads, taking command of Atlantis over a seasoned officer who has seen and done everything stargate related, while Woolsey pushed papers?! What an idiot.

                            Enjoyed the whole episode. Tried to figure out Heyerdahl's voice, and I can hear Bigfoot as others have mentioned, but it is still hard for me to pinpoint exactly. hehe.

                            YAY for Stargate on Fridays! I like my Stargate routine.

                            Last edited by tagger; 17 November 2007, 10:29 AM.
                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Aargh, why I must forever miss SGA episodes?

                              Originally posted by Über View Post
                              Minor frustration regarding The Seer:
                              It would have made perfect sense for Sam to mention what happened to Jonas Quinn in Prophecy in this one...even if just in passing.
                              Two best moments of The Seer:

                              Spoilers for SG-1 S10. Warning- cynicism ahead:

                              This is the writing team who didn't mention Jonas in any way (or include a moment for the characters to react to the implication) in conjunction with his planet getting Ori-ised. If they hadn't sowed the seeds in S6 for stuff that could be fleshed out majorly later on (S7 and especially in S8 with Sam and Fifth) I suspect that they'd have liked to pretend that the entirety of S6 didn't happen at all...

                              And something a little lighter...


                              Sam +1, idiot bureaucrat 0

                              I'd like to see what would happen if you did put them both in a ring. Actually, I know what would happen. He'd run around, cower in the corner and make strange noises, like a five-year old girl whimpering

                              And something plain strange...

                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Maybe they will make some bad guy dolls with removable codpieces that we can put on our heroes

                              We can glue sequins on them!


                              *cough* That was this thread, right?
                              Sequins on the pieces, gold paint for the bodies. Just for that ultimate Goa'uld at Mardi Gras look

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                just got to see seer

                                i enjoyed it. i liked sam telling woolsey off - but only after he asked for it. she called on the whole team and bowed to their superior knowledge, which i think is the sign of a good leader. Someone that knows that they DON'T know everything.

                                I agree with whomever mentioned prophecy and jonas' inability to accurately predict the future. and it would have been pertinent. especially the guys trying to keep sam from getting hurt, which only set her up TO be hurt

                                I like how it foreshadowed the future and coming arcs

                                the only thing that woulda made it perfect would have been major cutie pie
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


