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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
    No matter how many times i've watched the eps where her House is involved, I have not been able to see the picture of her and her twin brother as little babies that she's always claimed is there. My print screen skills are just not up to par for such a task *sob*
    I've managed to "zero in" on the picture in the background but the closer you get the more fuzzy it becomes.


      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
      Hmm, that certainly wasn't my focal point but now that you mention ....
      ROFL, that was exactly what I was thinking. Who in their right mind would be looking at his knees in that particular photo? Laugh.

      *pats Sky on the head*


        does anyone have a pic of the group shot of 'santuary'? on gateworld's front page, the pic they offer is (too) small.




          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
          ROFL, that was exactly what I was thinking. Who in their right mind would be looking at his knees in that particular photo? Laugh.

          *pats Sky on the head*
          Not me!


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            does anyone have a pic of the group shot of 'santuary'? on gateworld's front page, the pic they offer is (too) small.

            You mean this Sally???


              More musings on Sanctuary…

              Since Helen “Just a Doctor” Magnus trained during Victorian times and apparently is still practicing medicine, I suspect what she learned in medical school may be different than current medical practice. Dr. Helen is in need of some Continuing Medical Education. With the best interests of AT and Dr. Magnus in mind, the Samanda thread offers a modern medical primer to get Dr. Magnus up to speed:

              (Spoiled for kiddie safety, just medical stuff, but perhaps not PG.)

              1. Electrotherapy has progressed past eels and electric fish.

              2. Tincture of opium is no longer the medication of choice; tincture of oxycontin and tincture of Starbucks are preferred.

              3. Sulfa powder is no longer necessary, thanks to Teal’cs flatulence difficulties and the greenhouse effect, ambient sulphur levels on earth are enough to fend off all microbes.

              4. Botulinum toxin is no longer the feared killer of the poor, but is sought after and is available only to the very rich.

              5. Medicine has progressed way beyond the barbaric practices of days of old. We do not bludgeon holes into skulls to treat brain problems; we now make those same holes with a drill.

              6. We are no longer trying to grow lost limbs; we are trying to prevent growth of 5th and 6th limbs.

              7. In Victorian times the majority of patients could not pay a doctor, in current times, the majority of patients cannot pay a doctor.

              8. Historically, war leads to civil disorder which leads to conditions favorable for human disease i.e. the plague. Not much has changed, except we now have a spectacular number and variety of plagues.
              Last edited by tagger; 10 February 2007, 08:29 AM.
              Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
              Quint Studer


                Maybe I've been obsessing about Wicked too much recently, but I had this idea about Sanctuary and the Jack storyline...

                Instead of musing, I'm going to put this in a concrete example simply so it's easier to understand what I mean. I don't mean this is definitely what I think's going to happen though


                In Victorian London, there's been a surge in women giving birth to "posessed" children. Demons of various kinds. The women tend to be prositutes, simply because the demon father can impregnate them more easily, especially given the moral values of the day.

                Whereas Helen's father would try and take these children and raise them in his sanctuary, trying to hone their gifts etc (Think Xavier from X-Men), Jack didn't want to risk the chance that these demonic children would eventually turn against them. His solution was to kill them before they were born, giving them no chance to turn.


                Alternatively, it could be the angle that it was one demon trying to spawn many others in London and Jack was going on a killing spree to stop this. No good vs evil element in there, but is the show really brave enough to portray such a notorious criminal as a "misunderstood" being? It's one thing declaring the Wicked Witch misunderstood, but a notorious, real life criminal is another thing entirely.

                The Jack the Ripper element is one that I am quite worried about and the one thing that is putting me off watching the show. Having said that, I have the utmost faith in Amanda, that she wouldn't allow anything tasteless on the show.

                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                  Dude.... look at the thinness of that ice...
                  hehe...I'd be more worried about the thickness of that noodle!!
                  Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                  I didn't even pick that bit up,
                  I hope it's not that Hollywood British Accent that they use on films and stuff or in that episode of SG-1 where you had that British Ambassador. *shivers*
                  I trust Amanda will pull a great British accent off without going all cheesy on us.

                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  Well her family is British, so she should have the accent down pat.
                  Well...she used to do Shakespere IIRC...but I have complete and utter confidence in Amanda's ability to speak in any acccent presented to her...coz she's totally awesome!!
                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                  Hmmm, my guess is...

