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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    I've grown my hair a bit longer than...well put it this way, hubby likes it now that it's long again but would rather I went back to my blonde locks. Only thing I really don't like about long hair is the weight of it...especially when wet...and the fact that it takes a lot longer to dry. Other than that, I can do things with it tie it up and pin it back and platt/braid it and other stuff.
    doesnt matter how long my hair gets, or if its wet its so thin its never heavy... but yeah i hate the drying time for long hair!

    and for anyone interested a linky to my armageddon con pictures... sorry about the lack of torri pix, but my friend had to fix both our cameras to accomodate the terrible lighting and this didnt happen until he rocked up half way through her panel... before he fixed it all you could see was the sign with torris name on it and the rest of the picture was black...
    "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


      Originally posted by katjoy View Post
      and for anyone interested a linky to my armageddon con pictures... sorry about the lack of torri pix, but my friend had to fix both our cameras to accomodate the terrible lighting and this didnt happen until he rocked up half way through her panel... before he fixed it all you could see was the sign with torris name on it and the rest of the picture was black...
      Sweet. I missed Torri's fact I missed everything on Saturday coz I didn't get there til just before closing time - had a wedding to attend first - but I did get into the silver panel to see the MS/BB panel and asked Michael about his time on Sanctuary and asked Ben if he could be an abnormal what would he be...Michael had to explain to him about the world of abnormals. He also explained how his character could come back if they wanted him.
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        I was gonna ask if that was the one with Sam and Ba'al being the only survivors and while they kinda hate each other, they develop a need for each other...a closeness if you will. But having seen your links I'm thinking that fic still eludes me.
        maybe SBZ's 'the way' series?
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          maybe SBZ's 'the way' series?
          Just what time is it in your part of the world, Sky? To bed!
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
            Oh and for those interested, you can currently download Kali part 3 from the iTunes store for free, they have both a standard and HD version.
            Yeah, but Apple wants my credit card number to download a FREE episode.

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            BTW, for Canadian fans I just happened to catch a 3 minute segment on EP Weekly this morning about Sanctuary. Interviews with AT, RD and DK from Comic Con. Check your local listings.
            Thanks for the alert. The clip is available on the show's site. Contains a tiny bit of new footage from S3.


            The Sanctuary segment starts ~4:22 into the video.


              Originally posted by suse View Post
              Wonder if that's why Amanda started wearing them. Vancouver, though not too cold, can be a bit chilly if one spends a lot of time outside on location. Or in not-well-heated studios.
              I think AT looks cool in scarves, I've only seen like a couple of pics with her wearing them, but I think she looks cool.

              Originally posted by katjoy View Post
              doesnt matter how long my hair gets, or if its wet its so thin its never heavy... but yeah i hate the drying time for long hair!
              After reading this, I kinda wonder how long it must take to dye AT's whenever blonde starts to come back. For that matter, I wpnder how long it must have taken the first time

              and for anyone interested a linky to my armageddon con pictures... sorry about the lack of torri pix, but my friend had to fix both our cameras to accomodate the terrible lighting and this didnt happen until he rocked up half way through her panel... before he fixed it all you could see was the sign with torris name on it and the rest of the picture was black...
              Great pics. I like the MS pics the most, he looks to be making weird faces.

              Originally posted by parsifal View Post
              Yeah, but Apple wants my credit card number to download a FREE episode.

              Thanks for the alert. The clip is available on the show's site. Contains a tiny bit of new footage from S3.


              The Sanctuary segment starts ~4:22 into the video.
              Oh wow, thanks.


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Funny you guys talking about cheese...I had a disagreement with Michael Shanks on Saturday night about American cheese...I'm not a fan of American cheese. And he wanted to know why our cheese wasn't orange like theirs...I told him coz it's real cheese we have. He gave me one of those looks that could kill...or at least do some serious harm...and so the banter began...long story.
                But I don't eat the cheese from McDonalds - it's that really yellow American cheese...I really can't eat it coz it literally makes me ill. So I have cheese burgers without the cheese. ...which is essentially a junior burger.
                yeah, "American" cheese isn't real cheese to me. And McDonald's in general gives me indigestion. Though I do like their fries best.

                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                I think AT looks cool in scarves, I've only seen like a couple of pics with her wearing them, but I think she looks cool.
                Yes, they're a great fashion accessory for her.

                2nd viewing of Kali pt. III. Still loving the Magnus.


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Sweet. I missed Torri's fact I missed everything on Saturday coz I didn't get there til just before closing time - had a wedding to attend first -
                  Oh, too bad. I always liked her, even if I didn't always think they used Weir well.

                  but I did get into the silver panel to see the MS/BB panel and asked Michael about his time on Sanctuary and asked Ben if he could be an abnormal what would he be...Michael had to explain to him about the world of abnormals. He also explained how his character could come back if they wanted him.
                  let me guess
                  twins. that's what he said on the commentary.

                  Did Ben pick a kind of abnormal? It would be fun seeing him work with AT. I got the impression that they liked working together. I think in the LitS commentary, AT said that was one of the only times they really had sustained scenes together & she enjoyed it.


