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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    you know hearing about rabbit eared televisions and vcr's that were made before i was even born has made me realise i love this thread because you all make me feel so young
    The best written female character on trek ever.


      In the last week I have watched something on DVD, something saved to the hard drive of the DVD player, something paused from live TV, something on a memory stick plugged into the DVD player, something on a computer plugged into the TV, and something on a SD micro card inserted into the TV. Sometimes I just watch live cable

      When I was little our 2nd TV in the basement had rabbit ears and as the youngest my sister and I rarely got to decide what channel the big TV was on. We ended up down in the cold watching the Simpsons I remember the "don't move, don't move" of being a human antenna very well
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        here's a good fic. first time sam had to 'fake' her way through a crisis at the sgc
        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I second the rec.
        I third it! Please read.
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        dare i feel older? my first TV was black and white and i still have my first got 12 channels and you had to literally manually dial them in.
        We are not's just that we were here first!! Age is but a number. My first tv was a little black and white one with rabbit ears also. I kept her til we moved here 2 years ago. I don't even know why I got rid of her...of wait...yes I do...hubby wanted a HUGE clean out when we moved. My first VCR was a gift for my 21st so I didn't have to keep using the one belonging to the parental units. That VCR had a complete melt down,...and is probably now completely melted down and made into something else...but I don't believe that newer is better. Our new VCR & DVDr are both PITA!
        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        Coolies!! Sam really did get whumped a bit but boy did she kick butt! I could name almost every ep but there were a few scenes that totally escaped me. Must re watch ALL SG1 eps. I have a bad habit of skipping.
        Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
        Good evening all! I'm currently at the Sanctuary 4 Kids charity concert right now and just wanted to report that its going brilliantly... The music has all been great (Ryan Robbins and his musical partner are doin their thing right now) and ppl seem to be buying/donating lots - Amanda did a spiel on what S4K is, and to thank us all. I was able to chat with her for a good amount of time before any of the music started... Of course I'm several times more in awe of her than ever. Will post more tomorrow
        Lucky you. Wish I had been there. What kind of music did they play? Other than saying folk, were there any songs or ballads that some of us across the seas might be familiar with??

        Must go watch the last few minutes of the footy - GO THE PIES!! WooHoo!! Tom's tickled pink.

        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by suse View Post

          Aw, heck.

          Pot, meet Kettle.

          And here I thought Mandy was the Royal Fertilizer Agitator.

          In memory of Deejay.
          May we all be so well loved.


            Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
            you know hearing about rabbit eared televisions and vcr's that were made before i was even born has made me realise i love this thread because you all make me feel so young
            Whoever's closest, smack the young'un.

            My first TV was a 5" black and white, and I loved pulling it out every Monday night to watch my favorite show in the dorm. It was such a luxury. When I was growing up, we generally weren't allowed to watch tv, so I was thrilled with this gift from my stepdad. It was passed down to my younger brother when he went to college nine years later.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
              Good evening all! I'm currently at the Sanctuary 4 Kids charity concert right now and just wanted to report that its going brilliantly... The music has all been great (Ryan Robbins and his musical partner are doin their thing right now) and ppl seem to be buying/donating lots - Amanda did a spiel on what S4K is, and to thank us all. I was able to chat with her for a good amount of time before any of the music started... Of course I'm several times more in awe of her than ever. Will post more tomorrow
              Thanks for letting us share in the event.

              Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
              you know hearing about rabbit eared televisions and vcr's that were made before i was even born has made me realise i love this thread because you all make me feel so young
              Happy to oblige.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                you know hearing about rabbit eared televisions and vcr's that were made before i was even born has made me realise i love this thread because you all make me feel so young
                Simmer down, whippersnapper!

                I remember having to turn on the tv a few minutes before the program you wanted started to let the picture tube warm up.

                I remember many a time with my parents trying to adjust the rabbit ears to get a football game. I bet Sam rigged up some sort of super rabbit ears for Jacob to get his games.


                  Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                  you know hearing about rabbit eared televisions and vcr's that were made before i was even born has made me realise i love this thread because you all make me feel so young
                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Happy to oblige.
                  You've mentioned before that you still own a walkman and the security guys at the airport usually have no clue what it is.

                  I was looking for a new alarm clock last week when I saw something similar to this.
                  The description read: "walkman".
                  I can't for the life of me remember if it even was a Sony but I got quite a chuckle out of it because
                  somehow I had to picture you walking around with one of those cassette recorders.

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Simmer down, whippersnapper!

