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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    spoilers - 'tabula rasa'

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

    Amanda was great as usual. She is definitely in command! Question....

    Would you consider this a 'new' Sam character (like RepliCarter or 'GeekSam'), or was 'AmnesiaSam' the true Sam?
    interesting question.

    i actually don't think it's either. i think this was a person lost without her memory, but her gut instincts and natural initiative taking came out.

    someone on the ep thread said they thought sam slipped back into her sg1ish persona when she lost her memories, but i'm not sure i understand what that means.

    i just love discussing sam and amanda.




      'tabula rasa'

      Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
      I thought Amnesia Sam was true Sam. Calm in a crisis. Thinking on her feet. In command, even when she didn't know she was in command. They said or alluded to several times that people held on, the longest, to the things that were most important to them. Rodney held onto his science, Lorne and the others, with the help of the stims, held onto their mission, Sam held onto whatever it was she needed to get them through, and fix the problem. That's real Sam there.
      very interesting. so basically brains and leadership? that's always been sam!!




        Some multiquotes coming up

        Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
        I know there has been talk about who we would rather see Amanda portray - Sam C or Helen M. - What I would really like is to see what Amanda would do with an episode of SGA or Sanctuary from behind the camera as a director. The one episode of SG1 that she directed personally think she did a great job with what was a weak script to me.

        See I would never be able to chose between Sam or Helen, cause they are so different. Too different even. They are both great in their own way.
        But I agree with you Tsax, I love to see her a bit more doing behind the scene stuff like dirrecting and all... I mean we all know she loves doing it and she is great in it
        I mean I agree with you that resurection wasn't a great story but Sam made it into something great if you ask me. I couldn't care less about the story honestly but still I like the ep, because of the feel it has... and I think a lot is because of Amanda, cause you can feel how much she loved it
        I think we'll see her do more of that honestly...maybe in Sanctuary eh... who knows they might give her something to dirrect on season 5 of SGA...
        I really hope she is going to be in season 5 of SGA... I think Sam would be great in it. I mean after all I already have seen of SGA this year, she really fits in

        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        4000 pages of Sam love!

        Woot for Amanda!
        Wow, that are a lot of pages with a lot of talk about Sam/Helen/Amanda, but then she totally is so talented that we can talk and talk about whatever she does and everytime we will see something new to what she does and can do.
        I mean she is a busy bee for sure and in everything she does she does it will all her heart and you can see she loves it

        Amanda is great isn't she

        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

        I love this one it is so great...amazing...kuddos for posting this

        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post

        4000 pages

        ...nearly 80,000 posts

        and over 150,000 1.5 million views.

        For a character who is considered to be so disliked, she doesn't seem to have too much trouble keeping up with all the so-called 'popular' kids.

        Let's hear it for Sam and all the other unpopular geeks out there!

        see I never gotten why they dislike her that much. I mean they keep saying she is such a disliked character but if I look around, I honestly see the opposite. Yes there are a few who have issues with her and with her moving to Atlantis that didn't help at all. But there are also a lot of people who love Sam
        I just think the people who don't like her that much make more noise then the one who love her or do like her

        I mean in the end it also doesn't matter that much... I mean we know who Sam is and what she stands for and that is why we like her


          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          Holy Hannah WTG Samanda!!!

          I am so proud to be able to come here every day to 'see' all of you, you have all become friends to me since I started to post and I have Amanda to thank for that. As we all know Amanda is a warm, funny, generous and humble person and I think this thread (and Amanda's fans in general) mirror those qualities perfectly, there is a special bond that unites us all and that bond starts with Amanda, the unexplainable feeling of strength and love we get ever time we watch her on TV or if we're lucky enough to meet her in person its kinda like Amanda has this ability to brighten a room just by walking in to it and being herself, well Samanda feels like this too...every post whether it be an ep discussion, character discussion, about Amanda, sharing news good or bad and even when we disagree with each other that special bond is always there. That's what makes me proud to be part of Samanda and a fan of Amanda...

          SAMANDA'S WE ROCK!!! Let the Tappination begin!

          PS Off to watch SGA now, back soon *licks*

          I have to agree with you here! I love how this is more then just liking a character or an actor...It is about friendships, it is about being a family, about having something similar but also being different from each other. I mean we have all kind of persons here Introvert, extrovert, funny, more serious, young, old, even very old
          it is about making friends and having friends for life and for some even finding love and knowing that those people understand you.

