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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Watch the Birdie! Loved seeing Sam's FULL Colonel insignia!

    I thought Sam in Reunion
    was well done. She stood her ground with Ronan--no sign he intimidated her at all--which was in character. She told Sheppard he'd need a *good* plan before she approved a rescue mission for Weir. As she should have. I think he took it professionally.

    Loved the scene with Teal'c. Nice transition moment. We see her jitters but then once she hits Atlantis she's in full colonel mode.

    I wasn't sure why she needed to be on the rescue mission for Sheppard's team, but I guess it was to build "team" for the audience. It did provide a moment for her to tell Ronan she'd respect his decision. I liked how he said "this might be our only mission together"--either they'll be dead or he'll be gone & she just said soemthing like "then we should make the most of it."
    In short Sam was very much a commander. Yay!


      as to reunion

      I know it may have been a bit off to have sam go on the rescue mission. and, if it happened every week, i'd have issues.

      but, from all i understand, she leaves the city 2-3 times during the whole season...which is on par with how often elizabeth left, so i really don't have an issue with it
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        as to reunion

        I know it may have been a bit off to have sam go on the rescue mission. and, if it happened every week, i'd have issues.

        but, from all i understand, she leaves the city 2-3 times during the whole season...which is on par with how often elizabeth left, so i really don't have an issue with it
        I'm never one to complain about seeing
        Sam on a mission. Just being objective, we didn't really get an explanation of why she was needed on this particular one. I enjoyed seeing her with her P90 though and being *hand signal person in charge.*


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I'm never one to complain about seeing
          Sam on a mission. Just being objective, we didn't really get an explanation of why she was needed on this particular one. I enjoyed seeing her with her P90 though and being *hand signal person in charge.*
          The only way I can really justify it,

          is to keep telling myself that Sam didn't want to lose her #1 team the first week on the job, so she decided the best way to make sure they were all brought home safe and sound was to be a part of the rescue team.

          However as Sky said, I don't mind it happening once or twice a season, but they are gonna need to come up with a much better reason for her to be on an ops in the future, in my opinion.

          It's not that I don't love seeing action Sam, it's just very hard to keep myself from sitting there the entire time going 'Um?!? What is Sam doing there?!? Isn't she like the big Kahuna now?' Which makes it very difficult to pay attention to everything else going on in the scene. Well that and ---'Oooh look at the big gun and the pretty'.


            Did Sam's space& missile command badge look new to anyone or I have just been unobservant? (It seemed to be a different shape than I remembered). I looked it up & it seems to still be at the "senior" level though. I thought maybe she had moved up a level but she must not have enough time in service yet.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Did Sam's space& missile command badge look new to anyone or I have just been unobservant? (It seemed to be a different shape than I remembered). I looked it up & it seems to still be at the "senior" level though. I thought maybe she had moved up a level but she must not have enough time in service yet.
              All I noticed was she still doesn't have enough fruit salad

              my fanfic


                not nearly enough

                not for all she's done over the years
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  At least Sheppard mentioned something about "with your record"--indicating to those unfamiliar with Sam, that she's no paper pusher. But yeah, Sam needs more "fruit salad."


                    my thoughts on sam in 'reunion'

                    it was WONDERFUL to see sam in command!!

                    i can't complain about one scene with sam. everyone of them were perfect for establishing sam's leadership.

                    my two fave scenes were 1- sam saying goodbye to teal'c and her old life. the tears were normal and wonderful to see.

                    2- sam stepping through the gate to her new command... this scene, above anything else meant a LOT to me... when sam was given command of sg1 in s8, i really wanted to see her command. it was barely shown. then it was all but taken from her in seasons 9/10. i saw her co-commanding with mitchell, but it wasn't fair to either one and really didn't let either one be totally leader. but this scene, with her ppl standing their waiting for her... if i hadn't been grinning my face off, i might have started crying. *sighs*

                    the sam-mckay scene cracked me up! i loved sam's reaction to mckay declaring that he was seeing someone. great work by both actors.

                    ~sam's jack photo in her belongings!!!~

                    the sam-ronan scene was my third fave scene. i LOVED sam not backing down to him. and when ronan was in her face and mckay started to defend her (bless him ), i LOVED that sam put her hand up to stop mckay so SHE could stand up to ronan. wonderful scene that *showed* sam is tough stuff!

                    the sam-sheppard scene was great also. i really wasn't expecting anyone to be questioning her so early into her command, but i'm thankful that it played out that way because again, it showed sam can take care of herself.

                    i loved sam going off world too. while some are saying that's not right or logical, i can't comment on it fairly since i don't know this show well enough to know if it's right or wrong. i just know i loved seeing sam standing with her ppl and firing on the bad guys.

                    i really appreciate the way sam's been introduced to the show *and* command. well done joe and company!




                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      At least Sheppard mentioned something about "with your record"--indicating to those unfamiliar with Sam, that she's no paper pusher. But yeah, Sam needs more "fruit salad."
                      I liked him refering to that. And also her mentioning past events. But I kinda thought that they mentioned almost too many in this episode. But, it is good they are mentioning them, because it's saying that she isn't a brand new character, that she is fully established and has had 10 years of history infront of us, especially for those who only watch 'Lantis...

                      Did that make sense?

                      "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
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                        Originally posted by Über View Post


                        Watch it!!

                        They were only there for about 20 minutes or so. Did they do it just to get picked up on a cam?
                        so does this mean amanda's back to filming sanctuary?




                          Reunion –

                          Really loved this episode because I thought Sam was fantastic! I hope Dreamer_One liked this one too


                          Loved –

                          (1) Sam and Teal’c; I am comforted by that scene. Without it, I would have felt very sad and lonely for Sam, because she did not make many friends on her first days at her new post.
                          (2) Sam took command and stood her ground. I was proud of her when she did not back down from Ronon or Sheppard. I never realized how tall Ronon was until he towered over Sam.
                          (3) Sam and Rodney, very funny.
                          (4) Sam led the rescue of Sheppard’s team. She was so smart that the Wraith did not stand a chance. Per AT, Sam went off world only 2 or 3 times this season, if we count Lifeline being one of them, Trio the other, I guess we won’t be seeing her off-world anymore. A bit regret there since I like her off-world with her P90, but can’t have everything. I like her command more.
                          (5) Tayla and Ronon, very nice scenes between them.
                          (6) The fruit basket scene, very funny

                          Not surprised but still fun to watch –

                          (1) Ronon’s friends were not who they seemed
                          (2) The replicator attacked the Wraith

                          Would have loved to see –

                          (1) More Sam and Sheppard; Sam and Tayla.

                          Unreasonable –

                          (1) Sheppard asked Sam to give him the green light to rescue Weir. Per his conversation with Sam before Sam arrived, he must have been Atlantis’ commander between Weir and Carter. Apparently he did not think it right to go against IOA to rescue Weir, but somehow expected Sam to do so.

                          (2) Ronon implied Weir would have allowed him to bring in his friends. If Weir were really a great leader everyone said she was, she shouldn’t and I doubt she would.


                            New Cult Times Special #45 - Stargate Cover

                            • We drop in on the cast and crew of the Stargate series, discovering what's coming in the new season of Atlantis and how things are progressing on the DVD movie front

                            More information HERE
                            My View From The Peanut Gallery


                              thanks for the great sam in 'reunion' caps, guys!




                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                so does this mean amanda's back to filming sanctuary?

                                Nope. They are still waiting for a green light last I heard.