                  I remember having to turn on the tv a few minutes before the program you wanted started to let the picture tube warm up.

                  I remember many a time with my parents trying to adjust the rabbit ears to get a football game. I bet Sam rigged up some sort of super rabbit ears for Jacob to get his games.
                  I remember a time when there were only three channels and a blockbuster was exactly that.
                  Nowadays, only world cup soccer is a real blockbuster.

                  First computer: Commodore VC20, cassette instead of floppy disks.
                  Some idiot apparently thought the cassette with some of my favorite games was empty and put it in a record and hit record. I couldn't play my games after that.


                    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                    Whoever's closest, smack the young'un.

                    My first TV was a 5" black and white, and I loved pulling it out every Monday night to watch my favorite show in the dorm. It was such a luxury. When I was growing up, we generally weren't allowed to watch tv, so I was thrilled with this gift from my stepdad. It was passed down to my younger brother when he went to college nine years later.
                    i hope the moderators see you have threatened me with physical violence.....
                    The best written female character on trek ever.


                      Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                      Good evening all! I'm currently at the Sanctuary 4 Kids charity concert right now and just wanted to report that its going brilliantly... The music has all been great (Ryan Robbins and his musical partner are doin their thing right now) and ppl seem to be buying/donating lots - Amanda did a spiel on what S4K is, and to thank us all. I was able to chat with her for a good amount of time before any of the music started... Of course I'm several times more in awe of her than ever. Will post more tomorrow
                      Lovely! Thanks for sharing!


                        @amandatapping The charity concert rocked!!! Thanks to all who came! @RyRobbins was awesome! Swoon! Thanks too to our amazing crew members! Wow and wow! X
                        about 12 hours ago via Echofon

                        @RyRobbins So, how awesome was it that Jack Black came out to show his support last night?? And he's a fan of #Sanctuary... sweet.

                        Wow, AT said JB is a fan of the show, and now RyRo says it too. Sweet indeed.
                        Last edited by Rocky89; 09 July 2010, 11:45 AM.


                          Hey all! Couldn't fall asleep for about 5 hours after I got home from the S4K concert last night... but now I'm up and awake and ready to share some more! I'll spoiler it if people want to skip.

                          The night was pretty much everything I could have hoped for. There was a good amount of people who showed up, including a big crew of fans from the GateCon convention happening this weekend! They all seemed to have a fabulous time, especially when Ryan Robbins' group finally came on and they all moved to the dance floor

                          I was able to have a lovely chat with Amanda, who is looking, of course, more fabulous than ever. Very happy to get some more Amanda-hugs. She was very excited to be embarking on her big camping/kayak trip this morning which she twittered about a few days ago... Her husband was there as well, and he was super nice and very easy to talk to. An interesting tidbit from Amanda - she didn't organize a single thing about the concert. It was all done by people on the post-production team at Sanctuary - one of the guys had organized events like these in Australia.

                          Of course pretty much everyone there either knew Amanda already, or knew of her, so she was wandering around talking/hugging people all night. Guests from Sanctuary included: Amanda, Ryan Robbins, Robert Lawrenson, Lee Wilson, Paul McGillion, Amanda's stand in on Sanctuary, and from Stargate - Peter Flemming, who played Agent Barret. He was out on the dance floor for a while rocking out with the SG fans I also heard several conversations all around of people asking how/who they know on Sanctuary, and there seemed to be a lot of behind the scenes type people, or even folks who just worked on the set for a day or two. Family and friends of workers as well.

                          At one point, the MC invited Amanda up on stage to talk a little bit about what S4K is, and why we were all there - She explained a bit about what they've already accomplished and what they hope to do in the future. Amanda of course was extremely gracious and thankful towards everyone who came, giving shout outs to the organizers, RyRo, the crew of Stargate fans, etc. They then auctioned off two of the concert posters - one signed by Amanda and all the performers of the night, and the other, SUPER randomly , signed by Jack Black, who is apparently a huge fan of Sanctuary! I know he was in town a little while back shooting a movie, so I guess at some point they talked to him and he wanted to support S4K so signed this poster for auction. I believe both were bought by SG fans... There was also a 50/50 draw. Also on the topic of fundraising, you could buy CD's of the various people, there were official Sanctuary S2 8x10's, concert posters, etc, as well as face-painting by donation All ticket proceeds, of course, were also for S4K.