          Originally posted by Samarwenn View Post
          Oooh I love this, I wished i could have greened you for that but I have given out to many today so...Virtual green
          it looks so not Sam/ looks nice. I actually can see Sam dressing up like that for Halloween

          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
          I'm trying to decide if I find Amanda or Sam more attractive.
          I prefer Amanda's dress sense (cammo just doesn't do it for me) and she knows how to dress to suit herself, it's astonishing how many people don't.
          She's also lucky in that she looks equally good with either long or short hair.
          She has a fresh beauty and is not the ultra thin that Hollywood seems to demand; she looks healthy and normal.

          Honestly I have the same issue as you but I think I like Sam more then I like Amanda... cause it is because of Sam that I have become to adore Amanda. I think if we talk about who do you think is the hottest, i'll go for Amanda for sure. Because she is dressing amazing, has a great smile,... But also cause she thinks about others and is nice and shows her emotions...

          On the other hand I think Sam is also a great personality... And is also nice in her BDU's and in dirt and stuff... I guess she just has an advantage on Amanda cause I knew her first and because of Sam I started liking Amanda...

          I must say I think in the end I like them equally...I admire them both for what they stand for...

          Originally posted by Melora View Post
          I think you're right. Amanda's personality just seems to add to her attractiveness to me. Case in point - here is the link to Part 1 of her Q+A at She is just so goofy and lovely at the same time.

          "I am the MAN"
          ooh I love this vid, it is hilarious!!! HILARIOUS!!

          I especially love the beginning about the first one she likes her first one and will never forget it eh... Cool

          I love how she also likes Ba'al as a bad guy cause I think they had some amazing screentime together in season 10

          And the man...ROFL... she is the man eh... well not really the man but "the man"

          She is so funny!!!

          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post



            last one

            Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
            Hi everyone!

            Life has been barreling down hard on me lately, for one thing I've had to start chemo again, so I haven't had a lot of energy for the boards. But I've missed it around here.

            Does anyone have any good 'spark a discussion' questions lying around? I don't think I could drum one up right now, but I'd love to answer one!
            Aww Dee

            I am praying for you hon!! but I know you can do are a fighter! Keep up the fight!

            okay a lot of questions going on here so I'll answer them to get the thread moving a bit Like my multiquotes doesn't do that lol.

            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
            Hope things get better for you soon

            How about this question:

            If Sam Carter and Helen Magnus were on opposites of a battle and met in a dark alley, who would win?
            I think that depends on what for material they have with them I mean if they have guns it comes down to the fastest and the person who is most accurate and then I think Helen would win...

            If it is hand fights I think Sam will win cause she doesn't have those shoes I think they are both equally strong but Sam is a better fighter...

            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

            Do you think Sam will ever have to actually slap Rodney in Season 4 Atlantis?
            No, cause that would be inproffesional and that isn't Sam...Maybe she wants to do that but she would never really do it I mean unless she is under some alien influence or so...yes then I can see her doing it. But she will never get over the line of slapping him on her own...

            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
            Or how about:

            What do you think the one thing is that Sam is just dying to do in Atlantis?
            I think there is a lot she wants to do there, I think mainly she wants to play with all the doohickeys laying there and just having fun with it I mean we all know how much she loves doohickeys

            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
            Last one, I promise...

            What one class did Sam get a 'C' in at the AF Academy?
            err...I think it had something to do with human skills...not sure what though...something that needs you to read other humans and stuff like that. Cause we all know she isn't that great in that

            Okay that is it for me for this multiquote, yes catching up on a week of abscence is a lot to catch up lol


              in tabula rasa i think

              folks kinda reverted to thier gut instincts. Lorne was a protector, sam a problem solver, mckay a problem solver, shep the - not meant disrespectfully - errand boy.

              lorne exhibited classic soldier syndrome. follow orders and follow your boss. notice how quickly he fell to 'shep's my co? cool, what do i do now'

              sam is simply a problem solver that doesn't get caught up in 'who's the boss'. Cause, really, 'boss' doesn't matter, the solution does

              folks have said that they'd have liked to have seen it as a 2 parter, but i really don't know if it could have stretched that long, not without some killer B story to fill out some time.

