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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek View Post

    People. For the love of... We do this EVERY YEAR. Sam thread. Amanda thread. Career thread. Thunk thread. Happy thread. Sad thread. Pro thread. Con thread. NEEDLE AND THREAD. What is the huge deal? If you don't like reading about Amanda's other projects, skip the post(s); or start a parallel conversation about Sam Carter. No one's talking out loud, it won't be difficult to 'hear' both conversations at the same time. And we can all get on with our lives and the things that really matter. Now everyone I just deeply and irrevocably offended can go off and have a good cry - then come back feeling refreshed. Everyone I haven't yet managed to offend can answer a quick question for me.

    Sam's been a Lt. Colonel now for a couple of years; has she been in grade long enough to be promoted? I don't recall how long it's supposed to be...

    This is Stargate doesn't matter cause you know the air force advisor has been stuck in that closet since s 9


    my fanfic


      Originally posted by tsaxlady
      You mean like this one I posted earlier today


      That would be the one!

      (sry, definately don't have time to go through every page/post each day... I figured someone would have posted it, just posting a friendly reminder and saying I love the pic)

      I would be tempted to put it as my desktop background but I think I would just laugh to hard every time I saw it...

      I'm just waiting for someone to make an awesome new wallpaper using the pic of her in her leather jacket and handgun DEFS going to snag that! *hinting to all the graphics ppl out there*
      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        This is Stargate doesn't matter cause you know the air force advisor has been stuck in that closet since s 9


        Nope, still not reading any signal from the Air Force advisor.


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Dang mini now I have to heal from this too...don't you want me going to the Vagina Monologue with you

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by MajorSam View Post

            And yeh, Amanda's just adorable It always cracks me up to see her in funny headwear...

            Like in

            The beginning of... Counterstrike? I think? Where she's wearing that painters/frenchman's almost beret style type hat thingy...

            teehee (((((((((((((Amanda)))))))))))))
            it's something about her face that just makes a person go 'sigh'. it's like when i look at a really cute and adorable baby... i don't know if this is coming out right.

            with sam, we basically know the boundries that the writers (are willing) to go with her. but with this new show 'santuary'... just the whole theme is 'we can do *anything*' that's making it so exciting. well that, and the fact that amanda's in it.

            and even with me stating earlier my (slight) anxiety with sam going to atlantis, i'm still excited by it. it's going to be a totally new invironment for me, since i've never watched one single episode of that show. new ppl for sam to interact with and such. (though one of the biggest joys of seeing your fave character in jeopardy is seeing how their friends/loved ones respond to it). sam still has to 'make' friends there, besides snarky mckay.




              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              Umm Mini....what if there are two circles now??


                I kinda feel bad that there are some people who feel like they don't fit in, or that there are cliques. Part of me thinks it's the nature and ebb and flow of a forum where people hang out. In six months, assuming newer posters stick with it, I would think that they will unknowingly be a part of the "clique," while newer posters try to break through that invisible barrier. Meanwhile, posters who've been here for a while may weave in and out of the forum over a period of time. As long as people know it's unintentional, I think we can move forward.

                I don't know if anyone's interested, but maybe we should just kinda start from scratch for a day or so. Maybe some icebreaker questions? Here are a few I came up with off the top of my head:

                1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?

                2.) What or who drew you to the series?

                3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?

                4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?

                5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?

                6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?

                7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?

                8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

                9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.

                10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

                I did this because Samanda is a place to talk about Sam and Amanda, but we're a bit more than that, I think. And even though there are issues about what should be discussed in here, it's been made clear that we've kinda lost that community feel in some people's eyes. I'm sure it'll pass in a few months, but this might be kinda fun.


                  I debated jumping in on the whole how much Sam vs. Amanda (that even looks weird) should be discussed on this list debate but I figured, what the hey. The fact I'm posting at all should speak volumes about how open I, as a relative newbie, find this thread... And yeah, that’s a good thing. Put in spoilers for length.
                  I am not what I would call a HUGE fan of AT. I find her acting talent amazing, she sounds like a wonderful person, but I'm just not the actor/actress 'fan' type. I'm interested in Sanctuary because I think she's a fabulous actress and anything she's involved in at this point in her career is likely to be excellent and the format intrigues me. However, I have never been one to get excited about a how just because of who is in it. I do, however, enjoy most of the discussions about AT and her art.

                  THAT SAID: I respect that there are many, many others who do not share this opinion, are crazy about AT, and love coming here to discuss her. So, when the conversation gets to, for want of a better word, fangirly for me, I skim the posts. No. Big. Deal.

                  I do feel the thread is unbalanced, with far more emphasis put on AT then on Sam and SG-1. And, as I've mentioned elsewhere, I do wish there were more serious discussions about Sam and her role on the show. However, since there are a lot of anti and no-romo folks here and I neither want to offend them nor can I seriously discuss Sam the character while leaving out what I consider to be a huge and completely canonical aspect of her personality, I'm not upset that this doesn’t happen here. I leave serious discussions about Sam and the show to the S/J shipper thread and come here to have more light-hearted talks about Sam, the show, and AT.