                          All of the music was great. I was a bit wary of the label of "Folk" (It's not my first choice of music styles) but in my opinion it was more rock-y than "folk"y to me, although there were definitely slower ballads and such. I'm sorry, I really can't remember any names of specific songs :| Lol. Ryan's group "The Sun" was just him and another guy on guitar/keyboard, but they had the main music track playing in the background - I'm not quite sure how to describe their sound... it was very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot. Ryan also did an encore (thanks in most part I believe to the SG fans - he hadn't been prepared - he brought up music on a stand) and sat in a chair with his guitar. A very nice solo song.

                          Anywho, that's the basic gist of things. I only got a few pictures of when Amanda was up on stage talking about S4K, but there were official type photographers there so I'm sure good quality pics will be coming at some point - also a bunch of the SG fans got pictures with her and Robin, so if there were any Gateworld reps I'm sure they'll post those up maybe after the whole convention.

                          It was a wonderfully fabulous night. Great music, greater people, even greater cause - I'm feeling very happy and wholesome and at peace with the world right now Maybe they could make this into an annual charity event! *Crosses fingers*
                          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                            Whoever's closest, smack the young'un.
                            I can't, it's illegal to smack kids here

                            Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                            You've mentioned before that you still own a walkman and the security guys at the airport usually have no clue what it is.

                            I was looking for a new alarm clock last week when I saw something similar to this.
                            The description read: "walkman".
                            I can't for the life of me remember if it even was a Sony but I got quite a chuckle out of it because
                            somehow I had to picture you walking around with one of those cassette recorders.
                            Heh, a few days ago at a special "youth parliament" a teenager asked our deputy Prime Minister (idiot) about his plans to mine in national parks. Gerry Brownlee answered that the kid should give up any luxuries that relied on mining, "He might like to for example give up his Walkman." He couldn't finish his sentence because a parliamentary debate chamber full of high school kids drowned him out with laughter.

                            Heh. Way to try and deflect the focus of the question onto himself.
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                              Hey all! Couldn't fall asleep for about 5 hours after I got home from the S4K concert last night... but now I'm up and awake and ready to share some more! I'll spoiler it if people want to skip.

                              The night was pretty much everything I could have hoped for. There was a good amount of people who showed up, including a big crew of fans from the GateCon convention happening this weekend! They all seemed to have a fabulous time, especially when Ryan Robbins' group finally came on and they all moved to the dance floor

                              I was able to have a lovely chat with Amanda, who is looking, of course, more fabulous than ever. Very happy to get some more Amanda-hugs. She was very excited to be embarking on her big camping/kayak trip this morning which she twittered about a few days ago... Her husband was there as well, and he was super nice and very easy to talk to. An interesting tidbit from Amanda - she didn't organize a single thing about the concert. It was all done by people on the post-production team at Sanctuary - one of the guys had organized events like these in Australia.

                              Of course pretty much everyone there either knew Amanda already, or knew of her, so she was wandering around talking/hugging people all night. Guests from Sanctuary included: Amanda, Ryan Robbins, Robert Lawrenson, Lee Wilson, Paul McGillion, Amanda's stand in on Sanctuary, and from Stargate - Peter Flemming, who played Agent Barret. He was out on the dance floor for a while rocking out with the SG fans I also heard several conversations all around of people asking how/who they know on Sanctuary, and there seemed to be a lot of behind the scenes type people, or even folks who just worked on the set for a day or two. Family and friends of workers as well.

                              At one point, the MC invited Amanda up on stage to talk a little bit about what S4K is, and why we were all there - She explained a bit about what they've already accomplished and what they hope to do in the future. Amanda of course was extremely gracious and thankful towards everyone who came, giving shout outs to the organizers, RyRo, the crew of Stargate fans, etc. They then auctioned off two of the concert posters - one signed by Amanda and all the performers of the night, and the other, SUPER randomly , signed by Jack Black, who is apparently a huge fan of Sanctuary! I know he was in town a little while back shooting a movie, so I guess at some point they talked to him and he wanted to support S4K so signed this poster for auction. I believe both were bought by SG fans... There was also a 50/50 draw. Also on the topic of fundraising, you could buy CD's of the various people, there were official Sanctuary S2 8x10's, concert posters, etc, as well as face-painting by donation All ticket proceeds, of course, were also for S4K.

                              All of the music was great. I was a bit wary of the label of "Folk" (It's not my first choice of music styles) but in my opinion it was more rock-y than "folk"y to me, although there were definitely slower ballads and such. I'm sorry, I really can't remember any names of specific songs :| Lol. Ryan's group "The Sun" was just him and another guy on guitar/keyboard, but they had the main music track playing in the background - I'm not quite sure how to describe their sound... it was very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot. Ryan also did an encore (thanks in most part I believe to the SG fans - he hadn't been prepared - he brought up music on a stand) and sat in a chair with his guitar. A very nice solo song.

