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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I met a bunch of Samandans at Shore Leave and you gals rock!!! tsaxlady, ForeverSG1 and others have better pics of Amanda to post than my little Canon digital. But, be that as it may, I have to say that Amanda really has a 1000-watt smile and once seen it is not forgotten!!! Don't need no picture, I carry that mental image in my fron!!!


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      ASTRO YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!!! (((ASTRO))) Please, please write that as a fic. Better yet, kick TPTB out of the way and take over the writing department. You and Regan both. I love the idea!!
      I'm with L.A.! PTB, if you're listening PM these two and offer them jobs!


        Originally posted by minigeek
        Nice clip selection. Powerful message; 80% in the music, that really sounds like a Hans Zimmer score. Anyone know the name of it?

        mgeek (Oober, you think *you're* a snob about this kinda thing? LOL)
        WOW! That was... beyond words amazing! Are you guys sure that the music isn't from LOTR? It sounds a lot like a moodier version of the Shire music they play at the beginning of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' and throughout the films.

        I feel all depressed now. I have a love/hate relationship with that scene in 'Heroes 2' where Sam tells Bregman to "shut that damn thing off!" - it's so compelling to watch but it breaks my heart every darn time! Amanda Tapping is the ONLY actress that has the ability to reduce me to tears with her performances and I'm a tough nut to crack so IMO that makes her the best actress in the world. Period.
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          Originally posted by AmberLM
          WOW! That was... beyond words amazing! Are you guys sure that the music isn't from LOTR? It sounds a lot like a moodier version of the Shire music they play at the beginning of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' and throughout the films.
          Hans Zimmer is a composer and I'm pretty sure the music in that video is from one of his scores. Sure sounds like it, at least.

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            So.. how about this for some Sam & Vala interaction?


            Offworld, SG-1 is being hunted by (insert alien bad guys here)... they are trying to complete their mission while also trying to escape capture (or death). Their mission could be to meet with a local for information, to get an artifact, or to commit sabotage against the (alien bad guys that you chose earlier)....

            <snip for space>

            At any rate, something along these lines would
            1 - equally highlight the fact that both women are ex-hosts
            2 - give the two women some some strong action scenes in the field - lots of possibility for danger, suspense and heroics
            3 - give Carter some strong scenes to highlight her military experience and competence
            4 - show both women as willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good as they split off in order to take the heat of the pursuing hostiles away from the men and the mission
            5 - highlight Vala's alien status (a good thing in scifi), and highlight some of what Vala has ahead of her in terms of learning what the SGC, Earth and SG-1 are all about.
            6 - demonstrate the high esteem that Carter is held in by her colleagues. It's been 10 years... I'd sure like some comments about it

            - Edited to add: Whatever the guys bring back from their 'successful mission' is then utilized/highlighted in the next episode or two - this lends continuity and credibility to the episodes, and creates an arc, or an ongoing story thread for the series
            First time on this thread, so hi!

            And just had to say I think this is a great idea for a fanfic. I hope you write it.
            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


              Hiya Rachel! Welcome to the kingdom.. I mean, the uh... well, whatever, we all love CARTER! Glad to meet ya.

              PS-> Loved your last SG-1 fanfic!


              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                First time on this thread, so hi!

                And just had to say I think this is a great idea for a fanfic. I hope you write it.
                Hiya Rachel. Welcome to Samanda. I think you'll like it here. Love your fic. Keep up the writing.


                  Originally posted by Rachel500
                  First time on this thread, so hi!
                  welcome rachel500, post often

                  sig by starlover1990


                    Scarimor, you have posted a great pic of Sam and Vala. Now that is how I would love to see Vala in the team. That would be brilliant.

                    I love Astro's idea for Sam Vala interaction. However I doubt we will see too much of that. I think an Amanda/Claudia pairing with a great storyline would just totally overshadow the rest of the cast. We can't have 2 lasses doing that can we!!

                    Here's to no Vala cleavage or sexual innuendo in season 10!!


                      Hi to Rachel500


                        Originally posted by Rachel500
                        First time on this thread, so hi!

                        And just had to say I think this is a great idea for a fanfic. I hope you write it.
                        Welcome, Rachel! Loved your fanfic 'A Pond With No Fish' - it was very well written and your characterizations were excellent!


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          I wish I could have been at Shore Leave with you all
                          i wish y'all coulda been here, we'd have really taken over the place
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Teehee! Here's my silly contribution to a Sam/Vala scene for season ten.

