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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MajorSam
    Completely utterly true.

    I was walking around cruising magazine aisles in a book store the other day, and saw all these famous actresses on the covers... all flowing hair and pristine and perfect. I'm not saying theyr'e not great, but they dont hold a candle to AT in my eyes. Sometimes I can just tell that smiles are fake, and personalities are so Hollywood'ed up that I have no desire to actually meet them. I just don’t trust when magazines go on about the glowing fabulous gorgeous people. But they talk about things like their relationships, and they’re favourite stores, and who they were caught with at that hotel one time.

    With Amanda its utterly different. Even in her mags she talks about things like the amazing friendships she’s formed, how she’s grown from portraying a brilliant strong kick!butt fantastic female character. She talks about how she puts herself into it full-on, and takes away all she can. She talks about body image and confidence issues and stereotyping. She honestly says she’s grateful for what she’s given, and is happy with it, giving her all and everything to her commitments. She doesn’t stand down on her principles just to “get a role” she stays true to herself and what she believes in.

    She’s absolutely an unbelievably amazing person to meet. Seriously every time I’ve met or even talked to her I just want to curl up and drift away in the fact that I’ve been lucky enough to be graced by her. The entire world should be grateful that such an amazing strong role model is out there. She’s had crap thrown at her through the years but she’s taken it in stride and become even better because of it.

    When people talk to her they feel like they’re the only one in the world, because she actually listens, and wants to hear what you have to say. She’s enthusiastic genuine passionate and intelligent with her replies. She makes you feel special just because you’re YOU. I’ve heard many many stories about how she’s helped people, and I believe every single one because she’s helped me too.

    She is also the most fantastic looking woman I’ve ever met, inside and out. She has an amazing body, wonderful eyes and the biggest hugest smile I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing! It pains me to hear her voicing self-consciousness, especially regarding Olivia. In a way thought it just make me love her all that much more. She’s still human, she talks about these things, and she gets through them because she knows she’s a role model, and I love her for it. Of course I still do want to smack her upside the head when she voices criticism of her body, because she is the absolute most gorgeous women ive ever seen, positively glowing, but hey, all I can do is tell her I love her and that I’m so glad I have her as my mentor.


    (Coulda gone on for HOOOURS, but figured i'd better not bore you all!)
    Bore? Bore? On the subject of Amanda Tapping? Maybe some people, but not us!

    And I can totally believe everything that you say about Amanda to be true.

    I like Sam, (and also Amanda), because neither of them fit into a stereotype. Too much of tv and movies does. Hell, the whole entertainment and fashion industry thrives on stereotypes, and that's why I hate it. You get that occasional actor or actress who sticks out from the crowd.

    Thanks for that MajorSammy. Just reading about Amanda makes me smile.

    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



      Originally Posted by Agent_Dark:
      me is jealous
      Originally posted by Mandysg1
      Me too
      we can all be jealous together then

      ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        You know, Sam really is a great character, isn't she?

        Brilliant scientist, strong and capable soldier and leader. Compassionate, giving and loving. Willing to sacrifice personal fulfillment for the sake of duty and honor. Makes mistakes but doesn't sulk about them...rather she learns from them and moves on with her life.

        She's been through so much in the time we've known her...these 9 short years where we saw her evolve from the young Captain spouting the Über-feminist "reproductive organ" spiel to try to fit in to this man's Air Force to the incredibly confident/competent leader we know today. She's lost friends and loved ones and suffered greatly at the hands of some cruel enemies. She's been to hell and back to rescue her father. She's killed gods and blown up suns.

        But still at the core, she is a deeply compassionate and giving person who loves her friends and would sacrifice herself to save a whole planet or just one person. She is the essence of character and integrity rolled up in a brilliant and strong mind.

        And with Amanda playing the role so deftly, she adds such depth and pathos to what could have been a very dry character who constantly spouts nonsensical techo-yadda-yadda with a propensity for all things naquadah related.

        Instead we have a thoroughly multi-dimensional heroine with flaws and loves and strengths and fears.

        No wonder I love this show so much. Just her presence alone makes the show worth watching.

        I'm just sayin'.
        Bravo Über!
        It's great to read a post once in a while which is just pure appreciation of a brilliant character.
        Don't get me wrong, the debating and discussion, whether of season9 or otherwise, is great too, but it really is nice to occasionally just log on and find a wonderful post celebrating Sam.

        Thanks for that !

        And, need I say, I totally agree !!!!!

        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



          Originally posted by ChopinGal
          Thanks for the meteorology and mythology lessons! Let's hope that the gods are kind!

          In the meantime, I took a walk around my neighborhood after the storm and will say goodnight by sharing some winter beauty with you all ...

          Peace, CG
          Wow Jester. That's beautiful! I wish I could take photos that good.

          Of course, even if I could operate my camera properly, there's this little fact that Aussieland doesn't have a helluva lot of snow round this time of year .

          ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            Myrth - totally agree. Amanda is quite literrally the epitome of sex on legs for me. Those Femme Fatalle shots she did - way too hot. GUP and Off the Grid - way too hot. I can't understand why anyone (including AT herself) would have problems her body image. I would happily take Amanda any day over the so called 'sexy' celeberities that media is thrilled about.
            She was hot when I first saw her as the blonde chick on that Stargate show, and she is definitely still hot today
            Yes AD, but the greatest thing about Amanda is that she's soooooo much more than just 'hot'. Yeah, she's absolutely stunningly beautiful, but what really makes her great for me is that there's a person, a real person, behind that beauty. And AD, I know you know that too . So ok, she might be the epitome of sex on legs for you, but I know you appreciate her as a person just as much as I do.

            ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

            HIC COMITAS REGIT!


              Originally posted by deepspace
              Yes AD, but the greatest thing about Amanda is that she's soooooo much more than just 'hot'. Yeah, she's absolutely stunningly beautiful, but what really makes her great for me is that there's a person, a real person, behind that beauty. And AD, I know you know that too . So ok, she might be the epitome of sex on legs for you, but I know you appreciate her as a person just as much as I do.
              Well that's a given of course Part of the sex appeal for me is her personality as well. But she definitely does have it in the looks department


                Originally Posted by Strix varia:Hey ChopinGal... the Samanda motto has jumped into history in the modern middle ages. Check out the writing on the pavillion in the third picture.


                (I love it when my hobbies all come together. )
                Originally posted by Coley
                What? "Kindness reigns here" on a battlefield tent? Is it the medtent? Oh and it's the axeman's pictures?!!! MMmmmm we have got the right translation haven't we?!!

                Nice one Strix!!
                LOL .

                For a moment there I also was wondering if this whole time we've been spouting off 'Hic Comitas Regit' we've actually been saying something along the lines of 'We'll murder you in the bloodiest way possible with axes'.
                But now I've read strix's explaination, and I have to say, that was a really great idea to suggest that for a tent Strix!

                Oh, and I'm jealous of you. When I was twelve or thirteen I desparately wanted to join the SCA. I never did though. And then I got put off mediaeval re-enactment for a while because I started a short kids course in mediaeval re-enactment (not through SCA), and I was one of three girls there, and none of the boys wanted the girls to fight in the mock battles, and the other two girls didn't want to be in the battles (they'd joined to be 'princesses') and I was outnumbered all around. And I'd only ever wanted to join to be a part of the battles, so I didn't much fancy sitting around in a pretty dress doing embroidery while everyone else had fun. I didn't continue with that, but I still have an active dream to make myself chainmail one day .

                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                  Just read a really odd fic lol. A Christmas Carter by Teand. It's a play on Dicken's A Christmas Carol, with Sam being visited by 'ghosts'. It's an amusing, quirky little fic


                    Is it too late to say Happy Birthday for the 11th? Because I was really sad I missed that.
                    Happy Birthday Sky!!! I hope you had a really great day.

                    And I'd also like to say Happy Birthday to Astro for the 14th!!! I don't know if you'll get to read this, but I want to say it anyway .
                    Best wishes, flamekeeper.

                    To two special february Samandans!

                    There should be... cake!

                    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                      Just want to add That i Also Love Amanda TOO!!!!!

                      saw off the Grid - better than i thought it would be, it was a pretty good episode all round, though not without its flaws. - 7.5/10 (and god Amanda's HOT! - sorry im a Tauri Male).


                        Originally posted by stargate barbie
                        Did I read somewhere once that Amanda Tapping really admires Carol Burnett?
                        Does anyone else remember reading this? It may have been in a chat transcript or something.
                        I've seen in more than one interview where Amanda hs said Carol Burnett is one of her fovorite performers..



                          Wow. So we've started the "Amanda is perfect as she is" campaign, then? I feel a little stupid writing this, because I had this conversation with Sam, Myrth and AD last night, but I'm going to anyway.

                          I understand that Amanda has insecurities, it's normal. We all have insecurities, and the fact that she's so self-conscious, so like one of us, is one of the many reasons I love her to bits.

                          But "big girl"? C'mon, here, Amanda, pull yourself together! What are you big compared to? A five year old? One of the anorexic hollywood starlets who would shatter into a thousand pieces the minute you brushed against them?

                          Amanda is healthy. She's staying within her recommended weight, and anything under that is seriously problematic. She's had a baby, it's normal and healthy to retain a little of that weight, and anyone who suggests otherwise ought to be shot.

                          Amanda is perfect just the way she is. These stick thin celebrities (the Friends Girls to name three) don't do anything for me, in fact, it makes me feel sick to see how these people have been manipulated by the industry, that they feel pressured to waste themselves away.

                          The tag line of last night's conversation was "Amanda, stop being an idiot."

                          I kinda feel bad about that now. But, seriously, she has nothing to worry about, we love her as she is. The people that make digs, they're always going to find something, I just hope she doesn't let this become a major issue in her life.

                          After all, she's got a little girl who's gonna need some of those awesome hugs.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Oh wow very nicely put Tracy.
                            I shall attempt my Views Possibly tomorrow as At the moment i am so tired and it has atken me all day to get this far hehe.

                            Well hey guys suppose i should introduce mysefl, i am Campmotha (Amanda K), I am sure i have been here before but Never been able to keep up, I thought i would give it another shot so here i am.
                            I am 20, live in New Zealand and Love AT and SG

                            I made a Grace Under Pressure Wallpaper so if you've seen that ep have a look.


                              Aaaah, this is the wonderful, amazing Campmotha. One of my two betas for my current Sam fic (I've put the first four chapters up for test reading on my LJ. Will probably change my my and take them down later, so limited time only, folks).

                              Anyway, she's absolutely barmy and lovely, and will be joining us all at Gabit. She's on the rubber trout team though
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Oh hehehe Thanks sweetie hehe
                                I am indeed lucky enough to be a beta for you, a privilage i am so honoured to have.

                                I'm Barmy? really heheh coolies. Oh i love that, On the rubber trout team though,
                                hahaha classic, nice one