                              Anywho, that's the basic gist of things. I only got a few pictures of when Amanda was up on stage talking about S4K, but there were official type photographers there so I'm sure good quality pics will be coming at some point - also a bunch of the SG fans got pictures with her and Robin, so if there were any Gateworld reps I'm sure they'll post those up maybe after the whole convention.

                              It was a wonderfully fabulous night. Great music, greater people, even greater cause - I'm feeling very happy and wholesome and at peace with the world right now Maybe they could make this into an annual charity event! *Crosses fingers*
                              Wow, awesome review about the concert MajorSam. And I'm liking Jack Black a whole lot more right now.

                              Some people get all the fun.


                                Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                                Hey all! Couldn't fall asleep for about 5 hours after I got home from the S4K concert last night... but now I'm up and awake and ready to share some more! I'll spoiler it if people want to skip.

                                The night was pretty much everything I could have hoped for. There was a good amount of people who showed up, including a big crew of fans from the GateCon convention happening this weekend! They all seemed to have a fabulous time, especially when Ryan Robbins' group finally came on and they all moved to the dance floor

                                I was able to have a lovely chat with Amanda, who is looking, of course, more fabulous than ever. Very happy to get some more Amanda-hugs. She was very excited to be embarking on her big camping/kayak trip this morning which she twittered about a few days ago... Her husband was there as well, and he was super nice and very easy to talk to. An interesting tidbit from Amanda - she didn't organize a single thing about the concert. It was all done by people on the post-production team at Sanctuary - one of the guys had organized events like these in Australia.

                                Of course pretty much everyone there either knew Amanda already, or knew of her, so she was wandering around talking/hugging people all night. Guests from Sanctuary included: Amanda, Ryan Robbins, Robert Lawrenson, Lee Wilson, Paul McGillion, Amanda's stand in on Sanctuary, and from Stargate - Peter Flemming, who played Agent Barret. He was out on the dance floor for a while rocking out with the SG fans I also heard several conversations all around of people asking how/who they know on Sanctuary, and there seemed to be a lot of behind the scenes type people, or even folks who just worked on the set for a day or two. Family and friends of workers as well.

                                At one point, the MC invited Amanda up on stage to talk a little bit about what S4K is, and why we were all there - She explained a bit about what they've already accomplished and what they hope to do in the future. Amanda of course was extremely gracious and thankful towards everyone who came, giving shout outs to the organizers, RyRo, the crew of Stargate fans, etc. They then auctioned off two of the concert posters - one signed by Amanda and all the performers of the night, and the other, SUPER randomly , signed by Jack Black, who is apparently a huge fan of Sanctuary! I know he was in town a little while back shooting a movie, so I guess at some point they talked to him and he wanted to support S4K so signed this poster for auction. I believe both were bought by SG fans... There was also a 50/50 draw. Also on the topic of fundraising, you could buy CD's of the various people, there were official Sanctuary S2 8x10's, concert posters, etc, as well as face-painting by donation All ticket proceeds, of course, were also for S4K.

                                All of the music was great. I was a bit wary of the label of "Folk" (It's not my first choice of music styles) but in my opinion it was more rock-y than "folk"y to me, although there were definitely slower ballads and such. I'm sorry, I really can't remember any names of specific songs :| Lol. Ryan's group "The Sun" was just him and another guy on guitar/keyboard, but they had the main music track playing in the background - I'm not quite sure how to describe their sound... it was very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot. Ryan also did an encore (thanks in most part I believe to the SG fans - he hadn't been prepared - he brought up music on a stand) and sat in a chair with his guitar. A very nice solo song.

                                Anywho, that's the basic gist of things. I only got a few pictures of when Amanda was up on stage talking about S4K, but there were official type photographers there so I'm sure good quality pics will be coming at some point - also a bunch of the SG fans got pictures with her and Robin, so if there were any Gateworld reps I'm sure they'll post those up maybe after the whole convention.

                                It was a wonderfully fabulous night. Great music, greater people, even greater cause - I'm feeling very happy and wholesome and at peace with the world right now Maybe they could make this into an annual charity event! *Crosses fingers*
                                Thanks for sharing! Sounds lovely. Glad S4K is getting so much support.