              really, how long can you watch them run around the halls?

              but, over all, it was enjoyable. What i really can't wait for is next week's however. that one looks really good
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                in tabula rasa i think

                folks kinda reverted to thier gut instincts. Lorne was a protector, sam a problem solver, mckay a problem solver, shep the - not meant disrespectfully - errand boy.

                lorne exhibited classic soldier syndrome. follow orders and follow your boss. notice how quickly he fell to 'shep's my co? cool, what do i do now'

                sam is simply a problem solver that doesn't get caught up in 'who's the boss'. Cause, really, 'boss' doesn't matter, the solution does

                folks have said that they'd have liked to have seen it as a 2 parter, but i really don't know if it could have stretched that long, not without some killer B story to fill out some time.

                really, how long can you watch them run around the halls?

                but, over all, it was enjoyable. What i really can't wait for is next week's however. that one looks really good
                Tabula Rasa:

                Maybe they wanted to see the aerosol spray being used, and see what happened to everyone as they slowly came around and started to remember someone said elsewhere, Sam leading Rodney by holding his hand

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Tabula Rasa:

                  Maybe they wanted to see the aerosol spray being used, and see what happened to everyone as they slowly came around and started to remember someone said elsewhere, Sam leading Rodney by holding his hand
                  yes, to see how everyone reacted when they started remembering things.

                  and i missed when sam was leading mckay around by hand. i'll have to watch the ep again. oh darn.

                  btw, i watched the trailer for 'the seer'.




                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    To bring this back to topic, do you think Sam likes fireworks?
                    Absolutely!!! Blowing things up is fun...and one of Sam's specialties!!
                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    Ok let's see. Growing up without a mother's touch, I think Sam would have been a little tomboy. Her dad certainly wouldnt buy her dresses, pretty bows for her hair and *gasp* the lingerie department of the store would be avoided by Jacob. IMO, I think Sam would avoid the inevitable as long as she could and when she desperately needed to hit the stores, she would get the most practicable bra she could find, being quite embarrassed by the whole situation from the get-go.

                    Now older, more confident Sam would be slightly different. She would still go for the practical, no-nonsense, but I believe that she would embrace by this time her 'inner woman' for those special times when she wanted to feel beautiful. Like when she was dating Pete for example. Not only would she want to look attractive on the outside, but beneath all those layers of clothes as well.
                    I won't even get into what kind of panties she'd choose to wear.
                    ...uhm...I could go there but I'm thinking I might get whacked with some mighty wet unless someone else wants to venture down that road first...coz I'm too chicken to do it alone!!!
                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    I bet he enjoyed the moment too A Sam/Teal'c/Vala sandwich
                    OMG!!! You're are sooo naughty!!!!!
                    So Eileen is our resident dirty we have a naughty one!!!!
                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                    I agree with what you say earlier.
                    Who's hotter for me?

                    Amanda over Sam
                    Daniel over Michael
                    Jack over RDA
                    Chris over Teal'c

                    That's not to say they aren't all extremely attractive people.
                    But for me, it's Amanda and Chris' smile/humor that I find so attractive and sadly we don't really see either very often with the characters they play.
                    For me I can't actually compare the actor with the character but I can compare actor to actor or character to character....if you know what I mean!
                    I prefer:
                    Sam over Vala
                    Daniel over Jack
                    Teal'c over Daniel
                    Jack over Cam
                    And that was a lot harder than I thought it would be coz I think Jack is yummy but Daniel and Teal'c...especially Teal'c...ooh-la-la!!!!
                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                    I have to agree with you here! I love how this is more then just liking a character or an actor...It is about friendships, it is about being a family, about having something similar but also being different from each other. I mean we have all kind of persons here Introvert, extrovert, funny, more serious, young, old, even very old
                    it is about making friends and having friends for life and for some even finding love and knowing that those people understand you.
                    Hey Eve!! Good to see popping in again!!! Yay!!
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    What i really can't wait for is next week's however. that one looks really good
                    My daughter is really excited about next weeks ep even if we won't get to watch it for a little while...Spoilers for next weeks ep "Missing" and "Tabula Rasa"
                    she loves kick ass Teyla and loves the scene with Keller and when she shoots the guy in the leg...which I have to admit did seem rather interesting!!! for Tabula Rasa...haven't seen it but read the spoilers and can't wait to watch it!!!

                    Last edited by Chelle DB; 03 November 2007, 09:19 PM.
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      *squishy Samanda hugs*

                      I will post properly when I'm feeling better
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        *squishy Samanda hugs*

                        I will post properly when I'm feeling better
                        Big squishy hugs right back at ya and get well soon!!!

                        Speaking of rest...I'm going to go get some myself...not even 6pm and I'm already ready for a nap!!
                        Night night all, take care and be safe and have fun!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                          Ooooooo! Don't get me going on the subject of fireworks! I find it incredible that in the current terrorist-threatened, 'elf-n'-safety nannie state that we are currently suffering, (here in the UK) boxes of explosives are freely available over the counter for anyone to buy. Madness!

                          Kay aka Mumsey
                          (Exit left muttering darkly)
                          Huh? Quite muttering, I can't hear you past the explosive induced tinnitus! (slight exaggeration)

                          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                          If this is too risque' for a G-rated thread, please disregard this post:

                          Speaking of first experiences with 'over the shoulder boulder holders' (aka brassieres), how do you think Sam's went? Did she 'embrace' them so to speak or was she reluctant? Did she pick the plainest on the shelf or the fanciest? Who took her to the store, Mom, Dad or brother?

                          For extra credit: What does she wear today in Atlantis? What did she wear during the early SG1 years?
                          I think Sam embraced it as a part of growing up...I don't think she was ever really a physically awkward teenager but more a bit of an emotionally awkward and her mom took her *nods*

                          Now I think it's work is work and she wears sensible stuff, sports bras when they might be needed for the support, comfort and just keeping the darn things out of the way when you've got more important things to think about.

                          However, Sam off duty likes the girlier stuff and in particular I can imagine she wore fancier bras when she was working at the pentagon, she was frustrated about not going on the first stargate mission and stuff and there is something extremely satisfying when you're in a frustrating position of wearing a fancy bra. Sure that big important person who knows nothing might be patronising you but you've got a polka dot bra on and somehow that little bit of rebellion makes it better but then thats just in my head.

                          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                          Hi Everyone,

                          Aww that's cute, and hooray for the Sam Carter bedroom

                          lol I can picture it now The think I don't like about fireworks is, the really frighten pets/wildlife...My dog is terrorfied(sp?) by them she's hiding right now

                          your poor dog...thankfully our only pet is both deaf and blind (one eight year old rabbit)...we're not sure if he even notices the fireworks are going off, if he does he certainly doesn't care and just continues hopping around the garden.
                          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                          My Fanfic~My Femslash


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                            I agree with what you say earlier.

                            Who's hotter for me?

                            Amanda over Sam
                            Daniel over Michael
                            Jack over RDA
                            Chris over Teal'c

                            That's not to say they aren't all extremely attractive people.
                            But for me, it's Amanda and Chris' smile/humor that I find so attractive and sadly we don't really see either very often with the characters they play.

                            And pre-Meridian Daniel and post-grey Jack both had yummy factors that topped the scale for me.
                            hmm...who's hotter for me? Definitely...

                            Sam over Amanda - grit, P-90, bdu's and that amazing smile shining through it all. Need I say more?
                            Daniel over Michael - cept in season 8 when he started getting a little pouch around the middle.
                            Jack over RDA - but only cos I don't know RDA's personal life much. I love Jack's sense of humor mostly. *nods*
                            Teal'c over Chris - ditto here as well but actually any guy of few words is awesome.

                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            see I never gotten why they dislike her that much. I mean they keep saying she is such a disliked character but if I look around, I honestly see the opposite. Yes there are a few who have issues with her and with her moving to Atlantis that didn't help at all. But there are also a lot of people who love Sam
                            I just think the people who don't like her that much make more noise then the one who love her or do like her

                            I mean in the end it also doesn't matter that much... I mean we know who Sam is and what she stands for and that is why we like her
                            For me it's totally been a singular issue who I admire. I've never jumped on any passing bandwagons cos my friends were and as a result have kind of stood off by myself in who I like/dislike. But I really don't care. I'm my own person and I'll admire whomever I please no matter what other's might say. With that being said, AT is more than looks for me. She has a certain something special about her on the inside that separates her from any other and those critics that say her acting is horrible or that she's only a pretty fixture on the series to appease/draw the lusty just don't know the real AT.

