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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    A quick fly by post, sorry!

    I'm having fun so far. It's orientation week, so classes haven't actually started yet. Oh, the uni student association has me packing up and handing out orientation packs. In emails, these are refered to as "Ori" packs. Whoo hoo! Let the convert'n begin!

    I have my new mailing address if anyone wants it PM me and let me know.

    I read the sanctuary blog about things to love about Amanda... We knew most of those already

    I don't have much time (I got drawn into an internet cafe on the way to uni, I think it's a magnets thing). So I will be this weekend maybe... definatly the weekend after that.

    Have fun!

    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Summary of Talion for anyone interested.

      Talion - Full Summary - Major Spoilers
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        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
        People who had crushes or interest in Sam

        Joe Faxon
        Lt. Simmons

        Quotes where Sam's beauty is mentioned or discussed:

        Abu: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

        Turgan: She is difficult, but beautiful. A rare prize.

        Hathor: You are an exceedingly beautiful woman.

        Narim: There was a time before reason and science when my ancestors believed in all manner of nonsense, like the sher-Mal. The story goes that if a sher-Mal appears at the moment of death, she will take you to her dwelling in the stars.
        Sam: Ah, we call them angels.
        Narim: Then you still believe in them?
        Sam: Some of us do.
        Narim: Ours were reported to be quite beautiful, and when I saw you, well, you seemed to fit the description.

        Corso: So let me get this straight here, Major, you’re an officer in your home worlds military, you’re a scientist, an explorer and apparently you’re a pretty fair mechanic.
        Carter: And I make a mean soufflé.
        Corso: Sorry.
        Carter: Oh, it’s something you eat. It’s very difficult to make.
        Corso: Ah, well add to that list, funny, charming and beautiful.

        Company of Thieves
        Anateo: Colonel Carter…I had heard you were quite attractive.
        Emerson: I'm Colonel Paul Emerson, Commander of this ship. What do you want?
        Anateo: Nothing you can do for me. *stands, looking her over…* Now, Colonel Carter, on the other hand…can I call you Samantha?

        I'm sure there tons of others, but these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Anyone else remember?!?
        Like I said, it's ridiculous how many men there are... but so cool! And still Sam can only think about Jack (well, most of the time anyway) thanks for the list BTW!
        I also think there are a lot more but I can't really recall them. OOh wait, what about that guy in space race, in the shop where they get the parts for the ship?
        : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
        Geeky : Oh brother...
        : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

        Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


          SciFi Channel finally sent out a press release today about Carter going to Atlantis - Read Press release Here - one thing of note from the press release for those folks in the US is this from the end of the article

          The final episodes of Stargate SG-1 and the remainder of the third season of Stargate Atlantis will air starting April 13
          My View From The Peanut Gallery


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Oooh... Great question. From the vagueness of memory having not watched this one in a few months, I'm thinking she did a good job. But will have to rewatch. I think she managed to accomplish her mission goals - finding the other SG team -- in a minimal amount of time with a minimal amount of resources. How was she to know shape-changing protective aliens?

            Don't give your opinion until at least tomorrow, please!
            Just rewatched Spirits.

            In regards to Sam's first command, I stick by what I said earlier. Except I'd forgotten she also manages to bring the Indian representative back to discuss ways Earth might get access to the minerals. Overall, I think she shows amazing insight and skill for a Junior Officer in her first command. In fact, everytime I watch it I can't help wonder if maybe Jack got 'hurt' because, quite frankly, the writers couldn't figure out a way for him to be there without the tribal chiefs and the spirits getting so peev'd off they never let themselves or their rep get anywhere NEAR Earth.

            Sam handles the negotiations and the cultural differences excellently, managing to show respect without patronization better than I think even Daniel does.

            So, yeah, she done good

            EDIT: She also dresses down the other (I think he's an officer) very well in the presence of outsiders. She shows just enough dissaproval to win the Indian's respect without alienating the other officer and his team.


              Thanks for the answers to my Jonas question!

              My LJ


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                Abu: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

                Turgan: She is difficult, but beautiful. A rare prize.
                Turgan: Your eyes are like blue riverstones...