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Oh, too bad. I always liked her, even if I didn't always think they used Weir well.

                    let me guess
                    twins. that's what he said on the commentary.

                    Did Ben pick a kind of abnormal? It would be fun seeing him work with AT. I got the impression that they liked working together. I think in the LitS commentary, AT said that was one of the only times they really had sustained scenes together & she enjoyed it.
                    I'm curious to know if anyone knows why American actors aren't being used on "Sanctuary". Is there some kind of rule that they aren't allowed to (since it is a totally Canadian produced show), or is it a choice by those in charge? I've noticed since the beginning that only actors who are Canadian or British or perhaps Australian have been guests on the show, but no Americans. I'm just curious. I looked up many who's names I could remember and none of them were born in the U.S.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      I'm curious to know if anyone knows why American actors aren't being used on "Sanctuary". Is there some kind of rule that they aren't allowed to (since it is a totally Canadian produced show), or is it a choice by those in charge? I've noticed since the beginning that only actors who are Canadian or British or perhaps Australian have been guests on the show, but no Americans. I'm just curious. I looked up many who's names I could remember and none of them were born in the U.S.
                      Perhaps it's just, who is nearby? The guests they have used from other SyFy shows are also filmed in Vancouver....but I could be wrong.

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Rocky89
                        After reading this, I kinda wonder how long it must take to dye AT's whenever blonde starts to come back. For that matter, I wpnder how long it must have taken the first time
                        She doesn't dye her hair back and forth. That would cause too much damage. Most likely when she goes blond, it's a wig. She has been keeping her hair dark for awhile now.

                        Originally posted by hedwig
                        I'm curious to know if anyone knows why American actors aren't being used on "Sanctuary". Is there some kind of rule that they aren't allowed to (since it is a totally Canadian produced show), or is it a choice by those in charge? I've noticed since the beginning that only actors who are Canadian or British or perhaps Australian have been guests on the show, but no Americans. I'm just curious. I looked up many who's names I could remember and none of them were born in the U.S.
                        Although they occasionally use actors from the US, the show prides themselves as being a Canadian show. Their entire crew is Canadian. There are a lot of people living in Vancouver that are more than qualified to do the job, so why bring in someone from another country. Besides, they have to be a member of their union! Only the occasional actor is not. In those cases, they try and get the best fit for the role. It is a lot cheaper to hire local people then to have them travel to Vancouver. So only the largest guest roles could be filled my a US citizen. They are on a tight budget and need to spend their money wisely. Vancouver has a large pool of talented actors (from Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand) and they draw from there. Some of them are from the US and they will get hired if they fit the part.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I've been getting my hair cut for many years similar to AT's in Season 6 (except my bangs are longer). It's very easy to take care of, and besides whenever I let it get longer or it starts looking a tad shaggy, and it makes me look older, and I'm always very relieved (and oddly feel sort of refreshed) when I finally get it cut again. I have a picture of the cut that I found in one of those hairdo magazines, and have kept it for a long time, and just show it to the hairdresser when she asks how I want my hair cut.
                          I carry a picture of Amanda with me.

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          yeah, "American" cheese isn't real cheese to me. And McDonald's in general gives me indigestion. Though I do like their fries best.

                          Yes, they're a great fashion accessory for her.

                          2nd viewing of Kali pt. III. Still loving the Magnus.
                          American cheese is the best for grilled cheese sandwiches (melting factor). But I like pepper jack on my burgers.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            I carry a picture of Amanda with me.
                            Now, there's a good idea. I'll have to find one that's just like the way I want my hair and print it to take with me to the hairdresser.


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              I'm curious to know if anyone knows why American actors aren't being used on "Sanctuary". Is there some kind of rule that they aren't allowed to (since it is a totally Canadian produced show), or is it a choice by those in charge? I've noticed since the beginning that only actors who are Canadian or British or perhaps Australian have been guests on the show, but no Americans. I'm just curious. I looked up many who's names I could remember and none of them were born in the U.S.
                              My guess is that it has to do with the SAG and its affiliates which includes AFTRA. From what I understand, the SAG has control over all motion pictiure performances of all its members and shares oversight with with AFTRA over new media, including the internet. Since US actors belong to either the SAG or its affliliates, the contracts are a lot more complex and the actors more expensive. There is an enormous book of union rules. Shows like Sanctuary who lack the budget of Studio backed shows like SGU or Caprica, don't have the luxury splurging and watch their budget tightly.

                              Also, a lot of the US TV actors do have some sort of contracts with the networks in one form or another, which might also complicate things. Although I'm sure unknown faces would'nt be a problem if they wanted to drag themselves up to Vancouver for auditions.


                                Vancouver productions don't have to use entirely Canadian cast, but I believe they have to have a certain percentage (part of the deal with the government and tax breaks and filming permits and such).

                                Also, as llp said, Sanctuary prides itself on being a Canadian production. That is not to say that they wouldn't use American actors if one was right for the part, but I think they like to use the talented pool of local actors.