                  ...the story takes place in the present. Though I'm not sure it will be England. The Sanctuary compound her father set up could have been anywhere in the world. However according to Amanda, Helen is suppose to be 157 years old and the Jack the Ripper killings took place in 1888 so...
                  2007 - 1888 = 119
                  157 - 119 =
                  38 --- Helen's age when she sought Sanctuary.
                  So my guess is Helen and Jack meet before the killings. They were probably colleagues. Helen falls in love with Jack. They become engaged and soon she finds out that she is pregnant with his child( out of wedlock ).
                  After that I'm either guessing that Jack goes on his killing spree and she seeks Sanctuary to get away from him OR she disappears to have their child and Jack goes on a crazy killing spree...which leads us to our story.
                  The part I'm interested in is the how being around the creatures in the Sanctuary has blessed or perhaps cursed Helen with long life. I'm assuming it did the same thing for her daughter and if we are to assume the young, blond girl in the picture is her daughter then that leaves the question as to how her daughter would age 18 odd years and yet Helen doesn't appear to have aged at all. Maybe it has to do with close proximity to the creatures and Helen may not have allowed her daughter to be around them until she was older?
                  My husband's theory is that the aging process is just slowed substantially, but because children grow so quickly in the early years, her daughter appears to have aged 18 years over a 119 year period whereas Helen has probably only aged a year or two. Poor Helen, could you imagine having a toddler for thirty some years? Wow.
                  Not really sure, but it's a very interesting premise. Definitely looking forward to the new series.
        's wicked...great post!!
                  Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
                  Hi all -
                  I've been an occasional lurker on this thread, but I've never posted here before.
                  I have a favor to ask from you.
                  About a week ago I got bored and was checking out various actor's listing on to see what their new projects were. I wound up at Amanda's and made the mistake of checking out the message board there as well. IMDB's message boards are usually pretty boring (and short). The subjects on the boards come up with the most recent activity bringing that particular thread to the top.
                  What happened is that one of those poisonous types posted something stating that Amanda (or her people, depending upon which version she's telling) was mean to someone at Shore Leave. She also stated that Amanda was seen outside with Olivia and was smoking. The person making the accusations was NOT there and every time that we've been able to point out the truth to her, she just gets more vile.
                  We successfully got her initial posts deleted, but she just moved to the new thread that my friend had started. We're working on getting that thread deleted too.
                  Meanwhile, this is where you come in. Since the most recent threads show first, would some of you be willing to go to Amanda's page and make new threads there?
                  I know that the people on this thread already know that Amanda is beautiful, talented, a wonderful person, etc. All that you need to do is to create a bunch of threads over there saying the same things that you say over here. By doing that, the current thread will be buried deep down and eventually go away.
                  Please do not post on the current thread. That will just keep it active for her. I've already made that mistake.

                  Many of you on this thread have already met Amanda and have first-hand knowledge of how wonderful she is. I don't want this vile person to have the last word in a place that a lot of strangers that haven't met Amanda will see.


                  Kett Kettering
                  Shore Leave Co-Chair
                  Thanks for the heads up Kett but generally speaking I avoid all and any negative posts/ just isn't worth the hassle and grief...sorry!
                  Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                  I'm going with Kat on this one. We've tried making other forums nice places, and it is a depressing task. Just stay here. Bring your friends. We've told Amanda to avoid the other places, and you should, too. Sky and the other mods make this a safe haven. Kamil does the same at I bet Myrth handles things at theamandatappingclub.
                  Yep...I'm with you on that too!
                  Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                  Freaks and weirdos. Sad as all hell.

                  edit: Oh, anyone want to twist that again into an indignant "So people who criticise Sam are freaks, are they?" - take your best shot.
                  You go girl...
                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                  In my opinion, the best thing any of us can do is simply post a link to Gateworld,, or any number of other sites where Amanda is looked upon kindly.
                  Never in this world can hatred be stilled by hatred; it will be stilled by non-hatred - this is the law Eternal. ~Buddha
                  See...I knew there was a reason why I liked Buddha!!
                  Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                  or you could go here

                  Yikes, that's 5am here in Sydney - Oh Saturday so that's OK then
                  Sweet...thanks'll be the same for us Melbounites...but that's early for me...I would have only just gone to bed 3 hours before!!!
                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  Just poppin' in to say:

                  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

                  ...before I head out for dinner.
                  Couple of years ago, I couldn't have imagined a more positive, wonderful group of people to share with. You guys have all been a real inspiration to me (and continue to be!); you've helped me through a tough year (whether you know it or not), and I'm so blessed to know you all.