                            No, I don't think so.

                            Well, I do.

                            It's not going to work.

                            Certainly not if we keep standing here arguing about it.

                            There's nothing to argue about. You're wrong. Accept it. Move forward...

                            I am not wrong.

                            How do you know you're not wrong?

                            Because I... Daniel? A little help here please?

                            (standing in the doorway and backing out slowly)
                            Ah... looks like you're doing just fine on your own here, Sam. I better get down to my lab and check out all those glyphs we brought back...


                            Oh, give me a break. Daniel! Get back here! The least you could do is stick around and hold the poor woman's hand... considering she doesnt' even realize how completely WRONG she is.

                            I AM NOT WRONG!

                            (Daniel disappears quickly)

                            (turning back to CARTER)

                            Okay. All right. Don't twist your knickers in a bunch over it. What is it with you people? Everyone's always SO EXCITED. Everything's always SUCH a big deal. Fine, then. Have it your way. Go blow up your new toy. See if I care.

                            It's not a TOY. And it isn't going to BLOW UP. That's not even possible. Not unless...

                            (watching CARTER carefully, she leans forward to whisper)




                            (with a smirk)
                            I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.


                            Oh, no, this 'nothing' I have to hear.

                            (her scowl turns into a glower)
                            Don't you have some place you have to be? Someone you have to do? I dunno, maybe a-

                            Ouch. There, see, NOW you've hurt my feelings.
                            (she pouts insincerely)
                            And I was just beginning to really LIKE you.

                            Damn. All that hard work and planning down the drain.
                            (A petulant smile as she stalks to the other end of her lab)
                            Guess I'll just have to start all over again.
                            (she begins working on something, head down, an obvious dismissal).

                            (hops up to sit on the counter, crosses her legs, watches silently)
                            You missed a crystal.

                            (doesn't look up, doesn't reply)

                            (quiet for another few seconds)
                            There. You missed it again. If you keep on doing that, you're going to...

                            (head snaps up, livid)
                            I SEE THE DAMN CRYSTAL, OKAY!?!

                            (one hand raised defensively, she hops off the counter)
                            Yikes. Testy.
                            (she rolls her eyes and studies CARTER for a few seconds, then smirks)
                            Oh, yes. Now I get what the General sees in you.

                            (CARTER doesn't reply)

                            You know, you're not nearly as scary as you'd like everyone to believe you are.

                            (finally had it, looks up again, exasperated)
                            Scary?! *You* think *I* am scary? Yuh-you-

                            There now. That feels better, doesn't it? Getting it all out in the open. Cathartic, wouldn't you say? You know, admitting you have a problem is half the battle, darling. You're well on your way-

                            Get out.

                            (blinks, surprised)
                            I beg your pardon?

                            (advancing slowly towards VALA, sotto voce)
                            Get. Out. Of. My. Lab.

                            Oh, come on. I was only trying to help...

                            (she stops an inch in front of VALA; the two are face to face)
                            Before I do something very, very, scary.

                            (huffing, but she takes a step backward)
                            Fine then. Have it your way.
                            (She enters the hall, turns, flips her hair)
                            But if you blow up the damn mountain, don't come CRYING back to me.

                            (her hands fist at her sides, she forces a smile):
                            (she waves genially)

                            No one ever listens to me. Despite the fact I've saved *all* of your lives..
                            (she turns and yells over her shoulder)
                            More than once!
                            (continues sulking down the corridor)
                            It's just Vala, do this and Vala do that. Vala, come see if you can remember this symbol. Vala don't get in the way... Well I *do* have a *few* skills of my own, you know, I'm not just just some useless piece of cargo equipment you can all just...
                            (she stops; perks up suddenly)
                            I wonder what my Daniel is up to?

                            (shuts her eyes; takes a long, deep breath. She turns around and faces her lab again as we...)

                            -FADE OUT-

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX
                              EKR the person who did this (and other great clips) listed the music as simply from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I don't recall it though.

                              Great clip though isn't it.
                              Brilliant clip, and the music is from the very last episode of Buffy, Ep 144 Chosen. It's the score to the last great battle, and I'm very sad cause I recognised it and could name the episode at 0.30 seconds in.

                              Very sad! both me and the clip. I have to agree with whomever said that Amanda can always make them cry with the Hero's clip, 'cause it's true.


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                So.. how about this for some Sam & Vala interaction?


                                Darn, I couldn't green you

                                So when do we expect to be reading this fanfic...I'm ready now

                                my fanfic

