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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I am loving that letter from Amanda!

    My favourite bit is about the hooch... I can't believe they "made “carpets” out of cardboard boxes and duct tape decorated with Sharpies." Hehe! The sharpie thing is exactly what my friends and I would do. Not that we would ever get to hang out at the Arctic, but you know what I mean. We love our sharpies
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      I took the picture that Parsifal posted and did a little lighting/color correcting to pull her face out of the shadows:

      She has truly stunning eyes.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
        I took the picture that Parsifal posted and did a little lighting/color correcting to pull her face out of the shadows:

        She has truly stunning eyes.
        And you're just noticing this now?

        Pretty! I was toally going to do that when I got home! You beat me to it


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          And people will probably never do anything but envy her, as opposed to admiring her achievements. Even when you're talented in just one area people are envious, or expect the world from you. People seem to have got in into their heads that I know everything, and ask me really random questions like "how many teeth does a person have?" or assume that because I do Classics I must know about Norse mythology. It wasn't so bad at uni (greater concentration of smarter people than me! Woo!) but apparently the general consensus is still that I'm 'clever'. Which is nonsense. I don't feel better than anyone else, but yet they still have these expectations of me academically. I was quite good at cross-country at school, but I didn't want to join a club and I'm so glad my parents didn't push me. When I think about those girls who do these thing because they think they have too, not because they want too...I'm glad that your goddaughter has used her natural abilities it seems because she enjoys these things.
          Btw, is it the Kidman and Bullock movie where they are witch sisters? Or am I barking up the whole tree? Haven't seen it...
          Yes she played Sandra Bullock's older daughter in "Practical Magic". She had a ball making that movie and sat for hours listening to Stockard Channing and Diane Weist talk about their stage work. She was 9 years old. She, of course, adored all the women in the movie and got to meet , then Nicole's husband 'Tom'. She was also introduced to Jodie Foster, who visited the set. [Jodie is one of the actor's she wants to emulate]. She went on to star in the TV show Once and Again for three years, as Jessie Sammler.

          And yes, they do tend to be envious, even her school mates, who were so envious that they pretty much tormented her. She's be gone filming for 5 weeks and come back to class, the kids would think she'd have to catch up but she was usually ahead of them by then. Thank goodness she talked to her mom about it and her motrher found a school that was for kids who were either in film and TV or sports, [Olympic types]. The teachers were adept at dealing with students coming and going and ther students had something in common, so no envy, just your basic teenage angst. At least now she doesn't come home crying. In fact she's picking out a college to go to, in the near future.

          She's still a humble, compassionate, kindhearted, funny, talented person, who just happens to be brilliant, just like she was as a child, sitting on my lap, watching ET the Extra Terrrestrial before she'd go to bed, quoting every character's lines and sounding just like them.


            You know I read somewhere that Ripley was written as a man., and one of the reasons it worked so well is that she was a true hero without the usual gender typing because it wasn't written for a woman. I think one of the great things about Carter is a simliar ethic in the writing. She is a woman and has been given all the layers, but the character has never been overtly written "as a woman", which works well I think. Judge by the deeds not the gender.

            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            Someone seems determined to unlease my inner Alien fangirl tonight...sorry:
            James Cameron has a bit of thing about strong, often psychical women- Terminator, Aliens (there are several good female characters in that besides Ripley), The Abyss has a couple of good 'uns... I've often wondered how much is due to his own projections One of the best comments I ever heard about 'Aliens' was a male colleague telling me that Ripley was his hero, because she went down into the darkness to get Newt, despite her fears, and that he could never do that. And he is neither a weakling nor a coward. On the minus side, I thought the mother-daughter relationship lacked subtlety and was overemphasised, both as a theme and as characterisation. Cameron creates strong templates and writes action films with more depth than most, but its still lacking in layers, I find. It's why his attempt at romance was so awful (shudders).
            Male director fantasties about women seem to be that they must be submissive or extremely dominant and powerful. Going back to my earlier post, its why Kane in Alien is the victim of the alien attack, not a female crewmember- the makers were deliberately subverting the typical horror thing of the female character being passive and suffering violence, as it satisfies masculine needs to dominant and protect, and shields them from the possibility of them being passive victims. What happens to Kane frightens both men and women. The problem with using dominant types is that when they show emotion (I'm thinking Kara Thrace here) people think it's out of character or 'pathetic'. No-if done well and realistically, then its a sign of a well-rounded, real woman.


              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
              And you're just noticing this now?

              Pretty! I was toally going to do that when I got home! You beat me to it

              Nope. It's one of those things you know...but then you see a particularly brilliant shot like this and you just go WOW.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Gee Oooooooober, I like your new avatar, but its kinda making me feel cold

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Myrth View Post
                  You know I read somewhere that Ripley was written as a man., and one of the reasons it worked so well is that she was a true hero without the usual gender typing because it wasn't written for a woman. I think one of the great things about Carter is a simliar ethic in the writing. She is a woman and has been given all the layers, but the character has never been overtly written "as a woman", which works well I think. Judge by the deeds not the gender.

                  as far as i know ripley was written without many specific references to gender. i think it was just assumed that the character was male until a woman came along who happened to be the best man for the job.

                  this happens more often than one might assume, and not just relating to gender.

                  i read some interviews recently in reference to leathal weapon in which richard donner says that when casting the film someone suggested danny glover for the role of murtagh, to which donner replied "but the character isn't black". he then realised that there was no reference to the character being black or white, and at the time (the 80's) because it didn't say that the character was black, he just assumed that the character was white. he realised then how discrimatory that was, looked at it again, realised glover was perfect for the part and cast him. he ended up being given an award from the NAACP, and for his acceptance speech he told that story.

                  in the case of gender discrimination (not neccessarily in a chauvanistic sexist pig sort of way), it still happens a lot, but not as much. that's where i appreciate stargate most of the time. sam carter didn't have to be a girl. sam is the best person for the job, who happens to be a girl. the writers have on occasion (including the first episode) made a point of saying, hey look she's a girl! and she's doing as good a job as a man would! but in general i've found that they are a lot better than most sci fi shows. and i think amanda tapping deserves a LOT of credit for that.

                  anyway, i went on a bit of a ramble there. sorry bout that, um, what were we talking about?


                    It is a stunning picture of Eskimo!Amanda

                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post

                    Nope. It's one of those things you know...but then you see a particularly brilliant shot like this and you just go WOW.



                      Originally posted by Myrth View Post
                      It is a stunning picture of Eskimo!Amanda

                      no, it's Eskimanda
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        no, it's Eskimanda
                        maybe its an amandamo?


                          I've been playing with paintshop again:

                          Also-that "Cotton Kills" thing? Does that mean they wear wool undies? Cause-eww.


                            i thought they wore silk

                            better than cotton
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              i thought they wore silk

                              better than cotton
                              Well since "Cotton kills"...

                              *PS...I'll never look at my Fruit of the Loom cotton undergarments the same ever again*

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                now, if they were 'tighty whities'...wouldn't they just blend in to the background?
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