                  Hugs & Love!!

                  mini(the maudlin - but just being honest!)geek

                  Awww...and we all love you too mini...*is feeling all choked up now*...I can truly understand where you're coming from...believe it or not...and I think there others here who feel the same...I feel so lucky to have met (although not in person...yet) everyone here and in the S/J ship thread...I could go on but I better not...(((mini)))
                  Originally posted by Myrth View Post
                  Yup 4am for me
                  So...ah...where bouts you from Myrth???...just outa curiosity!!
                  Originally posted by kes View Post
                  I remember hearing it was an Indian. Yeh, I think it was in the audio commentary.
                  Yep...and's a 1950 something Indian...will have to look it's on the Ascension commentarys!
                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  just looking at this picture, you KNOW amanda had to have been an adorable child! i sooooo want to see a pic of her as a little girl.

                  Yep...I reackon one look at Olivia and you got a pretty fair idea of what a little Amanda would have looked like!
                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  Omigosh, I have to set you guys straight ... everyone's misunderstood Amanda completely ... here's the real scoop:
                  Dr. Helen fell in love with Jack the Stripper and can't get him out of her system ...


                  Majorsal is gonna sooooooooo love Sanctuary.
                  ...holy hannah...yeehaa!!
                  Originally posted by suse View Post

                  Bad! CG, Bad!

                  Yeah...bad CG...that picture is too needs cleaning up...
                  Originally posted by StargateSister View Post
                  hi everybody... hope everything is fine.... I mean absolutely brilliant!!

                  I just wanted to say thankyou to absolutely everybody for spreading so much positive energy aroung GateWorld and in paricular this Thread. It is great coming here and its like a shelter from the real world... everybody is so friendly all the time... I justed wanted to say thanks!!
                  (((stargatesister)))'re most definitely welcome sweetie!!

         back later...I'm late for dinner!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    I just caught up (I was avoiding Bounty spoiler till I had seen it) and Wow! So much news.

                    First, Sky... why didn't you ever tell us about Cam?

                    The Urban Rush interview... I loved it! I love her smile And I want to see this show so much!
                    It sounds like my perfect show! When I was a kid, I loved a show called Bramwell. Dr Bramwell was a female doctor in 1889 (50 years late for Jack the Ripper, but oh well) and I love all that stuff. Mixing it with present day SciFi, vampires, werewolves...

                    Bounty. I loved it.
                    Yeah, the Sam moments were cute, but my favourite parts were the interactions between Vala and Cam's mother I have a very similar relationship with my best friend's mum and he hates it! I recognised all the "knowing looks" between Vala and Cam's mum... even the dirty looks Cam threw both of them.

                    My friend buries his head and sighs if I mention that I bumped into his mum and had a nice chat... "You weren't being *charming* again were you?" Hehe, always.

                    So yeah, Happy Birthday to anyone I missed! And go milestone earners!

                    And don't worry, I now have 2 entire days off to work on the Samandan story.


                    Oh, and something completely off topic... See, in just over a week I'm starting University (in case I haven't mentioned this enough ). I'm helping my friend, the president of the uni physics club, organise a movie night. Can anyone suggest some really geeky/physics films? Unfortunately I have already been told that I will be shot down if it has "star" in the title.
                    Last edited by NZNeep; 10 February 2007, 01:03 AM.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Fly-by post!

                      An invitation for a special event at the Sam/Jack Ship Family Discussion Thread....this Sunday, February 11th...

                      (placed in spoilers so those who are not interested will not have to read it)

                      Here's the official invitation to:

                      Please stop by with some stories, piccies, observations, etc., and help make Valenship special...

                      Just trying to reach those who might be interested. Thanks!


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        That car was brilliant...I am not that fond on cars for me as long as they drive...I am happy lol...but that one was just AMAZING!!!
                        I was so sad that they ditched him
                        And that we never saw Sam on a motorcycle still waiting on that one Cause we know she loves when are we going to see her on it???
                        I thought the car looked very vintage and I think it provided an insight into one of Sam's hobbies. So did the motorcycle, and Oh I would so love to see her ride ...

                        into Atlantis on it.

                        Kidding... mostly

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        and besides, smoking isn't bad, it's just bad for you. (i have yet to see a smoker get into a car and mow down ppl because of their 'disability')
                        I don't get that.
                        Is that saying that having a disability is bad compared to smoking? I'm only asking because I'm confused. Very.

                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          Maybe I've been obsessing about Wicked too much recently, but I had this idea about Sanctuary and the Jack storyline...

                          Instead of musing, I'm going to put this in a concrete example simply so it's easier to understand what I mean. I don't mean this is definitely what I think's going to happen though


                          In Victorian London, there's been a surge in women giving birth to "posessed" children. Demons of various kinds. The women tend to be prositutes, simply because the demon father can impregnate them more easily, especially given the moral values of the day.

                          Whereas Helen's father would try and take these children and raise them in his sanctuary, trying to hone their gifts etc (Think Xavier from X-Men), Jack didn't want to risk the chance that these demonic children would eventually turn against them. His solution was to kill them before they were born, giving them no chance to turn.


                          Alternatively, it could be the angle that it was one demon trying to spawn many others in London and Jack was going on a killing spree to stop this. No good vs evil element in there, but is the show really brave enough to portray such a notorious criminal as a "misunderstood" being? It's one thing declaring the Wicked Witch misunderstood, but a notorious, real life criminal is another thing entirely.

                          The Jack the Ripper element is one that I am quite worried about and the one thing that is putting me off watching the show. Having said that, I have the utmost faith in Amanda, that she wouldn't allow anything tasteless on the show.

                          Interesting concept. The only issue I have is that he didn't just kill them, he er, removed stuff-you might want to check out the details elsewhere, I don't want to squick people out (it really is unpleasant). So your theory would still work- but only if somehow this had made him such a paranoid vigilante that he believed that killing them in that way and then doing that was the only way to stop them. So, he'd still be nuts.
                          I am hoping that this is going to be good. So often this kind of thing just doesn't work, but with this cast and crew, I'm holding out. At the very least it will be very interesting.

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Oh quiet..and yet earlier it was so...not so quiet...well...I'm going to say goodnight...coz I think I need to get off and do some RL stuff...I have totally enjoyed the posts today...thanks everyone!!
                            I had a bit of drama tonight with my little beast...that is to say, our four wheel drive...I'll put it in spoilers coz it's way OT but gee it feels good to get it off the chest..anyhow...this is what happened 2 hours ago...
                            I somehow managed to blow a tyre...ripped a hole in it...luckily my uncle and 2 brothers were able to help me put the spare on...but you know husband...who is away atm...he was so good about family kept saying..."David is gonna kill you...OMG...look what you done to the car"'s a blown tyre for pete's's not like I smashed the car...and when I was on the phone with David I just told him exactly what happened and he said..."ok...we just have to get a new one"...hehe...I was so proud of my wonder I love him so much!!

                            So to get right back on topic...Sam is a great character but Amanda...she's just so totally awesome!!!
                            I'm hoping to bring my brother and sister inlaw into GW tomorrow...they're big fans of the show...well they are now...hehe!!
                            Goodnight Samandans...take care, be safe and be happy...LTS!!
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 10 February 2007, 05:02 PM. Reason: it just needed to be...edited...sorry!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Hey Everyone,

                              Boy! you guys posted a lot while I was sleeping lol.

                              Originally posted by gater88 View Post
                              Hello everyone!
                              I just thought i would come and join you guys because I have been a Sam fan for quite a long time and have recently become an Amanda fan! All thanks to RepliCartertje! She's got me converted!
                              I'm a bit late but..
                              Welcome gater88/Amber!!
                              have fun, and welcome to the Samanda family
                              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                              Just poppin' in to say:

                              I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

                              ...before I head out for dinner.

                              Couple of years ago, I couldn't have imagined a more positive, wonderful group of people to share with. You guys have all been a real inspiration to me (and continue to be!); you've helped me through a tough year (whether you know it or not), and I'm so blessed to know you all.

                              Hugs & Love!!

                              mini(the maudlin - but just being honest!)geek

                              And speaking of the Samanda family, Mini we love you too, I hope things are better for you now and I send you my love and hugs((((((Mini))))) your so right Samanda's are an AMAZING!! group of people, we truly are like a family as such we don't always agree with each other, but we will ALWAYS be there for each other right??
                              Hooray For Samanda!!!

                              *spreading the Samanda love!*

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                                I don't get that.
                                Is that saying that having a disability is bad compared to smoking? I'm only asking because I'm confused. Very.

                                I think Sally was comparing smoking to drinking alcohol. Smoking and getting behind the wheel of a car doesn't kill anyone, drinking and doing the same very easily can because the driver is "disabled".