                  And that, IMHO, is fine. Because, in oh so many ways , GW is like a huge three-ring circus. Every ring doesn’t need to have everything all the time and to mean as much as every other ring to everyone. Sometimes I’m in a Samanda mood and watch the craziness here, sometimes I go elsewhere for the show in that ring.

                  It’s all good. Except the parts that are very, very, scary… . And even those are good, too .


                    Now to be a little serious, (yes I am able to that from time to time) Everyone goes through growing pains, when I first joined (and please don't call me an "oldie" ) I didn't know anything about the other posters, but in time, reading peoples posts you learn things about them, and then you see where the jokes come from. It took me a while before I teased scari, TJ and even mini But now hehehe they can't stop me Even if they want to

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      Gets dizzy, confused, exceeds 4 times daily. Ow.

                      As for the thread... I sat back and lurked for a few weeks and decided the thread was just extremely close knit rather than nasty or exclusive. I just jumped right in and never regretted it Heh, not that it was that long ago...

                      My friend decided against it though. It's weird, I find the threads that she posts in more intimidating and exclusive than this one.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                        1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw? Technically? The pilot, but realistically, Moebius - then I went back and watched them all.

                        2.) What or who drew you to the series? It was, in fact, Sam Carter in Moebius - I saw "Geek!Sam" and thought, wow, that gal's great, who is she?

                        3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?
                        "Heroes". Followed by "Line in the Sand". Followed by "Moebius". Followed by "Nightwalkers".

                        4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?

                        5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?
                        Gotta be Sam and Jack.

                        6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?
                        SG-1, as a team.

                        7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?
                        I don't know if I have a single moment. Several moments from "Moebius" come to mind.

                        8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time? Has to be Janet Frasier's death in "Heroes". For Sam (for me personally) it was probably "In the Line of Duty".

                        9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why. I *haven't* had a chance to talk to personally? Hm. Maybe Mandy. We share a similar wacky sense of (sarcastic) humour. HA! Poor Mandy... Her Ooberness is right up there, too. Oh! And Myrth! Can't forget Myrth!

                        10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)? I like every one of those Sams. Sam rules.

                        That was fun! Thanks Spazzy! Can't green ya but ...
                        Last edited by minigeek; 12 February 2007, 05:15 PM.

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?
                          Children of the gods

                          2.) What or who drew you to the series?
                          Initially? Rick. But i stayed watching for sam.

                          3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?
                          so many...Hathor, Foothold, Deadman switch to name a few

                          4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?
                          duh, sam. I dunno, i just was drawn towards the character. part i think is because she's a woman in a man's world, kinda like me. And she's funny and friendly and has these threee great friends. And has these cool adventures, and is just great

                          5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?

                          I'm a sucker for sam/jack largely because of fic. If i want to read good sam fic, it has to be ship fic cause the genners won't write her.

                          6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?
                          sam/jack and sam/teal'c. i really love sam'/teal'c just cause it's so rare, and to me, so real and such an opposites attract. I think there's a huge depth there that i'd love to see explored

                          7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?

                          oh boy. jack falling over in crystal skull. chunks of window of opportunity, bits in urgo

                          8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

                          i love sam and dad stuff. both when she thought he was dying hte first time, then when he died later. such wonderful emotion between them.

                          9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.

                          I'd like to meet brendagracie, aka tokra hostess. I've never met her in person and i'd love to.
                          10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

                          any, all. really they're all so different. I love her kicking ass, i love geek sam, i love when she's just friends with the boys.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                            I have to agree with you on this Eve sometimes I to am very nervous about posting in Samanda because I don't always feel as I belong and being a newbie is difficult enough without feeling unwanted by "oldies" I'm sure no "oldie" does this on purpose and I to don't say this to upset anyone just hoping that if we say how we are sometimes left feeling then we as a whole group can try to change this

                            I think I must hold the record for lurking and my intimation to post wasn't the fault of the "elder members" it was just me. Anytime you have a group that has been posting for as long as the thread has been started your going to have "in jokes" they aren't meant to intimiate they are just the the members having don't get it...ask....most of the time they are more than willing to share the joke and get another laugh from it.

                            I think most of the members don't want to take the chance of hurting a newbies feelings so they will pick on those they know will not be offended....they aren't trying to leave others out. Sometimes it takes a while to get a feel for people and if they can take the joking.

                            This is just my observations as we have had the same issues brought up before on and the Ancients (much nicer than oldies don't ya think) in no way wanted to alienate anyone....we just knew each other so well that that is how it was perceived.

                            Oh one other thing.....I also thought the thread to be one you could talk about Amanda or Sam and not exculsively if we can't discuss Amanda here please do start a Samanda thread.

                            I shall return to my normally quiet self...

                            Blame Mini...must be the concussion from the head banging..


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Dang mini now I have to heal from this too...don't you want me going to the Vagina Monologue with you
                              No, don't get beaten up, Mandy! You must come. I've arranged a fun surprise. Well - I hope it's fun!

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                                Blame Mini...must be the concussion from the head banging..
                                Yes. Blame the Canadian. Hey, I didn't force anyone to USE the circle, I just put it out there... what you do with it is your own business (just don't inhale)

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