                There's some cracking dialogue in that episode. It makes it one of my favourites

                Sam (simmering inside): I am a warrior and a scholar. [hacks phallic vegetable] I do the work of men. [hacks another phallic vegetable]


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                  People who had crushes or interest in Sam

                  Joe Faxon
                  Lt. Simmons

                  Martouf - Hot!
                  Hanson - What the hell was she thinking (In Sunday Wier is being hit on by a very goodlooking guy yet Sams 1st looks like that???!)
                  Narim - Sweet.
                  Corzo - The guy from the ship? Bad boy...nice
                  Barrett - To square
                  Orlin (adult version) -Very cute.
                  Nafrayu - The boy? From The Nox ep? If so that's disturbing.
                  McKay - So annoying that he gets to you lol In a good or bad way
                  Pete - Just not right. He is kinda cute but they didnt click (IMO)
                  Joe Faxon - Charming
                  Fifth - Boyish
                  Felger - Lovable lol
                  Lt. Simmons - Very cute. Very sweet.

                  In Arthurs Mantle Dr.Lee brings Sam some jelo!


                    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                    Turgan: Your eyes are like blue riverstones...

                    There's some cracking dialogue in that episode. It makes it one of my favourites

                    Sam (simmering inside): I am a warrior and a scholar. [hacks phallic vegetable] I do the work of men. [hacks another phallic vegetable]


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                      I was searching through the web today and came across a blog that had an interesting read so I thought I'd share it. On this page is a brief synopsis of Aeryn Sun, Sam Carter and Starbuck in a piece called 'Danger Gal Friday'. Sam's piece is the second one on the page so just scroll down if you don't want to read them all. I actually found all there quite interesting.

                      Danger Gal Friday
                      Thanks for the link, Kat.

                      So cool! jckfan was quoted!


                        Joe Mallozzi answered some questions on Atlantis for a Chicago Tribune article. You might enjoy reading the article - minor SGA spoilers inlcuded in article

                        Here is a small bit from the article

                        But Carter’s background as an astrophysicist will mean that Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), the snarky in-house genius on “Atlantis,” will have another scientific brain to pick.

                        “She can take some of that workload off David -- David has a terrific amount of technobabble” on the show, Mallozzi said. Carter’s experience as a military officer, a warrior and a leader will also come in handy, he said.

                        Link to full article
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

                          "Wait, I'm getting some really good vibes here ... something about the number 4,000
                          and I see a polar bear running around ..."

                          Which leads to a serious philosophical debate. If Sam has a totem animal, is it a polar bear or a penguin?!

                          Congrats, jckfan55!!
                          LOL! Definitely a polar bear.


                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            Congrats on 4K jckfan! Wow, that's a lotta words.
                            It helps when you haven't learned to multiquote... Must do that one of these days...(wanders away muttering to self)


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

                              3. Sir Humphrey Appleby is sent as representative to the International Oversight Committee. How would Sam deal with his political spin?
                              I'm in the US but I know (and love) this show. I think Sam could not only follow his circumlocution, but would charm him into submission. He wouldn't know what hit him. Sir Humphrey would wind up using his skills to undermine the nay sayers.


                                Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                                Joe Mallozzi answered some questions on Atlantis for a Chicago Tribune article. You might enjoy reading the article - minor SGA spoilers inlcuded in article

                                I focused on this snip :

                                There were no plans at present, he said, to have Ben Browder (who plays “SG-1’s” Cameron Mitchell), Claudia Black (“SG-1’s” Vala Mal Doran) or Michael Shanks (“SG-1’s” Daniel Jackson) guest on “Atlantis,” but Mallozzi didn’t rule it out.

                                "They’re going to be in the two [‘Stargate SG-1’ DVD] movies” that are being filmed this spring, Mallozzi said. As far as bringing them back to “Atlantis,” “it’s a matter of coming up with a believable story and the actors’ availability and everything else."

                                I don't understand his response as Sam will be in the movie as well. My first thought was that this was an indication that Sam will have a small role. Although I know AT can do so much with so little, I'm pretty greedy and would want her to play a major role. Interpretations?

                                Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs

