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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
    Well, in the Metroid games, which are pretty popular, the main character is female. Of course it would be hard to determine that by just looking at her, because she wears armor most of the time. The game is a first person shooter, which is a genre I didn't think I'd like, but they're a lot of fun. Lots of exploring to find extra stuff in addition to the fighting. Samus is a kick-butt character, so if you've got girls who want to play as a female in an action game, you might want to take a look at them.

    Actually its games like Grand Theft Auto, I have problems with, but it didn't stop my nephew from playing it

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      here's a short answer to your question

      Most don't want her there because, they think she will take the scenes away from their favourite actors. In my opinion most don't blame her for PM's departure, but think she is just going to make things worse.

      Hope that helps
      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
      some are, but mostly I don't think so. Some are thinking that she will be taking the place of insert favorite character name here... what I think most of them are forgetting is that she said a few episodes. So I think there are a lot of worse case scenarios going on. I think the fear is a little understandable because of the way SG-1 was treated in S9 by the decisions made from tptb and in no way do I mean the actors.
      Thanks, ladies! I figured as much...but I hope it doesn't get too bad. I agree with ChopinGal, who said that once you meet Amanda, you can't help but realize what a wonderful person she is. I don't think anyone could spend as much time and get as close to their fans as Amanda does unless they truly enjoyed it. I think she's just one of those people who likes meeting people...and she's also a genuinely nice person. I enjoyed my brief encounters with her at Shore Leave so much...although I felt like a blubbering idiot at the time! I hope I get a chance to talk with her again sometime. There just aren't too many people like her...anywhere!

      (Oops! I'm blubbering now, aren't I? I'll stop. It's time to scurry off to bed. Good to see you all though!)


        After that ultra feminist post, I guess I should mention that my little girl is a cheerleader while her brother is the basketball player. This however was her choice and she thought about it for a few weeks before deciding she preferred cheerleading. I want her to know all the options are available to her, but she can do whichever one she wants. (I guess the key is lack of stereotyping.) I also totally agree about little boys needing to see strong women on t.v. and in their lives. They also need to see that the men in their lives respect women instead of turning into hormone driven BEEEP (word deleted for P.G. forum) around women.

        Now to get more on topic, I hope Amanda avoids the negative threads and spends what little time she has on line visiting Samanda and other Amanda/Sam friendly sites. I haven't spent much time anywhere else lately. RL has been unbelievable and I get annoyed by any (even the littlest) antiSam comments. I should probably post some more positive things on those threads (I did one last week), just in case Amanda decides to look there. We probably all need to do that, so she has some friends in the den of wolves.


          To quote actress Simone Lahbib, I used to climb trees with lipgloss on. I never wore skirts and used to run around climbing trees and play fighting, but on the other hand I took ballet so I learnt all about hair and makeup...

          I used to play girly games with my sister, pretending our toys were babies.

          But we also played "tribes" with our cousins, making spears and other weapons... and learning how to use them. We even had a currency system of shells to buy each others weapons.

          I think I was well balanced
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
            After that ultra feminist post, I guess I should mention that my little girl is a cheerleader while her brother is the basketball player. This however was her choice and she thought about it for a few weeks before deciding she preferred cheerleading. I want her to know all the options are available to her, but she can do whichever one she wants. (I guess the key is lack of stereotyping.) I also totally agree about little boys needing to see strong women on t.v. and in their lives. They also need to see that the men in their lives respect women instead of turning into hormone driven BEEEP (word deleted for P.G. forum) around women.

            Now to get more on topic, I hope Amanda avoids the negative threads and spends what little time she has on line visiting Samanda and other Amanda/Sam friendly sites. I haven't spent much time anywhere else lately. RL has been unbelievable and I get annoyed by any (even the littlest) antiSam comments. I should probably post some more positive things on those threads (I did one last week), just in case Amanda decides to look there. We probably all need to do that, so she has some friends in the den of wolves.
            oh I think I should clarify... My nieces are into gymnastics I'm thrilled that they love it so much!! I just wanted them to know all the options they have, much like yourself. I don't care if they ever pick up a basketball; I just want them to know that basketball wasn't just a boy's sport. My nieces just seemed so shocked to see it on tv.

            And as for the negative threads I usually stay away or take a deep breath and venture into the bay of sharks just to let them know that not everyone feels that way. I hope Amanda comes to the Sam friendly zones and stays away from some of the others. Or better yet she can read the red book to let her know how many of us support her.
            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 27 November 2006, 08:10 PM.


              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
              Well, in the Metroid games, which are pretty popular, the main character is female. Of course it would be hard to determine that by just looking at her, because she wears armor most of the time. The game is a first person shooter, which is a genre I didn't think I'd like, but they're a lot of fun. Lots of exploring to find extra stuff in addition to the fighting. Samus is a kick-butt character, so if you've got girls who want to play as a female in an action game, you might want to take a look at them.

              Ah Samus. I must admit, I've never played any of the Metroid games since I dont really play any console games anymore - I prefer PC. I never even knew there was a Metroid FPS :O


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Hmmm.. Sam Carter, the Video Game... I'd buy it!
       too...but I think there'd be a three way tug'o'war over it between me and the kids!!
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Oh, good. I came by and found you discussing something positive...what a positive role model AT is for girls...and that it's a shame her fame isn't more widespread.
                Please tell me that (and I'm going to put this in spoilers because it's a fear I had tonight)
                SGA fans aren't going to start blaming AT for Paul McGillion's departure.

                'Cause I wouldn't like to see that. I'm too scared to go look somewhere else. Does anyone know?
                Firstly...I agree...Amanda is a wonderful positive role model...for all girls be they young or....not so young!
                Secondly...I cannot fathom why on earth anyone would want to
                blame Amanda for PM's if Amanda would be the one to say who goes and who stays...and lets not forget, PM is still gonna be in it...just not as irks me when that happens...try to not let it bother you's really not worth the aggrevation!

                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                EDIT: I don't care if my nieces or nephews play basketball, as long as they know the options are open if they ever decide to. I don't want them to have any limitations, because they truly can do whatever they want. The world is open to them.
                Yep...absolutely...I agree!
                Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                I'm my dad's only child, and he swears (and mom confirms) that he never wanted a little boy. He wanted to raise his daughter to not only survive in a man's world (ugh, I so wanted to word that differently) but run it.
                We need characters like Sam Carter for this next generation to look up to, and we need women like Amanda in the public eye making it happen.
                I'm the only girl in my family and unfortunately it was very different for me growing up.,..except I have to say that my mum did try to instill in me that I could do whatever I unfortunately feels somewhat different about that...he's from the really old school where women stay home and take care of the house and kids and the men go to work and support the family financially.
                David and I are giving both our kids the best opportunities we can give for them to achieve their goals...they know that they can be whatever they want to be and regardless of gender...sadly society needs to catch up to that ideal!
                We do need more characters like Sam Carter and more women out there like Amanda Tapping encouraging all people!!
                Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                Now to get more on topic, I hope Amanda avoids the negative threads and spends what little time she has on line visiting Samanda and other Amanda/Sam friendly sites. I haven't spent much time anywhere else lately. RL has been unbelievable and I get annoyed by any (even the littlest) antiSam comments. I should probably post some more positive things on those threads (I did one last week), just in case Amanda decides to look there. We probably all need to do that, so she has some friends in the den of wolves.
                Yay...I agree...having said that...
                Amanda we love you...please stick around and read all the fabulous posts here in're our hero!!!
                Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                To quote actress Simone Lahbib, I used to climb trees with lipgloss on. I never wore skirts and used to run around climbing trees and play fighting, but on the other hand I took ballet so I learnt all about hair and makeup...
                I used to play girly games with my sister, pretending our toys were babies.
                But we also played "tribes" with our cousins, making spears and other weapons... and learning how to use them. We even had a currency system of shells to buy each others weapons.
                I think I was well balanced
                Growing up I played with baby dolls and Barbie dolls and I played cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, climbed trees and climbed onto the roof to collect moss for our mini gardens we made in margerine tubs, but my best game or thing to do was play cars with my brothers...I even saved up my own pocket money to buy my very own matchbox was a black Mazda RX7...!
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                And as for the negative threads I usually stay away or take a deep breath and venture into the bay of sharks just to let them know that not everyone feels that way. I hope Amanda comes to the Sam friendly zones and stays away from some of the others. Or better yet she can read the red book to let her know how many of us support her.
                Red book??? Have I missed something??
                Like you, I stay away from all the negative threads...I won't even go into them to tell them that not everyone feels that way...I like to think that if you haven't got something nice to say then don't say anything at all...a bit harsh for some but I stay happy that way!!
                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                And you know what? It's also a matter of personal outlook. The addage, making lemonade from lemons comes to mind. We all have aspects of our careers or personal lives which we feel are less than perfect, but it's what we do with our outlooks in all aspects of our lives which defines our happiness. We're the ones in control.
                I'll be bold and say I doubt, given the choice of all genres and all venues at the outset, that Amanda would have chosen to necessarily spend ten years doing Science Fiction per se (not that there's anything remotely less lovely about this genre than any other!), but I can tell you that coming from "Theatre School", the realm of Sci-Fi drama is not usually foremost on anyone's plumb-role list. Sad truth. I love sci-fi, I'm just being honest here.
                I'd guess that Amanda loves her job and gets along well with the people she works with, largely because of her attitude. She seems to choose to see the positive (or at least to project that she does see that positive!) more often than not, and since she does that she can be a happier person overall. She can see the great, amazing things that go along with every new adventure; she can imagine she's lucky to work in the situation she has (which she is, but for her to consistently articulate that for so many years shows humility and an admirable sense of integrity).
                She is lucky, of course. Her beautiful daughter, wonderful family, great career opportunities. But you know what? We're ALL lucky. Whether we have identical scenarios to hers or not. We all have aspects in our lives that we can, if we so choose, be proud of and feel good about. We all have people in our lives that love us, one way or another. Success stories which are all our own. Even if they're not 'the same' as Amanda's circumstance, my point is that we're the ones with the power to be just as energetic about the things that matter as she is.
                That's what I admire about Amanda so much. She takes those things that matter and makes them bigger, she cares in a way I wish so many more people would learn to care, and she embraces the responsibility of celebrity in the sense that she has the power to take her own attitude(s) towards life and career and project these outwards to an audience who's willing to listen and willing to be inspired by her. That's an amazing gift/responsibility. She has influence and she uses it to make people feel better about themselves wherever she can.
                Love that lady, really truly adore her. In AT's terms... she's my "Dawn French"! Inspiration, all the way.
                I love your posts always seem to manage to hit the proverbial nail on head...well said

                Night night all...take care, be safe and be happy!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                  Well, in the Metroid games, which are pretty popular, the main character is female. Of course it would be hard to determine that by just looking at her, because she wears armor most of the time. The game is a first person shooter, which is a genre I didn't think I'd like, but they're a lot of fun. Lots of exploring to find extra stuff in addition to the fighting. Samus is a kick-butt character, so if you've got girls who want to play as a female in an action game, you might want to take a look at them.

                  I have to admit my husband and I are huge gamers. We actually met playing/programming on a multi-user game and so it's a big passtime for us. One of the things we have chosen to do with our five year old is to teach her how to play stragedy games where she has to use her mind to win. Even with video games we try to choose ones where it doesn't really matter what type of character is moving around on the screen because in the end it's all well and done to recognize that we are female, but I think most of us would prefer to be recognized for our intelligence and accomplishments rather than our sex.

                  Over the years, I have seen many video games that have had a female as the hero, but in most cases they are skantily clad in leather and look like barbie dolls which is not the image I really want my daughter to believe personifies all women. So personally, I really don't mind her playing a video game with a character like Yoshi, instead of a female character, as long as her mind continues to expand and she recognizes that the only goal she will continuously fail to achieve is the one that she doesn't try in the first place. I know it's an old adage that most kids hate hearing, but practice truly does makes perfect and many children tend to give up when things become difficult. If they don't have a parent or a mentor pushing them to strive harder, it's only natural that they will give up. And I think one of the reason most girls give up so easily with things that have been typically generalized as a man's domain such as math, science, sports, ect is because it is only recently that we didn't justify a girl's failure in these subjects because of her sex. For me, I simply will not allow my daughter to use her sex as an excuse not do something well. If she truly tries and decides she doesn't enjoy a particular subject...fine, but I won't allow her to tell me she couldn't do something well simply because she was a girl.

                  A hero to me is someone who strives for perfection, who clearly puts others above themselves and who tries to make the world around them a better place. There are many female heroes out there...society just chooses not to recognize most of them.

                  Take Sam for instance. Sam to me is a very good role model for women. I admit she is not perfect, but no one is. However many fans choose to ignore the postive aspects of the character and instead choose to dissect her ever move and discredit her much the same way we do with women in real life. Because in a way we have been brainwashed into believing that a woman must strive to be better than a man in order to be considered his equal.

                  Sam to me was not a positive role model simply because she was female. She was a hero and role model because she did the exact same job as Jack, Teal'c and Daniel and we didn't have to have it thrown into our faces that she was a girl. For the most part, up until season seven, there was really no distinction between the sexes. I loved the fact that it was Sam's intelligence that made her stand out. It wasn't the sexy clothes she was wearing or the way she flounced around on screen.

                  As women, we should all be allowed to want to feel attractive and desirable, but we shouldn't be judged and promoted because of it. It is our minds and our souls that truly make us beautiful. Our bodies are simply the vessels in which we were given to exist. Some of us may have been given more attractive exteriors, but that doesn't make us any more beautiful on the inside.

                  Which is what makes Amanda so enchanting to so many of us I believe, because while most of us see an extremely attractive women on camera, the moment you meet her in person and talk to her, you suddenly realize that the person you saw on television is nowhere near as beautiful as the person standing before you.

                  The fact that Amanda is on Stargate SG-1 is not the reason I have travelled across two continents to meet her. Never in my life have I had such a desire to meet an actor in person, because personally I just don't see them as any different than the rest of us. A cooler job perhaps, but deep down they are all the same. But with Amanda, she has a personality that draws people to her. There is genuine warmth and generosity about her that seems to seep inside my heart whenever I'm around her. She makes me want to be a better person and that to me is the true definition of a hero and role model.

                  (who is stepping off her soapbox, going back to bed and hoping she can kick this con crud before her daughter's birthday party on Saturday)


                    Lovely post, Kat Sorry to hear you got the crud - hope you're feeling better soon


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Yesterday at work (I'm a video game vendor) I was talking with a 12 year-old girl who was getting a Nintendo DS for Christmas. She was looking at games and complaining that very few of them allow you to be a girl character. Even ones that give you a choice of heros hardly ever let you be a girl. So even when girls want to be 'a girl' in the game, it's hard to do. Definitely an early bias toward "male heros". And like you said, it teaches boys bad things about what girls can do, too.

                      Hmmm.. Sam Carter, the Video Game... I'd buy it!
                      i would buy it too, and nobody except myself would come near it, 'cause otherwise it could break!

                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Consider yourself lucky Gate gal, I'm the second daughter and grew up hearing "You were supposed to be a boy" Well guess I gave my dad a surprise
                      i'm a girl what my dad wanted...and my mom thought till the day i was born i was a boy, again! I suprised her

                      Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                      To quote actress Simone Lahbib, I used to climb trees with lipgloss on. I never wore skirts and used to run around climbing trees and play fighting, but on the other hand I took ballet so I learnt all about hair and makeup...

                      I used to play girly games with my sister, pretending our toys were babies.

                      But we also played "tribes" with our cousins, making spears and other weapons... and learning how to use them. We even had a currency system of shells to buy each others weapons.

                      I think I was well balanced
                      yep that's well balanced.
                      When i was still playing with dolls and all i was a real girl, wearing dresses and doing my nails and all...not that i don't do that anymore, i like make-up
                      But now i never wear a dress or a skirt 'cause i don't like wearing them, it's uncomfortable. I like my jeans
                      And i have two brother who both don't like soccer and the boy sports, except cars...they are fond of that! And now i'm the one watching sports with my dad and all...but he wants my to be more like a girl, and wear dresses, and all...but 'dad i don't like that!!!!
                      I only do him a favor at hollidays

                      To be back on subject: Amanda/Sam is an amazing woman!!!!


                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                        And you know what? It's also a matter of personal outlook.....
                        Well said, Mini.
                        Besides her positive attitude, I have also been struck by her grateful attitude - grateful to her family, her fans, her peers, etc... Nice to see in these days of Hollywood arrogance!
                        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                        Quint Studer


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          I have to admit my husband and I are huge gamers. We actually met playing/programming on a multi-user game and so it's a big passtime for us. One of the things we have chosen to do with our five year old is to teach her how to play stragedy games where she has to use her mind to win. Even with video games we try to choose ones where it doesn't really matter what type of character is moving around on the screen because in the end it's all well and done to recognize that we are female, but I think most of us would prefer to be recognized for our intelligence and accomplishments rather than our sex.

                          Over the years, I have seen many video games that have had a female as the hero, but in most cases they are skantily clad in leather and look like barbie dolls which is not the image I really want my daughter to believe personifies all women. So personally, I really don't mind her playing a video game with a character like Yoshi, instead of a female character, as long as her mind continues to expand and she recognizes that the only goal she will continuously fail to achieve is the one that she doesn't try in the first place. I know it's an old adage that most kids hate hearing, but practice truly does makes perfect and many children tend to give up when things become difficult. If they don't have a parent or a mentor pushing them to strive harder, it's only natural that they will give up. And I think one of the reason most girls give up so easily with things that have been typically generalized as a man's domain such as math, science, sports, ect is because it is only recently that we didn't justify a girl's failure in these subjects because of her sex. For me, I simply will not allow my daughter to use her sex as an excuse not do something well. If she truly tries and decides she doesn't enjoy a particular subject...fine, but I won't allow her to tell me she couldn't do something well simply because she was a girl.

                          A hero to me is someone who strives for perfection, who clearly puts others above themselves and who tries to make the world around them a better place. There are many female heroes out there...society just chooses not to recognize most of them.

                          Take Sam for instance. Sam to me is a very good role model for women. I admit she is not perfect, but no one is. However many fans choose to ignore the postive aspects of the character and instead choose to dissect her ever move and discredit her much the same way we do with women in real life. Because in a way we have been brainwashed into believing that a woman must strive to be better than a man in order to be considered his equal.

                          Sam to me was not a positive role model simply because she was female. She was a hero and role model because she did the exact same job as Jack, Teal'c and Daniel and we didn't have to have it thrown into our faces that she was a girl. For the most part, up until season seven, there was really no distinction between the sexes. I loved the fact that it was Sam's intelligence that made her stand out. It wasn't the sexy clothes she was wearing or the way she flounced around on screen.

                          As women, we should all be allowed to want to feel attractive and desirable, but we shouldn't be judged and promoted because of it. It is our minds and our souls that truly make us beautiful. Our bodies are simply the vessels in which we were given to exist. Some of us may have been given more attractive exteriors, but that doesn't make us any more beautiful on the inside.

                          Which is what makes Amanda so enchanting to so many of us I believe, because while most of us see an extremely attractive women on camera, the moment you meet her in person and talk to her, you suddenly realize that the person you saw on television is nowhere near as beautiful as the person standing before you.

                          The fact that Amanda is on Stargate SG-1 is not the reason I have travelled across two continents to meet her. Never in my life have I had such a desire to meet an actor in person, because personally I just don't see them as any different than the rest of us. A cooler job perhaps, but deep down they are all the same. But with Amanda, she has a personality that draws people to her. There is genuine warmth and generosity about her that seems to seep inside my heart whenever I'm around her. She makes me want to be a better person and that to me is the true definition of a hero and role model.

                          (who is stepping off her soapbox, going back to bed and hoping she can kick this con crud before her daughter's birthday party on Saturday)
                          Hi Kat,

                          I totally agree with everything you said, I was at AT2 too. All though I only made it to the Sunday afternoon because I got sick and ended up in hospital But when I finally did meet Amanda it was the most amazing moment of my life, Amanda knew about my being in hospital and when she hugged me it felt like hug from a friend, and not a huge t.v star, all though Amanda would disagree that she's a star wouldn't she, because she's so humble and unaware of her inpact on others, the 5 mins I spent with Amanda she me feel important and as if she had all the time in the world just for me, my only regret is that I didn't say more to her, all the things wanted say went out of my head and I was trying so hard not to cry as well, I managed not to cry until the closing ceromoney, the love in that room was wonderful, then as Amanda was leaving she came over to me and gave me a hug, I felt so special and lucky to be there.
                          And your so right, Amanda is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Kat- That was an awesome post. I hope you feel better soon! {{ }}

                            Julia(samcarterrules) - I wholeheartedly agree. I'm really sorry you didn't get to make it to the whole event, but I know that we were all thinking about the 'family' here and everyone who couldn't (for various reasons) make it down for all or part of the event.

                            There's so much love in THIS group right here that I was absolutely amazed by it. I was so touched by how many other SaGC folks had come to the AT2 event carrying special items which they were going to have signed by Amanda - for someone else. Quite a few people were giving up *their own* chance for a personalized autograph in order that someone else here who couldn't be at the event would have something special. It's that kind of warmth and generosity of spirit that I really think has always defined Amanda Tapping's fans (for me, since I've dropped in here and gotten to know so many people). And one of the many reasons I count myself proud and privileged to be a part of this group and to 'hang out' with you all (virtually or in person!).

                            Because lets face it........

                            SAMANDANS ROCK!

                            geek (Yeah, Scari, I know. I said SAMANDANS... Samandans Samandans Samandans..... tee hee)

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                              There's so much love in THIS group right here that I was absolutely amazed by it.
                              It's so true. And having different opinions (some strongly held ) about aspects of the show (e.g. ship, Vala) makes no difference here. That's what's so cool.

                              geek (Yeah, Scari, I know. I said SAMANDANS... Samandans Samandans Samandans..... tee hee)
                              You said wot?!



                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                                You said wot?!


                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