                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            last one
                            Okay that is it for me for this multiquote, yes catching up on a week of abscence is a lot to catch up lol
                            Welcome back and I'm glad you had an amazing week off.
                            Last edited by Celandine; 04 November 2007, 01:35 AM. Reason: Bold..bold! I must bold my words!


                              Hi all

                              Hope all is OK. Stopping by with a pressie. It's my Aftershocks TAG to Nemesis. S/J ship alert for those who need it. And a bit of an epic for a TAG...

                              The Wheels Trilogy
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Whew - *finally* all caught up again!
                                Y'know, for such a fun and crazy group, y'all do post a heck of a lot that requires/induces thought

                                Okay, to cut down on the length of this, I didn't do the multi-quote thing, so bear with me....

                                1) Hi! I'm back *waves excitedly* Yes, it's been a definitely crazy 2 month hiatus ... I'll try to not do that again. Y'all are crazy -- and I do mean that in the most loving way!

                                2) Congrats on the new milestones - and bloody heck, I missed *another* party So sad ... guess I'll have to have some blue jello on my own to make up for it....mmmmmmm - blue jello yumminess *grin*

                                3) I have to ask - what's the story behind the licking?

                                4) Happy belated bday wishes to all that were celebrated while I was incommunicado!

                                5) If AT chooses to continue on as either Sam or Helen, and I actually got some say in the matter, who would I choose? Um ... I'd have to go with Helen. Mostly b/c we've had a decade of Sam, so that's a heck of a lot of moments saved onto discs that can be rewatched at will ... whereas Helen is new. There's so much about her we don't know yet - so many potentialities to explore ... I can't really say which character I prefer -- let's face it, AT rocks in pretty much any role she grabs, *and* most def in person too!!!

                                6) If Helen Magnus met Sam Carter in a dark alley, who'd win? For starters, why are the two of them fighting? Can you imagine the crazy duo they would make if they joined forces??? But I digress into AU-fic-fodder-land. Right ... I think my money would be on Helen, for a few reasons. A) Helen has pretty darn cool weaponry. Then again, Sam has a zat. Hmmmmm... B) Helen's got decades of experience fighting both 'normals' and 'abnormals' ... sure, Sam's battled aliens, but for only a relative fraction of the time. C) For some reason in my mind Helen would seem more comfortable in the background of a dark alleyway -- I think the fight would be very different if set in a grassy field in the middle of the day. Of course that could just be me... D) Helen's used to playing by her own rules. Sure, she def adheres to rules -- but they are of her own devising. I think that might give her a slight edge on the moralistic/ethical/imaginative tactic front. Either way, it'd be one helluva a fight!!! ...why are they fighting on opposite sides again? Now there'd be an interesting negotiation table to observe....

                                6) Addendum to above -- you have the Sanctuary team versus the original SG-1 team -- now who's your money on?

                                7) Awesome poetry all 'round. 'Nuff said.

                                8) To put in my two cents (or pence, depending on which side of the Atlantic I happen to be on at any given time...), yes you can find an actor/actress more or less attractive than any of the characters he/she portrays. Props, situations, and personalities definitely flavour any impression you receive about a person. I think Sam Carter, Helen Magnus, and Amanda Tapping are all intriguing (and gorgeous) women, but in different ways. They have different styles and different quirks. I'd love to call any or all of them my friend if I could! Now there's a dinner party scenario for you ... I wonder what would be on the menu...

                                9) I'm sure there's tonnes more stuff that I could comment on, especially if I was caught up on my Stargate ... I've been without regular access to a telly for about ... um ... 2.5 years? So I have SG-1 on disc for seasons 1-9, although I've only watched to season 8 at this point (pesky real life getting in the way of my fun *pouts*), and the first season of Atlantis. I'm hoping, what with Xmas quickly approaching, to increase my DVD collection, but until then, all I can say is it's a good thing I don't have a problem with spoilers, eh?!

                                ...and that's about all for now folks. Congrats again on the milestones, both personal and in the thread!
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

