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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I will not be able to attend GABIT next year and this disappoints me.

    Yet, I have another momentous piece of good news that feel like celebrating. I just received my very first RED! Woo Hoo!!!

    So here is another pic to celebrate the occasion. This one is dedicated to ccdsah/pete/steve/whatever your name is today b/c I know how much you like Sam and Jack.

    You rock, man. Thanks for popping my cherry.

    ETA: my, my. You might need some help with those anger management issues of yours.

    Oh noez!!! It's attack of the clones. Feel free to red me with every sockie you've got, pete. It will only serve to entertain me more.
    Last edited by Melora; 14 August 2007, 11:05 AM.


      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
      Ok, so I need a count of how many of ya are gonna be there with flags and a seating chart of your location in the theatre.

      'Cuz I ain't sittin' next to ANY of ya!!!!!


      Well, if I'm there, I'll be in the back row anyway. No way I can afford tickets anytime soon, I'm afraid.

      My LJ


        Originally posted by suse View Post
        :O What's with the knife in his back? And why isn't sam *doing* something? Unless she's resigned to her (his? lol) fate...

        I think Thor may be a victim. And as her last relationship didn't end with the guy dying, Sam/Thor ended with
        all te Asgard dying.

        Many bad returns, there....

        It's a behind the scenes screen cap. I believe that is the hand of the puppeteer, although it does kind of look like someone stabbing him. Poor little guy never seems to get a break.


          Originally posted by Melora View Post

          I've been capping the behind the scenes special features from the Season 7 DVDs for the S+J Promo Picture game started by zuz. I thought these shots were cute. My offering to help lighten the mood.
          Thank you.
          I love the camaraderie AT & CJ seem to share in the clips we've seen.

          Loved the Thor photo too. I miss those silly days on the Sam/Thor thread. Erm, I mean serious days.

          jckfan goes to happy place where trolls stay under their bridges. They're like the Ori, the more attention they get the more powerful they get.


            Originally posted by Melora View Post
            It's a behind the scenes screen cap. I believe that is the hand of the puppeteer, although it does kind of look like someone stabbing him. Poor little guy never seems to get a break.
            I know. I just thought the hand placement was amusing.

            I'll green ya again but it'll be a bit. I don't green a large enough group of people. So feel honored!

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              it just baffles me why people who are clearly not appreciative of a person or character insist on posting in appreciation threads.

              anyway, all this chit chat has me wondering how the die hard s/t shippers feel having waited 10 years for their first confirmed teeny tiny hint of a relationship between their fave ship, only to have it taken away, almost certainly never to be mentioned again. there isn't even that much in the way of substantial friendship development scenes like there is for the s/j or s/d or j/d shippers (among others).

              i'm a s/j shipper, but if i weren't i'd totally be a s/t shipper. while it kinda sucks to have your prefered ship (s/j) dragged out for 8-10 years, at least s/j was openly acknowledged. and the s/d shippers have had a few moments over the years that could be interpreted as shippy, even if they weren't acknowledged from TPTB as such. s/t has had very little. its had to rely mostly on the brilliant actors who portray the characters to show the development of their friendship.

              its gotta suck to ship s/t exclusively. the choices, subtle as they were, made by the actors should be very much appreciated i think. in the end, they have no lasting effect on the show, but they do add something believeable and valuable to it. IMO.

              (and no, i'm not going to gabit this time either. i'm a bum. so you definitely don't have to deal with any awkward and embarrassing questions from me, such as; "how dare you ruin the entire show by expressing a passing jestful comment to the showrunner, who has obviously always listened to everything you wanted before!?" and "will you sign my boobs!?" maybe next time though if there is a next time! nah, i'll probably still be a bum.)

              EDIT: ok, the first bit of this post was supposed to reference the first guy who obviously didn't come here to appreciate sam/amanda. the second guy... whew... um... wow. just, wow. beyond unappreciative, and right onto offensive, disturbing and just plain scarry.
              Last edited by stargate barbie; 14 August 2007, 11:33 AM.


                While we wait for the burly white-coated men to take away today's resident multi-socketed dipstick, I will activate Da Powah of Da Multi-quote:

                Ooh look! Baby Sams!

                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                I hear ya, I can't wait to get to AT3 and thank Amanda personally for a her wonderful portrayal of a fantastic character and for proving once and for all that Teal'c and Sam are a couple -- because obviously they must be if she said it in a commentary right? Or hinted about it. I mean god forbid she and Chris could choose to have a little fun for once! There may only be three of us S/T shippers there, but we'll be waving our multi-colored flags and cheering her on when you ask your question too! Can't wait! Woot!
                Ok that's you, me, Sky, Spazzy, me... wait, I have too many fingers and toes ... *resets hand*. You, me, Sky, Spazzy... *stares confusededed...*

                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                Very nice.

                *grabs multi-colored flag and prepares to cheer and/or faint*

                As for S/J ship and Continuum,
                I have wondered if S/J ship is "settled" when Sam, Cameron and Daniel are separated in the AU...
                I wondered if a big ol' flag went up in Heroes when Sam told the reporter there ain't none mister.

                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                Next, you'll be saying that Santa Claus isn't real!

                And sheesh, mini, you sure do know how to make an entrance.

                Maybe I just need to purchase an AT3 ticket and be done with it. Who needs textbooks?!
                Yes she does. And yes you do!

                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                YOU BETTER!
                I need my roomie!!
                Who'll keep me up all night talking about really deep stuff and then remember NOTHING about it in the morning?!?
                You have to go!
                hugs **
                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                I can see right now that if I go to AT3, I'm going to get arrested...

                OK, mini, I'm working on it!
                Atta girl!

                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                I'm just going for the FOOD.
                Is that shallow?
                *throws mini armbands and directs Spazzy's attention to prominent red sign*:-

                "Patrons are required to supervise their charges in the learner pool at all times."

                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                Get on the ball girl! I may need someone to hold me back. You know how I get when people start dissing my favorite ship! GRRRRRR Who knows what I may do with a few belt buckles, a shoe lace and a piece of chewing gum!
                Bet it's kinky

                Originally posted by suse View Post
                even though I'm not Mini(well, Geek anyway)

                Rainbow squees! How delightful!

                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                I'll second that SQUEE!!!!
                (even though I'm not mini either...)
                But ya know, the geek part's true!
                *chases after the pretty squee, desperate to third it*

                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                So Spazzy is going to AT3..Yay Yeehaaaa

                so who else is going? or was able to get a ticket???

                and I noticed that Suse has learned to squee... where was the time, she didn't do the squee eh
                ETA: and now she is calling someone hon!!! Yes she is excited about something that is for sure
                It's all by osmosis, y'know

                As to the subject shippin, I think Sam/Anyone is awesome. I like to ship her with whomever I can but preferable, Sam/Janet then Sam/Jack and also Sam/Teal'c so...
                Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                Now I'll squee for that! *waves / flag*
                Strix squees? omg, Strix squees!

                Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                *waves Sam/Janet flag*
                *waves Sam/Vala flag* *waves Sam/Teal'c flag* *waves Sam/Teal'c-with Vala-on-top flag*

                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                Ok, so I need a count of how many of ya are gonna be there with flags and a seating chart of your location in the theatre.
                Ok, perhaps it would be helpful if we adopted the tried and tested multi-coloured-flags-in-the-back-pocket system?

                'Cuz I ain't sittin' next to ANY of ya!!!!!



                [aw, too many smilies by everyone. Y'all emote too much and I had to edit some out]


                  Sam's hair still needs more love, if you are so inclined

                  Give the love here


                    *gets blue jello, puts blinkers on and takes a comfy seat*

                    So, Sam's a great character AT rocks and AT3 sounds like it's gonna be awesome, I wish I could go.

                    I wanted to green several of ya but I have greened you too recently...
                    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                    My Fanfic~My Femslash


                      Blimey! I don't often post, but just wanted to say how sad it makes me that there are people visiting this thread who feel the need to be so vicious... if anybody DOESN'T think Sam is a Great Character, fine. But why post here? Unless the individuals concerned have an issue with basic literacy, in which case we should just feel sorry for them.

                      Well done to the stalwarts of this thread for their spirited defence of a great character, a great actress and -- so many positive reports can't be wrong -- a great person. I'm fairly confident that AT is sufficiently mature to cope with these pointless attacks, but I am sad that she has to.

                      I'm now looking forward to receiving red from certain individuals, which I shall wear as a badge of pride!
                      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                        Originally posted by wibbling
                        My boots remain quaked, just in case....
                        I recommend Dubbin


                          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                          I recommend Dubbin
                          is that a relative of Muffin the Mule? Sorry, UK silliness, which probably only AT and other UK-ites will understand!
                          "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                            Strix squees? omg, Strix squees!
                            *cough* Squee. *cough*

                            My LJ


                              well, i'm watch out!!!!!!

                              and MG< you can run but you cant hide...i DO know what you look like after all
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                well, i'm watch out!!!!!!

                                and MG< you can run but you cant hide...i DO know what you look like after all
                                Offers Sky a fifth of the rum of her choice and a two-liter of diet coke.

                                Sorry, we fed the troll a bit.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

